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RAB23, member RAS oncogene family
General Information
Name RAB23, member RAS oncogene family
  • ras-related protein Rab-23
  • RAB family small GTP binding protein RAB 23
Gene_family RAB, member RAS oncogene GTPases
organism Homo sapiens
entrez_id 51715
location 6p12.1-p11.2
transcript_count 6
exon_count 8
by NCBI GRCh38.p14
    Entrez This gene encodes a small GTPase of the Ras superfamily. Rab proteins are involved in the regulation of diverse cellular functions associated with intracellular membrane trafficking, including autophagy and immune response to bacterial infection. The encoded protein may play a role in central nervous system development by antagonizing sonic hedgehog signaling. Disruption of this gene has been implicated in Carpenter syndrome as well as cancer. Alternative splicing results in multiple transcript variants. [provided by RefSeq, Jul 2013]
    Stringdb Ras-related protein Rab-23; The small GTPases Rab are key regulators of intracellular membrane trafficking, from the formation of transport vesicles to their fusion with membranes. Rabs cycle between an inactive GDP-bound form and an active GTP-bound form that is able to recruit to membranes different set of downstream effectors directly responsible for vesicle formation, movement, tethering and fusion. Together with SUFU, prevents nuclear import of GLI1, and thereby inhibits GLI1 transcription factor activity. Regulates GLI1 in differentiating chondrocytes. Likewise, regulates GLI3 pr [...]
    nextProt The small GTPases Rab are key regulators of intracellular membrane trafficking, from the formation of transport vesicles to their fusion with membranes. Rabs cycle between an inactive GDP-bound form and an active GTP-bound form that is able to recruit to membranes different set of downstream effectors directly responsible for vesicle formation, movement, tethering and fusion. Together with SUFU, prevents nuclear import of GLI1, and thereby inhibits GLI1 transcription factor activity. Regulates GLI1 in differentiating chondrocytes. Likewise, regulates GLI3 proteolytic processing and modulates GLI2 and GLI3 transcription factor activity. Plays a role in autophagic vacuole assembly, and mediates defense against pathogens, such as S.aureus, by promoting their capture by autophagosomes that then merge with lysosomes.
A A.Source B B.DB B.Source Description PubMed
RAB23 BioGRID ORF7b GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB23 BioGRID M GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB23 BioGRID TRIM67 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB23 BioGRID ARL4C GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB23 BioGRID TRIM23 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB23 BioGRID NUP35 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB23 BioGRID RAB7A GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB23 BioGRID GDI2 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB23 BioGRID GDI1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB23 BioGRID RHOJ GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB23 BioGRID RHOF GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB23 BioGRID RHOD GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB23 BioGRID RAC3 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB23 BioGRID RAC2 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB23 BioGRID RAC1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB23 BioGRID CDC42 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB23 BioGRID RHOG GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB23 BioGRID RHOC GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB23 BioGRID RHOB GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS; Proximity Label-MS
RAB23 BioGRID RHOA GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB23 BioGRID NT5C GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB23 BioGRID TREX1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB23 BioGRID ZER1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB23 BioGRID PCDHAC2 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB23 BioGRID PLPPR1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB23 BioGRID GJD3 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB23 BioGRID C11orf52 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB23 BioGRID HSD3B7 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB23 BioGRID LAMTOR1 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB23 BioGRID HSD17B11 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB23 BioGRID LAMP3 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB23 BioGRID DIRAS3 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB23 BioGRID RAB11A GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB23 BioGRID AKAP1 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB23 BioGRID RAB5C GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB23 BioGRID RAB2A GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB23 BioGRID MARCKS GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB23 BioGRID LYN GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB23 BioGRID LAMP2 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB23 BioGRID LAMP1 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB23 BioGRID KRAS GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB23 BioGRID GJA1 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB23 BioGRID CAV1 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB23 BioGRID ATP2A1 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB23 BioGRID ARF6 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB23 BioGRID OTULINL GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB23 BioGRID NRAS GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB23 BioGRID HRAS GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS; Proximity Label-MS
RAB23 BioGRID RNF123 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB23 BioGRID POTEKP GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB23 BioGRID TMEM17 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB23 BioGRID CREB3 GeneID BioGRID Two-hybrid
RAB23 BioGRID ARFGAP1 GeneID BioGRID Two-hybrid
A B experiments database textmining combined score hadb nhadb
RAB23 C2CD3 0 0 217 301 1 1
RAB23 ZFYVE20 0 0 235 332 1 1
RAB23 RAB24 0 0 519 231 1 2
RAB23 TULP3 0 0 641 726 1 1
RAB23 IFT122 0 0 186 220 1 1
RAB23 WDR19 0 0 174 277 1 1
RAB23 MICAL2 0 0 181 181 1 1
RAB23 RAB35 0 0 600 186 1 1
RAB23 RASL12 0 0 160 193 1 1
RAB23 USP6 0 0 181 187 1 1
RAB23 KPNA5 0 0 108 215 1 1
RAB23 RAB1A 0 0 425 184 1 1
RAB23 RAB11FIP1 0 0 325 325 1 1
RAB23 ITGAV 0 0 167 197 1 1
RAB23 TRAPPC4 0 0 0 171 1 1
RAB23 RALB 0 0 113 197 1 2
RAB23 NFS1 0 0 0 179 1 1
RAB23 SYTL1 0 0 249 253 1 1
RAB23 MAP4K5 0 0 0 162 1 1
RAB23 MRPS10 0 0 50 184 1 1
RAB23 EXOC5 0 0 205 285 1 1
RAB23 KIF27 0 0 193 212 1 1
RAB23 DYRK2 0 0 108 154 1 1
RAB23 PTCH2 0 0 203 324 1 1
RAB23 RAB29 0 0 505 284 1 1
RAB23 WDR13 0 0 63 171 1 1
RAB23 SH3TC2 0 0 56 155 1 1
RAB23 ATP5S 0 0 122 195 1 1
RAB23 ALX4 0 0 166 241 1 1
RAB23 MEGF8 0 0 292 342 1 1
RAB23 TES 0 0 0 178 1 1
RAB23 SLTM 0 0 142 160 1 1
RAB23 CAV2 0 0 0 188 1 1
RAB23 MED25 0 0 51 154 1 1
RAB23 ZNF185 0 0 0 168 1 1
RAB23 ATG13 0 0 83 179 1 2
RAB23 TMEM67 0 0 164 163 1 1
RAB23 GLI3 0 900 619 962 1 1
RAB23 FREM1 0 0 320 597 1 1
RAB23 ARL6 0 0 57 171 1 1
RAB23 EXOC6B 0 0 0 170 1 1
RAB23 CNIH1 0 0 125 186 1 1
RAB23 TRMT11 0 0 140 294 1 1
RAB23 FZD10 0 0 0 151 1 1
RAB23 CAV1 0 0 72 172 1 2
RAB23 GPR161 0 0 193 223 1 1
RAB23 ARL17B 0 0 0 238 1 1
RAB23 ULK2 0 0 46 193 1 2
RAB23 KPNA6 0 0 92 201 1 1
RAB23 KPNB1 0 0 74 206 1 1
RAB23 SLC16A4 0 0 45 192 1 1
RAB23 DISP1 0 0 108 230 1 1
RAB23 MAML1 0 0 94 150 1 1
RAB23 MAN2A1 0 0 163 182 1 1
RAB23 ARID5A 0 0 94 187 1 1
RAB23 FZD1 0 0 62 204 1 1
RAB23 YKT6 0 0 211 431 1 1
RAB23 ARL4A 0 0 101 210 1 1
RAB23 IFT52 0 0 216 237 1 1
RAB23 SNX27 0 0 108 150 1 1
RAB23 SLC25A24 0 0 0 204 1 1
RAB23 ACAP1 0 0 92 173 1 1
RAB23 KIF3C 0 0 66 273 1 1
RAB23 PTAR1 0 0 185 272 1 1
RAB23 KPNA2 0 0 112 211 1 1
RAB23 TBC1D4 0 0 96 163 1 1
RAB23 MED12 0 0 72 325 1 1
RAB23 FZD6 0 0 96 235 1 1
RAB23 SHH 0 0 539 564 1 2
RAB23 RILP 0 0 134 152 1 1
RAB23 SOX17 0 0 0 190 1 1
RAB23 RABL2A 0 0 94 221 1 1
RAB23 RAP2C 0 0 183 223 1 1
RAB23 RAB27A 0 0 496 251 1 1
RAB23 NRK 0 0 150 172 1 1
RAB23 RASD1 0 0 233 150 1 1
RAB23 SLC7A10 0 0 188 188 1 1
RAB23 FUZ 0 0 107 309 1 1
RAB23 SSTR3 0 0 234 247 1 1
RAB23 POFUT2 0 0 0 183 1 1
RAB23 TRAPPC10 0 0 81 160 1 1
RAB23 KRTAP5-2 0 0 180 179 1 1
RAB23 RAB6A 0 0 562 204 1 1
RAB23 AMOT 0 0 0 347 1 1
RAB23 RAB43 0 0 391 187 1 1
RAB23 ARL9 0 0 0 157 1 1
RAB23 FZD7 0 0 0 193 1 1
RAB23 TULP2 0 0 437 462 1 1
RAB23 ARL4D 0 0 0 157 1 1
RAB23 MRPS25 0 0 54 178 1 1
RAB23 RAB36 0 0 764 246 1 1
RAB23 API5 0 0 0 187 1 1
RAB23 TTC21B 0 0 739 739 1 1
RAB23 RAB38 0 0 557 255 1 1
RAB23 VANGL2 0 0 49 225 1 1
RAB23 OR6C1 0 0 324 323 1 1
RAB23 DYNC2H1 0 0 71 150 1 1
RAB23 STK16 0 0 116 210 1 1
RAB23 PIK3R1 0 0 120 162 1 1
RAB23 SEC23A 0 0 144 228 1 2
RAB23 VAMP1 0 0 0 152 1 1
RAB23 LIN7C 0 0 95 300 1 1
RAB23 ARL5C 0 0 0 157 1 1
RAB23 RBMS2 0 0 0 169 1 1
RAB23 EXOC6 0 0 113 188 1 1
RAB23 TTI2 0 0 124 259 1 1
RAB23 KBTBD8 0 0 0 154 1 1
RAB23 RAB8B 0 0 561 204 1 2
RAB23 TMEM2 0 0 124 187 1 1
RAB23 RAB31 0 0 468 224 1 1
RAB23 ARL11 0 0 0 157 1 1
RAB23 RAP1B 0 0 235 177 1 1
RAB23 ENSG00000272822 0 0 0 187 1 1
RAB23 FBLN1 0 0 92 173 1 1
RAB23 TEX101 0 0 112 173 1 1
RAB23 VAMP2 0 0 0 152 1 1
RAB23 GGH 0 0 59 215 1 1
RAB23 MADD 0 0 164 199 1 1
RAB23 ARL17A 0 0 0 238 1 1
RAB23 NAA10 0 0 73 176 1 1
RAB23 RNF123 270 0 0 276 1 1
RAB23 BAG2 0 0 202 284 1 1
RAB23 BBS7 0 0 113 308 1 1
RAB23 EME2 0 0 123 258 1 1
RAB23 KIF17 0 0 559 659 1 1
RAB23 ENSG00000255863 0 0 0 157 1 1
RAB23 RABEP1 0 0 204 293 1 1
RAB23 SEC22C 0 0 0 185 1 1
RAB23 ITGB1 0 0 96 308 1 1
RAB23 RAP2A 0 0 85 191 1 1
RAB23 EIF4E2 0 0 83 243 1 1
RAB23 ERI1 0 0 73 186 1 1
RAB23 NAV2 0 0 159 180 1 1
RAB23 ABCF2 0 0 96 162 1 1
RAB23 TBC1D2 0 0 104 197 1 1
RAB23 TBCE 0 0 117 181 1 1
RAB23 LGALS4 0 0 142 161 1 1
RAB23 ACTR1B 0 0 143 194 1 1
RAB23 INVS 0 0 81 235 1 1
RAB23 KIF20A 0 0 108 153 1 1
RAB23 TRADD 0 0 0 218 1 1
RAB23 GLI2 0 900 430 952 1 2
RAB23 HDAC8 0 0 54 151 1 1
RAB23 RAB3GAP2 0 0 141 385 1 1
RAB23 RAB9B 0 0 113 152 1 1
RAB23 MED12L 0 0 0 210 1 1
RAB23 FZD8 0 0 0 183 1 1
RAB23 VPS35 0 0 113 168 1 2
RAB23 PGGT1B 0 0 139 202 1 1
RAB23 BCL2L13 0 0 84 192 1 2
RAB23 RIC1 0 0 90 205 1 1
RAB23 RAB6C 0 0 271 216 1 1
RAB23 RAB32 0 0 607 274 1 2
RAB23 MFGE8 0 0 113 151 1 1
RAB23 TCTN1 0 0 720 720 1 1
RAB23 RAP2B 0 0 71 174 1 1
RAB23 VAMP4 0 0 0 152 1 1
RAB23 SLC9A3R2 0 0 61 165 1 1
RAB23 ENSG00000124593 0 0 0 168 1 1
RAB23 FAM210A 0 0 0 188 1 1
RAB23 KPNA3 0 0 0 156 1 1
RAB23 DNAJA1 0 0 73 169 1 1
RAB23 RAB10 0 0 566 217 1 1
RAB23 ARF5 0 0 0 181 1 1
RAB23 C2orf66 0 0 270 270 1 1
RAB23 SIPA1L2 0 0 134 225 1 1
RAB23 PCDHAC2 157 0 0 156 1 1
RAB23 PKHD1 0 0 341 341 1 1
RAB23 KIF5C 0 0 66 160 1 1
RAB23 GART 0 0 0 225 1 1
RAB23 KPNA4 0 0 0 181 1 1
RAB23 RAB2A 0 0 519 238 1 1
RAB23 LAMP1 0 0 108 173 1 2
RAB23 FGFR3 0 0 323 323 1 1
RAB23 RAB4A 0 0 505 240 1 1
RAB23 METAP2 0 0 91 200 1 1
RAB23 A4GNT 0 0 155 154 1 1
RAB23 GAS1 0 0 391 413 1 1
RAB23 TBCD 0 0 90 302 1 1
RAB23 SAYSD1 0 0 283 282 1 1
RAB23 TRIM23 0 0 0 171 1 1
RAB23 RAB8A 0 0 681 230 1 2
RAB23 FGD4 0 0 0 188 1 1
RAB23 OCRL 0 0 129 168 1 1
RAB23 SNX12 0 0 124 330 1 1
RAB23 RAB9A 0 0 556 211 1 2
RAB23 RBMS1 0 0 0 169 1 1
RAB23 DIRAS1 0 0 0 165 1 1
RAB23 KARS 0 0 73 184 1 1
RAB23 GABRA3 0 0 118 207 1 1
RAB23 FBXL15 0 0 176 265 1 1
RAB23 VAMP8 0 0 128 328 1 2
RAB23 MORC4 0 0 180 263 1 1
RAB23 RBMS3 0 0 0 169 1 1
RAB23 FNTA 0 0 136 153 1 1
RAB23 HSPB11 0 0 324 497 1 1
RAB23 CDON 0 0 173 198 1 1
RAB23 ARMC1 0 0 0 163 1 1
RAB23 KIF7 0 0 98 181 1 1
RAB23 C7orf25 0 0 202 202 1 1
RAB23 CIB2 0 0 107 162 1 1
RAB23 AP4S1 0 0 0 161 1 1
RAB23 DVL1 0 0 53 154 1 1
RAB23 TEX15 0 0 101 157 1 1
RAB23 RIOK1 0 0 94 161 1 1
RAB23 HHIP 0 0 285 284 1 1
RAB23 EFNA4 0 0 391 609 1 1
RAB23 INPP5F 0 0 0 228 1 1
RAB23 TBC1D24 0 0 114 205 1 1
RAB23 WDPCP 0 0 171 292 1 1
RAB23 RAB11FIP5 0 0 181 257 1 1
RAB23 TRAPPC9 0 0 76 179 1 1
RAB23 VPS13B 0 0 91 155 1 1
RAB23 TAX1BP3 0 0 0 179 1 1
RAB23 IFT22 0 0 459 695 1 1
RAB23 IFT20 0 0 393 558 1 1
RAB23 SDHC 0 0 74 187 1 1
RAB23 SMPDL3B 0 0 113 267 1 1
RAB23 LONRF1 0 0 129 287 1 1
RAB23 RIT1 0 0 90 164 1 1
RAB23 RAB3B 0 0 425 182 1 1
RAB23 DAB2IP 0 0 123 184 1 2
RAB23 BBS2 0 0 82 157 1 1
RAB23 BTN2A2 0 0 155 154 1 1
RAB23 SCUBE3 0 0 112 203 1 1
RAB23 RSG1 0 0 391 537 1 1
RAB23 FZD2 0 0 74 209 1 1
RAB23 RTDR1 0 0 768 768 1 1
RAB23 TNPO3 0 0 66 167 1 1
RAB23 ARCN1 0 0 0 187 1 1
RAB23 RAB37 0 0 519 272 1 1
RAB23 TBCB 0 0 162 356 1 1
RAB23 FHL2 0 0 0 168 1 1
RAB23 NDUFB7 0 0 0 229 1 1
RAB23 MLPH 0 0 175 176 1 1
RAB23 OEBT 0 0 0 168 1 1
RAB23 TCTN2 0 0 141 375 1 1
RAB23 RAB40B 0 0 113 168 1 1
RAB23 INTU 0 0 156 666 1 1
RAB23 AMOTL1 0 0 72 391 1 1
RAB23 TTYH1 0 0 95 233 1 1
RAB23 HAVCR1 0 0 172 259 1 1
RAB23 BIVM-ERCC5 0 0 0 152 1 1
RAB23 SDHB 0 0 0 183 1 1
RAB23 PLPPR1 476 0 0 476 1 1
RAB23 TBC1D3B 0 0 235 241 1 1
RAB23 ARL3 0 0 370 771 1 1
RAB23 MINOS1 0 0 0 183 1 1
RAB23 FIG4 0 0 0 228 1 1
RAB23 ARF1 0 0 181 310 1 1
RAB23 TANGO6 0 0 233 232 1 1
RAB23 ARL14 0 0 0 157 1 1
RAB23 EFNB1 0 0 465 465 1 1
RAB23 FGFR2 0 0 297 297 1 1
RAB23 C1orf110 0 0 260 260 1 1
RAB23 GREM1 0 0 107 201 1 1
RAB23 GAPDH 0 0 146 150 1 2
RAB23 RAB18 0 0 601 294 1 1
RAB23 RIT2 0 0 0 150 1 1
RAB23 MYBPHL 0 0 160 159 1 1
RAB23 RAP1A 0 0 0 166 1 1
RAB23 ARL5B 0 0 60 285 1 1
RAB23 FKBP8 0 0 537 624 1 1
RAB23 SNW1 0 0 125 179 1 1
RAB23 RCE1 0 0 112 167 1 1
RAB23 TRAK1 0 0 108 199 1 1
RAB23 KIF1A 0 0 134 292 1 1
RAB23 EVI5 0 0 464 593 1 1
RAB23 PIK3R4 0 0 107 276 1 2
RAB23 FHL5 130 0 0 245 1 1
RAB23 KITLG 0 0 0 174 1 1
RAB23 NPTN 0 0 72 180 1 1
RAB23 RAN 0 0 108 161 1 2
RAB23 IFT81 0 0 96 179 1 1
RAB23 FYCO1 0 0 47 151 1 2
RAB23 BBS4 0 0 112 204 1 1
RAB23 RAB40AL 0 0 187 191 1 1
RAB23 RAB33B 0 0 324 201 1 2
RAB23 HRAS 496 0 139 577 1 2
RAB23 WDR26 0 0 115 179 1 1
RAB23 CTNNB1 0 0 151 210 1 2
RAB23 FAM53A 0 0 161 161 1 1
RAB23 MCMDC2 0 0 120 249 1 1
RAB23 TBC1D30 0 0 415 682 1 1
RAB23 RAB17 0 0 639 234 1 1
RAB23 CSNK1G1 0 0 214 214 1 1
RAB23 KIF3B 0 0 133 220 1 1
RAB23 RHO 0 0 175 186 1 2
RAB23 ODF2 0 0 154 153 1 1
RAB23 TMEM14C 0 0 0 175 1 1
RAB23 FZD4 0 0 0 151 1 1
RAB23 BBS1 0 0 184 406 1 1
RAB23 RAB5A 0 0 600 231 1 2
RAB23 RAB5B 0 0 451 211 1 1
RAB23 LEFTY1 0 0 53 152 1 1
RAB23 SGSM2 0 0 113 150 1 1
RAB23 DPCD 0 0 55 302 1 1
RAB23 CHM 0 0 105 269 1 2
RAB23 ARF3 0 0 57 201 1 1
RAB23 SEC24B 0 0 101 213 1 1
RAB23 ASAP1 0 0 193 252 1 1
RAB23 PIK3C3 0 0 112 201 1 2
RAB23 RAB12 0 0 183 211 1 2
RAB23 AAMDC 0 0 0 153 1 1
RAB23 BEND6 0 0 390 390 1 1
RAB23 BRD2 0 0 0 207 1 1
RAB23 PRICKLE1 0 0 45 290 1 1
RAB23 LIN7B 0 0 0 188 1 1
RAB23 RRAS 0 0 124 153 1 1
RAB23 PRMT1 0 0 0 163 1 1
RAB23 CBY1 0 0 124 178 1 1
RAB23 NOTCH1 0 0 151 161 1 2
RAB23 MYO5A 0 0 160 159 1 1
RAB23 EVI5L 0 0 594 746 1 1
RAB23 SMO 0 0 504 739 1 1
RAB23 KPNA1 0 0 61 225 1 1
RAB23 FGD3 0 0 122 212 1 1
RAB23 TBC1D1 0 0 96 152 1 1
RAB23 FAM204A 0 0 261 331 1 1
RAB23 ARFGAP1 111 0 103 168 1 1
RAB23 ZIC2 0 0 156 175 1 1
RAB23 UNC119 0 0 167 583 1 1
RAB23 RAB2B 0 0 374 229 1 1
RAB23 PRSS33 0 0 185 241 1 1
RAB23 PTPRB 0 0 120 261 1 1
RAB23 ATG16L1 0 0 113 188 1 2
RAB23 TBC1D7 0 0 294 450 1 2
RAB23 CNKSR2 0 0 123 215 1 1
RAB23 RAB26 0 0 502 246 1 1
RAB23 RAB42 0 0 63 151 1 1
RAB23 CEP19 0 0 171 171 1 1
RAB23 SEPT2 0 0 96 249 1 1
RAB23 ATG101 0 0 89 253 1 2
RAB23 TULP1 0 0 293 325 1 1
RAB23 SH3GL2 0 0 66 161 1 1
RAB23 MYO5B 0 0 170 184 1 1
RAB23 TUB 0 0 326 415 1 1
RAB23 MICALL1 0 0 146 186 1 1
RAB23 LMO7 0 0 0 172 1 1
RAB23 RTKN2 0 0 117 181 1 1
RAB23 ADAM21 0 0 128 210 1 1
RAB23 MT-ND2 0 0 0 169 1 1
RAB23 RAB4B 0 0 370 239 1 1
RAB23 ACE 0 0 0 185 1 1
RAB23 GDI1 0 0 81 294 1 1
RAB23 IHH 0 0 341 407 1 1
RAB23 PHLDB2 0 0 107 168 1 1
RAB23 FGFRL1 0 0 108 168 1 1
RAB23 RFX7 0 0 170 197 1 1
RAB23 DTX3 0 0 95 151 1 1
RAB23 RAB20 0 0 561 300 1 1
RAB23 PPME1 0 0 85 151 1 1
RAB23 AP1S1 0 0 0 209 1 1
RAB23 BECN1 0 0 108 179 1 2
RAB23 RASL11A 0 0 125 175 1 1
RAB23 VAMP5 0 0 0 202 1 1
RAB23 IFT57 0 0 171 389 1 1
RAB23 ARL4C 0 0 95 205 1 1
RAB23 ARF6 0 0 234 285 1 1
RAB23 SUFU 0 0 538 595 1 1
RAB23 TMEM217 0 0 202 202 1 1
RAB23 DNAJB6 0 0 61 164 1 1
RAB23 LRP2 0 0 162 164 1 1
RAB23 HPS4 0 0 125 584 1 1
RAB23 KIAA2013 0 0 0 183 1 1
RAB23 NELL1 0 0 202 202 1 1
RAB23 MED1 0 0 72 169 1 1
RAB23 RAB3D 0 0 343 177 1 1
RAB23 FKBP9 0 0 0 332 1 1
RAB23 FZD5 0 0 0 162 1 1
RAB23 TFG 0 0 0 277 1 1
RAB23 TWIST1 0 0 342 360 1 1
RAB23 RAB30 0 0 391 169 1 1
RAB23 AMOTL2 0 0 0 277 1 1
RAB23 LMAN2L 0 0 0 175 1 1
RAB23 RHOD 0 0 54 175 1 1
RAB23 ENSG00000263620 0 0 0 152 1 1
RAB23 FGL1 0 0 96 255 1 1
RAB23 MYO5C 0 0 171 181 1 1
RAB23 CBR4 0 0 0 183 1 1
RAB23 RAB11B 0 0 45 172 1 1
RAB23 NRAS 273 0 57 379 1 1
RAB23 AP3S2 0 0 0 177 1 1
RAB23 FKBP10 0 0 45 156 1 1
RAB23 RABAC1 0 0 161 188 1 1
RAB23 RAB19 0 0 391 191 1 1
RAB23 WDR35 0 0 232 328 1 1
RAB23 BTRC 0 0 124 155 1 1
RAB23 SEC11A 0 0 183 194 1 1
RAB23 MTUS1 0 0 107 237 1 1
RAB23 KRAS 195 0 134 322 1 2
RAB23 RAB39B 0 0 245 187 1 1
RAB23 KRTAP5-8 0 0 180 179 1 1
RAB23 MECR 0 0 0 183 1 1
RAB23 ANAPC10 0 0 0 290 1 1
RAB23 RP9 0 0 0 302 1 1
RAB23 NPHP1 0 0 161 254 1 1
RAB23 DTX2 0 0 106 251 1 1
RAB23 RALA 0 0 134 216 1 1
RAB23 PTBP3 270 0 0 273 1 1
RAB23 IFT27 0 0 469 266 1 1
RAB23 COQ3 0 0 0 157 1 1
RAB23 BBS9 0 0 241 404 1 1
RAB23 CARKD 0 0 0 179 1 1
RAB23 KIAA1586 0 0 281 281 1 1
RAB23 SEC22B 0 0 171 327 1 1
RAB23 IFT74 0 0 182 325 1 1
RAB23 RAB11FIP3 0 0 124 199 1 1
RAB23 CHMP6 0 0 137 243 1 1
RAB23 RABL3 0 0 315 315 1 1
RAB23 ULK1 0 0 120 181 1 2
RAB23 STX7 0 0 109 164 1 2
RAB23 EIF4G2 0 0 65 178 1 1
RAB23 TBC1D14 0 0 123 165 1 2
RAB23 SLC35G2 0 0 170 175 1 1
RAB23 AGFG1 0 0 464 463 1 1
RAB23 EHBP1 0 0 113 174 1 1
RAB23 ITM2A 0 0 161 161 1 1
RAB23 HHAT 0 0 174 243 1 1
RAB23 SNX13 0 0 134 227 1 1
RAB23 C15orf38-AP3S2 0 0 0 167 1 1
RAB23 PCDH11X 0 0 90 271 1 1
RAB23 ATG10 0 0 66 228 1 2
RAB23 VAMP3 0 0 167 279 1 1
RAB23 TGFBR1 0 0 216 233 1 1
RAB23 GLI1 0 0 502 514 1 2
RAB23 ARL13B 0 0 469 750 1 1
RAB23 DYRK1A 0 0 95 352 1 1
RAB23 RAB3A 0 0 458 189 1 1
RAB23 AGL 0 0 69 164 1 1
RAB23 ENSG00000256349 0 0 0 302 1 1
RAB23 RAB15 0 0 185 198 1 1
RAB23 MT-ND1 0 0 0 171 1 1
RAB23 NDUFA2 0 0 74 185 1 1
RAB23 ITGB3 0 0 70 163 1 1
RAB23 OPTN 0 0 144 231 1 2
RAB23 RAB13 0 0 731 202 1 2
RAB23 LYN 0 0 413 413 1 1
RAB23 LIMCH1 0 0 0 190 1 1
RAB23 FMNL2 0 0 0 162 1 1
RAB23 TCEB3C 0 0 171 171 1 1
RAB23 C1orf50 0 0 0 179 1 1
RAB23 KIF3A 0 0 440 466 1 1
RAB23 BCOR 0 0 54 312 1 1
RAB23 PIWIL3 0 0 103 165 1 1
RAB23 BBS5 0 0 137 287 1 1
RAB23 RAB22A 0 0 497 229 1 1
RAB23 OSBP 0 0 92 180 1 1
RAB23 LZTFL1 0 0 95 169 1 1
RAB23 PTH2R 0 0 150 226 1 1
RAB23 DIMT1 0 0 123 177 1 1
RAB23 RABGGTA 0 0 310 391 1 1
RAB23 MRPL21 0 0 142 239 1 1
RAB23 RAB27B 0 0 390 234 1 1
RAB23 NDUFAF2 0 0 0 153 1 1
RAB23 TMED4 0 0 0 192 1 1
RAB23 PHF3 0 0 113 214 1 1
RAB23 FHL1 0 0 0 168 1 1
RAB23 AMBRA1 0 0 67 229 1 2
RAB23 ZNRF1 0 0 134 227 1 1
RAB23 B4GALNT4 0 0 161 161 1 1
RAB23 STX3 0 0 166 172 1 1
RAB23 TELO2 0 0 95 157 1 1
RAB23 SEC24A 0 0 95 214 1 1
RAB23 SCEL 0 0 0 168 1 1
RAB23 SEC22A 0 0 0 192 1 1
RAB23 GOSR2 0 0 0 215 1 1
RAB23 FZD9 0 0 0 151 1 1
RAB23 GABARAP 0 0 82 161 1 2
RAB23 FBXL2 0 0 82 176 1 1
RAB23 RAB5C 0 0 278 182 1 1
RAB23 ARL2 0 0 124 363 1 1
RAB23 YARS 0 0 0 181 1 1
RAB23 TRMT13 0 0 218 298 1 1
RAB23 FMN1 0 0 104 198 1 1
RAB23 MTDH 0 0 60 203 1 2
RAB23 TNPO1 0 0 268 461 1 1
RAB23 EXOC4 0 0 95 157 1 1
RAB23 VWA1 0 0 113 177 1 1
RAB23 CNTLN 0 0 150 172 1 1
RAB23 F8A1 0 0 57 161 1 1
RAB23 TGFBR2 0 0 194 194 1 1
RAB23 ATP8B3 0 0 135 153 1 1
RAB23 DYRK1B 0 0 0 224 1 1
RAB23 RECQL4 0 0 323 323 1 1
RAB23 LMBR1 0 0 122 154 1 1
RAB23 C10orf67 0 0 184 183 1 1
RAB23 DIRAS2 0 0 127 177 1 1
RAB23 ENSG00000267261 0 0 0 183 1 1
RAB23 RAB41 0 0 0 177 1 1
RAB23 TBL3 0 0 233 330 1 1
RAB23 PRICKLE2 0 0 139 388 1 1
RAB23 SFRP1 0 0 91 177 1 1
RAB23 VTI1B 0 0 123 279 1 2
RAB23 STX12 0 0 90 170 1 1
RAB23 RBM24 0 0 97 182 1 1
RAB23 TBC1D20 0 0 265 287 1 1
RAB23 RAB44 0 0 391 183 1 1
RAB23 MTIF3 0 0 0 228 1 1
RAB23 VANGL1 0 0 81 307 1 1
RAB23 SNRNP48 0 0 187 237 1 1
RAB23 RAB11FIP4 0 0 113 249 1 1
RAB23 PRMT8 0 0 0 163 1 1
RAB23 RERGL 0 0 150 229 1 1
RAB23 PRPS2 0 0 90 168 1 1
RAB23 CHMP4B 0 0 0 152 1 2
RAB23 ARHGAP22 0 0 0 179 1 1
RAB23 RAB33A 0 0 244 189 1 1
RAB23 ECEL1 0 0 193 210 1 1
RAB23 ALMS1 0 0 113 150 1 1
RAB23 ELMO2 0 0 0 183 1 1
RAB23 DNAJC27 0 0 97 245 1 1
RAB23 RAB3IP 0 0 459 496 1 1
RAB23 MCUR1 0 0 0 179 1 1
RAB23 MAP4K3 0 0 0 150 1 1
RAB23 STXBP3 0 0 87 182 1 1
RAB23 TMEM230 0 0 54 268 1 1
RAB23 SAP18 0 0 165 190 1 1
RAB23 PITPNA 0 0 105 194 1 1
RAB23 FOXA2 0 0 134 155 1 1
RAB23 RNF38 0 0 136 243 1 1
RAB23 BAK1 0 0 0 438 1 2
RAB23 RHEB 0 0 98 194 1 2
RAB23 RRAS2 0 0 147 203 1 1
RAB23 PIP5KL1 0 0 181 181 1 1
RAB23 RAB34 0 0 519 258 1 1
RAB23 RBM20 0 0 136 190 1 1
RAB23 RAB14 0 0 404 230 1 1
RAB23 TP53I3 0 0 195 200 1 1
RAB23 IFT140 0 0 141 290 1 1
RAB23 RABL2B 0 0 68 220 1 1
RAB23 SLC2A4RG 0 0 0 190 1 1
RAB23 UNC119B 0 0 103 383 1 1
RAB23 SHF 0 0 49 212 1 1
RAB23 AP3S1 0 0 0 179 1 1
RAB23 OGFRL1 0 0 160 186 1 1
RAB23 LMCD1 0 0 0 168 1 1
RAB23 IP6K1 0 0 94 156 1 1
RAB23 NOTO 0 0 54 360 1 1
RAB23 FLYWCH1 0 0 207 282 1 1
RAB23 JPH2 0 0 134 165 1 1
RAB23 SACM1L 0 0 0 428 1 1
RAB23 GABRG2 0 0 60 223 1 1
RAB23 RAB39A 0 0 241 203 1 1
RAB23 TREX1 157 0 0 165 1 1
RAB23 RFX3 0 0 54 312 1 1
RAB23 RHEBL1 0 0 0 175 1 1
RAB23 RAB3C 0 0 287 170 1 1
RAB23 RAB1B 0 0 406 174 1 2
RAB23 CEP290 0 0 193 230 1 1
RAB23 RAB3GAP1 0 0 210 210 1 1
RAB23 ANKRD27 0 0 240 257 1 1
RAB23 MRPS24 0 0 0 171 1 1
RAB23 RAB40A 0 0 111 199 1 1
RAB23 SH3GL3 0 0 91 160 1 1
RAB23 FHL3 0 0 0 168 1 1
RAB23 ICMT 0 0 181 262 1 1
RAB23 ZNF451 0 0 182 181 1 1
RAB23 RAB7A 0 0 594 203 1 2
RAB23 PTCH1 0 0 427 514 1 1
RAB23 ARHGAP24 0 0 0 303 1 1
RAB23 TFRC 0 0 144 183 1 1
RAB23 SEC23IP 0 0 123 212 1 1
RAB23 SLC25A23 0 0 113 314 1 1
RAB23 NID2 0 0 0 167 1 1
RAB23 C19orf10 0 0 0 153 1 1
RAB23 CCZ1B 0 0 193 421 1 1
RAB23 LHFPL2 0 0 166 218 1 1
RAB23 TCTN3 0 0 181 181 1 1
RAB23 VTI1A 0 0 0 168 1 1
RAB23 CIR1 0 0 0 173 1 1
RAB23 PKD2 0 0 228 233 1 2
RAB23 FBN1 0 0 242 264 1 1
RAB23 MTX2 0 0 0 159 1 1
RAB23 ERI3 0 0 0 197 1 1
RAB23 KIAA1456 0 0 161 180 1 1
RAB23 AP1S2 0 0 0 187 1 1
RAB23 ARL13A 0 0 252 475 1 1
RAB23 GRM5 0 0 0 189 1 1
RAB23 RAB21 0 0 602 257 1 1
RAB23 CDC16 0 0 147 220 1 1
RAB23 NDUFB6 0 0 0 152 1 1
RAB23 RUNX2 0 0 160 223 1 2
RAB23 TRHDE 0 0 103 193 1 1
RAB23 IFT172 0 0 310 542 1 1
RAB23 TMED10 0 0 0 191 1 1
RAB23 SPRY4 0 0 141 162 1 1
RAB23 ARF4 0 0 364 460 1 1
RAB23 GDI2 0 0 150 373 1 1
RAB23 TDRD5 0 0 95 151 1 1
RAB23 FGFR1 0 0 322 321 1 1
RAB23 PDE6D 0 0 161 235 1 1
RAB23 RAB40C 0 0 234 197 1 1
RAB23 PRICKLE3 0 0 57 298 1 1
RAB23 SERF2 0 0 150 211 1 1
RAB23 ARL5A 0 0 52 381 1 1
RAB23 TMED2 0 0 0 209 1 1
RAB23 AKT1 0 0 150 169 1 2
RAB23 CTDP1 0 0 0 188 1 1
RAB23 TRIP11 0 0 157 176 1 1
RAB23 ZGRF1 0 0 193 278 1 1
RAB23 ENSG00000259316 0 0 267 267 1 1
RAB23 PURG 0 0 212 293 1 1
RAB23 HID1 0 0 0 408 1 1
RAB23 VPS45 0 0 81 178 1 1
RAB23 RAB28 0 0 519 283 1 1
RAB23 TRAPPC1 0 0 0 156 1 1
RAB23 LRIT3 0 0 378 707 1 1
RAB23 RAB7B 0 0 559 178 1 1
RAB23 VAMP7 0 0 281 360 1 2
RAB23 GHITM 0 0 0 154 1 1
RAB23 MSX2 0 0 422 435 1 1
RAB23 TIAM1 0 0 486 518 1 1
RAB23 IFT88 0 0 310 498 1 1
RAB23 RRP1B 0 0 108 201 1 1
RAB23 CCZ1 0 0 193 421 1 1
RAB23 CLDN4 0 0 0 187 1 1
RAB23 STX17 0 0 141 379 1 2
RAB23 RAB11A 0 0 611 272 1 2
RAB23 CHML 0 0 71 220 1 1
RAB23 TRAPPC6B 0 0 0 171 1 1
RAB23 DYNLRB1 0 0 171 256 1 1
RAB23 SEC13 0 0 113 214 1 1
RAB23 PRIM2 0 0 167 167 1 1
RAB23 AP1S3 0 0 0 161 1 1
RAB23 TCF12 0 0 167 168 1 1
RAB23 PAK1IP1 0 0 123 217 1 1
RAB23 C16orf52 0 0 100 162 1 1
RAB23 TNPO2 0 0 0 287 1 1
RAB23 RILPL1 0 0 167 224 1 1
RAB23 TTC17 0 0 171 171 1 1
RAB23 ENAH 0 0 127 222 1 1
RAB23 LYPLA2 0 0 0 171 1 1
RAB23 FBXW11 0 0 142 199 1 1
RAB23 IQGAP3 0 0 85 181 1 1
RAB23 CAMK2D 0 0 156 174 1 1
RAB23 RABGEF1 0 0 265 330 1 1
RAB23 PKD1 0 0 171 177 1 1
RAB23 BNIP1 0 0 122 176 1 2
RAB23 CHST5 0 0 151 150 1 1
RAB23 KBTBD2 0 0 48 365 1 1
RAB23 RAB25 0 0 464 224 1 2
RAB23 TMED9 0 0 0 171 1 1
RAB23 ATP5J2 0 0 0 159 1 1
RAB23 FMNL1 0 0 0 178 1 1
RAB23 ETFDH 0 0 0 159 1 1
RAB23 IL11RA 0 0 155 164 1 1
RAB23 RUFY3 0 0 150 177 1 1
RAB23 RAB11FIP2 0 0 261 282 1 1
RAB23 EEA1 0 0 184 201 1 2
ID Category Term Effect Evidence PubMed
GO:0005525 Molecular Function GTP binding enables IEA
GO:0003924 Molecular Function GTPase activity enables IBA
GO:0003924 Molecular Function GTPase activity enables IDA
GO:0005515 Molecular Function protein binding enables IPI
GO:0046039 Biological Process GTP metabolic process involved_in IDA
GO:0000045 Biological Process autophagosome assembly involved_in IBA
GO:0000045 Biological Process autophagosome assembly involved_in IMP
GO:0006968 Biological Process cellular defense response involved_in IMP
GO:0060271 Biological Process cilium assembly involved_in IMP
GO:0097094 Biological Process craniofacial suture morphogenesis involved_in IMP
GO:0006886 Biological Process intracellular protein transport involved_in IBA
GO:0042308 Biological Process negative regulation of protein import into nucleus involved_in IMP
GO:0005776 Cellular Component autophagosome is_active_in IBA
GO:0005776 Cellular Component autophagosome located_in IDA
GO:0030054 Cellular Component cell junction located_in IDA
GO:0005813 Cellular Component centrosome located_in IDA
GO:0005737 Cellular Component cytoplasm located_in IDA
GO:0005829 Cellular Component cytosol located_in IDA
GO:0012505 Cellular Component endomembrane system is_active_in IBA
GO:0010008 Cellular Component endosome membrane is_active_in IBA
GO:0045335 Cellular Component phagocytic vesicle located_in IDA
GO:0030670 Cellular Component phagocytic vesicle membrane located_in IEA
GO:0005886 Cellular Component plasma membrane located_in IDA
Name DB ID
Metabolism of proteins Reactome R-HSA-392499
Post-translational protein modification Reactome R-HSA-597592
RAB geranylgeranylation Reactome R-HSA-8873719
Genes related to primary cilium development (based on CRISPR) (WP4536) WikiPathways WP4536_r110928
Ciliopathies (WP4803) WikiPathways WP4803_r110008
Bardet-Biedl syndrome (WP5234) WikiPathways WP5234_r123515
Accession Version MolecularType Name NCBI Comments
NR_103822 2 miscRNA transcript variant 6 NC_000006 Reference
NM_001278666 2 mRNA transcript variant 3 NC_000006 Reference
NM_001278667 2 mRNA transcript variant 4 NC_000006 Reference
NM_016277 5 mRNA transcript variant 1 NC_000006 Reference
NM_001278668 2 mRNA transcript variant 5 NC_000006 Reference
NM_183227 3 mRNA transcript variant 2 NC_000006 Reference