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purinergic receptor P2X 7
General Information
Name purinergic receptor P2X 7
  • P2X purinoceptor 7
  • ATP receptor
  • P2X7 receptor
  • P2Z receptor
  • purinergic receptor P2X, ligand gated ion channel, 7
  • purnergic receptor P2X 7
Gene_family Purinergic receptors P2X
organism Homo sapiens
entrez_id 5027
location 12q24.31
transcript_count 13
exon_count 13
by NCBI GRCh38.p14
    Entrez The product of this gene belongs to the family of purinoceptors for ATP. This receptor functions as a ligand-gated ion channel and is responsible for ATP-dependent lysis of macrophages through the formation of membrane pores permeable to large molecules. Activation of this nuclear receptor by ATP in the cytoplasm may be a mechanism by which cellular activity can be coupled to changes in gene expression. Multiple alternatively spliced variants have been identified, most of which fit nonsense-mediated decay (NMD) criteria. [provided by RefSeq, Jul 2010]
    Stringdb P2X purinoceptor 7; Receptor for ATP that acts as a ligand-gated ion channel. Responsible for ATP-dependent lysis of macrophages through the formation of membrane pores permeable to large molecules. Could function in both fast synaptic transmission and the ATP-mediated lysis of antigen-presenting cells. In the absence of its natural ligand, ATP, functions as a scavenger receptor in the recognition and engulfment of apoptotic cells; Purinergic receptors P2X
    nextProt Receptor for ATP that acts as a ligand-gated ion channel. Responsible for ATP-dependent lysis of macrophages through the formation of membrane pores permeable to large molecules. Could function in both fast synaptic transmission and the ATP-mediated lysis of antigen-presenting cells. In the absence of its natural ligand, ATP, functions as a scavenger receptor in the recognition and engulfment of apoptotic cells (PubMed:21821797, PubMed:23303206).
A A.Source B B.DB B.Source Description PubMed
P2RX7 BioGRID PXN GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-Western
P2RX7 BioGRID OBSL1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
P2RX7 BioGRID NBPF19 GeneID BioGRID Two-hybrid
P2RX7 BioGRID CYSRT1 GeneID BioGRID Two-hybrid
P2RX7 BioGRID PLEKHF2 GeneID BioGRID Two-hybrid
P2RX7 BioGRID ZNF655 GeneID BioGRID Two-hybrid
P2RX7 BioGRID EFEMP2 GeneID BioGRID Two-hybrid
P2RX7 BioGRID HSF2BP GeneID BioGRID Two-hybrid
P2RX7 BioGRID TRIM27 GeneID BioGRID Two-hybrid
P2RX7 BioGRID KRT34 GeneID BioGRID Two-hybrid
P2RX7 BioGRID KRT31 GeneID BioGRID Two-hybrid
P2RX7 BioGRID KRTAP10-8 GeneID BioGRID Two-hybrid
P2RX7 BioGRID TM9SF1 GeneID BioGRID Two-hybrid
P2RX7 BioGRID CASK GeneID BioGRID Two-hybrid
P2RX7 BioGRID EFNB3 GeneID BioGRID Two-hybrid
P2RX7 Protein EMP3 GeneID HPRD
P2RX7 Protein PANX1 GeneID HPRD
P2RX7 Protein SVIL GeneID HPRD
P2RX7 Protein ACTB GeneID HPRD
A B experiments database textmining combined score hadb nhadb
P2RX7 TEX15 0 0 58 269 1 1
P2RX7 MYH10 0 0 0 189 1 1
P2RX7 ADORA1 0 0 519 529 1 1
P2RX7 GNAQ 0 0 135 166 1 1
P2RX7 ENPP4 0 0 163 354 1 1
P2RX7 MEFV 0 0 504 558 1 1
P2RX7 MX1 0 0 57 150 1 1
P2RX7 IL2RA 0 0 112 213 1 1
P2RX7 PLCB2 0 0 157 226 1 1
P2RX7 TAX1BP3 0 0 48 251 1 1
P2RX7 SLC6A4 0 0 218 218 1 1
P2RX7 LAMA5 0 0 0 248 1 1
P2RX7 IL18 0 0 607 675 1 2
P2RX7 PARK2 0 0 100 162 1 1
P2RX7 IFNA1 0 0 211 211 1 1
P2RX7 IL1R1 0 0 341 343 1 1
P2RX7 POLR2G 0 0 46 216 1 1
P2RX7 ITGAE 0 0 160 159 1 1
P2RX7 IL15 0 0 180 221 1 1
P2RX7 SLC1A3 0 0 270 286 1 1
P2RX7 TAGAP 0 0 0 185 1 1
P2RX7 ADAM10 0 0 149 219 1 1
P2RX7 TLR1 0 0 271 318 1 1
P2RX7 POLR2F 0 0 49 214 1 1
P2RX7 FBXW8 0 0 53 211 1 1
P2RX7 SLC29A1 0 0 194 209 1 1
P2RX7 IKZF3 0 0 53 182 1 1
P2RX7 CD80 0 0 210 292 1 2
P2RX7 NLRP12 0 0 194 194 1 1
P2RX7 NPY 0 0 144 175 1 1
P2RX7 BEND4 0 0 71 324 1 1
P2RX7 ALOX12 0 0 50 220 1 1
P2RX7 KCNN3 0 0 419 419 1 1
P2RX7 LAG3 0 0 134 162 1 1
P2RX7 ANO1 0 0 181 269 1 1
P2RX7 MPEG1 0 0 97 321 1 1
P2RX7 CARD9 0 0 357 357 1 1
P2RX7 CAMP 0 0 929 929 1 2
P2RX7 P2RX4 0 800 986 860 1 1
P2RX7 CSF3 0 0 118 212 1 1
P2RX7 IRAK1 0 0 182 204 1 1
P2RX7 LCP2 0 0 0 539 1 1
P2RX7 ORAI1 0 0 260 260 1 1
P2RX7 CD200R1 0 0 171 189 1 1
P2RX7 LAMA4 0 0 0 151 1 1
P2RX7 ADAM33 0 0 74 188 1 1
P2RX7 NLRP4 0 0 112 198 1 1
P2RX7 CFTR 0 0 214 250 1 2
P2RX7 SCN10A 0 0 285 284 1 1
P2RX7 CCDC186 0 0 0 151 1 1
P2RX7 TP53 0 0 202 203 1 2
P2RX7 SLC12A5 0 0 242 251 1 1
P2RX7 MYH14 0 0 0 254 1 1
P2RX7 PSTPIP1 0 0 122 242 1 1
P2RX7 EGFR 0 0 303 303 1 2
P2RX7 ADORA3 0 0 519 536 1 1
P2RX7 MYD88 0 0 544 612 1 2
P2RX7 DEFB103A 0 0 270 270 1 1
P2RX7 FADD 0 0 151 150 1 2
P2RX7 EME1 0 0 0 207 1 1
P2RX7 LAMP1 0 0 144 221 1 2
P2RX7 TSLP 0 0 107 183 1 1
P2RX7 ENPP3 0 0 202 233 1 1
P2RX7 ANKH 0 0 74 385 1 1
P2RX7 NCDN 0 0 0 340 1 1
P2RX7 STAT3 0 0 260 286 1 2
P2RX7 GDNF 0 0 217 217 1 2
P2RX7 PTPN22 0 0 0 531 1 1
P2RX7 LGI4 0 0 95 151 1 1
P2RX7 NLRC5 0 0 218 374 1 1
P2RX7 UBE4A 0 0 0 254 1 1
P2RX7 STMN4 0 0 75 217 1 1
P2RX7 CAMKK2 0 0 188 206 1 2
P2RX7 APP 0 0 228 277 1 2
P2RX7 SCN1A 0 0 128 153 1 1
P2RX7 TRPV1 0 0 503 512 1 2
P2RX7 GJA4 0 0 134 207 1 1
P2RX7 FCGR3A 0 0 171 220 1 1
P2RX7 CTNNB1 0 0 174 180 1 2
P2RX7 INPP5B 0 0 57 160 1 1
P2RX7 CACNA1C 0 0 207 207 1 1
P2RX7 ERAP1 0 0 89 188 1 1
P2RX7 CXCR2 0 0 293 293 1 1
P2RX7 PLA2G4A 0 0 112 167 1 1
P2RX7 C3AR1 0 650 290 762 1 1
P2RX7 IL1B 0 0 710 760 1 2
P2RX7 P2RY14 0 0 606 651 1 1
P2RX7 TRPM7 0 0 299 317 1 1
P2RX7 TDRD6 0 0 59 303 1 1
P2RX7 HIF1A 0 0 230 246 1 2
P2RX7 EDN1 0 0 150 181 1 1
P2RX7 GRIK3 0 0 142 157 1 1
P2RX7 CTSL 0 0 415 429 1 2
P2RX7 PLD4 0 0 0 160 1 1
P2RX7 CXCL8 0 0 392 392 1 2
P2RX7 MOG 0 0 107 157 1 1
P2RX7 DCXR 0 0 47 263 1 1
P2RX7 IL6 0 0 518 568 1 2
P2RX7 BTLA 0 0 0 343 1 1
P2RX7 NLRC3 0 0 127 214 1 1
P2RX7 MPO 0 0 173 197 1 2
P2RX7 GZMB 0 0 150 165 1 1
P2RX7 TNFRSF1A 0 0 246 265 1 1
P2RX7 PLEK 0 0 73 202 1 1
P2RX7 KCNMA1 0 0 164 176 1 1
P2RX7 STAT1 0 0 166 192 1 2
P2RX7 ENDOG 0 0 102 175 1 1
P2RX7 DEFB1 0 0 153 323 1 1
P2RX7 ART1 0 0 505 545 1 1
P2RX7 ENTPD1 0 0 601 659 1 1
P2RX7 CD40LG 0 0 141 262 1 1
P2RX7 PTGS1 0 0 398 398 1 1
P2RX7 CPEB3 0 0 47 153 1 1
P2RX7 CXCR4 0 0 218 225 1 2
P2RX7 C4A 0 0 107 166 1 1
P2RX7 CD163 0 0 188 229 1 1
P2RX7 SAA1 0 0 124 232 1 1
P2RX7 MTOR 0 0 181 192 1 2
P2RX7 NLRP1 0 0 500 533 1 1
P2RX7 TAOK3 0 0 154 155 1 1
P2RX7 GABRA1 0 0 75 154 1 1
P2RX7 TRPC1 0 0 234 234 1 1
P2RX7 INPPL1 0 0 0 239 1 1
P2RX7 ANXA5 0 0 255 317 1 2
P2RX7 PTGER1 0 0 181 181 1 1
P2RX7 C5AR1 0 0 172 250 1 1
P2RX7 CXCL13 0 0 144 186 1 1
P2RX7 GJD2 0 0 241 272 1 1
P2RX7 GSDMA 0 0 218 218 1 1
P2RX7 FNTB 0 0 66 207 1 1
P2RX7 IL4R 0 0 140 162 1 1
P2RX7 TPCN2 0 0 128 217 1 1
P2RX7 PANX3 0 0 504 590 1 1
P2RX7 KCNJ11 0 0 106 161 1 1
P2RX7 TMEM119 0 0 195 206 1 1
P2RX7 IGJ 0 0 61 206 1 1
P2RX7 CCL5 0 0 264 307 1 2
P2RX7 ENTPD7 0 0 207 262 1 1
P2RX7 CREB1 0 0 213 230 1 2
P2RX7 GSDMD 0 0 391 442 1 2
P2RX7 IL2RB 0 0 92 537 1 1
P2RX7 RAPGEF3 0 0 134 194 1 1
P2RX7 IFNG 0 0 250 426 1 2
P2RX7 PNPO 0 0 53 159 1 1
P2RX7 TRPC3 0 0 204 204 1 1
P2RX7 LPAR5 0 0 0 154 1 1
P2RX7 GAPDH 0 0 325 325 1 2
P2RX7 ENTPD2 0 0 503 521 1 1
P2RX7 TLR4 0 0 677 739 1 2
P2RX7 EMR1 0 0 57 151 1 1
P2RX7 ABL1 128 0 74 191 1 1
P2RX7 CX3CL1 0 0 391 418 1 1
P2RX7 NOS2 0 0 203 276 1 2
P2RX7 CD14 0 0 0 177 1 1
P2RX7 CD83 0 0 130 162 1 1
P2RX7 GAPT 0 0 84 151 1 1
P2RX7 ART5 0 0 112 187 1 1
P2RX7 ZAP70 0 0 307 454 1 1
P2RX7 CLEC7A 0 0 150 198 1 1
P2RX7 TLR10 0 0 136 221 1 1
P2RX7 ITPR2 0 0 103 159 1 1
P2RX7 MMP20 0 0 0 294 1 1
P2RX7 GJB2 0 0 217 248 1 1
P2RX7 P2RY8 0 0 53 394 1 1
P2RX7 ART4 0 0 134 173 1 1
P2RX7 GJB6 0 0 174 201 1 1
P2RX7 BCL2L1 0 0 134 610 1 2
P2RX7 MYO1D 0 0 66 199 1 1
P2RX7 PELP1 0 0 73 171 1 2
P2RX7 LAMC2 0 0 0 151 1 1
P2RX7 GJB1 0 0 187 247 1 1
P2RX7 NOS1 0 0 102 175 1 1
P2RX7 SLC6A12 0 0 103 154 1 1
P2RX7 CASP1 0 0 689 803 1 2
P2RX7 SNCA 0 0 475 475 1 2
P2RX7 CD27 0 0 112 173 1 1
P2RX7 CD74 0 0 57 225 1 1
P2RX7 CHRNA7 0 0 90 167 1 1
P2RX7 AIF1 0 0 390 412 1 2
P2RX7 HSPA1A 0 0 94 212 1 1
P2RX7 CAV1 0 0 134 484 1 2
P2RX7 ALG8 0 0 57 183 1 1
P2RX7 ENSG00000173366 0 0 391 417 1 1
P2RX7 KCNK3 0 0 142 160 1 1
P2RX7 TPP1 0 0 45 193 1 1
P2RX7 S1PR4 0 0 49 153 1 1
P2RX7 GRIN2C 0 800 74 806 1 1
P2RX7 CCL24 0 0 0 295 1 1
P2RX7 ITGAL 0 0 123 285 1 1
P2RX7 SERPINB2 0 0 97 233 1 1
P2RX7 ACAD11 0 0 63 266 1 1
P2RX7 JUN 0 0 226 259 1 2
P2RX7 ITPR3 0 0 218 231 1 1
P2RX7 SCN3A 0 0 195 195 1 1
P2RX7 CCRL2 0 0 184 183 1 1
P2RX7 NFKBIL1 0 0 48 216 1 1
P2RX7 GRIN2A 0 800 134 820 1 1
P2RX7 P2RX6 0 800 804 834 1 1
P2RX7 P2RX5 0 800 810 857 1 1
P2RX7 GRB2 116 0 0 200 1 1
P2RX7 DLEC1 0 0 46 305 1 1
P2RX7 LTA 0 0 74 173 1 1
P2RX7 SOD1 0 0 188 198 1 2
P2RX7 CD69 0 0 183 183 1 1
P2RX7 CCR5 0 0 218 294 1 1
P2RX7 IL37 0 0 142 172 1 1
P2RX7 TRPC5 0 0 179 190 1 1
P2RX7 ENPP6 0 0 124 276 1 1
P2RX7 IL7R 0 0 146 527 1 1
P2RX7 P2RY12 0 0 703 722 1 1
P2RX7 KCNMB1 0 0 90 173 1 1
P2RX7 CALR 0 0 454 454 1 1
P2RX7 GAP43 0 0 166 165 1 1
P2RX7 CD8A 0 0 407 420 1 1
P2RX7 HAVCR2 0 0 193 265 1 1
P2RX7 P2RY1 0 0 759 792 1 1
P2RX7 TREM2 0 0 285 311 1 1
P2RX7 CPEB2 0 0 46 261 1 1
P2RX7 MMP2 0 0 161 161 1 2
P2RX7 GRIN2D 0 800 74 806 1 1
P2RX7 RIPK2 0 0 151 150 1 2
P2RX7 KCNK6 0 0 218 270 1 1
P2RX7 SPP1 0 0 181 181 1 2
P2RX7 HSPA8 0 0 75 236 1 2
P2RX7 RHOA 0 0 193 212 1 2
P2RX7 PARP1 0 0 294 294 1 2
P2RX7 TLR5 0 0 261 277 1 1
P2RX7 LRRC8A 0 0 139 198 1 1
P2RX7 TPM1 0 0 0 203 1 1
P2RX7 IMMP2L 0 0 48 605 1 1
P2RX7 OR8D2 0 0 181 321 1 1
P2RX7 BAX 0 0 63 150 1 2
P2RX7 GPR29 0 0 171 225 1 1
P2RX7 CXCL12 0 0 211 211 1 2
P2RX7 ENTPD8 0 0 233 262 1 1
P2RX7 TRPM5 0 0 113 168 1 1
P2RX7 MLKL 0 0 166 165 1 2
P2RX7 PTPRC 0 0 242 425 1 1
P2RX7 CXCR1 0 0 120 154 1 1
P2RX7 NLRP9 0 0 181 262 1 1
P2RX7 FYB 0 0 0 209 1 1
P2RX7 MYH9 0 0 442 635 1 1
P2RX7 ADSL 0 0 49 218 1 1
P2RX7 ASAP3 0 0 66 155 1 1
P2RX7 DPF3 0 0 43 201 1 1
P2RX7 ICAM1 0 0 261 261 1 2
P2RX7 CEBPE 0 0 0 258 1 1
P2RX7 PTPRO 0 0 0 249 1 1
P2RX7 CRTAM 0 0 0 533 1 1
P2RX7 ADORA2A 0 0 520 536 1 1
P2RX7 LY9 0 0 0 511 1 1
P2RX7 TBL2 0 0 70 213 1 1
P2RX7 CALHM1 0 0 255 404 1 1
P2RX7 HSP90AA1 0 0 279 304 1 2
P2RX7 LBP 0 0 0 185 1 1
P2RX7 HPGDS 0 0 164 164 1 1
P2RX7 P2RX2 0 650 862 715 1 1
P2RX7 ACSBG1 0 0 66 280 1 1
P2RX7 XCL2 0 0 0 424 1 1
P2RX7 PANX2 0 0 507 617 1 1
P2RX7 PSEN1 0 0 138 178 1 2
P2RX7 MYO1G 0 0 0 202 1 1
P2RX7 ABCA4 0 0 74 175 1 1
P2RX7 CRP 0 0 167 187 1 2
P2RX7 EMP2 0 0 108 287 1 1
P2RX7 ACTB 213 0 284 449 1 2
P2RX7 INS 0 0 245 244 1 2
P2RX7 SELP 0 0 154 155 1 1
P2RX7 GNA14 0 0 58 200 1 1
P2RX7 ENSG00000258555 0 0 395 415 1 1
P2RX7 SELL 0 0 262 328 1 1
P2RX7 GRAP2 0 0 0 325 1 1
P2RX7 FPR2 0 0 529 554 1 1
P2RX7 GPR34 0 0 155 251 1 1
P2RX7 NLRX1 0 0 233 263 1 2
P2RX7 CD40 0 0 230 249 1 2
P2RX7 MAPK3 0 0 347 358 1 2
P2RX7 MMP9 0 0 294 338 1 2
P2RX7 MYL12B 0 0 0 189 1 1
P2RX7 FCGR2B 0 0 160 190 1 1
P2RX7 F2RL2 0 0 98 344 1 1
P2RX7 SCARB1 0 0 150 171 1 1
P2RX7 IL4 0 0 369 397 1 1
P2RX7 PLD3 0 0 0 163 1 1
P2RX7 ADRA2A 0 0 74 167 1 1
P2RX7 ENPP2 0 0 167 255 1 1
P2RX7 SIRPA 0 0 146 173 1 1
P2RX7 MYLK 0 0 116 163 1 1
P2RX7 HVCN1 0 0 155 230 1 1
P2RX7 ROCK1 0 0 161 183 1 2
P2RX7 TRPM4 0 0 162 161 1 1
P2RX7 CCL2 0 0 457 569 1 2
P2RX7 KNG1 0 0 241 242 1 1
P2RX7 OSBPL2 0 0 70 215 1 1
P2RX7 CD68 0 0 260 322 1 2
P2RX7 CASP8 0 0 261 294 1 2
P2RX7 ALB 0 0 292 356 1 2
P2RX7 MRGPRX2 0 0 266 378 1 1
P2RX7 IL16 0 0 83 221 1 1
P2RX7 CARD17 0 0 0 380 1 1
P2RX7 TYROBP 0 0 141 192 1 1
P2RX7 ITGB1 0 0 97 175 1 1
P2RX7 GFRA2 0 0 74 229 1 1
P2RX7 FKBP5 0 0 151 150 1 1
P2RX7 TSC22D1 0 0 0 187 1 1
P2RX7 GDPD4 0 0 0 302 1 1
P2RX7 DPP4 0 0 108 163 1 1
P2RX7 IAPP 0 0 96 152 1 2
P2RX7 ABCA1 0 0 150 192 1 2
P2RX7 EIF2B3 0 0 57 226 1 1
P2RX7 IL1A 0 0 383 396 1 1
P2RX7 HTR1A 0 0 172 171 1 1
P2RX7 CCL4 0 0 167 251 1 1
P2RX7 ART3 0 0 149 180 1 1
P2RX7 MAVS 0 0 164 170 1 2
P2RX7 KLHL6 0 0 47 234 1 1
P2RX7 ACVR2B 0 0 0 206 1 1
P2RX7 DDX58 0 0 245 270 1 1
P2RX7 AIM2 0 0 460 497 1 2
P2RX7 C4B 0 0 107 166 1 1
P2RX7 AGER 0 0 391 390 1 2
P2RX7 MOGAT3 0 0 108 189 1 1
P2RX7 CDH1 0 0 161 161 1 2
P2RX7 PTPRJ 0 0 54 240 1 1
P2RX7 MB21D1 0 0 242 241 1 1
P2RX7 OR2M7 0 0 134 274 1 1
P2RX7 BMP7 0 0 0 223 1 1
P2RX7 MAPK8 0 0 135 174 1 2
P2RX7 ARG1 0 0 203 221 1 2
P2RX7 PTK2 0 0 113 228 1 2
P2RX7 TCHHL1 0 0 103 347 1 1
P2RX7 BHLHE40 0 0 54 153 1 1
P2RX7 PKDCC 0 0 0 187 1 1
P2RX7 NTNG1 0 0 0 151 1 1
P2RX7 TRPM8 0 0 193 193 1 1
P2RX7 CALCA 0 0 253 272 1 1
P2RX7 CD79B 0 0 47 211 1 1
P2RX7 IFIH1 0 0 134 176 1 1
P2RX7 STIM2 0 0 162 161 1 1
P2RX7 GRM3 0 0 146 163 1 1
P2RX7 VR1 0 0 503 512 1 1
P2RX7 CCR1 0 0 134 206 1 1
P2RX7 CMTR1 0 0 204 204 1 1
P2RX7 KCNV1 0 0 57 152 1 1
P2RX7 PTGER4 0 0 161 161 1 1
P2RX7 TAS2R4 0 0 86 242 1 1
P2RX7 NR3C1 0 0 155 154 1 1
P2RX7 PRF1 0 0 167 179 1 1
P2RX7 GDPD5 0 0 0 208 1 1
P2RX7 TSPAN3 0 0 0 215 1 1
P2RX7 HNMT 0 0 47 274 1 1
P2RX7 CX3CR1 0 0 420 456 1 1
P2RX7 SAA2 0 0 0 159 1 1
P2RX7 HSPA4 0 0 454 454 1 1
P2RX7 XCR1 0 0 90 214 1 1
P2RX7 CXCL9 0 0 143 160 1 1
P2RX7 PIF1 0 0 0 196 1 1
P2RX7 KCNJ16 0 0 211 349 1 1
P2RX7 DEFB103B 0 0 270 270 1 1
P2RX7 SLC8A3 0 0 156 186 1 1
P2RX7 DAB2 0 0 70 187 1 1
P2RX7 CCR2 0 0 375 420 1 2
P2RX7 TRPC6 0 0 202 202 1 1
P2RX7 TLR7 0 0 314 441 1 2
P2RX7 CYCS 0 0 243 259 1 2
P2RX7 TRAF6 0 0 167 200 1 2
P2RX7 ITPR1 0 0 217 238 1 2
P2RX7 CASP9 0 0 154 164 1 2
P2RX7 SLC1A2 0 0 319 352 1 1
P2RX7 PYHIN1 0 0 45 154 1 1
P2RX7 NLRP5 0 0 122 176 1 1
P2RX7 ARL11 0 0 720 720 1 1
P2RX7 SYCE3 0 0 61 229 1 1
P2RX7 PRTN3 0 0 134 206 1 1
P2RX7 EGF 0 0 206 217 1 2
P2RX7 IL17A 0 0 373 390 1 2
P2RX7 SLC8B1 0 0 117 192 1 1
P2RX7 TMEM176B 0 0 67 186 1 1
P2RX7 RBFOX3 0 0 202 248 1 1
P2RX7 OBSL1 270 0 0 274 1 1
P2RX7 ASIC2 0 0 212 212 1 1
P2RX7 NAIP 0 0 294 315 1 1
P2RX7 TRAF3IP3 0 0 0 514 1 1
P2RX7 CD209 0 0 134 159 1 1
P2RX7 NT5E 0 0 457 495 1 1
P2RX7 ITK 0 0 0 254 1 1
P2RX7 BDNF 0 0 408 444 1 2
P2RX7 CD44 0 0 203 204 1 2
P2RX7 VDR 0 0 171 189 1 2
P2RX7 LPIN2 0 0 106 161 1 1
P2RX7 MMP3 0 0 143 166 1 1
P2RX7 IL1RN 0 0 326 325 1 1
P2RX7 SNAP25 0 0 123 216 1 1
P2RX7 TNF 0 0 518 592 1 2
P2RX7 PMP22 0 0 445 445 1 1
P2RX7 TIRAP 0 0 247 255 1 1
P2RX7 SHROOM1 0 0 81 345 1 1
P2RX7 ITIH4 0 0 134 154 1 1
P2RX7 IGF1 0 0 181 186 1 2
P2RX7 ACSBG2 0 0 0 164 1 1
P2RX7 DDX53 0 0 218 218 1 1
P2RX7 DEFB4A 0 0 211 211 1 1
P2RX7 WDFY3 0 0 0 183 1 2
P2RX7 CSF1R 0 0 195 268 1 1
P2RX7 MERTK 0 0 156 184 1 1
P2RX7 IMPG2 0 0 54 266 1 1
P2RX7 SLC6A13 0 0 136 177 1 1
P2RX7 CNR1 0 0 181 203 1 1
P2RX7 GBP5 0 0 83 161 1 1
P2RX7 CASK 111 0 95 179 1 1
P2RX7 BEST1 0 0 155 210 1 1
P2RX7 UBASH3B 0 0 56 200 1 1
P2RX7 ATF3 0 0 139 158 1 2
P2RX7 FGF2 0 0 164 173 1 2
P2RX7 SLC17A9 0 0 344 411 1 1
P2RX7 IFI16 0 0 150 231 1 1
P2RX7 BCL2A1 0 0 71 191 1 1
P2RX7 TXNIP 0 0 283 336 1 2
P2RX7 IL1R2 0 0 184 202 1 1
P2RX7 IL5 0 0 184 190 1 1
P2RX7 CACNG2 0 0 151 209 1 1
P2RX7 TFRC 0 0 66 402 1 1
P2RX7 ENSG00000272980 0 0 171 225 1 1
P2RX7 LAMC1 0 0 0 151 1 1
P2RX7 TMEM8C 0 0 55 227 1 1
P2RX7 EMP3 213 0 62 363 1 1
P2RX7 CMKLR1 0 0 161 180 1 1
P2RX7 SRPR 0 0 45 226 1 1
P2RX7 CACNA1B 0 0 181 181 1 1
P2RX7 CD274 0 0 195 231 1 2
P2RX7 CSF2RB 0 0 49 268 1 1
P2RX7 SBNO1 0 0 75 234 1 1
P2RX7 NOS3 0 0 167 202 1 2
P2RX7 KCNK9 0 0 218 218 1 1
P2RX7 NCF1 0 0 166 208 1 1
P2RX7 CD19 0 0 143 183 1 1
P2RX7 STIM1 0 0 404 407 1 2
P2RX7 ASIC1 0 0 142 219 1 2
P2RX7 P2RY10 0 0 181 341 1 1
P2RX7 SCN11A 0 0 219 219 1 1
P2RX7 ENPP5 0 0 148 279 1 1
P2RX7 MMP19 0 0 0 412 1 1
P2RX7 DAOA 0 0 181 181 1 1
P2RX7 SLCO2B1 0 0 46 158 1 1
P2RX7 FCGR1A 0 0 120 184 1 1
P2RX7 ADRB2 0 0 143 171 1 1
P2RX7 NLRP2 0 0 398 638 1 1
P2RX7 MUC1 0 0 52 152 1 1
P2RX7 CCDC158 0 0 0 151 1 1
P2RX7 CAT 0 0 123 155 1 2
P2RX7 PECAM1 0 0 123 173 1 1
P2RX7 PTK2B 0 0 170 280 1 1
P2RX7 CCL1 0 0 150 172 1 1
P2RX7 OPRM1 0 0 240 239 1 1
P2RX7 TXN 0 0 151 211 1 1
P2RX7 GRIA1 0 0 181 181 1 1
P2RX7 ADD1 0 0 52 297 1 1
P2RX7 PTPN2 0 0 0 163 1 2
P2RX7 BPIFC 0 0 0 185 1 1
P2RX7 CD38 0 0 260 313 1 2
P2RX7 BCL2 0 0 52 326 1 2
P2RX7 CCL19 0 0 71 482 1 1
P2RX7 LDLR 0 0 306 306 1 2
P2RX7 CTLA4 0 0 261 278 1 2
P2RX7 P2RY6 0 0 738 783 1 1
P2RX7 RIPK3 0 0 150 172 1 2
P2RX7 CCR4 0 0 47 189 1 1
P2RX7 GTF2B 0 0 57 202 1 1
P2RX7 ASIC3 0 0 310 309 1 1
P2RX7 TRPV4 0 0 324 338 1 1
P2RX7 GSTZ1 0 0 54 217 1 1
P2RX7 STK3 0 0 122 156 1 1
P2RX7 LAMA3 0 0 0 356 1 1
P2RX7 ADORA2B 0 0 509 512 1 1
P2RX7 C1QB 0 0 0 153 1 1
P2RX7 GLUL 0 0 233 234 1 1
P2RX7 F2R 0 0 102 163 1 1
P2RX7 TGFB1 0 0 136 245 1 2
P2RX7 VDAC1 0 0 163 163 1 2
P2RX7 BTN3A3 0 0 75 159 1 1
P2RX7 LYST 0 0 74 167 1 1
P2RX7 RAC2 0 0 94 176 1 1
P2RX7 P2RX1 0 800 987 853 1 1
P2RX7 ZNF546 0 0 96 235 1 1
P2RX7 PTPRQ 0 0 0 343 1 1
P2RX7 POLD3 0 0 0 189 1 1
P2RX7 CACNA1A 0 0 125 163 1 1
P2RX7 SLC17A7 0 0 134 151 1 1
P2RX7 HMOX1 0 0 163 164 1 2
P2RX7 FOXP3 0 0 284 303 1 2
P2RX7 VSIG10L 0 0 155 337 1 1
P2RX7 ADAM23 0 0 0 196 1 1
P2RX7 COMT 0 0 246 245 1 1
P2RX7 HTR2A 0 0 210 227 1 1
P2RX7 P2RY13 0 0 662 687 1 1
P2RX7 TLR3 0 0 330 389 1 2
P2RX7 LGALS3 0 0 143 193 1 2
P2RX7 RGS18 0 0 0 154 1 1
P2RX7 ADA 0 0 292 310 1 1
P2RX7 SRC 0 0 211 282 1 2
P2RX7 ORAI2 0 0 123 166 1 1
P2RX7 CD3G 0 0 0 154 1 1
P2RX7 IRF8 0 0 134 196 1 1
P2RX7 CDC42 0 0 94 153 1 2
P2RX7 BPI 0 0 81 218 1 1
P2RX7 TNFSF11 0 0 243 264 1 2
P2RX7 CD47 0 0 184 183 1 2
P2RX7 SLC24A4 0 0 0 194 1 1
P2RX7 TRPV2 0 0 234 250 1 1
P2RX7 APOE 0 0 161 175 1 2
P2RX7 OXT 0 0 161 161 1 1
P2RX7 GJA5 0 0 95 151 1 1
P2RX7 NGF 0 0 277 293 1 2
P2RX7 IRF3 0 0 204 204 1 2
P2RX7 NLRP7 0 0 194 515 1 1
P2RX7 TH 0 0 162 161 1 2
P2RX7 CD1D 0 0 141 158 1 1
P2RX7 ENTPD3 0 0 325 406 1 1
P2RX7 PYCARD 0 0 460 498 1 2
P2RX7 TLR9 0 0 394 420 1 2
P2RX7 PKD2 0 0 135 167 1 2
P2RX7 TSC22D2 0 0 73 378 1 1
P2RX7 CXCL10 0 0 290 290 1 2
P2RX7 USH2A 0 0 0 158 1 1
P2RX7 GJA3 0 0 113 360 1 1
P2RX7 GRM5 0 0 210 258 1 1
P2RX7 GJA1 0 0 501 576 1 1
P2RX7 SIRT4 0 0 89 174 1 1
P2RX7 AMPD3 0 0 89 154 1 1
P2RX7 NOX4 0 0 108 182 1 2
P2RX7 XIAP 0 0 150 169 1 2
P2RX7 RUNX2 0 0 150 173 1 2
P2RX7 CD247 0 0 0 183 1 1
P2RX7 GABRE 0 0 134 164 1 1
P2RX7 NTRK2 0 0 167 167 1 1
P2RX7 NLRC4 0 0 466 548 1 2
P2RX7 IKBKB 0 0 162 209 1 2
P2RX7 DUOX1 0 0 170 188 1 1
P2RX7 PANX1 213 600 988 996 1 1
P2RX7 CARD8 0 0 412 412 1 1
P2RX7 FAS 0 0 95 151 1 2
P2RX7 INPP5D 0 0 0 196 1 1
P2RX7 CD4 0 0 406 551 1 2
P2RX7 VCAM1 0 0 205 358 1 1
P2RX7 SCN9A 0 0 347 347 1 1
P2RX7 AKT1 0 0 390 403 1 2
P2RX7 CYTH4 0 0 0 197 1 1
P2RX7 PPARG 0 0 166 192 1 2
P2RX7 LY96 0 0 150 208 1 1
P2RX7 AP2M1 0 0 0 171 1 1
P2RX7 CSF2 0 0 261 277 1 1
P2RX7 CACNA2D1 0 0 0 157 1 1
P2RX7 KIAA1919 0 0 0 206 1 1
P2RX7 ANXA1 0 0 231 247 1 1
P2RX7 IL2 0 0 286 299 1 1
P2RX7 TLR6 0 0 234 267 1 1
P2RX7 LRP1 0 0 545 545 1 1
P2RX7 NFAM1 0 0 67 167 1 1
P2RX7 BECN1 0 0 210 210 1 2
P2RX7 CCL7 0 0 155 330 1 1
P2RX7 THBS1 0 0 149 211 1 1
P2RX7 GRIN2B 0 0 166 186 1 1
P2RX7 LRRK2 0 0 75 171 1 2
P2RX7 ORAI3 0 0 123 155 1 1
P2RX7 ZNF383 0 0 109 191 1 1
P2RX7 MAPK11 0 0 74 153 1 1
P2RX7 TLR2 0 0 699 745 1 2
P2RX7 P2RY11 0 0 700 700 1 1
P2RX7 BGN 0 0 699 699 1 1
P2RX7 FBXO21 0 0 85 286 1 1
P2RX7 TACR1 0 0 145 177 1 1
P2RX7 GFM2 0 0 95 650 1 1
P2RX7 CD86 0 0 249 309 1 1
P2RX7 CARD11 0 0 0 156 1 1
P2RX7 NOD1 0 0 245 283 1 2
P2RX7 PDIA3 0 0 150 156 1 1
P2RX7 CLIC1 0 0 134 188 1 1
P2RX7 SULT1C3 0 0 90 238 1 1
P2RX7 KCNMB3 0 0 115 178 1 1
P2RX7 CLEC9A 0 0 180 198 1 1
P2RX7 GJC1 0 0 234 281 1 1
P2RX7 SOCS3 0 0 142 192 1 1
P2RX7 ANO10 0 0 155 154 1 1
P2RX7 IGSF6 0 0 72 156 1 1
P2RX7 MNDA 0 0 0 184 1 1
P2RX7 EXPH5 0 0 63 318 1 1
P2RX7 TBC1D2B 0 0 74 166 1 1
P2RX7 KCNK10 0 0 160 159 1 1
P2RX7 FOS 0 0 195 213 1 2
P2RX7 FASLG 0 0 181 181 1 1
P2RX7 PTPN18 0 0 0 326 1 1
P2RX7 AQP4 0 0 203 214 1 1
P2RX7 GDPD2 0 0 0 302 1 1
P2RX7 IFNGR1 0 0 151 157 1 1
P2RX7 SVIL 213 0 142 548 1 1
P2RX7 TAS1R3 0 0 50 150 1 1
P2RX7 PKN2 0 0 57 188 1 1
P2RX7 EPAS1 0 0 45 209 1 2
P2RX7 ITGB2 0 0 202 351 1 1
P2RX7 SLC11A1 0 0 324 364 1 1
P2RX7 S100B 0 0 245 272 1 1
P2RX7 ITGAX 0 0 228 300 1 1
P2RX7 MRC1 0 0 193 243 1 1
P2RX7 MOK 0 0 113 153 1 1
P2RX7 CALHM2 0 0 94 189 1 1
P2RX7 KCNQ2 0 0 148 206 1 1
P2RX7 PTPN12 0 0 0 326 1 1
P2RX7 CASP4 0 0 83 234 1 2
P2RX7 CNOT3 0 0 70 231 1 1
P2RX7 TRPM3 0 0 170 169 1 1
P2RX7 CACNA1H 0 0 113 250 1 1
P2RX7 IL1RAP 0 0 169 181 1 1
P2RX7 RBL2 0 0 69 212 1 1
P2RX7 LAMB4 0 0 57 151 1 1
P2RX7 SMPD1 0 0 265 298 1 1
P2RX7 NOD2 0 0 284 355 1 2
P2RX7 PTPRB 0 0 74 420 1 1
P2RX7 CIITA 0 0 145 573 1 1
P2RX7 LAMA2 0 0 55 164 1 1
P2RX7 TSPO 0 0 284 310 1 1
P2RX7 ADAM28 0 0 70 166 1 1
P2RX7 CSF1 0 0 233 242 1 1
P2RX7 RIPK1 0 0 157 163 1 2
P2RX7 KCNJ10 0 0 218 236 1 1
P2RX7 TFB2M 0 0 0 497 1 1
P2RX7 MORF4L1 0 0 0 252 1 1
P2RX7 AHSG 0 0 64 447 1 1
P2RX7 CARD16 0 0 0 380 1 1
P2RX7 NLRP3 0 0 776 918 1 2
P2RX7 HSPA1B 0 0 0 165 1 1
P2RX7 P2RX3 0 800 829 822 1 1
P2RX7 IL33 0 0 335 370 1 2
P2RX7 TRPM2 0 0 205 228 1 2
P2RX7 CXCL1 0 0 252 262 1 2
P2RX7 F3 0 0 171 186 1 1
P2RX7 CASP3 0 0 375 391 1 2
P2RX7 CCL11 0 0 97 160 1 1
P2RX7 PTGS2 0 0 293 315 1 2
P2RX7 MSR1 0 0 97 202 1 1
P2RX7 P2RY4 0 0 718 760 1 1
P2RX7 ENPP1 0 0 232 262 1 1
P2RX7 IL13 0 0 293 305 1 2
P2RX7 ALOX5 0 0 160 194 1 1
P2RX7 CTSS 0 0 0 235 1 1
P2RX7 TRPC4 0 0 145 168 1 1
P2RX7 GRM1 0 0 171 257 1 1
P2RX7 MIEN1 0 0 70 212 1 1
P2RX7 CYBB 0 0 294 354 1 2
P2RX7 CD28 0 0 181 216 1 1
P2RX7 CD5 0 0 328 328 1 1
P2RX7 GPR65 0 0 0 185 1 1
P2RX7 FPR3 0 0 125 166 1 1
P2RX7 ENSG00000279624 0 0 54 150 1 1
P2RX7 FCGR2A 0 0 135 178 1 1
P2RX7 SH3BP1 0 0 0 152 1 1
P2RX7 MAPK14 0 0 193 318 1 2
P2RX7 DOCK8 0 0 0 237 1 1
P2RX7 PAX1 0 0 0 216 1 1
P2RX7 IL21R 0 0 68 539 1 1
P2RX7 DIMT1 0 0 0 256 1 1
P2RX7 CSF3R 0 0 0 161 1 1
P2RX7 NFKBIA 0 0 167 179 1 2
P2RX7 S1PR1 0 0 138 176 1 1
P2RX7 SYK 0 0 307 382 1 2
P2RX7 ZNF37A 0 0 90 230 1 1
P2RX7 GABRQ 0 0 183 183 1 1
P2RX7 CHURC1-FNTB 0 0 70 210 1 1
P2RX7 PKD2L1 0 0 90 168 1 1
P2RX7 NFATC1 0 0 243 242 1 2
P2RX7 CD200 0 0 157 176 1 1
P2RX7 EDIL3 0 0 46 228 1 1
P2RX7 CASP5 0 0 410 507 1 1
P2RX7 CYTIP 0 0 0 267 1 1
P2RX7 GAPDHS 0 0 0 250 1 1
P2RX7 MBP 0 0 173 208 1 2
P2RX7 PTEN 0 0 156 155 1 2
P2RX7 NEK7 0 0 151 237 1 1
P2RX7 TNFRSF11A 0 0 130 184 1 1
P2RX7 VEGFA 0 0 284 284 1 2
P2RX7 CACNG4 0 0 84 225 1 1
P2RX7 TRPV3 0 0 170 169 1 1
P2RX7 NLRP6 0 0 341 372 1 1
P2RX7 IRF4 0 0 108 186 1 1
P2RX7 FPR1 0 0 391 426 1 1
P2RX7 CXCL2 0 0 241 251 1 1
P2RX7 IRAK4 0 0 109 198 1 1
P2RX7 PARVG 0 0 71 238 1 1
P2RX7 IL10 0 0 460 494 1 2
P2RX7 CCL20 0 0 174 173 1 1
P2RX7 KCNK4 0 0 161 161 1 1
P2RX7 GFAP 0 0 325 365 1 2
P2RX7 OPRD1 0 0 167 173 1 1
P2RX7 IKZF1 0 0 0 372 1 1
P2RX7 CMPK2 0 0 131 152 1 1
P2RX7 GIMAP7 0 0 70 187 1 1
P2RX7 PREX1 0 0 162 162 1 1
P2RX7 DLG4 0 0 125 317 1 2
P2RX7 ATG7 0 0 151 150 1 2
P2RX7 TAC1 0 0 321 335 1 1
P2RX7 SELE 0 0 161 161 1 1
P2RX7 TJP1 0 0 156 155 1 1
P2RX7 GPR174 0 0 0 512 1 1
P2RX7 FCGR3B 0 0 150 170 1 1
P2RX7 CCL3 0 0 261 319 1 1
P2RX7 CTSG 0 0 125 161 1 1
P2RX7 GABRA6 0 0 95 292 1 1
P2RX7 KCNA3 0 0 293 310 1 1
P2RX7 MARCO 0 0 46 175 1 1
P2RX7 KCNK2 0 0 181 190 1 1
P2RX7 C3 0 650 113 680 1 2
P2RX7 ADK 0 0 140 232 1 1
P2RX7 CXCR5 0 0 115 246 1 1
P2RX7 MMP13 0 0 142 160 1 2
P2RX7 CCR7 0 0 142 174 1 1
P2RX7 FN1 0 0 215 231 1 2
P2RX7 CASR 0 0 113 168 1 2
P2RX7 C1QC 0 0 0 216 1 1
P2RX7 LPAR6 0 0 180 179 1 1
P2RX7 TBX21 0 0 143 164 1 1
P2RX7 KCNK5 0 0 152 151 1 1
P2RX7 ELANE 0 0 162 175 1 1
P2RX7 PTPRH 0 0 0 229 1 1
P2RX7 ADAM17 0 0 166 212 1 1
P2RX7 EHBP1 0 0 140 216 1 1
P2RX7 MYO1F 0 0 0 170 1 1
P2RX7 DFFB 0 0 92 177 1 1
P2RX7 MAP1LC3B 0 0 127 150 1 2
P2RX7 XCL1 0 0 0 424 1 1
P2RX7 WDFY4 0 0 0 221 1 1
P2RX7 LAMA1 0 0 0 151 1 1
P2RX7 LAMC3 0 0 0 151 1 1
P2RX7 KCNN4 0 0 292 304 1 1
P2RX7 ANO6 0 0 324 425 1 1
P2RX7 C1QA 0 0 74 243 1 1
P2RX7 CXCR3 0 0 159 158 1 1
P2RX7 PRKD1 0 0 155 154 1 1
P2RX7 TLR8 0 0 218 272 1 1
P2RX7 SYP 0 0 141 164 1 1
P2RX7 GRIN1 0 800 90 826 1 1
P2RX7 NLRP14 0 0 0 208 1 1
P2RX7 ATG5 0 0 213 214 1 2
P2RX7 CALCOCO2 0 0 95 250 1 2
P2RX7 HMGB1 0 0 524 556 1 2
P2RX7 IFNB1 0 0 267 291 1 1
P2RX7 P2RY2 0 0 805 815 1 1
P2RX7 PDCD1 0 0 125 156 1 2
P2RX7 ITGAM 0 0 341 409 1 1
P2RX7 TRPA1 0 0 341 341 1 1
P2RX7 RGS1 0 0 69 189 1 1
P2RX7 MAP3K5 0 0 141 163 1 1
P2RX7 MCL1 0 0 67 154 1 2
P2RX7 SIRT1 0 0 136 156 1 2
P2RX7 CST7 0 0 0 165 1 1
P2RX7 KCNS1 0 0 232 231 1 1
P2RX7 CTSB 0 0 398 474 1 2
P2RX7 NOX1 0 0 134 182 1 1
P2RX7 SPI1 0 0 120 254 1 1
P2RX7 ACADS 0 0 67 165 1 1
ID Category Term Effect Evidence PubMed
GO:0005524 Molecular Function ATP binding enables IC
GO:0004931 Molecular Function extracellularly ATP-gated monoatomic cation channel activity enables IBA
GO:0004931 Molecular Function extracellularly ATP-gated monoatomic cation channel activity enables IDA
GO:0042802 Molecular Function identical protein binding enables ISS
GO:0001530 Molecular Function lipopolysaccharide binding enables ISS
GO:0005515 Molecular Function protein binding enables IPI
GO:0001614 Molecular Function purinergic nucleotide receptor activity enables IDA
GO:0005102 Molecular Function signaling receptor binding enables ISS
GO:0000165 Biological Process MAPK cascade involved_in IEA
GO:0043132 Biological Process NAD transport involved_in IEA
GO:0070231 Biological Process T cell apoptotic process involved_in IEA
GO:0043029 Biological Process T cell homeostasis involved_in IEA
GO:0001913 Biological Process T cell mediated cytotoxicity involved_in IEA
GO:0042098 Biological Process T cell proliferation involved_in IEA
GO:0097190 Biological Process apoptotic signaling pathway involved_in ISS
GO:0032060 Biological Process bleb assembly involved_in IDA
GO:0032060 Biological Process bleb assembly involved_in ISS
GO:0070588 Biological Process calcium ion transmembrane transport involved_in IBA
GO:0035585 Biological Process calcium-mediated signaling using extracellular calcium source involved_in TAS
GO:0000902 Biological Process cell morphogenesis involved_in IEA
GO:0007166 Biological Process cell surface receptor signaling pathway involved_in IBA
GO:0007166 Biological Process cell surface receptor signaling pathway involved_in ISS
GO:0071318 Biological Process cellular response to ATP involved_in TAS
GO:0071359 Biological Process cellular response to dsRNA involved_in IEA
GO:0031668 Biological Process cellular response to extracellular stimulus involved_in IEA
GO:0046513 Biological Process ceramide biosynthetic process involved_in IEA
GO:0032963 Biological Process collagen metabolic process involved_in IEA
GO:0050830 Biological Process defense response to Gram-positive bacterium involved_in IEA
GO:0060079 Biological Process excitatory postsynaptic potential involved_in IEA
GO:0097191 Biological Process extrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway involved_in ISS
GO:0014051 Biological Process gamma-aminobutyric acid secretion involved_in IEA
GO:0014047 Biological Process glutamate secretion involved_in IEA
GO:0048873 Biological Process homeostasis of number of cells within a tissue involved_in IEA
GO:0006954 Biological Process inflammatory response involved_in IEA
GO:0051899 Biological Process membrane depolarization involved_in IDA
GO:0006509 Biological Process membrane protein ectodomain proteolysis involved_in IEA
GO:0051882 Biological Process mitochondrial depolarization involved_in IEA
GO:0007005 Biological Process mitochondrion organization involved_in IEA
GO:0043409 Biological Process negative regulation of MAPK cascade involved_in ISS
GO:0045779 Biological Process negative regulation of bone resorption involved_in ISS
GO:0045794 Biological Process negative regulation of cell volume involved_in IMP
GO:0001845 Biological Process phagolysosome assembly involved_in IEA
GO:0006649 Biological Process phospholipid transfer to membrane involved_in IEA
GO:0017121 Biological Process plasma membrane phospholipid scrambling involved_in IDA
GO:0046931 Biological Process pore complex assembly involved_in IDA
GO:0046931 Biological Process pore complex assembly involved_in IMP
GO:0043410 Biological Process positive regulation of MAPK cascade involved_in IEA
GO:0070234 Biological Process positive regulation of T cell apoptotic process involved_in IEA
GO:0001916 Biological Process positive regulation of T cell mediated cytotoxicity involved_in IEA
GO:1904172 Biological Process positive regulation of bleb assembly involved_in IMP
GO:0030501 Biological Process positive regulation of bone mineralization involved_in ISS
GO:0010524 Biological Process positive regulation of calcium ion transport into cytosol involved_in IDA
GO:0051495 Biological Process positive regulation of cytoskeleton organization involved_in ISS
GO:0014054 Biological Process positive regulation of gamma-aminobutyric acid secretion involved_in IEA
GO:0010628 Biological Process positive regulation of gene expression involved_in IMP
GO:0014049 Biological Process positive regulation of glutamate secretion involved_in IEA
GO:0045821 Biological Process positive regulation of glycolytic process involved_in IMP
GO:0032730 Biological Process positive regulation of interleukin-1 alpha production involved_in IEA
GO:0032731 Biological Process positive regulation of interleukin-1 beta production involved_in IDA
GO:0032755 Biological Process positive regulation of interleukin-6 production involved_in IEA
GO:0060907 Biological Process positive regulation of macrophage cytokine production involved_in IEA
GO:0051901 Biological Process positive regulation of mitochondrial depolarization involved_in IEA
GO:0034767 Biological Process positive regulation of monoatomic ion transmembrane transport involved_in IMP
GO:0032308 Biological Process positive regulation of prostaglandin secretion involved_in IEA
GO:0001934 Biological Process positive regulation of protein phosphorylation involved_in IEA
GO:0050714 Biological Process positive regulation of protein secretion involved_in IEA
GO:0032310 Biological Process prostaglandin secretion involved_in IEA
GO:0030163 Biological Process protein catabolic process involved_in IEA
GO:0016485 Biological Process protein processing involved_in IEA
GO:0009306 Biological Process protein secretion involved_in IEA
GO:0035590 Biological Process purinergic nucleotide receptor signaling pathway involved_in IMP
GO:0035590 Biological Process purinergic nucleotide receptor signaling pathway involved_in TAS
GO:0072593 Biological Process reactive oxygen species metabolic process involved_in IEA
GO:0051709 Biological Process regulation of killing of cells of another organism involved_in NAS
GO:0002028 Biological Process regulation of sodium ion transport involved_in ISS
GO:0051209 Biological Process release of sequestered calcium ion into cytosol involved_in IEA
GO:0033198 Biological Process response to ATP involved_in IDA
GO:0051592 Biological Process response to calcium ion involved_in IEA
GO:0051602 Biological Process response to electrical stimulus involved_in IEA
GO:0034405 Biological Process response to fluid shear stress involved_in IEA
GO:0002931 Biological Process response to ischemia involved_in NAS
GO:0032496 Biological Process response to lipopolysaccharide involved_in IEA
GO:0009612 Biological Process response to mechanical stimulus involved_in IEA
GO:0009410 Biological Process response to xenobiotic stimulus involved_in IEA
GO:0010043 Biological Process response to zinc ion involved_in IEA
GO:0019233 Biological Process sensory perception of pain involved_in ISS
GO:0048705 Biological Process skeletal system morphogenesis involved_in IEA
GO:0016079 Biological Process synaptic vesicle exocytosis involved_in IEA
GO:0006900 Biological Process vesicle budding from membrane involved_in IEA
GO:0032059 Cellular Component bleb located_in ISS
GO:0005911 Cellular Component cell-cell junction located_in IEA
GO:0005737 Cellular Component cytoplasm located_in ISS
GO:0009897 Cellular Component external side of plasma membrane located_in IEA
GO:0016020 Cellular Component membrane located_in IDA
GO:0005739 Cellular Component mitochondrion located_in IEA
GO:0031594 Cellular Component neuromuscular junction located_in IEA
GO:0043025 Cellular Component neuronal cell body located_in IEA
GO:0005886 Cellular Component plasma membrane is_active_in IBA
GO:0005886 Cellular Component plasma membrane located_in IC
GO:0005886 Cellular Component plasma membrane located_in IDA
GO:0005886 Cellular Component plasma membrane located_in ISS
GO:0005886 Cellular Component plasma membrane located_in TAS
GO:0098794 Cellular Component postsynapse located_in IEA
GO:0098793 Cellular Component presynapse located_in IEA
Name DB ID
Hemostasis Reactome R-HSA-109582
Elevation of cytosolic Ca2+ levels Reactome R-HSA-139853
Disease Reactome R-HSA-1643685
Innate Immune System Reactome R-HSA-168249
Immune System Reactome R-HSA-168256
Nucleotide-binding domain, leucine rich repeat containing receptor (NLR) signaling pathways Reactome R-HSA-168643
Platelet homeostasis Reactome R-HSA-418346
Platelet calcium homeostasis Reactome R-HSA-418360
Infectious disease Reactome R-HSA-5663205
Inflammasomes Reactome R-HSA-622312
The NLRP3 inflammasome Reactome R-HSA-844456
Leishmania infection Reactome R-HSA-9658195
Purinergic signaling in leishmaniasis infection Reactome R-HSA-9660826
Cell recruitment (pro-inflammatory response) Reactome R-HSA-9664424
Parasitic Infection Pathways Reactome R-HSA-9824443
Purinergic signaling (WP4900) WikiPathways WP4900_r123440
Accession Version MolecularType Name NCBI Comments
NR_033948 2 miscRNA transcript variant 2 NC_000012 Reference
NR_033949 2 miscRNA transcript variant 3 NC_000012 Reference
NR_033950 2 miscRNA transcript variant 4 NC_000012 Reference
NR_033951 2 miscRNA transcript variant 5 NC_000012 Reference
NR_033955 2 miscRNA transcript variant 9 NC_000012 Reference
NR_033954 2 miscRNA transcript variant 8 NC_000012 Reference
NR_033952 2 miscRNA transcript variant 6 NC_000012 Reference
NR_033956 2 miscRNA transcript variant 10 NC_000012 Reference
NR_033953 2 miscRNA transcript variant 7 NC_000012 Reference
NM_002562 6 mRNA transcript variant 1 NC_000012 Reference
XM_047428912 1 mRNA transcript variant X1 NC_000012 Reference
XM_011538419 4 mRNA transcript variant X2 NC_000012 Reference
XM_017019367 3 mRNA transcript variant X3 NC_000012 Reference