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death associated protein kinase 3
General Information
Name death associated protein kinase 3
  • death-associated protein kinase 3
  • DAP kinase 3
  • DAP-like kinase
  • MYPT1 kinase
  • ZIP-kinase
  • zipper-interacting protein kinase
Gene_family Death associated protein kinases|MicroRNA protein coding host genes
organism Homo sapiens
entrez_id 1613
location 19p13.3
transcript_count 2
exon_count 9
by NCBI GRCh38.p14
    Entrez Death-associated protein kinase 3 (DAPK3) induces morphological changes in apoptosis when overexpressed in mammalian cells. These results suggest that DAPK3 may play a role in the induction of apoptosis. [provided by RefSeq, Jul 2008]
    Stringdb Death-associated protein kinase 3; Serine/threonine kinase which is involved in the regulation of apoptosis, autophagy, transcription, translation and actin cytoskeleton reorganization. Involved in the regulation of smooth muscle contraction. Regulates both type I (caspase- dependent) apoptotic and type II (caspase-independent) autophagic cell deaths signal, depending on the cellular setting. Involved in regulation of starvation-induced autophagy. Regulates myosin phosphorylation in both smooth muscle and non-muscle cells. In smooth muscle, regulates myosin either directly by phosphory [...]
    nextProt Can phosphorylate myosin, PPP1R12A and MYL12B. Overexpression leads to condensation of actin stress fibers into thick bundles. Involved in actin filament focal adhesion dynamics. The function in both reorganization of actin cytoskeleton and focal adhesion dissolution is modulated by RhoD. Positively regulates canonical Wnt/beta-catenin signaling through interaction with NLK and TCF7L2. Phosphorylates RPL13A on 'Ser-77' upon interferon-gamma activation which is causing RPL13A release from the ribosome, RPL13A association with the GAIT complex and its subsequent involvement in transcript-selective translation inhibition. Enhances transcription from AR-responsive promoters in a hormone- and kinase-dependent manner. Involved in regulation of cell cycle progression and cell proliferation. May be a tumor suppressor.
A A.Source B B.DB B.Source Description PubMed
DAPK3 BioGRID S GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
DAPK3 BioGRID S GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
DAPK3 BioGRID CFL2 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
DAPK3 BioGRID SNX9 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
DAPK3 BioGRID YWHAQ GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
DAPK3 BioGRID YWHAH GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
DAPK3 BioGRID YWHAG GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
DAPK3 BioGRID YWHAE GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
DAPK3 BioGRID YWHAB GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
DAPK3 BioGRID CEP170 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
DAPK3 BioGRID LUZP1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
DAPK3 BioGRID OPA1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
DAPK3 BioGRID ACACB GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
DAPK3 BioGRID ACACA GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
DAPK3 BioGRID ZRANB1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
DAPK3 BioGRID UBE3A GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-Western; Reconstituted Complex
DAPK3 BioGRID PRKN GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
DAPK3 BioGRID CAPZB GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
DAPK3 BioGRID CALD1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
DAPK3 BioGRID LMO7 GeneID BioGRID Biochemical Activity
DAPK3 BioGRID TBK1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-Western
DAPK3 BioGRID STING1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-Western
DAPK3 BioGRID INSYN1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
DAPK3 BioGRID WHAMMP3 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
DAPK3 BioGRID GRIN3B GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
DAPK3 BioGRID KIF2B GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
DAPK3 BioGRID MEAF6 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
DAPK3 BioGRID FILIP1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
DAPK3 BioGRID GPS2 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
DAPK3 BioGRID CEP170P1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
DAPK3 BioGRID TNFRSF8 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
DAPK3 BioGRID OGT GeneID BioGRID Reconstituted Complex
DAPK3 BioGRID NUPR1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
DAPK3 BioGRID PTP4A3 GeneID BioGRID Positive Genetic
DAPK3 BioGRID RMDN3 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
DAPK3 BioGRID CIT GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
DAPK3 BioGRID KIF14 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
DAPK3 BioGRID ENPP3 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
DAPK3 BioGRID CSTF3 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
DAPK3 BioGRID PLEKHA4 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
DAPK3 BioGRID APEX1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-RNA
DAPK3 BioGRID ACTC1 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
DAPK3 BioGRID NT5M GeneID BioGRID Positive Genetic
DAPK3 BioGRID ESR2 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
DAPK3 BioGRID KLHDC3 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
DAPK3 BioGRID CDC14A GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
DAPK3 BioGRID MYO19 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
DAPK3 BioGRID MYO5C GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
DAPK3 BioGRID LIMA1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
DAPK3 BioGRID NINL GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
DAPK3 BioGRID SYNPO GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
DAPK3 BioGRID CNTRL GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
DAPK3 BioGRID CEP104 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
DAPK3 BioGRID IQGAP1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
DAPK3 BioGRID PPP1CB GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
DAPK3 BioGRID PCM1 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
DAPK3 BioGRID MYH9 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
DAPK3 BioGRID FLNA GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
DAPK3 BioGRID CDK2 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
DAPK3 BioGRID CAPZA2 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
DAPK3 BioGRID Flnb GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
DAPK3 BioGRID Myh10 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
DAPK3 BioGRID Mad2l1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
DAPK3 BioGRID Dctn3 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
DAPK3 BioGRID Coro1c GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
DAPK3 BioGRID Tpm1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
DAPK3 BioGRID Myo1c GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
DAPK3 BioGRID Myh9 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
DAPK3 BioGRID Itga5 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
DAPK3 BioGRID Flot2 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
DAPK3 BioGRID Cd2ap GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
DAPK3 BioGRID Actb GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
DAPK3 BioGRID MYO18A GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
DAPK3 BioGRID CEP128 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
DAPK3 BioGRID DAPK3 GeneID BioGRID Biochemical Activity
DAPK3 BioGRID ULK1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-Western
DAPK3 BioGRID AATF GeneID BioGRID Co-localization
DAPK3 BioGRID TSG101 GeneID BioGRID Co-localization
DAPK3 BioGRID MDM2 GeneID BioGRID Biochemical Activity; Co-localization; Protein-peptide
DAPK3 BioGRID AR GeneID BioGRID Co-localization
DAPK3 BioGRID TCP10L GeneID BioGRID Two-hybrid
DAPK3 BioGRID AK3 GeneID BioGRID Two-hybrid
DAPK3 BioGRID RPL34 GeneID BioGRID Two-hybrid
DAPK3 BioGRID HSP90AA1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-Luminescence
DAPK3 BioGRID CDKN1A GeneID BioGRID Biochemical Activity; Protein-peptide
DAPK3 BioGRID CHEK2 GeneID BioGRID Biochemical Activity
DAPK3 BioGRID TP53 GeneID BioGRID Biochemical Activity
DAPK3 BioGRID PAWR GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-Western; Biochemical Activity; Two-hybrid
DAPK3 BioGRID RAD21 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-Western; Two-hybrid
DAPK3 BioGRID NEDD4L GeneID BioGRID Biochemical Activity
DAPK3 Protein ATF4 GeneID HPRD
DAPK3 BioGRID UBE2D3 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-Western
DAPK3 BioGRID PRKCZ GeneID BioGRID Reconstituted Complex
DAPK3 BioGRID GRB14 GeneID BioGRID Reconstituted Complex
DAPK3 BioGRID Atf4 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-Western; Two-hybrid
DAPK3 BioGRID DAXX GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-Western
A B experiments database textmining combined score hadb nhadb
DAPK3 BAD 0 0 108 503 1 2
DAPK3 ARHGAP22 0 0 180 179 1 1
DAPK3 PRKDC 0 0 75 162 1 2
DAPK3 PPP2CA 0 0 0 193 1 1
DAPK3 HMGCR 0 0 0 215 1 1
DAPK3 CYP24A1 0 0 74 326 1 1
DAPK3 SYN3 0 0 0 181 1 1
DAPK3 ACTN1 0 0 0 196 1 1
DAPK3 MYL2 0 0 325 414 1 1
DAPK3 PSPC1 0 0 70 188 1 1
DAPK3 PRKAA1 0 0 66 196 1 2
DAPK3 CCND1 0 0 138 163 1 2
DAPK3 E2F8 0 0 0 161 1 1
DAPK3 GNB2L1 0 0 86 224 1 1
DAPK3 MYH2 0 0 141 223 1 1
DAPK3 HPCA 0 0 0 161 1 1
DAPK3 MAP2K2 0 0 150 411 1 1
DAPK3 FAM122A 0 0 232 248 1 1
DAPK3 INADL 0 0 0 159 1 1
DAPK3 CACYBP 0 0 0 295 1 1
DAPK3 TSSK2 0 0 0 179 1 1
DAPK3 MTMR1 0 0 0 198 1 1
DAPK3 CABP1 0 0 0 181 1 1
DAPK3 CASP2 0 0 55 172 1 1
DAPK3 TNNC2 0 0 0 181 1 1
DAPK3 GNAI2 0 0 0 231 1 1
DAPK3 DKK3 0 0 0 346 1 1
DAPK3 NME6 0 0 0 208 1 1
DAPK3 ABHD17A 0 0 0 229 1 1
DAPK3 TSSK1B 0 0 0 191 1 1
DAPK3 MFHAS1 0 0 139 181 1 1
DAPK3 PPTC7 0 0 0 173 1 1
DAPK3 MYL4 0 0 181 299 1 1
DAPK3 THNSL2 0 0 0 190 1 1
DAPK3 SNX25 0 0 0 172 1 1
DAPK3 CDK17 0 0 0 217 1 1
DAPK3 GPS2 305 0 0 305 1 1
DAPK3 RAB40A 0 0 0 242 1 1
DAPK3 PLEKHA4 270 0 0 270 1 1
DAPK3 TNFSF14 0 0 0 406 1 1
DAPK3 SRPRB 0 0 124 156 1 1
DAPK3 PKM 0 0 120 159 1 1
DAPK3 GADD45A 0 0 108 223 1 1
DAPK3 MUS81 0 0 0 168 1 1
DAPK3 MAPK1 0 800 211 862 1 2
DAPK3 ANAPC2 0 0 0 157 1 1
DAPK3 SOCS1 0 0 57 151 1 1
DAPK3 PIGT 0 0 108 223 1 1
DAPK3 INO80 0 0 0 152 1 1
DAPK3 ITPKC 0 0 0 160 1 1
DAPK3 EHD1 0 0 0 161 1 1
DAPK3 UBQLN1 0 0 0 175 1 1
DAPK3 PPP3CA 0 0 0 201 1 1
DAPK3 MYH4 0 0 147 228 1 1
DAPK3 GUCA1A 0 0 0 196 1 1
DAPK3 HSP90AB1 129 0 0 185 1 2
DAPK3 EP400NL 0 0 0 157 1 1
DAPK3 TPM3 0 0 0 230 1 1
DAPK3 ARHGEF12 0 0 123 177 1 1
DAPK3 FBN1 0 0 45 151 1 1
DAPK3 NDUFB10 0 0 0 171 1 1
DAPK3 CLHC1 0 0 0 182 1 1
DAPK3 OGFOD1 0 0 232 231 1 1
DAPK3 DHODH 0 0 66 476 1 1
DAPK3 ACVR1B 0 0 0 164 1 1
DAPK3 CTDP1 0 0 0 179 1 1
DAPK3 PRDM4 0 0 113 172 1 1
DAPK3 KLHDC9 0 0 0 161 1 1
DAPK3 CDK18 0 0 0 223 1 1
DAPK3 WDTC1 0 0 0 216 1 1
DAPK3 ATP2A3 0 0 70 162 1 1
DAPK3 PSMD8 0 0 0 167 1 1
DAPK3 FAM171B 0 0 0 258 1 1
DAPK3 DGKG 0 0 0 439 1 1
DAPK3 STEAP1B 0 0 299 299 1 1
DAPK3 METTL14 0 0 57 151 1 1
DAPK3 ATG2B 0 0 81 242 1 2
DAPK3 EFCAB7 0 0 0 181 1 1
DAPK3 MPRIP 0 0 323 384 1 1
DAPK3 NUBP1 0 0 0 214 1 1
DAPK3 VDAC1 0 0 59 157 1 2
DAPK3 RIPK3 0 0 74 185 1 2
DAPK3 MRPS22 0 0 0 252 1 1
DAPK3 BGLAP 0 0 45 304 1 1
DAPK3 GPRC5D 0 0 170 169 1 1
DAPK3 RABEP2 0 0 149 243 1 1
DAPK3 PKMYT1 0 0 0 217 1 1
DAPK3 CDC42 0 0 181 204 1 2
DAPK3 CDKN3 0 0 72 196 1 1
DAPK3 TESC 0 0 0 217 1 1
DAPK3 DBNL 0 0 94 174 1 1
DAPK3 PPA2 0 0 0 176 1 1
DAPK3 TP53INP1 0 0 57 313 1 2
DAPK3 PSMD3 0 0 0 300 1 1
DAPK3 EFCAB9 0 0 0 181 1 1
DAPK3 ZRANB3 0 0 0 150 1 1
DAPK3 STK24 0 0 112 187 1 1
DAPK3 PRSS33 0 0 0 202 1 1
DAPK3 CCDC80 0 0 0 625 1 1
DAPK3 HCK 0 0 0 185 1 1
DAPK3 DLAT 0 0 95 207 1 1
DAPK3 MYH1 0 0 141 223 1 1
DAPK3 BLK 0 0 0 159 1 1
DAPK3 ADCK1 0 0 170 211 1 1
DAPK3 FAM98A 0 0 54 417 1 1
DAPK3 CALM2 0 0 143 375 1 1
DAPK3 EHBP1L1 0 0 0 218 1 1
DAPK3 ERCC1 0 0 104 321 1 1
DAPK3 CASP4 0 0 95 199 1 2
DAPK3 MIEN1 0 0 0 207 1 1
DAPK3 HELLS 0 0 0 150 1 1
DAPK3 MYT1 0 0 0 228 1 1
DAPK3 KLHL20 0 0 226 280 1 1
DAPK3 AAK1 0 0 48 168 1 1
DAPK3 BCAR1 0 0 94 393 1 1
DAPK3 CHP2 0 0 0 217 1 1
DAPK3 KCNIP1 0 0 0 161 1 1
DAPK3 LIMK1 0 0 219 156 1 1
DAPK3 DAXX 270 0 540 693 1 1
DAPK3 GNA15 0 0 0 157 1 1
DAPK3 MYH8 0 0 150 231 1 1
DAPK3 ATG4D 0 0 92 160 1 2
DAPK3 GNAI3 0 0 0 223 1 2
DAPK3 ENSG00000267618 0 0 0 164 1 1
DAPK3 RFC5 0 0 0 210 1 1
DAPK3 FKBP9 0 0 0 163 1 1
DAPK3 STK17A 0 0 608 159 1 1
DAPK3 CDK5R1 0 0 61 419 1 1
DAPK3 NAB2 0 0 76 336 1 1
DAPK3 MED1 0 0 137 200 1 1
DAPK3 SPATA19 0 0 0 203 1 1
DAPK3 GRIN2B 0 0 81 156 1 1
DAPK3 GNAO1 0 0 0 190 1 1
DAPK3 TM9SF2 0 0 0 248 1 1
DAPK3 SGPP1 0 0 0 201 1 1
DAPK3 MET 213 0 52 253 1 2
DAPK3 NCALD 0 0 0 161 1 1
DAPK3 PIM3 0 0 193 241 1 1
DAPK3 ANKRD45 0 0 95 440 1 1
DAPK3 WEE1 0 0 82 161 1 1
DAPK3 CDK9 0 0 85 193 1 1
DAPK3 TSPAN2 0 0 0 189 1 1
DAPK3 DTNBP1 0 0 0 154 1 1
DAPK3 MYO3B 0 0 0 153 1 1
DAPK3 MYH13 0 0 180 258 1 1
DAPK3 RAD1 0 0 0 177 1 1
DAPK3 MYO5C 306 0 0 378 1 1
DAPK3 PTK6 0 0 0 176 1 2
DAPK3 HSPB1 0 0 108 175 1 2
DAPK3 TGFBR1 0 0 0 175 1 1
DAPK3 PMPCB 0 0 113 220 1 1
DAPK3 DUSP14 0 0 0 192 1 1
DAPK3 DFFB 0 0 73 453 1 1
DAPK3 CHD3 0 0 0 174 1 1
DAPK3 EHBP1 0 0 101 229 1 1
DAPK3 CDKL4 0 0 0 150 1 1
DAPK3 HNRNPK 0 0 112 173 1 1
DAPK3 STK39 0 0 0 158 1 1
DAPK3 NUDC 0 0 0 250 1 1
DAPK3 KLF16 0 0 0 163 1 1
DAPK3 PPP1R14A 0 0 619 642 1 1
DAPK3 SOD3 0 0 74 160 1 1
DAPK3 NEK2 0 0 142 195 1 1
DAPK3 RPL18A 0 0 107 196 1 1
DAPK3 CHMP6 0 0 74 196 1 1
DAPK3 AKT3 0 0 0 174 1 2
DAPK3 IL5RA 0 0 0 216 1 1
DAPK3 UNC5B 0 600 244 703 1 1
DAPK3 DEDD2 0 0 208 224 1 1
DAPK3 TMEM30B 0 0 134 216 1 1
DAPK3 MCL1 0 0 0 190 1 2
DAPK3 SMARCA4 0 0 0 150 1 1
DAPK3 ICAM4 0 0 0 208 1 1
DAPK3 MAPK6 0 0 61 209 1 1
DAPK3 PPP1CA 0 0 0 202 1 1
DAPK3 LYN 0 0 0 156 1 1
DAPK3 RCVRN 0 0 0 161 1 1
DAPK3 PDIK1L 0 0 0 212 1 1
DAPK3 RAB13 0 0 0 242 1 2
DAPK3 GNA11 0 0 0 233 1 1
DAPK3 EIF5A 0 0 0 159 1 2
DAPK3 MYL3 0 0 160 281 1 1
DAPK3 ERCC6 0 0 90 199 1 1
DAPK3 CAMTA2 0 0 0 647 1 1
DAPK3 GRIN1 0 0 0 168 1 1
DAPK3 PPP5D1 0 0 0 164 1 1
DAPK3 DUSP21 0 0 0 171 1 1
DAPK3 MAP2K6 0 0 95 173 1 1
DAPK3 RAD51D 0 0 0 164 1 1
DAPK3 SASH3 0 0 0 478 1 1
DAPK3 XBP1 0 0 53 184 1 2
DAPK3 PTEN 0 0 113 205 1 2
DAPK3 NEK7 0 0 0 161 1 1
DAPK3 MAPK7 0 0 0 231 1 1
DAPK3 PCBD2 0 0 156 182 1 1
DAPK3 PRKAA2 0 0 0 181 1 2
DAPK3 SRCAP 0 0 0 157 1 1
DAPK3 WIPI1 0 0 107 161 1 2
DAPK3 CASP5 0 0 0 151 1 1
DAPK3 WT1 0 0 118 306 1 1
DAPK3 KLHL22 0 0 155 278 1 1
DAPK3 MAPK10 0 0 74 158 1 2
DAPK3 LMNB2 0 0 0 154 1 1
DAPK3 MAPK14 0 0 119 291 1 2
DAPK3 CFL1 0 0 172 249 1 1
DAPK3 EZR 0 0 155 154 1 1
DAPK3 ATM 0 0 90 238 1 2
DAPK3 BTBD17 0 0 0 165 1 1
DAPK3 AIF1L 0 0 0 181 1 1
DAPK3 EPS8 0 0 0 211 1 1
DAPK3 GNAI1 0 0 0 223 1 1
DAPK3 ATG7 0 0 113 176 1 2
DAPK3 VWA1 0 0 143 193 1 1
DAPK3 CDK7 0 0 170 171 1 1
DAPK3 CHD4 0 0 0 150 1 1
DAPK3 PPP1CC 0 0 319 427 1 1
DAPK3 MYL10 0 0 212 316 1 1
DAPK3 PALM 0 0 0 153 1 2
DAPK3 ZNF787 0 0 0 167 1 1
DAPK3 EFCAB6 0 0 0 181 1 1
DAPK3 EPS15 0 0 46 159 1 1
DAPK3 TP53 270 0 289 494 1 2
DAPK3 MDM2 495 0 357 661 1 2
DAPK3 RASEF 0 0 0 242 1 1
DAPK3 MYH14 0 0 240 312 1 1
DAPK3 BTBD6 0 0 0 194 1 1
DAPK3 RAB10 0 0 0 242 1 1
DAPK3 MYL6 0 0 202 317 1 1
DAPK3 OCM 0 0 0 181 1 1
DAPK3 MXD4 0 0 245 283 1 1
DAPK3 IRAK1 0 0 0 171 1 1
DAPK3 PDCD2 0 0 193 398 1 1
DAPK3 TNNC1 0 0 0 181 1 1
DAPK3 CALM3 0 0 74 341 1 1
DAPK3 PCYT2 0 0 0 178 1 1
DAPK3 GNAT1 0 0 0 182 1 1
DAPK3 VAMP8 0 0 66 287 1 2
DAPK3 RHBDL3 0 0 0 243 1 1
DAPK3 DEGS2 0 0 0 489 1 1
DAPK3 MYO7B 0 0 0 150 1 1
DAPK3 MYH6 0 0 97 183 1 1
DAPK3 RAB8A 0 0 0 242 1 2
DAPK3 AATF 470 0 478 721 1 1
DAPK3 SFPQ 0 0 48 158 1 1
DAPK3 HLTF 0 0 0 150 1 1
DAPK3 HORMAD1 0 0 0 278 1 1
DAPK3 CDC14A 131 0 435 507 1 1
DAPK3 TCERG1 0 0 0 155 1 1
DAPK3 CAMSAP2 0 0 0 182 1 1
DAPK3 ST3GAL4 0 0 0 227 1 1
DAPK3 PARK2 0 0 0 171 1 1
DAPK3 PPP1R16A 0 0 219 275 1 1
DAPK3 ILK 0 0 556 304 1 1
DAPK3 PPP5C 0 0 0 164 1 1
DAPK3 FOXN3 0 0 0 158 1 1
DAPK3 TUBA3D 0 0 108 155 1 1
DAPK3 TM2D1 0 0 170 169 1 1
DAPK3 CETN3 0 0 0 179 1 1
DAPK3 GNAQ 0 0 71 235 1 1
DAPK3 DVL1 0 0 0 184 1 1
DAPK3 PIM1 0 0 171 212 1 1
DAPK3 DHTKD1 0 0 0 224 1 1
DAPK3 TNFRSF12A 0 0 0 157 1 1
DAPK3 FLNA 290 0 45 378 1 1
DAPK3 MKNK2 0 0 0 153 1 1
DAPK3 MAP3K8 0 0 0 184 1 1
DAPK3 BRCA1 0 0 122 196 1 2
DAPK3 STK11 0 0 152 244 1 2
DAPK3 MTMR2 0 0 0 198 1 1
DAPK3 ATCAY 0 0 323 324 1 1
DAPK3 MYL9 0 0 518 597 1 1
DAPK3 ZNF865 0 0 0 192 1 1
DAPK3 ZNF628 0 0 0 681 1 1
DAPK3 GSG2 0 0 210 265 1 1
DAPK3 CLTCL1 0 0 0 199 1 1
DAPK3 KIF2B 245 0 0 256 1 1
DAPK3 UBE2D3 270 0 101 368 1 1
DAPK3 HSF1 0 0 0 153 1 2
DAPK3 IQGAP1 208 0 45 250 1 1
DAPK3 NCS1 0 0 0 185 1 1
DAPK3 INPPL1 0 0 69 156 1 1
DAPK3 RAB40B 0 0 0 242 1 1
DAPK3 RAB40AL 0 0 52 251 1 1
DAPK3 FYCO1 0 0 0 215 1 2
DAPK3 PPP1R12B 0 0 395 406 1 1
DAPK3 KLF6 0 0 83 214 1 1
DAPK3 ELMO3 0 0 0 255 1 1
DAPK3 CAPN15 0 0 0 170 1 1
DAPK3 TSSK3 0 0 0 177 1 1
DAPK3 TSEN15 0 0 0 217 1 1
DAPK3 FKBP8 0 0 0 284 1 1
DAPK3 SPSB1 0 0 112 194 1 1
DAPK3 GAPDH 0 0 248 272 1 2
DAPK3 DUSP5 0 0 0 239 1 1
DAPK3 SLC22A13 0 0 117 154 1 1
DAPK3 ARF3 0 0 134 195 1 1
DAPK3 ARHGEF11 0 0 123 185 1 1
DAPK3 VRK1 0 0 137 201 1 1
DAPK3 PRRC2A 0 0 159 208 1 1
DAPK3 PASK 0 0 0 173 1 1
DAPK3 EFCAB3 0 0 0 181 1 1
DAPK3 SHROOM3 0 0 107 214 1 1
DAPK3 HRAS 0 0 47 167 1 2
DAPK3 TCTE1 0 0 0 152 1 1
DAPK3 CEP170 419 0 0 418 1 1
DAPK3 MTOR 0 0 94 181 1 2
DAPK3 RAD51 0 0 0 186 1 2
DAPK3 TRIB2 0 0 96 194 1 1
DAPK3 ANKRD52 0 0 0 197 1 1
DAPK3 GUCA1C 0 0 0 194 1 1
DAPK3 MYL6B 0 0 243 352 1 1
DAPK3 SLC45A4 0 0 0 158 1 1
DAPK3 RAD51C 0 0 0 223 1 1
DAPK3 GNA13 0 0 0 240 1 1
DAPK3 CHD1L 0 0 0 150 1 1
DAPK3 PPP4C 0 0 0 160 1 1
DAPK3 CHP1 0 0 0 217 1 1
DAPK3 PIK3C3 0 0 118 545 1 2
DAPK3 PIP5K1B 0 0 112 159 1 1
DAPK3 TMEM135 0 0 276 276 1 1
DAPK3 DMC1 0 0 0 223 1 1
DAPK3 PARVB 0 0 0 266 1 1
DAPK3 MYL1 0 0 186 303 1 1
DAPK3 STX1A 0 0 159 215 1 1
DAPK3 AURKA 0 0 96 177 1 2
DAPK3 SYN1 0 0 0 181 1 1
DAPK3 KLHDC10 0 0 0 161 1 1
DAPK3 LIMS2 0 0 0 154 1 1
DAPK3 GNA12 0 0 0 258 1 1
DAPK3 CDKN1A 270 0 46 311 1 2
DAPK3 ATG9A 0 0 145 211 1 2
DAPK3 GSN 0 0 77 187 1 1
DAPK3 AR 273 0 120 343 1 2
DAPK3 PSD4 0 0 0 160 1 1
DAPK3 TKTL1 0 0 0 187 1 1
DAPK3 MAPK3 0 800 166 861 1 2
DAPK3 MYL12B 482 0 219 710 1 1
DAPK3 BNIP3 0 0 0 250 1 2
DAPK3 SQSTM1 0 0 136 224 1 2
DAPK3 DNAJB5 0 0 113 232 1 1
DAPK3 GNA14 0 0 0 157 1 1
DAPK3 MSN 0 0 134 173 1 1
DAPK3 LIMA1 206 0 0 247 1 1
DAPK3 EPRS 0 0 315 345 1 1
DAPK3 INTS10 0 0 0 186 1 1
DAPK3 HSP90AA1 129 0 118 250 1 2
DAPK3 KLHDC1 0 0 0 161 1 1
DAPK3 CTDSP2 0 0 95 228 1 1
DAPK3 DAPK1 0 800 748 807 1 2
DAPK3 CDKL1 0 0 0 166 1 1
DAPK3 DNAJA3 0 0 90 176 1 1
DAPK3 WDR31 0 0 0 156 1 1
DAPK3 RABEPK 0 0 0 161 1 1
DAPK3 MYH7B 0 0 217 291 1 1
DAPK3 HPCAL1 0 0 0 179 1 1
DAPK3 AIF1 0 0 0 181 1 2
DAPK3 GORASP2 0 0 0 307 1 1
DAPK3 MSMB 0 0 0 551 1 1
DAPK3 GIPC3 0 0 181 181 1 1
DAPK3 MYO3A 0 0 0 152 1 1
DAPK3 CIB4 0 0 0 217 1 1
DAPK3 ENSG00000270024 0 0 0 270 1 1
DAPK3 PRKACB 0 0 0 232 1 1
DAPK3 KLHDC3 130 0 0 155 1 1
DAPK3 LTC4S 0 0 0 214 1 1
DAPK3 ZBTB7A 0 0 150 210 1 1
DAPK3 MOB2 0 0 0 195 1 1
DAPK3 CDC25C 0 0 43 181 1 2
DAPK3 ARAP3 0 0 0 448 1 1
DAPK3 CETN2 0 0 0 179 1 1
DAPK3 ZNF777 0 0 0 167 1 1
DAPK3 FYN 0 0 82 173 1 1
DAPK3 CALML4 0 0 0 181 1 1
DAPK3 FSTL3 0 0 73 158 1 1
DAPK3 PPP2CB 0 0 0 193 1 1
DAPK3 COL4A1 0 0 116 425 1 1
DAPK3 MAP1S 0 0 0 186 1 2
DAPK3 ARHGEF3 0 0 124 200 1 1
DAPK3 TPM2 0 0 52 250 1 1
DAPK3 CHD5 0 0 0 150 1 1
DAPK3 ACTN2 0 0 0 178 1 1
DAPK3 API5 0 0 100 344 1 1
DAPK3 PPP3R2 0 0 0 217 1 1
DAPK3 CTDSPL 0 0 0 182 1 1
DAPK3 MAPK8 0 0 118 199 1 2
DAPK3 MYLPF 0 0 218 321 1 1
DAPK3 SLC39A3 0 0 155 154 1 1
DAPK3 GAK 0 0 126 208 1 1
DAPK3 NACC1 0 0 0 175 1 1
DAPK3 PAWR 678 0 561 867 1 1
DAPK3 GNAZ 0 0 0 171 1 1
DAPK3 SLC8B1 0 0 93 204 1 1
DAPK3 EPS15L1 0 0 0 154 1 1
DAPK3 CYCS 0 0 87 151 1 2
DAPK3 GADD45B 0 0 113 279 1 1
DAPK3 CAMKK1 0 0 170 196 1 1
DAPK3 TCP10L 314 0 787 848 1 1
DAPK3 NKAPL 0 0 0 151 1 1
DAPK3 VARS 0 0 0 171 1 1
DAPK3 TUBD1 0 0 108 159 1 1
DAPK3 CLTC 0 0 0 182 1 1
DAPK3 TRPC4AP 0 0 108 229 1 1
DAPK3 SMARCA2 0 0 0 150 1 1
DAPK3 DUSP7 0 0 86 153 1 1
DAPK3 MTIF2 0 0 0 186 1 1
DAPK3 STK10 0 0 458 243 1 1
DAPK3 PVALB 0 0 0 181 1 1
DAPK3 GNB2 0 0 0 300 1 1
DAPK3 CDC37 130 0 94 416 1 1
DAPK3 SGK2 0 0 0 209 1 1
DAPK3 CALML5 0 0 0 181 1 1
DAPK3 ERO1L 0 0 0 210 1 1
DAPK3 ROCK1 0 0 404 219 1 2
DAPK3 BIRC3 0 0 57 174 1 1
DAPK3 TNRC6C 0 0 104 151 1 1
DAPK3 NMRK1 0 0 0 252 1 1
DAPK3 AGMAT 0 0 0 190 1 1
DAPK3 CDK5 0 0 181 207 1 2
DAPK3 CALML3 0 0 0 181 1 1
DAPK3 CDH1 0 0 143 158 1 2
DAPK3 EMC6 0 0 170 227 1 1
DAPK3 WAC 0 0 52 390 1 1
DAPK3 PRKCZ 270 0 120 323 1 1
DAPK3 CDK16 0 0 0 261 1 1
DAPK3 FKBP4 0 0 0 189 1 1
DAPK3 USP32 0 0 0 180 1 1
DAPK3 KCNIP3 0 0 0 161 1 1
DAPK3 PPP1CB 192 0 154 400 1 1
DAPK3 ROCK2 0 0 372 215 1 1
DAPK3 CABP5 0 0 0 181 1 1
DAPK3 ZNF205 0 0 0 167 1 1
DAPK3 ZYX 0 0 65 202 1 1
DAPK3 TBC1D2 0 0 0 156 1 1
DAPK3 RPS6KB1 0 0 155 231 1 2
DAPK3 CDK1 0 0 149 209 1 2
DAPK3 VASH1 0 0 146 278 1 1
DAPK3 SGK1 0 0 137 244 1 2
DAPK3 MYO18A 272 0 0 341 1 1
DAPK3 ATR 0 0 0 223 1 2
DAPK3 RAB44 0 0 0 242 1 1
DAPK3 PLCXD1 0 0 139 151 1 1
DAPK3 ARAP1 0 0 0 164 1 1
DAPK3 ULK3 0 0 0 178 1 2
DAPK3 DUSP18 0 0 0 235 1 1
DAPK3 PPM1M 0 0 0 200 1 1
DAPK3 DDIT4 0 0 0 154 1 2
DAPK3 AARS 0 0 86 166 1 1
DAPK3 RAD54B 0 0 0 264 1 1
DAPK3 AVEN 0 0 95 505 1 1
DAPK3 HRK 0 0 45 191 1 1
DAPK3 VPS41 0 0 0 170 1 1
DAPK3 TMEM160 0 0 0 218 1 1
DAPK3 CHMP1A 0 0 0 160 1 1
DAPK3 KIF14 270 0 0 271 1 1
DAPK3 RAB3IP 0 0 0 228 1 1
DAPK3 CAT 0 0 0 164 1 2
DAPK3 ARHGEF25 0 0 90 222 1 1
DAPK3 DEK 0 0 69 168 1 1
DAPK3 NEK6 0 0 0 183 1 1
DAPK3 PDPK1 0 0 0 158 1 2
DAPK3 TBATA 0 0 180 179 1 1
DAPK3 GSTT2B 0 0 0 150 1 1
DAPK3 NBR1 0 0 45 174 1 2
DAPK3 STK32C 0 0 0 218 1 1
DAPK3 DMPK 0 0 290 210 1 1
DAPK3 VDR 0 0 57 215 1 2
DAPK3 SYN2 0 0 0 181 1 1
DAPK3 WIPI2 0 0 0 182 1 2
DAPK3 ZNF512B 0 0 0 154 1 1
DAPK3 CDK3 0 0 0 223 1 1
DAPK3 MYO18B 0 0 104 189 1 1
DAPK3 EEF2 0 0 134 226 1 2
DAPK3 CCND2 0 0 62 160 1 1
DAPK3 RND3 0 0 184 207 1 1
DAPK3 CALN1 0 0 0 181 1 1
DAPK3 PIK3C2G 0 0 0 171 1 1
DAPK3 CDC7 0 0 0 155 1 1
DAPK3 SSU72 0 0 0 190 1 1
DAPK3 ZFR2 0 0 246 245 1 1
DAPK3 FKBP1C 0 0 46 165 1 1
DAPK3 HECW1 0 0 0 234 1 1
DAPK3 CAMSAP1 0 0 0 182 1 1
DAPK3 ATF3 0 0 57 153 1 2
DAPK3 NDUFV1 0 0 0 205 1 1
DAPK3 NCAPH2 0 0 0 167 1 1
DAPK3 FHIT 0 0 55 199 1 1
DAPK3 RASIP1 0 0 0 163 1 1
DAPK3 IL24 0 0 0 183 1 2
DAPK3 BTBD2 0 0 0 206 1 1
DAPK3 RHOC 0 0 123 194 1 1
DAPK3 MMP23B 0 0 0 211 1 1
DAPK3 CETN1 0 0 0 179 1 1
DAPK3 SCGN 0 0 0 181 1 1
DAPK3 PYCARD 0 0 0 362 1 2
DAPK3 EFCAB13 0 0 0 181 1 1
DAPK3 CDK15 0 0 0 189 1 1
DAPK3 GUCA1B 0 0 0 182 1 1
DAPK3 NDOR1 0 0 0 153 1 1
DAPK3 AKT1 0 0 247 268 1 2
DAPK3 CDC42BPA 0 0 509 246 1 1
DAPK3 UBLCP1 0 0 0 187 1 1
DAPK3 TUBA3C 0 0 106 153 1 1
DAPK3 SGK3 0 0 0 270 1 1
DAPK3 RAB40C 0 0 0 280 1 1
DAPK3 ATF4 462 0 61 651 1 2
DAPK3 USO1 0 0 0 171 1 1
DAPK3 GNAL 0 0 0 157 1 1
DAPK3 PPP2R4 0 0 141 284 1 1
DAPK3 HMOX1 0 0 0 212 1 2
DAPK3 PIAS4 0 0 180 422 1 1
DAPK3 STX17 0 0 96 181 1 2
DAPK3 ERAL1 0 0 0 357 1 1
DAPK3 EIF2S1 0 0 151 150 1 2
DAPK3 MOS 0 0 0 198 1 1
DAPK3 DGKB 0 0 0 258 1 1
DAPK3 DLC1 0 0 74 206 1 2
DAPK3 TRRAP 0 0 0 158 1 1
DAPK3 RAB28 0 0 0 941 1 1
DAPK3 GORASP1 0 0 0 177 1 1
DAPK3 CDKAL1 0 0 0 156 1 1
DAPK3 OXSM 0 0 0 150 1 1
DAPK3 SCAND1 0 0 0 166 1 1
DAPK3 POLRMT 0 0 81 180 1 1
DAPK3 STK3 0 0 0 173 1 1
DAPK3 DAP3 0 0 0 209 1 1
DAPK3 SRC 0 0 180 240 1 2
DAPK3 EED 0 0 0 164 1 1
DAPK3 MCM3 0 0 135 210 1 1
DAPK3 SLK 0 0 453 299 1 1
DAPK3 METTL6 0 0 379 379 1 1
DAPK3 CIB1 0 0 0 217 1 1
DAPK3 EFCAB11 0 0 0 181 1 1
DAPK3 ZNF180 0 0 0 170 1 1
DAPK3 STK25 0 0 0 203 1 1
DAPK3 TEN1-CDK3 0 0 0 201 1 1
DAPK3 TRIML2 0 0 0 182 1 1
DAPK3 STAT6 0 0 48 159 1 1
DAPK3 MAP3K10 0 0 74 156 1 1
DAPK3 MYO19 255 0 0 333 1 1
DAPK3 ERO1LB 0 0 0 210 1 1
DAPK3 CEBPB 0 0 125 158 1 2
DAPK3 ATG16L1 0 0 67 164 1 2
DAPK3 ENSG00000258838 0 0 96 204 1 1
DAPK3 GSK3B 0 0 46 197 1 2
DAPK3 CDC34 0 0 0 150 1 1
DAPK3 MTCH2 0 0 0 197 1 1
DAPK3 PPP6C 0 0 47 194 1 1
DAPK3 MAPK15 0 0 48 256 1 1
DAPK3 SMARCA1 0 0 0 150 1 1
DAPK3 TMEM65 0 0 0 164 1 1
DAPK3 CASP3 0 650 170 697 1 2
DAPK3 TUBB6 0 0 0 238 1 1
DAPK3 TMEM259 0 0 0 171 1 1
DAPK3 MYH7 0 0 108 193 1 1
DAPK3 BRCA2 0 0 77 155 1 1
DAPK3 ATG101 0 0 81 158 1 2
DAPK3 CYP26B1 0 0 0 189 1 1
DAPK3 UTP11L 0 0 166 172 1 1
DAPK3 SAMD4A 0 0 0 403 1 1
DAPK3 CTSZ 0 0 0 250 1 1
DAPK3 SPZ1 0 0 148 174 1 1
DAPK3 MYH11 0 0 123 218 1 1
DAPK3 CTDNEP1 0 0 0 205 1 1
DAPK3 PAK4 0 0 167 161 1 1
DAPK3 ITPKA 0 0 0 357 1 1
DAPK3 CDC25A 0 0 68 202 1 1
DAPK3 ZBTB47 0 0 0 155 1 1
DAPK3 SYNRG 0 0 0 154 1 1
DAPK3 CHAF1A 0 0 0 162 1 1
DAPK3 DUSP1 0 0 70 155 1 1
DAPK3 MAPK11 0 0 72 333 1 1
DAPK3 BECN1 0 800 294 860 1 2
DAPK3 EEF1G 0 0 0 158 1 1
DAPK3 MYO16 0 0 0 164 1 1
DAPK3 FBXL19 0 0 0 175 1 1
DAPK3 TSSK4 0 0 0 167 1 1
DAPK3 DCPS 0 0 0 157 1 1
DAPK3 SYNCRIP 0 0 391 390 1 1
DAPK3 BBX 0 0 116 262 1 1
DAPK3 SLC35B1 0 0 0 344 1 1
DAPK3 ADAM15 0 0 0 150 1 1
DAPK3 DEPTOR 0 0 118 250 1 2
DAPK3 MYO1C 0 0 0 166 1 1
DAPK3 MCM6 0 0 0 152 1 1
DAPK3 RHOD 192 0 611 690 1 1
DAPK3 TSG101 273 0 45 276 1 2
DAPK3 PACSIN3 0 0 0 154 1 1
DAPK3 HMOX2 0 0 0 188 1 1
DAPK3 MAP1LC3B 0 0 144 174 1 2
DAPK3 BTBD1 0 0 0 165 1 1
DAPK3 PSMC3IP 0 0 0 262 1 1
DAPK3 RIPK4 0 0 81 163 1 1
DAPK3 CDC25B 0 0 0 179 1 1
DAPK3 TXLNG 0 0 142 192 1 1
DAPK3 ULK1 270 0 158 350 1 2
DAPK3 PRKCA 0 0 370 166 1 1
DAPK3 MAPKAPK3 0 0 74 263 1 1
DAPK3 CLK2 0 0 315 183 1 1
DAPK3 RAD51B 0 0 0 164 1 1
DAPK3 MYH15 0 0 181 259 1 1
DAPK3 NUAK1 0 0 125 163 1 1
DAPK3 ABCD1 0 0 0 156 1 1
DAPK3 PIM2 0 0 182 226 1 1
DAPK3 PPA1 0 0 0 176 1 1
DAPK3 CABP2 0 0 0 181 1 1
DAPK3 ILKAP 0 0 137 218 1 1
DAPK3 MYO7A 0 0 0 150 1 1
DAPK3 CALCOCO2 0 0 45 164 1 2
DAPK3 RAB15 0 0 0 242 1 1
DAPK3 EPHX1 0 0 49 270 1 1
DAPK3 MIB1 0 0 48 237 1 1
DAPK3 NT5M 105 0 0 183 1 1
DAPK3 SMTNL1 0 0 181 223 1 1
DAPK3 CXCR3 0 0 0 189 1 1
DAPK3 SCAF1 0 0 0 160 1 1
DAPK3 CABP7 0 0 0 181 1 1
DAPK3 RRAGB 0 0 0 190 1 1
DAPK3 ENSG00000273398 0 0 0 217 1 1
DAPK3 AMBRA1 0 0 155 201 1 2
DAPK3 TACSTD2 0 0 60 157 1 1
DAPK3 NLK 270 0 82 299 1 1
DAPK3 NKAP 0 0 0 151 1 1
DAPK3 FKBP2 0 0 0 336 1 1
DAPK3 TSSK6 0 0 0 208 1 1
DAPK3 E2F3 0 0 0 168 1 1
DAPK3 IL21R 0 0 45 431 1 1
DAPK3 TRIM32 0 0 0 163 1 1
DAPK3 DIRAS2 0 0 0 282 1 1
DAPK3 DLG4 0 0 0 181 1 2
DAPK3 DYRK1B 0 0 124 167 1 1
DAPK3 DAPK2 0 800 681 807 1 2
DAPK3 IRAK4 0 0 96 251 1 1
DAPK3 IL10 0 0 0 154 1 2
DAPK3 PPP3R1 0 0 0 217 1 1
DAPK3 ASPM 0 0 0 263 1 1
DAPK3 CDK4 0 0 75 230 1 2
DAPK3 FADD 0 0 101 152 1 2
DAPK3 RBFA 0 0 0 189 1 1
DAPK3 MRPL13 0 0 374 374 1 1
DAPK3 GART 0 0 0 211 1 1
DAPK3 PRKACG 0 0 0 226 1 1
DAPK3 PRKX 0 0 0 216 1 1
DAPK3 HSPBP1 0 0 0 249 1 1
DAPK3 KLHDC2 0 0 0 161 1 1
DAPK3 SLC9A3R2 0 0 0 187 1 1
DAPK3 RAB3IL1 0 0 0 243 1 1
DAPK3 LMNA 0 0 46 176 1 2
DAPK3 ZFYVE19 0 0 147 191 1 1
DAPK3 OXSR1 0 0 209 219 1 1
DAPK3 CAMKK2 0 0 261 215 1 2
DAPK3 PIN1 0 0 0 325 1 1
DAPK3 BMP2K 0 0 288 350 1 1
DAPK3 CDON 0 0 150 191 1 1
DAPK3 FCER2 0 0 0 235 1 1
DAPK3 PDCD6 0 0 95 507 1 1
DAPK3 RNF126 0 0 119 180 1 1
DAPK3 PAK1 0 0 163 169 1 2
DAPK3 DIRAS1 0 0 0 302 1 1
DAPK3 STAT3 270 0 574 712 1 2
DAPK3 PPP1R12C 0 0 194 273 1 1
DAPK3 ADAM9 0 0 0 178 1 1
DAPK3 TAOK2 0 0 143 167 1 1
DAPK3 PRSS21 0 0 0 312 1 1
DAPK3 EFCAB2 0 0 0 181 1 1
DAPK3 SIVA1 0 0 89 230 1 1
DAPK3 CIB3 0 0 0 161 1 1
DAPK3 UBE2D1 0 0 93 232 1 1
DAPK3 GRB14 270 0 0 285 1 1
DAPK3 PLCB3 0 0 0 154 1 1
DAPK3 IL1R1 0 0 54 150 1 1
DAPK3 STK32B 0 0 0 189 1 1
DAPK3 MYC 0 0 312 312 1 2
DAPK3 PDK1 0 0 0 164 1 2
DAPK3 PARVA 0 0 0 339 1 1
DAPK3 GNAT2 0 0 0 182 1 1
DAPK3 KAZALD1 0 0 142 300 1 1
DAPK3 PPP3CB 0 0 47 206 1 1
DAPK3 CTDSP1 0 0 0 206 1 1
DAPK3 MYH10 0 0 181 269 1 1
DAPK3 FKBP1B 0 0 0 161 1 1
DAPK3 TAB1 0 0 0 163 1 1
DAPK3 GNAT3 0 0 0 182 1 1
DAPK3 CIB2 0 0 0 161 1 1
DAPK3 SAMD4B 0 0 0 403 1 1
DAPK3 SYNPO 213 0 0 230 1 1
DAPK3 FHL2 0 0 98 263 1 1
DAPK3 HIPK4 0 0 277 173 1 1
DAPK3 PPP3CC 0 0 0 201 1 1
DAPK3 MAP2K1 0 0 90 323 1 1
DAPK3 CARD10 0 0 0 169 1 1
DAPK3 AKT2 0 0 0 187 1 2
DAPK3 ENSG00000272772 0 0 0 260 1 1
DAPK3 MAP2K5 0 0 46 253 1 1
DAPK3 LARP1 0 0 0 160 1 1
DAPK3 CRACR2A 0 0 0 242 1 1
DAPK3 CIDEC 0 0 71 234 1 1
DAPK3 UBQLN4 0 0 0 195 1 1
DAPK3 MYH3 0 0 143 224 1 1
DAPK3 BIRC2 0 0 0 160 1 1
DAPK3 CTDSPL2 0 0 0 182 1 1
DAPK3 RAD50 0 0 0 151 1 1
DAPK3 MAPK4 0 0 0 202 1 1
DAPK3 EP400 0 0 0 157 1 1
DAPK3 CALB2 0 0 0 181 1 1
DAPK3 NFATC2IP 0 0 90 244 1 1
DAPK3 PRKACA 0 0 136 261 1 1
DAPK3 PLEC 0 0 0 187 1 1
DAPK3 ZBTB45 0 0 0 153 1 1
DAPK3 EIF1B 0 0 140 159 1 1
DAPK3 PPP2R2A 0 0 134 186 1 1
DAPK3 TAGLN 0 0 94 151 1 1
DAPK3 MGMT 0 0 63 351 1 2
DAPK3 ANXA5 0 0 94 161 1 2
DAPK3 KCNIP4 0 0 0 161 1 1
DAPK3 UHRF1 0 0 53 222 1 1
DAPK3 FBXO42 0 0 0 161 1 1
DAPK3 PIK3R4 0 0 53 217 1 2
DAPK3 SMARCAL1 0 0 0 150 1 1
DAPK3 MTX3 0 0 204 204 1 1
DAPK3 ATRX 0 0 46 155 1 1
DAPK3 GABARAPL2 0 0 127 217 1 2
DAPK3 ATG14 0 0 76 337 1 2
DAPK3 CDK10 0 0 0 164 1 1
DAPK3 MAPK13 0 0 0 315 1 1
DAPK3 RAD54L 0 0 0 264 1 1
DAPK3 ZMYM3 0 0 94 196 1 1
DAPK3 KCNIP2 0 0 0 161 1 1
DAPK3 PDCD7 0 0 170 466 1 1
DAPK3 MAP1LC3A 0 0 112 162 1 2
DAPK3 ZNF768 0 0 0 153 1 1
DAPK3 CDK2 166 0 207 350 1 2
DAPK3 PLSCR3 0 0 0 168 1 1
DAPK3 CISD1 0 0 0 162 1 1
DAPK3 CALM1 0 0 108 349 1 1
DAPK3 RPL13A 0 0 390 390 1 1
DAPK3 MYO9B 0 0 57 193 1 1
DAPK3 MYL5 0 0 218 321 1 1
DAPK3 DENND2D 0 0 150 191 1 1
DAPK3 LYPLA1 0 0 0 219 1 1
DAPK3 ACTN4 0 0 0 218 1 1
DAPK3 SECTM1 0 0 0 223 1 1
DAPK3 PPP1R12A 270 0 654 741 1 1
DAPK3 RAB12 0 0 0 245 1 2
DAPK3 MYH9 131 0 151 329 1 1
DAPK3 NIM1K 0 0 0 212 1 1
DAPK3 STK4 0 0 44 188 1 1
DAPK3 TPM1 0 0 60 262 1 1
DAPK3 BTBD3 0 0 0 165 1 1
DAPK3 GTF2H1 0 0 0 303 1 2
DAPK3 SPO11 0 0 0 162 1 1
DAPK3 EIF4G1 0 0 208 266 1 2
DAPK3 MBD3 0 0 0 168 1 1
DAPK3 RHOA 0 0 342 375 1 2
DAPK3 ACTB 0 0 167 180 1 2
DAPK3 CIT 270 0 260 386 1 1
DAPK3 FOCAD 0 0 186 186 1 1
DAPK3 STUB1 0 0 61 202 1 2
DAPK3 ACTN3 0 0 0 178 1 1
DAPK3 PDCD10 0 0 87 487 1 1
DAPK3 LYSMD1 0 0 115 212 1 1
DAPK3 MYL7 0 0 180 288 1 1
DAPK3 COPE 0 0 45 239 1 2
DAPK3 AURKC 0 0 0 154 1 1
DAPK3 ITPR3 0 0 170 227 1 1
DAPK3 MAPK12 0 0 46 298 1 1
DAPK3 EFR3A 0 0 0 315 1 1
DAPK3 CALB1 0 0 0 181 1 1
DAPK3 VPS37C 0 0 0 152 1 1
DAPK3 PPP1R16B 0 0 161 187 1 1
DAPK3 MAP2K3 0 0 92 213 1 1
DAPK3 VRK2 0 0 95 162 1 1
DAPK3 ZMYND10 0 0 0 203 1 1
DAPK3 RFC2 0 0 0 157 1 1
DAPK3 MST4 0 0 75 174 1 1
DAPK3 PHF21A 0 0 74 179 1 1
DAPK3 REXO1 0 0 0 162 1 1
DAPK3 CHEK1 0 0 120 163 1 2
DAPK3 NEK3 0 0 0 156 1 1
DAPK3 AGRN 0 0 0 166 1 1
DAPK3 CREB3 0 0 120 204 1 1
DAPK3 FZR1 0 0 75 195 1 1
DAPK3 RIPK2 0 0 107 176 1 2
DAPK3 VSNL1 0 0 0 234 1 1
DAPK3 BIK 0 0 93 189 1 2
DAPK3 ARHGEF2 0 0 90 157 1 1
DAPK3 SYNJ2BP 0 0 0 302 1 1
DAPK3 EPS8L2 0 0 0 154 1 1
DAPK3 PAPPA2 0 0 154 153 1 1
DAPK3 CSNK1A1 0 0 97 151 1 1
DAPK3 TRPM6 0 0 81 155 1 1
DAPK3 MIB2 0 0 0 173 1 1
DAPK3 LCK 0 0 95 178 1 1
DAPK3 HIVEP3 0 0 0 169 1 1
DAPK3 THAP1 0 0 156 320 1 1
DAPK3 TICAM1 0 0 0 179 1 2
DAPK3 FKBP1A 0 0 0 161 1 2
DAPK3 RPS6KB2 0 0 0 209 1 2
DAPK3 CSK 0 0 0 203 1 1
DAPK3 SPATA21 0 0 0 181 1 1
DAPK3 HIST2H3PS2 0 0 150 198 1 1
DAPK3 PAK2 0 0 106 173 1 1
DAPK3 CAMTA1 0 0 0 224 1 1
DAPK3 HORMAD2 0 0 0 278 1 1
DAPK3 AURKB 0 0 136 183 1 1
DAPK3 FASN 0 0 0 244 1 2
DAPK3 ARL11 0 0 0 247 1 1
DAPK3 PRKAB2 0 0 141 194 1 1
DAPK3 SMARCA5 0 0 0 150 1 1
DAPK3 RAB8B 0 0 0 242 1 2
DAPK3 MAPK9 0 0 44 170 1 2
DAPK3 MYL12A 0 0 315 446 1 1
DAPK3 ZNF717 0 0 146 186 1 1
DAPK3 CHEK2 270 0 207 396 1 1
DAPK3 NMRK2 0 0 368 755 1 1
DAPK3 GULP1 0 0 0 259 1 1
DAPK3 MTM1 0 0 0 267 1 2
DAPK3 RPS6KA4 0 0 108 154 1 1
DAPK3 ITPR1 0 0 134 169 1 2
DAPK3 HPCAL4 0 0 0 206 1 1
DAPK3 GNAS 0 0 0 157 1 1
DAPK3 RPTOR 0 0 89 209 1 2
DAPK3 TRIP13 0 0 0 161 1 1
DAPK3 STK16 0 0 43 167 1 1
DAPK3 ZNF653 0 0 0 179 1 1
DAPK3 GADD45GIP1 0 0 0 165 1 1
DAPK3 CASP8 0 0 155 184 1 2
DAPK3 ADCK2 0 0 148 203 1 1
DAPK3 MCM4 0 0 0 202 1 1
DAPK3 PIP5K1C 0 0 0 158 1 1
DAPK3 MYLK 0 0 600 160 1 1
DAPK3 PAPOLG 0 0 127 165 1 1
DAPK3 NOTCH3 0 0 0 155 1 1
DAPK3 RGS13 0 0 141 155 1 1
DAPK3 AGXT2 0 0 0 157 1 1
DAPK3 CLEC2B 0 0 0 151 1 1
DAPK3 RAP2B 0 0 134 159 1 1
DAPK3 EFCAB1 0 0 0 161 1 1
DAPK3 CABP4 0 0 0 181 1 1
DAPK3 TPM4 0 0 0 197 1 1
DAPK3 TRIM21 0 0 0 150 1 1
DAPK3 CP 0 0 293 302 1 1
DAPK3 CDK6 0 0 125 236 1 2
DAPK3 OCM2 0 0 0 181 1 1
DAPK3 MAPKAPK2 0 0 113 257 1 1
DAPK3 UBE2D4 0 0 0 177 1 1
DAPK3 RHOB 0 0 91 150 1 1
DAPK3 MAP1LC3C 0 0 113 156 1 2
DAPK3 CALML6 0 0 0 181 1 1
DAPK3 STK32A 0 0 0 210 1 1
DAPK3 FKBP5 0 0 0 189 1 1
DAPK3 DEGS1 0 0 0 189 1 1
ID Category Term Effect Evidence PubMed
GO:0005524 Molecular Function ATP binding enables IDA
GO:0008140 Molecular Function cAMP response element binding protein binding enables TAS
GO:0042802 Molecular Function identical protein binding enables IPI
GO:0043522 Molecular Function leucine zipper domain binding enables IPI
GO:0005515 Molecular Function protein binding enables IPI
GO:0042803 Molecular Function protein homodimerization activity enables IDA
GO:0106310 Molecular Function protein serine kinase activity enables IEA
GO:0004674 Molecular Function protein serine/threonine kinase activity enables IBA
GO:0004674 Molecular Function protein serine/threonine kinase activity enables IDA
GO:0004674 Molecular Function protein serine/threonine kinase activity enables TAS
GO:0031267 Molecular Function small GTPase binding enables IDA
GO:0006915 Biological Process apoptotic process involved_in IDA
GO:0006915 Biological Process apoptotic process involved_in IMP
GO:0097190 Biological Process apoptotic signaling pathway involved_in IEA
GO:0071346 Biological Process cellular response to type II interferon involved_in IDA
GO:0006325 Biological Process chromatin organization involved_in IEA
GO:0035556 Biological Process intracellular signal transduction involved_in IBA
GO:0035556 Biological Process intracellular signal transduction involved_in IDA
GO:0017148 Biological Process negative regulation of translation involved_in IDA
GO:0043065 Biological Process positive regulation of apoptotic process involved_in IBA
GO:0043065 Biological Process positive regulation of apoptotic process involved_in IDA
GO:0090263 Biological Process positive regulation of canonical Wnt signaling pathway involved_in IMP
GO:0030335 Biological Process positive regulation of cell migration involved_in IEA
GO:0046777 Biological Process protein autophosphorylation involved_in IDA
GO:0046777 Biological Process protein autophosphorylation involved_in TAS
GO:0006468 Biological Process protein phosphorylation involved_in IDA
GO:0006355 Biological Process regulation of DNA-templated transcription involved_in TAS
GO:0032956 Biological Process regulation of actin cytoskeleton organization involved_in IDA
GO:0032956 Biological Process regulation of actin cytoskeleton organization involved_in TAS
GO:0042981 Biological Process regulation of apoptotic process involved_in TAS
GO:0010506 Biological Process regulation of autophagy involved_in TAS
GO:2000145 Biological Process regulation of cell motility involved_in TAS
GO:0008360 Biological Process regulation of cell shape involved_in IEA
GO:0051893 Biological Process regulation of focal adhesion assembly involved_in IDA
GO:0007346 Biological Process regulation of mitotic cell cycle involved_in IMP
GO:0007088 Biological Process regulation of mitotic nuclear division involved_in TAS
GO:0043519 Biological Process regulation of myosin II filament organization involved_in IEA
GO:0006940 Biological Process regulation of smooth muscle contraction involved_in TAS
GO:0016605 Cellular Component PML body located_in IEA
GO:0005737 Cellular Component cytoplasm is_active_in IBA
GO:0005829 Cellular Component cytosol located_in IDA
GO:0005654 Cellular Component nucleoplasm located_in IDA
GO:0005634 Cellular Component nucleus is_active_in IBA
GO:0005634 Cellular Component nucleus located_in ISS
Name DB ID
Apoptosis Reactome R-HSA-109581
Caspase activation via Dependence Receptors in the absence of ligand Reactome R-HSA-418889
Caspase activation via extrinsic apoptotic signalling pathway Reactome R-HSA-5357769
Programmed Cell Death Reactome R-HSA-5357801
Bladder cancer (WP2828) WikiPathways WP2828_r119245
Accession Version MolecularType Name NCBI Comments
NM_001375658 1 mRNA transcript variant 2 NC_000019 Reference
NM_001348 3 mRNA transcript variant 1 NC_000019 Reference