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protein kinase AMP-activated catalytic subunit alpha 2
General Information
Name protein kinase AMP-activated catalytic subunit alpha 2
  • 5'-AMP-activated protein kinase catalytic subunit alpha-2
  • 5'-AMP-activated protein kinase, catalytic alpha-2 chain
  • ACACA kinase
  • AMPK alpha 2
  • AMPK subunit alpha-2
  • AMPK-alpha-2 chain
  • HMGCR kinase
  • acetyl-CoA carboxylase kinase
  • hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA reductase kinase
  • protein kinase, AMP-activated, alpha 2 catalytic subunit
Gene_family Protein kinase AMP-activated catalytic subunit alphas
organism Homo sapiens
entrez_id 5563
location 1p32.2
transcript_count 2
exon_count 10
by NCBI GRCh38.p14
    Entrez The protein encoded by this gene is a catalytic subunit of the AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK). AMPK is a heterotrimer consisting of an alpha catalytic subunit, and non-catalytic beta and gamma subunits. AMPK is an important energy-sensing enzyme that monitors cellular energy status. In response to cellular metabolic stresses, AMPK is activated, and thus phosphorylates and inactivates acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACC) and beta-hydroxy beta-methylglutaryl-CoA reductase (HMGCR), key enzymes involved in regulating de novo biosynthesis of fatty acid and cholesterol. Studies of the mouse counterpart suggest that this catalytic subunit may control whole-body insulin sensitivity and is necessary for maintaining myocardial energy homeostasis during ischemia. [provided by RefSeq, Jul 2008]
    Stringdb 5'-AMP-activated protein kinase catalytic subunit alpha-2; Catalytic subunit of AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), an energy sensor protein kinase that plays a key role in regulating cellular energy metabolism. In response to reduction of intracellular ATP levels, AMPK activates energy-producing pathways and inhibits energy-consuming processes: inhibits protein, carbohydrate and lipid biosynthesis, as well as cell growth and proliferation. AMPK acts via direct phosphorylation of metabolic enzymes, and by longer-term effects via phosphorylation of transcription regulators. Also acts a [...]
    nextProt Catalytic subunit of AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), an energy sensor protein kinase that plays a key role in regulating cellular energy metabolism (PubMed:17307971, PubMed:17712357). In response to reduction of intracellular ATP levels, AMPK activates energy-producing pathways and inhibits energy-consuming processes: inhibits protein, carbohydrate and lipid biosynthesis, as well as cell growth and proliferation (PubMed:17307971, PubMed:17712357). AMPK acts via direct phosphorylation of metabolic enzymes, and by longer-term effects via phosphorylation of transcription regulators (PubMed:17307971, PubMed:17712357). Regulates lipid synthesis by phosphorylating and inactivating lipid metabolic enzymes such as ACACA, ACACB, GYS1, HMGCR and LIPE; regulates fatty acid and cholesterol synthesis by phosphorylating acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACACA and ACACB) and hormone-sensitive lipase (LIPE) enzymes, respectively (PubMed:7959015). Promotes lipolysis of lipid droplets by mediating phosphorylation of isoform 1 of CHKA (CHKalpha2) (PubMed:34077757). Regulates insulin-signaling and glycolysis by phosphorylating IRS1, PFKFB2 and PFKFB3 (By similarity). Involved in insulin receptor/INSR internalization (PubMed:25687571). AMPK stimulates glucose uptake in muscle by increasing the translocation of the glucose transporter SLC2A4/GLUT4 to the plasma membrane, possibly by mediating phosphorylation of TBC1D4/AS160 (By similarity). Regulates transcription and chromatin structure by phosphorylating transcription regulators involved in energy metabolism such as CRTC2/TORC2, FOXO3, histone H2B, HDAC5, MEF2C, MLXIPL/ChREBP, EP300, HNF4A, p53/TP53, SREBF1, SREBF2 and PPARGC1A (PubMed:11554766, PubMed:11518699, PubMed:15866171, PubMed:17711846, PubMed:18184930). Acts as a key regulator of glucose homeostasis in liver by phosphorylating CRTC2/TORC2, leading to CRTC2/TORC2 sequestration in the cytoplasm (By similarity). In response to stress, phosphorylates 'Ser-36' of histone H2B (H2BS36ph), leading to promote transcription (By similarity). Acts as a key regulator of cell growth and proliferation by phosphorylating TSC2, RPTOR and ATG1/ULK1: in response to nutrient limitation, negatively regulates the mTORC1 complex by phosphorylating RPTOR component of the mTORC1 complex and by phosphorylating and activating TSC2 (PubMed:14651849, PubMed:20160076, PubMed:21205641). In response to nutrient limitation, promotes autophagy by phosphorylating and activating ATG1/ULK1 (PubMed:21205641). In that process also activates WDR45/WIPI4 (PubMed:28561066). Phosphorylates CASP6, thereby preventing its autoprocessing and subsequent activation (PubMed:32029622). AMPK also acts as a regulator of circadian rhythm by mediating phosphorylation of CRY1, leading to destabilize it (By similarity). May regulate the Wnt signaling pathway by phosphorylating CTNNB1, leading to stabilize it (By similarity). Also acts as a regulator of cellular polarity by remodeling the actin cytoskeleton; probably by indirectly activating myosin (PubMed:17486097). Also phosphorylates CFTR, EEF2K, KLC1, NOS3 and SLC12A1 (PubMed:12519745, PubMed:20074060). Plays an important role in the differential regulation of pro-autophagy (composed of PIK3C3, BECN1, PIK3R4 and UVRAG or ATG14) and non-autophagy (composed of PIK3C3, BECN1 and PIK3R4) complexes, in response to glucose starvation (By similarity). Can inhibit the non-autophagy complex by phosphorylating PIK3C3 and can activate the pro-autophagy complex by phosphorylating BECN1 (By similarity).
A A.Source B B.DB B.Source Description PubMed
PRKAA2 BioGRID SNX27 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
PRKAA2 BioGRID STIM2 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
PRKAA2 BioGRID PRKAG2 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
PRKAA2 BioGRID NOL11 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
PRKAA2 BioGRID CALCOCO2 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS; Two-hybrid
PRKAA2 BioGRID OPTN GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
PRKAA2 BioGRID SH3PXD2A GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
PRKAA2 BioGRID SLC4A4 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
PRKAA2 BioGRID YWHAZ GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
PRKAA2 BioGRID YWHAH GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
PRKAA2 BioGRID YWHAB GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
PRKAA2 BioGRID TRAF2 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
PRKAA2 BioGRID TRAF1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
PRKAA2 BioGRID PRKAG1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS; Affinity Capture-Western; Two-hybrid
PRKAA2 BioGRID PRKAB2 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS; Affinity Capture-Western; Two-hybrid
PRKAA2 BioGRID PRKAB1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS; Co-fractionation; Two-hybrid
PRKAA2 BioGRID PEX1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
PRKAA2 BioGRID SFN GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
PRKAA2 BioGRID AHCY GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
PRKAA2 BioGRID TRIM67 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
PRKAA2 BioGRID CCNF GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
PRKAA2 BioGRID PRKAG3 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
PRKAA2 BioGRID UFL1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
PRKAA2 BioGRID ESYT1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
PRKAA2 BioGRID MGA GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
PRKAA2 BioGRID IPO7 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
PRKAA2 BioGRID DCAF7 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
PRKAA2 BioGRID DNAJC21 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
PRKAA2 BioGRID CLPB GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
PRKAA2 BioGRID UBE2O GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS; Affinity Capture-Western
PRKAA2 BioGRID PARD3 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
PRKAA2 BioGRID PPP6R3 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
PRKAA2 BioGRID PRKDC GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS; Affinity Capture-Western
PRKAA2 BioGRID PPP6C GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
PRKAA2 BioGRID PEX14 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
PRKAA2 BioGRID GSK3B GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
PRKAA2 BioGRID GLG1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
PRKAA2 BioGRID APOD GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
PRKAA2 BioGRID ACVR2A GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
PRKAA2 BioGRID PRKN GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS; Biochemical Activity
PRKAA2 BioGRID USP9X GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-Western
PRKAA2 BioGRID TXNIP GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-Western
PRKAA2 BioGRID MLXIPL GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
PRKAA2 BioGRID RAB7A GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
PRKAA2 BioGRID LAMTOR1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS; Affinity Capture-Western; Proximity Label-MS
PRKAA2 BioGRID ULK1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS; Affinity Capture-Western
PRKAA2 BioGRID CERS2 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
PRKAA2 BioGRID CTNNA3 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
PRKAA2 BioGRID CAMKK2 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
PRKAA2 BioGRID SRSF2 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
PRKAA2 BioGRID PPP1R3C GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-Western; Two-hybrid
PRKAA2 BioGRID DCLRE1C GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS; Affinity Capture-Western
PRKAA2 BioGRID MID1IP1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
PRKAA2 BioGRID PRPS2 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
PRKAA2 BioGRID NACA GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
PRKAA2 BioGRID MAD2L1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
PRKAA2 BioGRID BTF3 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
PRKAA2 BioGRID ZNG1B GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
PRKAA2 BioGRID MORC4 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
PRKAA2 BioGRID ZXDC GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
PRKAA2 BioGRID SMYD2 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
PRKAA2 BioGRID PTGES3 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
PRKAA2 BioGRID NUBP2 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
PRKAA2 BioGRID SUCLG1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
PRKAA2 BioGRID E7 GeneID BioGRID Two-hybrid
PRKAA2 BioGRID SMN1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
PRKAA2 BioGRID PIGR GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
PRKAA2 BioGRID GPT GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
PRKAA2 BioGRID E2F6 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
PRKAA2 BioGRID DCT GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
PRKAA2 BioGRID PARS2 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS; Affinity Capture-Western
PRKAA2 BioGRID MXRA5 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
PRKAA2 BioGRID KATNIP GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
PRKAA2 BioGRID ENTR1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS; Affinity Capture-Western
PRKAA2 BioGRID RIPOR2 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
PRKAA2 BioGRID LRRTM3 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
PRKAA2 BioGRID HSCB GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
PRKAA2 BioGRID AMER1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
PRKAA2 BioGRID DNAJA4 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
PRKAA2 BioGRID KRTAP10-9 GeneID BioGRID Two-hybrid
PRKAA2 BioGRID CCDC172 GeneID BioGRID Two-hybrid
PRKAA2 BioGRID STAC2 GeneID BioGRID Two-hybrid
PRKAA2 BioGRID MORN3 GeneID BioGRID Two-hybrid
PRKAA2 BioGRID ZSCAN23 GeneID BioGRID Two-hybrid
PRKAA2 BioGRID SAXO4 GeneID BioGRID Two-hybrid
PRKAA2 BioGRID AMOT GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS; Two-hybrid
PRKAA2 BioGRID USH1G GeneID BioGRID Two-hybrid
PRKAA2 BioGRID PRDM6 GeneID BioGRID Two-hybrid
PRKAA2 BioGRID L3MBTL3 GeneID BioGRID Two-hybrid
PRKAA2 BioGRID LZTS2 GeneID BioGRID Two-hybrid
PRKAA2 BioGRID ZMYND12 GeneID BioGRID Two-hybrid
PRKAA2 BioGRID SLA2 GeneID BioGRID Two-hybrid
PRKAA2 BioGRID YPEL3 GeneID BioGRID Two-hybrid
PRKAA2 BioGRID KRTAP1-3 GeneID BioGRID Two-hybrid
PRKAA2 BioGRID CCDC33 GeneID BioGRID Two-hybrid
PRKAA2 BioGRID CPSF7 GeneID BioGRID Two-hybrid
PRKAA2 BioGRID VPS37B GeneID BioGRID Two-hybrid
PRKAA2 BioGRID AVPI1 GeneID BioGRID Two-hybrid
PRKAA2 BioGRID KIAA1328 GeneID BioGRID Two-hybrid
PRKAA2 BioGRID KIF16B GeneID BioGRID Two-hybrid
PRKAA2 BioGRID KCTD9 GeneID BioGRID Two-hybrid
PRKAA2 BioGRID ANAPC11 GeneID BioGRID Two-hybrid
PRKAA2 BioGRID VPS28 GeneID BioGRID Two-hybrid
PRKAA2 BioGRID CTAG2 GeneID BioGRID Two-hybrid
PRKAA2 BioGRID NRBF2 GeneID BioGRID Two-hybrid
PRKAA2 BioGRID MTUS2 GeneID BioGRID Two-hybrid
PRKAA2 BioGRID EPN2 GeneID BioGRID Two-hybrid
PRKAA2 BioGRID IKZF3 GeneID BioGRID Two-hybrid
PRKAA2 BioGRID CDC42EP1 GeneID BioGRID Two-hybrid
PRKAA2 BioGRID WWP2 GeneID BioGRID Two-hybrid
PRKAA2 BioGRID IKZF1 GeneID BioGRID Two-hybrid
PRKAA2 BioGRID SPRY1 GeneID BioGRID Two-hybrid
PRKAA2 BioGRID ABI2 GeneID BioGRID Two-hybrid
PRKAA2 BioGRID USH1C GeneID BioGRID Two-hybrid
PRKAA2 BioGRID ABI1 GeneID BioGRID Two-hybrid
PRKAA2 BioGRID GRAP2 GeneID BioGRID Two-hybrid
PRKAA2 BioGRID TRIP13 GeneID BioGRID Two-hybrid
PRKAA2 BioGRID ZNF212 GeneID BioGRID Two-hybrid
PRKAA2 BioGRID MKRN3 GeneID BioGRID Two-hybrid
PRKAA2 BioGRID SKIC2 GeneID BioGRID Two-hybrid
PRKAA2 BioGRID REL GeneID BioGRID Two-hybrid
PRKAA2 BioGRID NAB2 GeneID BioGRID Two-hybrid
PRKAA2 BioGRID LCN2 GeneID BioGRID Two-hybrid
PRKAA2 BioGRID KRT16 GeneID BioGRID Two-hybrid
PRKAA2 BioGRID DVL3 GeneID BioGRID Two-hybrid
PRKAA2 BioGRID DNM2 GeneID BioGRID Two-hybrid
PRKAA2 BioGRID CDX4 GeneID BioGRID Two-hybrid
PRKAA2 BioGRID CDR2 GeneID BioGRID Two-hybrid
PRKAA2 BioGRID TLE5 GeneID BioGRID Two-hybrid
PRKAA2 BioGRID STAU1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
PRKAA2 BioGRID MDP1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
PRKAA2 BioGRID CSK GeneID BioGRID Synthetic Lethality
PRKAA2 BioGRID TRIM14 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
PRKAA2 BioGRID HAT1 GeneID BioGRID Biochemical Activity
PRKAA2 BioGRID RBBP7 GeneID BioGRID Biochemical Activity
PRKAA2 BioGRID DNMT1 GeneID BioGRID Biochemical Activity
PRKAA2 BioGRID G3BP1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-Western; Co-fractionation
PRKAA2 BioGRID USP10 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-Western; Biochemical Activity; Reconstituted Complex
PRKAA2 BioGRID TFAP2A GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-Western; Biochemical Activity; Reconstituted Complex
PRKAA2 BioGRID STK11 GeneID BioGRID Co-localization
PRKAA2 BioGRID KIFC3 GeneID BioGRID Two-hybrid
PRKAA2 BioGRID NIPSNAP1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
PRKAA2 BioGRID INSR GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-Western
PRKAA2 BioGRID PPM1E GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-Western
PRKAA2 BioGRID PPM1F GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-Western
PRKAA2 BioGRID TRIP6 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-Western; Biochemical Activity; Two-hybrid
PRKAA2 BioGRID BRCA1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-Western; Two-hybrid
PRKAA2 BioGRID KCTD1 GeneID BioGRID Two-hybrid
PRKAA2 BioGRID NUTM1 GeneID BioGRID Two-hybrid
PRKAA2 BioGRID RFX6 GeneID BioGRID Two-hybrid
PRKAA2 BioGRID KIF24 GeneID BioGRID Two-hybrid
PRKAA2 BioGRID AIMP2 GeneID BioGRID Two-hybrid
PRKAA2 BioGRID TCF4 GeneID BioGRID Two-hybrid
PRKAA2 BioGRID VPS52 GeneID BioGRID Two-hybrid
PRKAA2 BioGRID ZNF397 GeneID BioGRID Two-hybrid
PRKAA2 BioGRID TSC22D4 GeneID BioGRID Two-hybrid
PRKAA2 BioGRID KRTAP10-3 GeneID BioGRID Two-hybrid
PRKAA2 BioGRID KRT31 GeneID BioGRID Two-hybrid
PRKAA2 BioGRID GLI1 GeneID BioGRID Two-hybrid
PRKAA2 BioGRID FOS GeneID BioGRID Two-hybrid
PRKAA2 BioGRID PPARG GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-Western
PRKAA2 BioGRID HSP90AA1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-Luminescence
PRKAA2 BioGRID WWP1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-Western; Reconstituted Complex; Two-hybrid
PRKAA2 BioGRID RPTOR GeneID BioGRID Biochemical Activity
PRKAA2 BioGRID UBE2I GeneID BioGRID Two-hybrid
PRKAA2 BioGRID TMOD1 GeneID BioGRID Two-hybrid
PRKAA2 BioGRID PSMD11 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-Western; Two-hybrid
PRKAA2 BioGRID C19orf47 GeneID BioGRID Two-hybrid
PRKAA2 BioGRID MYOZ1 GeneID BioGRID Two-hybrid
PRKAA2 BioGRID SNW1 GeneID BioGRID Two-hybrid
PRKAA2 BioGRID EPM2A GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-Western; Biochemical Activity; Two-hybrid
PRKAA2 BioGRID CEP170B GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
PRKAA2 BioGRID FLCN GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
PRKAA2 BioGRID FNIP1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
PRKAA2 BioGRID BAIAP2L1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
PRKAA2 BioGRID MAST3 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
PRKAA2 BioGRID RB1CC1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
PRKAA2 BioGRID MAP3K6 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
PRKAA2 BioGRID SMC1A GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
PRKAA2 BioGRID MLF2 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
PRKAA2 BioGRID STIM1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
PRKAA2 BioGRID PRKAA1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
PRKAA2 BioGRID PIK3CG GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
PRKAA2 BioGRID MAP3K5 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
PRKAA2 BioGRID DNAJB1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
PRKAA2 BioGRID GYS1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
PRKAA2 BioGRID GYG1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
PRKAA2 BioGRID GFPT1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
PRKAA2 BioGRID DFFA GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
PRKAA2 BioGRID AGL GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
PRKAA2 BioGRID ACACA GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
PRKAA2 Protein STK11 GeneID HPRD
PRKAA2 Protein STK11 GeneID BIND LKB1 interacts with AMPK-alpha.
A B experiments database textmining combined score hadb nhadb
PRKAA2 DUSP19 0 0 0 171 1 1
PRKAA2 KDM6A 0 0 0 505 1 1
PRKAA2 KDM4B 0 0 0 162 1 1
PRKAA2 YWHAB 0 0 0 344 1 1
PRKAA2 PCSK9 0 0 96 169 1 1
PRKAA2 EPHB3 0 0 0 158 1 1
PRKAA2 SLK 0 0 415 201 1 1
PRKAA2 ATG4C 0 0 232 313 1 2
PRKAA2 SMURF2 0 0 0 162 1 1
PRKAA2 GPN2 0 0 0 154 1 1
PRKAA2 CCNI2 0 0 0 210 1 1
PRKAA2 RASGEF1B 0 0 0 158 1 1
PRKAA2 SCD 0 0 142 246 1 1
PRKAA2 RAB25 0 0 0 154 1 2
PRKAA2 SRC 0 0 92 277 1 2
PRKAA2 EED 0 0 0 169 1 1
PRKAA2 COQ6 0 0 74 150 1 1
PRKAA2 EFCAB11 0 0 0 192 1 1
PRKAA2 CIB1 0 0 46 350 1 1
PRKAA2 RABGEF1 0 0 0 223 1 1
PRKAA2 ACLY 0 0 194 330 1 1
PRKAA2 UBE2C 0 0 0 155 1 1
PRKAA2 TEN1-CDK3 0 0 75 295 1 1
PRKAA2 STK25 0 0 0 163 1 1
PRKAA2 WWP2 76 0 0 192 1 1
PRKAA2 KBTBD7 0 0 145 198 1 1
PRKAA2 RHOH 0 0 0 168 1 1
PRKAA2 CHMP4A 0 0 0 195 1 1
PRKAA2 LRRK1 0 0 0 186 1 1
PRKAA2 MITF 0 0 0 175 1 2
PRKAA2 RRAGA 0 900 329 949 1 1
PRKAA2 JAK1 0 0 0 163 1 2
PRKAA2 MOS 0 0 0 282 1 1
PRKAA2 H6PD 0 0 0 202 1 1
PRKAA2 EIF2S1 0 0 0 207 1 2
PRKAA2 COX11 0 0 0 188 1 1
PRKAA2 ECI2 0 0 81 262 1 1
PRKAA2 HACE1 0 0 0 177 1 1
PRKAA2 TRRAP 0 0 0 169 1 1
PRKAA2 MC4R 0 0 124 156 1 1
PRKAA2 TSC2 0 900 272 954 1 2
PRKAA2 PPM1D 0 0 0 299 1 1
PRKAA2 HCRTR2 0 0 0 189 1 1
PRKAA2 PTPDC1 0 0 0 168 1 1
PRKAA2 NARFL 0 0 75 314 1 1
PRKAA2 DUSP13 0 0 0 171 1 1
PRKAA2 STK3 0 0 0 223 1 1
PRKAA2 CDKN1B 0 0 95 164 1 2
PRKAA2 BOLA2-SMG1P6 0 0 0 240 1 1
PRKAA2 CAMK1G 0 0 92 219 1 1
PRKAA2 SEPT12 0 0 0 152 1 1
PRKAA2 DUSP23 0 0 0 168 1 1
PRKAA2 PHF2 0 0 0 274 1 1
PRKAA2 CDC42BPA 0 0 0 208 1 1
PRKAA2 PPARG 270 0 293 507 1 2
PRKAA2 AKT1 0 0 339 357 1 2
PRKAA2 ARL5A 0 0 0 156 1 1
PRKAA2 GNAL 0 0 0 188 1 1
PRKAA2 PRKCG 0 0 180 179 1 1
PRKAA2 ARL15 0 0 0 154 1 1
PRKAA2 FOXA1 0 0 0 328 1 1
PRKAA2 SIK1B 0 0 0 181 1 1
PRKAA2 TMEM143 0 0 209 263 1 1
PRKAA2 PRDM16 0 0 91 199 1 1
PRKAA2 SGK3 0 0 96 336 1 1
PRKAA2 ACOX2 0 0 66 162 1 1
PRKAA2 IKBKB 0 0 67 200 1 2
PRKAA2 HDGFRP2 0 0 0 206 1 1
PRKAA2 WDR78 0 0 170 220 1 1
PRKAA2 SLC36A1 0 0 356 372 1 1
PRKAA2 XIAP 0 0 0 152 1 2
PRKAA2 PHKG2 0 0 170 181 1 1
PRKAA2 ANKS6 0 0 0 195 1 1
PRKAA2 ZNF397 128 0 0 214 1 1
PRKAA2 SLC2A8 0 0 134 414 1 1
PRKAA2 BIRC5 0 0 0 152 1 2
PRKAA2 SIRT4 0 0 193 333 1 1
PRKAA2 GSK3A 0 0 184 430 1 1
PRKAA2 ID2 0 0 0 205 1 1
PRKAA2 CCNG2 0 0 81 243 1 1
PRKAA2 CETN1 0 0 0 181 1 1
PRKAA2 USH2A 0 0 0 207 1 1
PRKAA2 RHOC 0 0 0 204 1 1
PRKAA2 BIRC8 0 0 0 152 1 1
PRKAA2 ANK3 0 0 91 296 1 1
PRKAA2 MYO1A 0 0 0 150 1 1
PRKAA2 FEM1A 0 0 0 155 1 1
PRKAA2 EFCAB13 0 0 0 192 1 1
PRKAA2 CDK15 0 0 0 309 1 1
PRKAA2 GUCA1B 0 0 0 179 1 1
PRKAA2 ATP6V1A 0 0 0 171 1 1
PRKAA2 MAP3K1 0 0 90 204 1 1
PRKAA2 CCNE2 0 0 0 183 1 1
PRKAA2 SP5 0 0 0 229 1 1
PRKAA2 SCGN 0 0 0 192 1 1
PRKAA2 EFR3B 0 0 107 195 1 1
PRKAA2 GYS2 0 600 113 851 1 1
PRKAA2 ENSG00000274276 0 0 71 163 1 1
PRKAA2 UBE2E2 0 0 0 174 1 1
PRKAA2 CALN1 0 0 0 192 1 1
PRKAA2 PIK3C2G 0 0 113 241 1 1
PRKAA2 GCG 0 0 134 227 1 1
PRKAA2 NFKB2 0 0 81 311 1 1
PRKAA2 ATG4B 0 0 225 373 1 2
PRKAA2 TCP1 0 0 49 311 1 1
PRKAA2 RND3 0 0 74 312 1 1
PRKAA2 CDK13 0 0 0 162 1 1
PRKAA2 LAMC1 0 0 0 222 1 1
PRKAA2 TFAP2A 270 0 0 285 1 1
PRKAA2 RHOF 0 0 0 199 1 1
PRKAA2 MAP3K14 0 0 61 198 1 1
PRKAA2 AGT 0 0 71 184 1 1
PRKAA2 LAMTOR2 0 900 0 906 1 1
PRKAA2 TXNIP 0 0 54 157 1 2
PRKAA2 CSNK2A1 0 0 90 182 1 1
PRKAA2 MAL2 0 0 68 150 1 1
PRKAA2 SHROOM2 0 0 95 190 1 1
PRKAA2 SLC35D1 0 0 108 167 1 1
PRKAA2 THRSP 0 0 150 179 1 1
PRKAA2 G3BP1 270 0 0 270 1 1
PRKAA2 ROR2 0 0 0 158 1 1
PRKAA2 ITIH6 0 0 181 198 1 1
PRKAA2 PFKFB4 0 600 107 655 1 1
PRKAA2 ANKRD27 0 0 0 152 1 1
PRKAA2 ARNTL 0 0 203 257 1 1
PRKAA2 RHEBL1 0 0 0 154 1 1
PRKAA2 MERTK 0 0 0 158 1 1
PRKAA2 ACSBG2 0 0 171 243 1 1
PRKAA2 PPP2R2B 0 0 54 254 1 1
PRKAA2 SOCS4 0 0 0 225 1 1
PRKAA2 UVRAG 0 0 161 190 1 2
PRKAA2 DMPK 0 0 0 159 1 1
PRKAA2 UQCRC1 0 0 141 160 1 1
PRKAA2 NFYC 0 0 0 179 1 1
PRKAA2 UBL7 0 0 0 152 1 1
PRKAA2 NBR1 0 0 204 210 1 2
PRKAA2 ASB15 0 0 0 168 1 1
PRKAA2 STK32C 0 0 0 234 1 1
PRKAA2 DNAJC6 0 0 74 208 1 1
PRKAA2 PLCB1 0 0 113 190 1 1
PRKAA2 TNF 0 0 108 188 1 2
PRKAA2 ECHDC2 0 0 113 215 1 1
PRKAA2 KANK4 0 0 126 225 1 1
PRKAA2 PGM1 0 0 46 153 1 1
PRKAA2 MEF2C 0 0 96 297 1 1
PRKAA2 ANKRD1 0 0 69 192 1 1
PRKAA2 ITK 0 0 0 158 1 1
PRKAA2 DCT 217 0 0 217 1 1
PRKAA2 GFER 0 0 328 328 1 1
PRKAA2 WIPI2 0 0 108 232 1 2
PRKAA2 ALDH18A1 0 0 0 155 1 1
PRKAA2 NAIP 0 0 0 152 1 1
PRKAA2 TP53TG5 0 0 194 318 1 1
PRKAA2 PLAG1 0 0 0 157 1 1
PRKAA2 PAX3 0 0 0 158 1 1
PRKAA2 ITCH 0 0 0 162 1 1
PRKAA2 EEF2 0 0 92 247 1 2
PRKAA2 MLYCD 0 800 57 815 1 1
PRKAA2 RBBP7 270 0 0 317 1 1
PRKAA2 CDK3 0 0 75 295 1 1
PRKAA2 RRAS2 0 0 52 301 1 1
PRKAA2 ZCCHC7 0 0 0 152 1 1
PRKAA2 SLC27A1 0 0 167 220 1 1
PRKAA2 RAB14 0 0 54 193 1 1
PRKAA2 HSD17B4 0 0 0 284 1 1
PRKAA2 BCL2 0 0 434 434 1 2
PRKAA2 RNF38 0 0 122 232 1 1
PRKAA2 FOXA2 0 0 0 328 1 1
PRKAA2 FEM1B 0 0 0 155 1 1
PRKAA2 PTPN2 0 0 70 231 1 2
PRKAA2 SSH3 0 0 0 171 1 1
PRKAA2 RNASEL 0 0 0 247 1 1
PRKAA2 DDIT4 0 0 387 386 1 2
PRKAA2 FADS2 0 0 152 159 1 1
PRKAA2 TMEM160 0 0 116 256 1 1
PRKAA2 CDIPT 0 0 72 175 1 1
PRKAA2 BMPR2 0 0 0 158 1 1
PRKAA2 FCHO1 0 0 0 189 1 1
PRKAA2 PDPK1 0 0 127 261 1 2
PRKAA2 DUSP6 0 0 0 168 1 1
PRKAA2 NEK6 0 0 66 196 1 1
PRKAA2 HELZ2 0 0 0 270 1 1
PRKAA2 SLC27A4 0 0 122 210 1 1
PRKAA2 TESK1 0 0 0 158 1 1
PRKAA2 DNAJC27 0 0 0 154 1 1
PRKAA2 PLCH1 0 0 94 231 1 1
PRKAA2 CAT 0 0 67 362 1 2
PRKAA2 PAFAH1B3 0 0 242 248 1 1
PRKAA2 BARD1 0 0 71 177 1 1
PRKAA2 LPGAT1 0 0 0 161 1 1
PRKAA2 CRBN 0 0 0 236 1 1
PRKAA2 CDK1 0 0 57 289 1 2
PRKAA2 DAGLB 0 0 74 351 1 1
PRKAA2 MYO6 0 0 0 178 1 1
PRKAA2 REM1 0 0 0 168 1 1
PRKAA2 RPS6KB1 0 0 324 452 1 2
PRKAA2 TTBK1 0 0 108 175 1 1
PRKAA2 UBL4A 0 0 0 179 1 1
PRKAA2 RERGL 0 0 0 154 1 1
PRKAA2 RALGPS2 0 0 0 156 1 1
PRKAA2 EPHB1 0 0 0 158 1 1
PRKAA2 KCNA1 0 0 296 296 1 1
PRKAA2 HSPA9 0 0 42 165 1 1
PRKAA2 IRS1 0 0 234 334 1 2
PRKAA2 SGK1 0 0 166 347 1 2
PRKAA2 NTRK1 0 0 64 167 1 1
PRKAA2 SESN1 0 600 111 678 1 1
PRKAA2 ATR 0 0 0 221 1 2
PRKAA2 STIM1 180 0 0 216 1 2
PRKAA2 HK3 0 0 0 390 1 1
PRKAA2 TRH 0 0 0 565 1 1
PRKAA2 EPHA1 0 0 0 158 1 1
PRKAA2 PROCA1 0 0 158 303 1 1
PRKAA2 RBM24 0 0 90 210 1 1
PRKAA2 HDAC7 0 0 66 196 1 1
PRKAA2 OSGIN2 0 0 161 218 1 1
PRKAA2 ULK3 0 0 269 334 1 2
PRKAA2 FLT3LG 0 0 291 290 1 1
PRKAA2 ARL16 0 0 0 154 1 1
PRKAA2 DUSP18 0 0 0 168 1 1
PRKAA2 ALDOC 0 0 94 163 1 1
PRKAA2 SREBF2 0 0 94 270 1 1
PRKAA2 HSF2 0 0 0 400 1 1
PRKAA2 NDUFS2 0 0 57 161 1 1
PRKAA2 CASKIN2 0 0 0 155 1 1
PRKAA2 TEAD1 0 0 0 184 1 1
PRKAA2 UBE2O 217 0 410 576 1 1
PRKAA2 SEPT3 0 0 0 173 1 1
PRKAA2 CSRP3 0 0 0 207 1 1
PRKAA2 DIRAS2 0 0 0 154 1 1
PRKAA2 TRIM46 0 0 0 206 1 1
PRKAA2 DGKI 0 0 157 233 1 1
PRKAA2 ARFGEF1 0 0 0 204 1 1
PRKAA2 DYRK1B 0 0 66 194 1 1
PRKAA2 NR1H4 0 0 108 178 1 1
PRKAA2 KDM4C 0 0 45 166 1 1
PRKAA2 ASPM 0 0 0 154 1 1
PRKAA2 MRAS 0 0 108 272 1 1
PRKAA2 UBE2S 0 0 0 160 1 1
PRKAA2 PPP3R1 0 0 0 249 1 1
PRKAA2 TAF1L 0 0 148 176 1 1
PRKAA2 DAPK2 0 0 82 192 1 2
PRKAA2 STRADB 0 900 103 918 1 1
PRKAA2 IRAK4 0 0 0 287 1 1
PRKAA2 ACSL4 0 0 58 174 1 1
PRKAA2 BMPR1A 0 0 0 182 1 1
PRKAA2 DECR2 0 0 125 230 1 1
PRKAA2 DSTYK 0 0 0 158 1 1
PRKAA2 SLC22A2 0 0 75 168 1 1
PRKAA2 NTRK3 0 0 81 173 1 1
PRKAA2 DUSP28 0 0 0 168 1 1
PRKAA2 RRAGB 0 900 350 950 1 1
PRKAA2 TIGD1 0 0 182 181 1 1
PRKAA2 NME8 0 0 0 174 1 1
PRKAA2 HSDL1 0 0 143 466 1 1
PRKAA2 CABP7 0 0 0 192 1 1
PRKAA2 LDHA 0 0 190 257 1 2
PRKAA2 AMBRA1 0 900 95 911 1 2
PRKAA2 NFE2L1 0 0 58 274 1 1
PRKAA2 CCNA1 0 0 0 183 1 1
PRKAA2 ZBTB12 0 0 0 152 1 1
PRKAA2 UBR3 0 0 95 187 1 1
PRKAA2 UBE2M 0 0 55 249 1 1
PRKAA2 ENSG00000273398 0 0 0 249 1 1
PRKAA2 KLHL34 0 0 0 168 1 1
PRKAA2 EIF4EBP3 0 0 357 370 1 1
PRKAA2 TRIM67 0 0 108 169 1 1
PRKAA2 ATP1A4 0 0 159 216 1 1
PRKAA2 GNB4 0 600 0 630 1 1
PRKAA2 MARK2 0 0 145 209 1 1
PRKAA2 YARS2 0 0 0 163 1 1
PRKAA2 KHK 0 0 134 206 1 1
PRKAA2 PBXIP1 192 0 0 192 1 1
PRKAA2 PLIN2 0 600 43 669 1 2
PRKAA2 ENSG00000100926 0 0 0 195 1 1
PRKAA2 NUAK1 0 0 576 283 1 1
PRKAA2 DOC2B 0 0 93 182 1 1
PRKAA2 EOMES 0 0 304 316 1 1
PRKAA2 INPP4A 0 0 0 156 1 1
PRKAA2 INPP5K 0 0 108 262 1 1
PRKAA2 UBQLN2 0 0 0 152 1 2
PRKAA2 PDK4 0 0 162 216 1 1
PRKAA2 UBE2D2 0 0 0 174 1 1
PRKAA2 GALNT5 0 0 88 150 1 1
PRKAA2 ESR1 0 0 112 286 1 2
PRKAA2 PDE10A 0 0 57 182 1 1
PRKAA2 DYNC1H1 0 0 0 185 1 1
PRKAA2 TRIP6 490 0 0 489 1 1
PRKAA2 CABP2 0 0 0 192 1 1
PRKAA2 CAMK1 0 0 123 197 1 1
PRKAA2 ILKAP 0 0 0 299 1 1
PRKAA2 FPGT-TNNI3K 0 0 0 158 1 1
PRKAA2 MYBL2 0 0 387 416 1 1
PRKAA2 MIB1 0 0 0 164 1 1
PRKAA2 PACSIN3 0 0 92 170 1 1
PRKAA2 MST1R 0 0 0 158 1 1
PRKAA2 PSKH1 0 0 0 174 1 1
PRKAA2 HADHB 0 0 142 247 1 1
PRKAA2 MCM2 0 0 0 210 1 1
PRKAA2 UBC 0 0 0 203 1 2
PRKAA2 FAM20C 0 0 63 262 1 1
PRKAA2 MAP1LC3B 0 0 296 349 1 2
PRKAA2 PIGA 0 0 0 182 1 1
PRKAA2 SGIP1 0 0 102 240 1 1
PRKAA2 MAPKAPK3 0 0 66 175 1 1
PRKAA2 MRPL44 0 0 0 194 1 1
PRKAA2 ACVRL1 0 0 0 158 1 1
PRKAA2 CLK2 0 0 764 404 1 1
PRKAA2 RIPK4 0 0 0 237 1 1
PRKAA2 CDC25B 0 0 0 207 1 1
PRKAA2 ULK1 412 600 320 817 1 2
PRKAA2 GUCY2C 0 0 122 167 1 1
PRKAA2 STXBP4 0 0 0 198 1 1
PRKAA2 CAMK2A 0 0 194 195 1 2
PRKAA2 PLK3 0 0 0 170 1 1
PRKAA2 MUSK 0 0 0 158 1 1
PRKAA2 GEM 0 0 0 154 1 1
PRKAA2 PAQR3 0 0 150 216 1 2
PRKAA2 RASL11B 0 0 0 172 1 1
PRKAA2 ACADSB 0 0 134 277 1 1
PRKAA2 KRAS 0 0 76 318 1 2
PRKAA2 DCP1A 0 0 0 159 1 1
PRKAA2 RND2 0 0 0 165 1 1
PRKAA2 GNB3 0 600 0 625 1 1
PRKAA2 FOXK1 0 0 92 165 1 1
PRKAA2 KDM2B 0 0 0 295 1 1
PRKAA2 RAB19 0 0 112 197 1 1
PRKAA2 MLST8 0 900 357 944 1 1
PRKAA2 RAI14 0 0 0 185 1 1
PRKAA2 PPAPDC2 0 0 166 165 1 1
PRKAA2 PPAT 0 0 0 183 1 1
PRKAA2 BIRC7 0 0 0 152 1 1
PRKAA2 ZNF813 0 0 74 166 1 1
PRKAA2 MYO1C 0 0 60 168 1 1
PRKAA2 ZNF474 0 0 0 258 1 1
PRKAA2 THRB 0 0 92 181 1 1
PRKAA2 ZBTB8A 73 0 0 165 1 1
PRKAA2 TCEA3 0 0 81 159 1 1
PRKAA2 WDR59 0 0 0 185 1 1
PRKAA2 PRKAR1A 0 0 69 364 1 2
PRKAA2 ANKRD32 0 0 0 173 1 1
PRKAA2 RHOD 0 0 0 165 1 1
PRKAA2 GAS7 0 0 0 222 1 1
PRKAA2 DUSP27 0 0 0 182 1 1
PRKAA2 RHOBTB3 0 0 0 184 1 1
PRKAA2 ACADVL 0 0 150 220 1 1
PRKAA2 COX6B2 0 0 136 239 1 1
PRKAA2 CDC25A 0 0 0 207 1 1
PRKAA2 PFKFB1 0 600 204 698 1 1
PRKAA2 SCD5 0 0 0 154 1 1
PRKAA2 REM2 0 0 0 154 1 1
PRKAA2 PAK4 0 0 81 198 1 1
PRKAA2 AGBL5 0 0 0 161 1 1
PRKAA2 DUSP1 0 0 52 207 1 1
PRKAA2 ACADL 0 0 170 205 1 1
PRKAA2 MAPK11 0 0 145 370 1 1
PRKAA2 PPM1A 0 900 183 929 1 1
PRKAA2 NUAK2 0 0 602 247 1 1
PRKAA2 FBXL19 0 0 0 284 1 1
PRKAA2 CAB39L 0 900 0 927 1 1
PRKAA2 ZNF644 0 0 0 190 1 1
PRKAA2 MAPT 0 900 45 917 1 2
PRKAA2 BECN1 0 900 392 948 1 2
PRKAA2 NAP1L4 0 0 0 266 1 1
PRKAA2 COX4I2 0 0 123 292 1 1
PRKAA2 GYS1 92 600 342 895 1 1
PRKAA2 CMYA5 0 0 0 228 1 1
PRKAA2 GNG10 0 600 0 600 1 1
PRKAA2 HP1BP3 0 0 96 238 1 1
PRKAA2 PPME1 0 0 74 163 1 1
PRKAA2 CYBB 0 0 0 154 1 2
PRKAA2 ENSG00000268643 0 0 0 500 1 1
PRKAA2 TOM1L1 0 0 0 195 1 1
PRKAA2 SMARCA1 0 0 0 185 1 1
PRKAA2 MAPK15 0 0 61 219 1 1
PRKAA2 PPM1B 0 0 66 229 1 1
PRKAA2 ACOT6 0 0 280 313 1 1
PRKAA2 ZNF142 0 0 159 242 1 1
PRKAA2 RASGRF1 0 0 0 160 1 1
PRKAA2 TONSL 0 0 0 150 1 1
PRKAA2 IFNA14 0 0 194 194 1 1
PRKAA2 STK17B 0 0 0 201 1 1
PRKAA2 TMOD1 192 0 0 192 1 1
PRKAA2 SRPK3 0 0 0 269 1 1
PRKAA2 TMEM65 0 0 156 235 1 1
PRKAA2 EIF4B 0 0 326 385 1 1
PRKAA2 ENPP1 0 0 150 185 1 1
PRKAA2 LTK 0 0 0 162 1 1
PRKAA2 DDX6 0 0 0 269 1 1
PRKAA2 ADAM21 0 0 113 189 1 1
PRKAA2 SMURF1 0 0 83 198 1 1
PRKAA2 CASP3 0 0 134 222 1 2
PRKAA2 RASGRP4 0 0 0 156 1 1
PRKAA2 HNRNPL 270 0 0 297 1 1
PRKAA2 EGLN1 0 0 97 309 1 1
PRKAA2 PANK3 0 0 95 175 1 1
PRKAA2 AGPAT9 0 0 103 223 1 1
PRKAA2 HDAC9 0 0 62 192 1 1
PRKAA2 ATG101 0 600 113 644 1 2
PRKAA2 PARS2 443 0 0 457 1 1
PRKAA2 REL 273 0 0 273 1 2
PRKAA2 ARRDC3 64 0 0 163 1 1
PRKAA2 OR51L1 0 0 0 179 1 1
PRKAA2 MAP3K10 0 0 0 158 1 1
PRKAA2 RIPK1 0 0 0 158 1 2
PRKAA2 YIF1B 0 0 115 206 1 1
PRKAA2 TBC1D7 0 800 43 805 1 2
PRKAA2 CEBPB 0 0 112 220 1 2
PRKAA2 ATG16L1 0 0 122 204 1 2
PRKAA2 PIK3CD 0 0 0 281 1 1
PRKAA2 DUSP2 0 0 49 178 1 1
PRKAA2 INSRR 0 0 0 258 1 1
PRKAA2 GNG3 0 600 0 600 1 1
PRKAA2 ZIC2 0 0 0 167 1 1
PRKAA2 MTUS2 273 0 0 273 1 1
PRKAA2 PIGR 217 0 0 217 1 1
PRKAA2 EPHB2 0 0 0 158 1 2
PRKAA2 C3orf70 0 0 0 258 1 1
PRKAA2 PNPLA3 0 0 117 384 1 1
PRKAA2 CDKN2A 0 0 96 230 1 2
PRKAA2 PPP6C 0 0 77 557 1 1
PRKAA2 ASUN 0 0 0 195 1 1
PRKAA2 CCNG1 0 0 0 210 1 1
PRKAA2 MFSD1 0 0 139 158 1 1
PRKAA2 GSK3B 0 0 204 478 1 2
PRKAA2 CDC34 0 0 0 159 1 1
PRKAA2 RPL13A 0 0 74 249 1 1
PRKAA2 RHOU 0 0 0 165 1 1
PRKAA2 SMARCAD1 0 0 0 179 1 1
PRKAA2 SORT1 0 0 119 150 1 1
PRKAA2 CALM1 0 0 57 251 1 1
PRKAA2 MYO1H 0 0 48 199 1 1
PRKAA2 POTEF 0 0 181 298 1 1
PRKAA2 PIDD1 0 0 0 190 1 1
PRKAA2 MYL5 0 0 0 179 1 1
PRKAA2 CEP170B 180 0 0 179 1 1
PRKAA2 CCNC 0 0 90 442 1 1
PRKAA2 CROT 0 0 92 340 1 1
PRKAA2 NAP1L1 0 0 0 266 1 1
PRKAA2 E2F6 128 0 0 169 1 1
PRKAA2 UBE2A 0 0 0 155 1 1
PRKAA2 RPS6 0 0 259 344 1 2
PRKAA2 CCNF 0 0 0 183 1 1
PRKAA2 PRKG1 0 0 174 219 1 1
PRKAA2 UCP2 0 0 253 292 1 2
PRKAA2 PPP1R12A 0 0 0 181 1 1
PRKAA2 RAB12 0 0 0 181 1 2
PRKAA2 IL6 0 0 134 220 1 2
PRKAA2 MAPK13 0 0 98 360 1 1
PRKAA2 UBE2R2 0 0 0 159 1 1
PRKAA2 MTMR6 0 0 0 166 1 1
PRKAA2 CLN3 0 0 125 158 1 2
PRKAA2 PPP2R2D 0 0 0 215 1 1
PRKAA2 CNTD2 0 0 0 210 1 1
PRKAA2 ACVR1C 0 0 0 158 1 1
PRKAA2 HIF1A 0 0 243 457 1 2
PRKAA2 PYGL 0 0 94 181 1 1
PRKAA2 KCNIP2 0 0 0 179 1 1
PRKAA2 GCK 0 0 108 433 1 1
PRKAA2 ANKRD23 0 0 116 216 1 1
PRKAA2 CSNK1G1 0 0 0 222 1 1
PRKAA2 ACSL3 0 0 66 150 1 1
PRKAA2 ARL1 0 0 0 154 1 1
PRKAA2 PRKAG1 974 900 668 999 1 1
PRKAA2 ACSL5 0 0 160 237 1 1
PRKAA2 SH2B2 0 0 112 675 1 1
PRKAA2 PRKAR2B 0 0 118 558 1 1
PRKAA2 CDK2 0 0 81 296 1 2
PRKAA2 SOCS7 0 0 0 228 1 1
PRKAA2 COA5 0 0 113 199 1 1
PRKAA2 MAP1LC3A 0 0 212 291 1 2
PRKAA2 LIPE 0 800 170 842 1 1
PRKAA2 EPHA2 0 0 60 165 1 1
PRKAA2 TEC 0 0 0 158 1 1
PRKAA2 DERA 0 0 0 150 1 1
PRKAA2 KCNIP4 0 0 0 179 1 1
PRKAA2 WRNIP1 0 0 0 369 1 1
PRKAA2 PIK3R4 0 900 232 936 1 2
PRKAA2 ACSS2 0 0 66 239 1 1
PRKAA2 MAPRE2 0 0 0 178 1 1
PRKAA2 PHLPP1 0 0 0 324 1 2
PRKAA2 SLC25A20 0 0 150 198 1 1
PRKAA2 EPHA8 0 0 0 158 1 1
PRKAA2 ITPR2 0 0 95 153 1 1
PRKAA2 ATP6V1C2 0 0 0 154 1 1
PRKAA2 LONRF2 0 0 0 256 1 1
PRKAA2 FBXO42 0 0 0 236 1 1
PRKAA2 TPO 0 0 0 194 1 1
PRKAA2 RAP1A 0 0 65 177 1 1
PRKAA2 GABARAPL2 0 0 125 291 1 2
PRKAA2 BRSK2 0 0 216 266 1 1
PRKAA2 POTEE 0 0 0 178 1 1
PRKAA2 SNW1 192 0 63 340 1 1
PRKAA2 CIPC 0 0 163 163 1 1
PRKAA2 NF1 0 0 67 208 1 1
PRKAA2 CDK10 0 0 0 165 1 1
PRKAA2 KSR2 0 0 0 163 1 1
PRKAA2 C1orf168 0 0 195 195 1 1
PRKAA2 SLC25A11 0 0 96 167 1 1
PRKAA2 ATG14 0 900 233 920 1 2
PRKAA2 RIT2 0 0 0 154 1 1
PRKAA2 EGR3 0 0 70 162 1 1
PRKAA2 BIRC2 0 0 45 156 1 1
PRKAA2 ELOVL2 0 0 98 219 1 1
PRKAA2 UBQLN4 0 0 0 152 1 1
PRKAA2 GRTP1 0 0 46 203 1 1
PRKAA2 DUSP15 0 0 0 171 1 1
PRKAA2 KCNJ11 0 0 95 152 1 1
PRKAA2 CALB2 0 0 0 192 1 1
PRKAA2 PRKACA 0 800 0 851 1 1
PRKAA2 TENC1 0 0 0 209 1 1
PRKAA2 MAPK4 0 0 0 252 1 1
PRKAA2 PFKL 0 0 91 220 1 1
PRKAA2 ARL3 0 0 0 154 1 1
PRKAA2 RTBDN 0 0 341 341 1 1
PRKAA2 SLC2A10 0 0 81 195 1 1
PRKAA2 IGFBP5 0 0 107 183 1 1
PRKAA2 ARF1 0 0 42 157 1 1
PRKAA2 JHDM3C 0 0 45 166 1 1
PRKAA2 PDP2 0 0 0 208 1 1
PRKAA2 STARD7 0 0 101 201 1 1
PRKAA2 KLF3 0 0 0 156 1 1
PRKAA2 PPP2R2A 0 0 0 215 1 1
PRKAA2 TANC1 0 0 0 168 1 1
PRKAA2 UBE2B 0 0 0 155 1 1
PRKAA2 PLK1 0 0 45 171 1 2
PRKAA2 FGF21 0 0 57 225 1 2
PRKAA2 GALK1 0 0 74 222 1 1
PRKAA2 CS 0 0 100 289 1 1
PRKAA2 CCNB1 0 0 48 230 1 1
PRKAA2 NPPA 0 0 74 159 1 1
PRKAA2 FBXL3 0 0 210 292 1 1
PRKAA2 UBD 0 0 0 179 1 1
PRKAA2 PARK7 0 0 60 192 1 2
PRKAA2 ACSL1 0 0 166 299 1 1
PRKAA2 MEF2D 0 0 61 240 1 2
PRKAA2 SPAG5 0 0 0 179 1 1
PRKAA2 HDAC3 0 0 0 219 1 2
PRKAA2 PPP3CC 0 0 0 248 1 1
PRKAA2 HDAC5 0 0 66 220 1 1
PRKAA2 UBA1 0 0 0 179 1 1
PRKAA2 NPY 0 0 97 205 1 1
PRKAA2 RSG1 0 0 0 154 1 1
PRKAA2 PFKM 0 0 229 371 1 1
PRKAA2 PSMA6 0 0 0 159 1 1
PRKAA2 MAP2K1 0 0 123 344 1 1
PRKAA2 LRRTM3 128 0 0 171 1 1
PRKAA2 MAGI1 0 0 0 154 1 1
PRKAA2 UBBP4 0 0 0 203 1 1
PRKAA2 IKZF3 64 0 0 157 1 1
PRKAA2 UNK 0 0 0 157 1 1
PRKAA2 CARNS1 0 0 0 188 1 1
PRKAA2 MAP2K5 0 0 0 269 1 1
PRKAA2 CAB39 0 900 134 938 1 1
PRKAA2 LARP1 0 0 152 191 1 1
PRKAA2 ENSG00000272772 0 0 0 369 1 1
PRKAA2 CIDEA 0 0 67 234 1 1
PRKAA2 UBE2K 0 0 0 174 1 1
PRKAA2 ZNF423 0 0 0 162 1 1
PRKAA2 AKT2 0 0 203 328 1 2
PRKAA2 ACER3 0 0 88 156 1 1
PRKAA2 IGF1R 0 0 134 285 1 2
PRKAA2 UBE2D1 0 0 0 185 1 1
PRKAA2 RIT1 0 0 0 154 1 1
PRKAA2 CIB3 0 0 0 179 1 1
PRKAA2 HIPK1 0 0 0 185 1 1
PRKAA2 ARL8B 0 0 0 154 1 1
PRKAA2 MYC 0 0 113 176 1 2
PRKAA2 CHMP4C 0 0 0 195 1 1
PRKAA2 IDH3G 0 0 67 158 1 1
PRKAA2 ATP1B1 0 0 97 210 1 1
PRKAA2 STK32B 0 0 0 220 1 1
PRKAA2 TRAPPC9 0 0 74 256 1 1
PRKAA2 PAX7 0 0 61 192 1 1
PRKAA2 ATXN7L3 0 0 113 203 1 1
PRKAA2 GNAT2 0 0 0 197 1 1
PRKAA2 ZNF212 94 0 0 184 1 1
PRKAA2 ZNF536 0 0 0 153 1 1
PRKAA2 PIK3CA 0 0 108 331 1 2
PRKAA2 ACACA 470 900 450 983 1 1
PRKAA2 ZNF473 0 0 47 166 1 1
PRKAA2 TRDN 0 0 0 155 1 1
PRKAA2 USP10 270 0 0 293 1 1
PRKAA2 RAVER2 0 0 155 154 1 1
PRKAA2 TAB1 0 0 0 299 1 1
PRKAA2 GNAT3 0 0 0 197 1 1
PRKAA2 CIB2 0 0 0 179 1 1
PRKAA2 MYLK4 0 0 0 246 1 1
PRKAA2 DHX33 0 0 0 151 1 1
PRKAA2 MYH10 0 0 0 213 1 1
PRKAA2 FBP2 0 0 88 456 1 1
PRKAA2 PPP3CB 0 0 57 261 1 1
PRKAA2 BMP2K 0 0 73 151 1 1
PRKAA2 FGR 0 0 66 167 1 1
PRKAA2 CAMKK2 195 900 605 975 1 2
PRKAA2 OXSR1 0 0 0 307 1 1
PRKAA2 DIRAS1 0 0 0 154 1 1
PRKAA2 PAK1 0 0 0 225 1 2
PRKAA2 HSCB 270 0 0 270 1 1
PRKAA2 SKIV2L 118 0 0 154 1 1
PRKAA2 KDM7A 0 0 0 275 1 1
PRKAA2 ZFAND4 0 0 0 271 1 1
PRKAA2 CDK14 0 0 84 293 1 1
PRKAA2 EIF4G3 0 0 0 164 1 1
PRKAA2 RBBP6 0 0 74 190 1 1
PRKAA2 VDAC2 0 0 0 236 1 1
PRKAA2 CPT2 0 0 141 198 1 1
PRKAA2 STAT3 0 0 176 198 1 2
PRKAA2 PPP1R12C 0 0 49 286 1 1
PRKAA2 MPDZ 0 0 0 168 1 1
PRKAA2 UBE2T 0 0 0 174 1 1
PRKAA2 TRIM23 0 0 0 247 1 1
PRKAA2 EFCAB2 0 0 0 192 1 1
PRKAA2 ERN1 0 0 70 171 1 2
PRKAA2 LAMTOR4 0 900 0 900 1 1
PRKAA2 DYNLL1 0 900 0 903 1 1
PRKAA2 DECR1 0 0 141 212 1 1
PRKAA2 RAB4A 0 0 0 185 1 1
PRKAA2 FES 0 0 0 159 1 1
PRKAA2 CDK4 0 0 60 236 1 2
PRKAA2 PSTPIP1 0 0 0 363 1 1
PRKAA2 PRKCI 0 0 0 157 1 1
PRKAA2 RNF40 0 0 0 151 1 1
PRKAA2 MARK1 0 0 186 263 1 1
PRKAA2 CFTR 0 800 0 878 1 2
PRKAA2 MED13 0 0 48 265 1 1
PRKAA2 PAM 0 0 0 175 1 1
PRKAA2 KLHDC2 0 0 0 236 1 1
PRKAA2 DDIT3 0 0 0 151 1 2
PRKAA2 PRKX 0 0 0 299 1 1
PRKAA2 CDC42BPG 0 0 0 159 1 1
PRKAA2 RASGRP2 0 0 66 178 1 1
PRKAA2 ARF5 0 0 0 156 1 1
PRKAA2 PRKACG 0 800 98 854 1 1
PRKAA2 SNAP23 0 0 122 190 1 1
PRKAA2 BRSK1 0 0 103 225 1 1
PRKAA2 TXK 0 0 0 158 1 1
PRKAA2 HK2 0 0 87 420 1 2
PRKAA2 SNX14 0 0 94 174 1 1
PRKAA2 FRK 0 0 45 262 1 1
PRKAA2 MLXIPL 0 900 209 920 1 1
PRKAA2 GLIS2 0 0 0 151 1 1
PRKAA2 RERG 0 0 0 154 1 1
PRKAA2 RPL6 0 0 0 200 1 1
PRKAA2 RAP2B 0 0 0 154 1 1
PRKAA2 EFCAB1 0 0 0 179 1 1
PRKAA2 CABP4 0 0 0 192 1 1
PRKAA2 AKTIP 0 0 0 150 1 1
PRKAA2 MAPKAPK2 0 0 0 151 1 1
PRKAA2 UBE2D4 0 0 0 174 1 1
PRKAA2 YWHAG 0 0 108 390 1 1
PRKAA2 OCM2 0 0 0 192 1 1
PRKAA2 HYOU1 0 0 46 159 1 1
PRKAA2 GLI2 0 0 0 165 1 2
PRKAA2 CDK6 0 0 96 245 1 2
PRKAA2 HMGCS2 0 0 140 197 1 1
PRKAA2 NDUFA4 0 0 164 218 1 1
PRKAA2 SMG5 0 0 62 269 1 1
PRKAA2 AK7 0 0 95 174 1 1
PRKAA2 RHOB 0 0 0 204 1 1
PRKAA2 CALML6 0 0 0 192 1 1
PRKAA2 CCNB3 0 0 0 210 1 1
PRKAA2 SCML1 0 0 164 170 1 1
PRKAA2 PIK3R5 0 0 134 676 1 1
PRKAA2 PLCD4 0 0 107 216 1 1
PRKAA2 STK32A 0 0 0 248 1 1
PRKAA2 BOLA2B 0 0 0 240 1 1
PRKAA2 NFIL3 0 0 108 279 1 1
PRKAA2 PPP2R5A 0 0 0 216 1 1
PRKAA2 UBE2U 0 0 147 355 1 1
PRKAA2 ENSG00000255863 0 0 0 156 1 1
PRKAA2 CDK19 0 0 0 407 1 1
PRKAA2 KAT2A 0 0 44 325 1 1
PRKAA2 AACS 0 0 157 213 1 1
PRKAA2 RALGPS1 0 0 0 156 1 1
PRKAA2 GNB5 0 600 0 611 1 1
PRKAA2 ALG1L2 0 0 0 182 1 1
PRKAA2 LEPR 0 900 91 912 1 1
PRKAA2 ADCK2 0 0 155 223 1 1
PRKAA2 PPM1G 0 0 0 208 1 1
PRKAA2 SDHA 0 0 67 153 1 1
PRKAA2 ENSG00000268221 0 0 0 167 1 1
PRKAA2 RC3H1 0 0 0 176 1 1
PRKAA2 CHRAC1 0 0 0 150 1 1
PRKAA2 CTNNA3 130 0 0 155 1 1
PRKAA2 ARL17A 0 0 0 156 1 1
PRKAA2 PPEF1 0 0 67 383 1 1
PRKAA2 ANKRD46 0 0 0 155 1 1
PRKAA2 MARK3 0 0 186 216 1 1
PRKAA2 UBQLN3 0 0 0 152 1 1
PRKAA2 VGLL2 0 0 96 210 1 1
PRKAA2 ENSG00000272822 0 0 0 156 1 1
PRKAA2 CSNK2A2 0 0 155 210 1 1
PRKAA2 ZNF687 0 0 0 187 1 1
PRKAA2 PRKAB2 973 900 763 999 1 1
PRKAA2 IGSF21 0 0 0 151 1 1
PRKAA2 SETD7 0 0 45 293 1 1
PRKAA2 GLUD2 0 0 0 155 1 1
PRKAA2 FASN 0 0 325 358 1 2
PRKAA2 SOS2 0 0 0 242 1 1
PRKAA2 ARL11 0 0 0 156 1 1
PRKAA2 HK1 0 0 0 390 1 1
PRKAA2 ARL5C 0 0 0 156 1 1
PRKAA2 TBC1D15 0 0 74 176 1 1
PRKAA2 RPS6KA4 0 0 166 155 1 1
PRKAA2 ATG4A 0 0 113 285 1 2
PRKAA2 NMRK2 0 0 96 165 1 1
PRKAA2 POMC 0 0 100 257 1 1
PRKAA2 MYL12A 0 0 0 275 1 1
PRKAA2 PLK2 0 0 0 170 1 1
PRKAA2 PSKH2 0 0 0 188 1 1
PRKAA2 CHEK2 0 0 0 242 1 1
PRKAA2 MIER1 0 0 63 150 1 1
PRKAA2 MAPK9 0 0 116 288 1 2
PRKAA2 ATP2C2 0 0 0 173 1 1
PRKAA2 RPTOR 270 900 309 974 1 2
PRKAA2 NDUFAB1 0 0 74 185 1 1
PRKAA2 CEBPD 0 0 0 157 1 1
PRKAA2 ITGA1 0 0 0 191 1 1
PRKAA2 BPTF 0 0 46 150 1 1
PRKAA2 GNAS 0 0 53 243 1 1
PRKAA2 HPCAL4 0 0 0 179 1 1
PRKAA2 RAD17 0 0 0 160 1 1
PRKAA2 ACVR1 0 0 52 162 1 1
PRKAA2 PER3 0 0 142 228 1 1
PRKAA2 POTEJ 0 0 0 178 1 1
PRKAA2 SEC23A 0 0 66 157 1 2
PRKAA2 IFNA10 0 0 183 183 1 1
PRKAA2 ZSCAN23 76 0 0 167 1 1
PRKAA2 RPS6KB2 0 0 48 395 1 2
PRKAA2 CSK 0 0 48 238 1 1
PRKAA2 NR3C1 0 0 119 300 1 1
PRKAA2 GLUD1 0 0 0 155 1 1
PRKAA2 UBQLNL 0 0 0 152 1 1
PRKAA2 CPT1B 0 0 259 387 1 1
PRKAA2 CISH 0 0 47 161 1 1
PRKAA2 SMARCB1 0 0 0 174 1 1
PRKAA2 DAPK3 0 0 0 181 1 2
PRKAA2 PAK3 0 0 0 234 1 1
PRKAA2 TNS1 0 0 0 168 1 1
PRKAA2 STIM2 686 0 0 713 1 1
PRKAA2 KLF5 0 0 57 150 1 2
PRKAA2 SPATA21 0 0 0 192 1 1
PRKAA2 NDUFS5 0 0 81 206 1 1
PRKAA2 RAPGEF1 0 0 0 156 1 1
PRKAA2 ZIC5 0 0 0 167 1 1
PRKAA2 ARL4D 0 0 0 156 1 1
PRKAA2 PAK2 0 0 66 243 1 1
PRKAA2 LDB3 0 0 0 160 1 1
PRKAA2 UPP1 0 0 67 223 1 1
PRKAA2 MC5R 0 0 0 153 1 1
PRKAA2 ADIPOQ 0 650 252 779 1 2
PRKAA2 SHANK2 0 0 89 212 1 1
PRKAA2 AURKB 0 0 0 183 1 1
PRKAA2 AMOT 269 0 91 307 1 1
PRKAA2 PRKAB1 973 900 654 999 1 2
PRKAA2 ARL9 0 0 0 156 1 1
PRKAA2 SKP2 0 0 89 164 1 2
PRKAA2 PYGM 0 0 140 222 1 1
PRKAA2 RASD1 0 0 0 154 1 1
PRKAA2 VSNL1 0 0 0 199 1 1
PRKAA2 TFAM 0 0 217 315 1 2
PRKAA2 LIMK2 0 0 54 164 1 1
PRKAA2 RIPK2 0 0 0 158 1 2
PRKAA2 CRK 0 0 0 210 1 1
PRKAA2 PNCK 0 0 123 207 1 1
PRKAA2 SLC47A1 0 0 218 345 1 1
PRKAA2 SOX13 0 0 0 157 1 1
PRKAA2 ATP5B 0 0 61 223 1 1
PRKAA2 NEK3 0 0 0 160 1 1
PRKAA2 CYB5B 0 0 94 171 1 1
PRKAA2 CAMK1D 0 0 136 192 1 1
PRKAA2 XRN1 0 0 0 180 1 1
PRKAA2 EEF1A2 0 0 0 153 1 1
PRKAA2 STYX 0 0 0 171 1 1
PRKAA2 CDKL2 0 0 0 196 1 1
PRKAA2 WDFY1 0 0 0 162 1 1
PRKAA2 EXOC7 0 0 0 170 1 1
PRKAA2 GALK2 0 0 0 373 1 1
PRKAA2 BAIAP2L1 223 0 0 223 1 1
PRKAA2 HDLBP 0 0 0 614 1 1
PRKAA2 MIB2 0 0 0 164 1 1
PRKAA2 APOL6 0 0 83 181 1 1
PRKAA2 USH1G 73 0 0 178 1 1
PRKAA2 ERN2 0 0 0 160 1 1
PRKAA2 DUSP22 0 0 0 171 1 1
PRKAA2 ANK1 0 0 0 164 1 1
PRKAA2 KDM4A 0 0 0 162 1 1
PRKAA2 GOLGA2 272 0 0 281 1 1
PRKAA2 YWHAE 0 0 0 357 1 1
PRKAA2 LCK 0 0 57 256 1 1
PRKAA2 NDUFA3 0 0 82 291 1 1
PRKAA2 HOMEZ 117 0 0 151 1 1
PRKAA2 WDFY2 0 0 0 162 1 1
PRKAA2 RHOT1 0 0 0 156 1 1
PRKAA2 AURKC 0 0 0 169 1 1
PRKAA2 DCAF10 0 0 0 154 1 1
PRKAA2 MYL7 0 0 0 197 1 1
PRKAA2 C1orf141 0 0 154 153 1 1
PRKAA2 TNKS 0 0 0 150 1 1
PRKAA2 TSC1 0 900 297 943 1 2
PRKAA2 CALB1 0 0 0 192 1 1
PRKAA2 MAPK12 0 0 0 339 1 1
PRKAA2 MST4 0 0 69 185 1 1
PRKAA2 ELOVL4 0 0 0 182 1 1
PRKAA2 HSPA1A 0 0 66 167 1 1
PRKAA2 ORMDL3 0 0 64 499 1 2
PRKAA2 ULK2 62 0 229 274 1 2
PRKAA2 ARL17B 0 0 0 156 1 1
PRKAA2 PER2 0 0 156 244 1 1
PRKAA2 MAP2K3 0 0 72 197 1 1
PRKAA2 ENSG00000268434 0 0 0 270 1 1
PRKAA2 CHEK1 0 0 66 234 1 2
PRKAA2 SNAP29 0 0 81 152 1 2
PRKAA2 AKT1S1 0 600 251 690 1 1
PRKAA2 GLI3 0 0 0 167 1 1
PRKAA2 CSNK1E 0 0 112 192 1 1
PRKAA2 SIRT3 0 0 167 194 1 2
PRKAA2 ARL6 0 0 0 202 1 1
PRKAA2 B2M 0 0 68 162 1 1
PRKAA2 ROS1 0 0 0 158 1 1
PRKAA2 DNMT1 270 0 0 285 1 2
PRKAA2 FOXG1 0 0 0 154 1 1
PRKAA2 CIT 0 0 0 159 1 1
PRKAA2 EPHA10 0 0 0 158 1 1
PRKAA2 KLHL38 0 0 57 155 1 1
PRKAA2 INS 0 0 325 334 1 2
PRKAA2 ACTB 0 0 241 350 1 2
PRKAA2 COX4I1 0 0 141 213 1 1
PRKAA2 DYRK2 0 0 76 196 1 1
PRKAA2 LY6G6F-LY6G6D 0 0 194 194 1 1
PRKAA2 APOL5 0 0 157 156 1 1
PRKAA2 COQ7 0 0 74 284 1 1
PRKAA2 CEBPA 0 0 69 195 1 1
PRKAA2 ATP5S 0 0 108 172 1 1
PRKAA2 ANKHD1-EIF4EBP3 0 0 0 171 1 1
PRKAA2 ANKRD2 0 0 0 172 1 1
PRKAA2 MYO9A 0 0 82 153 1 1
PRKAA2 ITGB3BP 0 0 107 162 1 1
PRKAA2 PNPLA2 0 0 123 388 1 2
PRKAA2 TFEB 0 0 170 189 1 2
PRKAA2 HADHA 0 0 96 171 1 1
PRKAA2 GNG2 0 600 0 600 1 1
PRKAA2 GABARAPL1 0 0 203 354 1 2
PRKAA2 WDR38 0 0 0 159 1 1
PRKAA2 ACSM5 0 0 160 314 1 1
PRKAA2 MPC1 0 0 98 213 1 1
PRKAA2 MLKL 0 0 0 162 1 2
PRKAA2 USP6 0 0 49 167 1 1
PRKAA2 RHOG 0 0 0 165 1 1
PRKAA2 STK4 0 0 0 228 1 1
PRKAA2 CDKN2AIPNL 0 0 170 169 1 1
PRKAA2 RHOQ 0 0 0 165 1 1
PRKAA2 UBE2N 0 0 0 184 1 1
PRKAA2 PGAM2 0 0 181 198 1 1
PRKAA2 SLC35A3 0 0 0 194 1 1
PRKAA2 GNG7 0 600 0 600 1 1
PRKAA2 TMLHE 0 0 81 155 1 1
PRKAA2 EIF4G1 0 0 0 164 1 2
PRKAA2 ABTB1 0 0 0 155 1 1
PRKAA2 RHOA 0 0 49 211 1 2
PRKAA2 UBE2L3 0 0 0 157 1 1
PRKAA2 HSPA8 0 600 0 643 1 2
PRKAA2 INSR 270 0 250 555 1 1
PRKAA2 CRTC2 0 800 156 859 1 1
PRKAA2 ERAS 0 0 0 154 1 1
PRKAA2 NKRF 0 0 61 154 1 1
PRKAA2 VDAC3 0 0 0 236 1 1
PRKAA2 SLC2A4 0 0 324 518 1 1
PRKAA2 STAC2 160 0 0 159 1 1
PRKAA2 FOXO3 0 600 251 843 1 2
PRKAA2 APOE 0 0 112 155 1 2
PRKAA2 ENSG00000250232 0 0 90 243 1 1
PRKAA2 ACTG2 0 0 0 196 1 1
PRKAA2 CRY1 0 600 142 663 1 1
PRKAA2 CDC42 0 0 54 177 1 2
PRKAA2 CCNO 0 0 0 210 1 1
PRKAA2 PKMYT1 0 0 0 231 1 1
PRKAA2 CRAT 0 0 72 215 1 1
PRKAA2 CAMK2D 0 0 166 196 1 1
PRKAA2 DNAJB1 63 0 92 152 1 2
PRKAA2 BIRC6 0 0 96 290 1 1
PRKAA2 ANKRD17 0 0 0 171 1 1
PRKAA2 CDKN3 0 0 66 190 1 1
PRKAA2 TESC 0 0 0 249 1 1
PRKAA2 MAP3K19 0 0 0 190 1 1
PRKAA2 CASKIN1 0 0 0 171 1 1
PRKAA2 TTC17 0 0 154 153 1 1
PRKAA2 HNF4A 213 0 155 390 1 1
PRKAA2 PRDM6 71 0 0 163 1 1
PRKAA2 EFCAB7 0 0 134 270 1 1
PRKAA2 ZNF112 0 0 0 153 1 1
PRKAA2 TBK1 0 0 0 158 1 2
PRKAA2 TUBB2A 0 0 103 160 1 1
PRKAA2 ADIPOR2 0 650 125 733 1 1
PRKAA2 SORCS1 0 0 134 170 1 1
PRKAA2 ENSG00000263020 0 0 97 165 1 1
PRKAA2 TESK2 0 0 112 185 1 1
PRKAA2 SKP1 0 0 45 178 1 2
PRKAA2 RAB11A 0 0 57 168 1 2
PRKAA2 RAC2 0 0 0 165 1 1
PRKAA2 YY1 0 0 57 150 1 1
PRKAA2 ADSSL1 0 0 0 168 1 1
PRKAA2 DIS3 0 0 0 197 1 1
PRKAA2 RASGRF2 0 0 0 156 1 1
PRKAA2 CNBD2 0 0 0 181 1 1
PRKAA2 PIK3C2A 0 0 75 252 1 1
PRKAA2 GLUL 0 0 0 206 1 1
PRKAA2 ALG2 0 0 0 205 1 1
PRKAA2 PPP2R3B 0 0 93 176 1 1
PRKAA2 MAF1 0 0 95 200 1 1
PRKAA2 MAP3K6 223 0 0 223 1 1
PRKAA2 RIPK3 0 0 0 247 1 2
PRKAA2 ENSG00000259316 0 0 0 222 1 1
PRKAA2 PIP4K2B 0 0 127 176 1 1
PRKAA2 KLHDC9 0 0 0 236 1 1
PRKAA2 OPN1MW2 0 0 0 167 1 1
PRKAA2 WDR20 0 0 0 182 1 1
PRKAA2 RASD2 0 0 0 171 1 1
PRKAA2 WEE2 0 0 0 159 1 1
PRKAA2 CPT1A 0 0 212 294 1 1
PRKAA2 UQCRFS1 0 0 0 286 1 1
PRKAA2 ATP2A3 0 0 0 173 1 1
PRKAA2 CYP8B1 0 0 70 281 1 1
PRKAA2 CDK18 0 0 113 342 1 1
PRKAA2 SSH2 0 0 75 216 1 1
PRKAA2 DUOX1 0 0 0 180 1 1
PRKAA2 PHKG1 0 0 282 237 1 1
PRKAA2 BMX 0 0 0 158 1 1
PRKAA2 ENSG00000279392 0 0 0 157 1 1
PRKAA2 TNKS2 0 0 0 161 1 1
PRKAA2 NTRK2 0 0 71 169 1 1
PRKAA2 CDK8 0 0 0 406 1 1
PRKAA2 ACACB 213 800 294 937 1 1
PRKAA2 TRHDE 0 0 92 206 1 1
PRKAA2 NOX4 0 0 0 154 1 2
PRKAA2 DROSHA 0 0 0 282 1 1
PRKAA2 SLC2A12 0 0 108 243 1 1
PRKAA2 NADK 0 0 0 157 1 1
PRKAA2 MTNR1B 0 0 97 295 1 1
PRKAA2 ARF4 0 0 0 156 1 1
PRKAA2 PPP3CA 0 0 97 292 1 1
PRKAA2 GUCA1A 0 0 0 179 1 1
PRKAA2 UBQLN1 0 0 46 157 1 1
PRKAA2 BCL6 0 0 0 155 1 1
PRKAA2 PINK1 0 0 57 178 1 2
PRKAA2 KIAA1804 0 0 0 158 1 1
PRKAA2 GPT 217 0 0 252 1 1
PRKAA2 EIF4EBP1 0 0 209 346 1 2
PRKAA2 FOXO4 0 600 47 635 1 1
PRKAA2 AXL 0 0 0 158 1 2
PRKAA2 AKAP14 0 0 0 188 1 1
PRKAA2 HSP90AB1 129 0 46 305 1 2
PRKAA2 FEM1C 0 0 0 155 1 1
PRKAA2 PDPR 0 0 185 283 1 1
PRKAA2 CREM 0 0 87 180 1 1
PRKAA2 GBAS 0 0 125 179 1 1
PRKAA2 PDE4B 0 0 47 151 1 1
PRKAA2 ACVR1B 0 0 54 174 1 1
PRKAA2 SLC25A23 0 0 103 192 1 1
PRKAA2 VEGFB 0 0 72 232 1 1
PRKAA2 LHFPL2 0 0 150 242 1 1
PRKAA2 YES1 0 0 0 174 1 1
PRKAA2 PPM1E 270 0 0 480 1 1
PRKAA2 CSNK2A3 0 0 0 164 1 1
PRKAA2 NEDD8-MDP1 0 0 0 154 1 1
PRKAA2 GNG13 0 600 115 681 1 1
PRKAA2 LAMTOR3 0 900 0 900 1 1
PRKAA2 POTEI 0 0 0 178 1 1
PRKAA2 PPTC7 0 0 145 349 1 1
PRKAA2 MYL4 0 0 0 179 1 1
PRKAA2 SOS1 0 0 45 245 1 1
PRKAA2 YTHDF3 0 0 0 174 1 1
PRKAA2 ASB11 0 0 0 436 1 1
PRKAA2 SOX5 0 0 0 157 1 1
PRKAA2 CDK17 0 0 103 344 1 1
PRKAA2 PPEF2 0 0 0 312 1 1
PRKAA2 FOXK2 0 0 81 155 1 1
PRKAA2 UBE2J1 0 0 0 173 1 1
PRKAA2 PPP2R5C 0 0 0 216 1 1
PRKAA2 EPHB4 0 0 0 158 1 1
PRKAA2 PKM 128 0 134 570 1 1
PRKAA2 RAB39A 0 0 0 154 1 1
PRKAA2 BTK 0 0 0 158 1 1
PRKAA2 FCHO2 0 0 0 189 1 1
PRKAA2 WDR45 0 0 113 262 1 2
PRKAA2 NEDD4L 0 0 0 186 1 1
PRKAA2 CSNK1G3 0 0 0 222 1 1
PRKAA2 MAPK1 0 0 208 383 1 2
PRKAA2 IGF1 0 0 218 234 1 2
PRKAA2 UBE2Z 0 0 0 155 1 1
PRKAA2 ALDH9A1 0 0 82 156 1 1
PRKAA2 SRR 0 0 67 189 1 1
PRKAA2 ABHD10 0 0 134 217 1 1
PRKAA2 CDC42BPB 0 0 0 159 1 1
PRKAA2 HSPA13 0 0 74 154 1 1
PRKAA2 EPHB6 0 0 52 167 1 1
PRKAA2 CDK12 0 0 0 163 1 1
PRKAA2 ASCL4 0 0 0 235 1 1
PRKAA2 ARNT2 0 0 86 164 1 1
PRKAA2 UBE2W 0 0 0 155 1 1
PRKAA2 DUSP26 0 0 0 192 1 1
PRKAA2 HIPK3 0 0 104 207 1 1
PRKAA2 ABHD5 0 0 74 165 1 1
PRKAA2 CABP1 0 0 0 192 1 1
PRKAA2 TNNC2 0 0 0 192 1 1
PRKAA2 GNAI2 0 0 0 197 1 1
PRKAA2 UCP3 0 0 232 301 1 1
PRKAA2 WDR45B 0 0 0 181 1 1
PRKAA2 DAGLA 0 0 61 475 1 1
PRKAA2 ENSG00000268221 0 0 0 167 1 1
PRKAA2 MRPL47 0 0 129 204 1 1
PRKAA2 ANKK1 0 0 66 167 1 1
PRKAA2 ABI2 218 0 0 240 1 1
PRKAA2 ACADM 0 0 123 161 1 1
PRKAA2 RABL2B 0 0 0 154 1 1
PRKAA2 IGBP1 0 0 0 235 1 1
PRKAA2 PHKA1 0 0 255 302 1 1
PRKAA2 ACVR2A 0 0 0 158 1 1
PRKAA2 CBSL 0 0 71 163 1 1
PRKAA2 ATP2A2 0 0 0 173 1 1
PRKAA2 MYO1B 0 0 60 197 1 1
PRKAA2 DFFA 223 0 0 223 1 1
PRKAA2 GNB2L1 0 0 81 195 1 1
PRKAA2 PPP2R5E 0 0 0 216 1 1
PRKAA2 MAP2K2 0 0 0 328 1 1
PRKAA2 STK31 0 0 217 217 1 1
PRKAA2 NR1D1 0 0 138 177 1 2
PRKAA2 HPCA 0 0 0 179 1 1
PRKAA2 PHLPP2 0 0 0 335 1 1
PRKAA2 CDX4 160 0 0 174 1 1
PRKAA2 RHEB 0 900 295 957 1 2
PRKAA2 ENSG00000258973 0 0 0 162 1 1
PRKAA2 PLA2G12B 0 0 0 261 1 1
PRKAA2 TXN 0 0 0 153 1 1
PRKAA2 CCNE1 0 0 75 212 1 1
PRKAA2 IKZF5 0 0 125 212 1 1
PRKAA2 UBB 0 0 0 203 1 1
PRKAA2 ANK2 0 0 0 221 1 1
PRKAA2 PRKDC 0 0 108 309 1 2
PRKAA2 PPP2CA 0 0 0 242 1 1
PRKAA2 CCNB1IP1 300 0 0 300 1 1
PRKAA2 CHMP4B 0 0 0 515 1 2
PRKAA2 EIF4E 0 0 120 215 1 2
PRKAA2 YWHAQ 0 0 53 353 1 1
PRKAA2 KAT2B 0 0 0 323 1 1
PRKAA2 STYXL1 0 0 0 171 1 1
PRKAA2 RRAD 0 0 112 424 1 1
PRKAA2 PIK3C2B 0 0 66 245 1 1
PRKAA2 NOX5 0 0 0 154 1 1
PRKAA2 HMGCR 0 800 218 856 1 1
PRKAA2 MED13L 0 0 0 259 1 1
PRKAA2 UBE2I 192 0 0 291 1 1
PRKAA2 C8A 0 0 127 181 1 1
PRKAA2 MYL2 0 0 0 179 1 1
PRKAA2 FAU 0 0 0 179 1 2
PRKAA2 IRAK2 0 0 0 160 1 1
PRKAA2 ACTA2 0 0 0 196 1 1
PRKAA2 NOS3 0 0 82 206 1 2
PRKAA2 PPM1K 0 0 0 299 1 1
PRKAA2 PRKAA1 384 900 803 937 1 2
PRKAA2 AIF1L 0 0 0 230 1 1
PRKAA2 TYRO3 0 0 0 184 1 1
PRKAA2 AXIN1 0 0 433 444 1 1
PRKAA2 ATM 0 0 162 218 1 2
PRKAA2 PRKAG3 686 800 613 984 1 1
PRKAA2 HSD3B2 0 0 180 197 1 1
PRKAA2 RAD23B 0 0 0 160 1 1
PRKAA2 LCAT 0 0 66 211 1 1
PRKAA2 EPHA6 0 0 82 198 1 1
PRKAA2 SIK3 0 0 150 199 1 1
PRKAA2 G6PD 0 0 53 263 1 1
PRKAA2 AGRP 0 0 124 313 1 1
PRKAA2 GNAI1 0 0 60 236 1 1
PRKAA2 FOXN4 0 0 66 212 1 1
PRKAA2 POLI 0 0 0 151 1 1
PRKAA2 EGLN2 0 0 46 270 1 1
PRKAA2 TGFBR2 0 0 0 169 1 1
PRKAA2 SPACA3 0 0 119 256 1 1
PRKAA2 IFNA8 0 0 183 183 1 1
PRKAA2 ATG7 0 0 293 497 1 2
PRKAA2 IKZF1 65 0 0 157 1 1
PRKAA2 ACTG1 0 0 171 290 1 1
PRKAA2 CDK7 0 0 92 202 1 1
PRKAA2 CPT1C 0 0 294 324 1 1
PRKAA2 FMN1 0 0 0 159 1 1
PRKAA2 PPARGC1B 0 0 142 173 1 1
PRKAA2 AMPD1 0 0 150 185 1 1
PRKAA2 PTK7 0 0 0 161 1 1
PRKAA2 GABARAP 0 0 150 311 1 2
PRKAA2 MAPK7 0 0 45 249 1 1
PRKAA2 STXBP5L 0 0 0 183 1 1
PRKAA2 PTEN 0 0 166 545 1 2
PRKAA2 NEK7 0 0 0 167 1 1
PRKAA2 DYRK4 0 0 0 185 1 1
PRKAA2 AMPD2 0 0 170 233 1 1
PRKAA2 PANK2 0 0 70 392 1 1
PRKAA2 WIPI1 0 0 160 277 1 2
PRKAA2 DNM1L 0 0 142 215 1 2
PRKAA2 PI4KB 0 0 0 175 1 1
PRKAA2 ORMDL2 0 0 0 250 1 1
PRKAA2 MAP3K3 0 0 0 233 1 1
PRKAA2 PRKG2 0 0 0 153 1 1
PRKAA2 SDCCAG3 217 0 0 217 1 1
PRKAA2 LEP 213 900 295 948 1 1
PRKAA2 RHOT2 0 0 0 168 1 1
PRKAA2 SYK 0 0 66 167 1 2
PRKAA2 NFKBIA 0 0 0 181 1 2
PRKAA2 STK33 0 0 0 170 1 1
PRKAA2 CTTNBP2 0 0 0 171 1 1
PRKAA2 EIF4E1B 0 0 148 689 1 1
PRKAA2 LMNB2 0 0 0 155 1 1
PRKAA2 MAPK14 0 0 147 352 1 2
PRKAA2 MAPK10 0 0 0 299 1 2
PRKAA2 NPY1R 0 0 0 161 1 1
PRKAA2 UCP1 0 0 167 223 1 2
PRKAA2 SREBF1 0 0 310 444 1 1
PRKAA2 GPD2 0 0 75 162 1 1
PRKAA2 SLC36A4 0 0 357 373 1 1
PRKAA2 NOX1 0 0 0 154 1 1
PRKAA2 ACOX1 0 0 193 276 1 1
PRKAA2 SMARCA4 0 0 130 324 1 1
PRKAA2 SIRT1 0 0 326 675 1 2
PRKAA2 PPAP2A 0 0 181 186 1 1
PRKAA2 DCP1B 0 0 0 159 1 1
PRKAA2 MAP3K5 223 0 85 286 1 1
PRKAA2 GNA11 0 0 57 195 1 1
PRKAA2 MYL3 0 0 0 199 1 1
PRKAA2 LYN 0 0 46 252 1 1
PRKAA2 RCVRN 0 0 0 179 1 1
PRKAA2 GNG8 0 600 0 600 1 1
PRKAA2 PDIK1L 0 0 0 220 1 1
PRKAA2 MAPK6 0 0 0 214 1 1
PRKAA2 RAC1 0 0 46 170 1 2
PRKAA2 DUOX2 0 0 0 208 1 1
PRKAA2 HMGB1 0 0 0 318 1 2
PRKAA2 PPP1CA 0 0 0 569 1 1
PRKAA2 DUSP21 0 0 0 168 1 1
PRKAA2 KSR1 0 0 45 165 1 1
PRKAA2 ATG5 0 0 321 400 1 2
PRKAA2 MAP2K6 0 0 90 198 1 1
PRKAA2 CAMK2G 0 0 57 168 1 1
PRKAA2 PPP5D1 0 0 0 253 1 1
PRKAA2 PPP2R2C 0 0 0 236 1 1
PRKAA2 NIPSNAP1 178 0 0 189 1 1
PRKAA2 SOX6 0 0 61 174 1 1
PRKAA2 HIPK2 0 0 0 185 1 2
PRKAA2 GBE1 0 0 74 330 1 1
PRKAA2 MYO10 0 0 0 155 1 1
PRKAA2 PECR 0 0 108 182 1 1
PRKAA2 PUM1 0 0 54 210 1 1
PRKAA2 PTPN1 0 0 55 360 1 1
PRKAA2 PRKAG2 872 900 601 999 1 1
PRKAA2 DMWD 0 0 0 182 1 1
PRKAA2 TGFBR1 0 0 49 161 1 1
PRKAA2 LAMC3 0 0 0 207 1 1
PRKAA2 DYRK1A 0 0 96 205 1 1
PRKAA2 ARL13B 0 0 0 154 1 1
PRKAA2 GLI1 128 0 0 214 1 2
PRKAA2 IVD 0 0 91 174 1 1
PRKAA2 MYOZ1 192 0 45 195 1 1
PRKAA2 MAMDC4 0 0 0 162 1 1
PRKAA2 ISG15 0 0 0 179 1 2
PRKAA2 DUSP14 0 0 0 168 1 1
PRKAA2 RPS6KA1 0 0 183 153 1 1
PRKAA2 MAP3K12 0 0 113 154 1 1
PRKAA2 NEK2 0 0 73 189 1 1
PRKAA2 POU2F2 0 0 0 159 1 1
PRKAA2 NUDC 0 0 0 188 1 1
PRKAA2 SLC37A3 0 0 113 331 1 1
PRKAA2 RASL10A 0 0 0 154 1 1
PRKAA2 RPS23 0 0 0 188 1 1
PRKAA2 CACHD1 0 0 181 260 1 1
PRKAA2 NOVA1 0 0 72 164 1 1
PRKAA2 STK39 0 0 49 307 1 1
PRKAA2 RALA 0 0 0 154 1 1
PRKAA2 MAP4K4 0 0 141 185 1 1
PRKAA2 DYNLL2 0 900 0 904 1 1
PRKAA2 AKT3 0 0 162 325 1 2
PRKAA2 SEC22B 0 0 107 163 1 1
PRKAA2 ADK 0 0 145 265 1 1
PRKAA2 EPAS1 0 0 81 340 1 2
PRKAA2 RAB39B 0 0 47 170 1 1
PRKAA2 TPTE2 0 0 116 233 1 1
PRKAA2 SH2B1 0 0 0 234 1 1
PRKAA2 FOXO1 0 600 152 688 1 2
PRKAA2 DUSP3 0 0 0 171 1 1
PRKAA2 ASB2 0 0 0 191 1 1
PRKAA2 SOD2 0 0 156 366 1 2
PRKAA2 YTHDF1 0 0 0 174 1 1
PRKAA2 TFE3 0 0 0 161 1 2
PRKAA2 NRAS 0 0 92 330 1 1
PRKAA2 MYO3B 0 0 0 162 1 1
PRKAA2 MYH13 0 0 75 157 1 1
PRKAA2 SMYD2 405 0 0 432 1 1
PRKAA2 CAMK4 0 0 139 220 1 1
PRKAA2 MTUS1 0 0 72 234 1 1
PRKAA2 ASB5 0 0 148 499 1 1
PRKAA2 MCF2L 0 0 0 175 1 1
PRKAA2 GNG5 0 600 0 600 1 1
PRKAA2 MYO5C 0 0 84 192 1 1
PRKAA2 IRAK3 0 0 0 166 1 1
PRKAA2 RRAGC 0 900 329 936 1 1
PRKAA2 SRPK2 0 0 67 289 1 1
PRKAA2 MSTN 0 0 123 263 1 1
PRKAA2 ZBED9 0 0 0 206 1 1
PRKAA2 RAB11B 0 0 0 154 1 1
PRKAA2 CRKL 0 0 82 571 1 1
PRKAA2 FOS 129 0 95 209 1 2
PRKAA2 MAT1A 0 0 0 225 1 1
PRKAA2 YWHAZ 0 0 0 344 1 1
PRKAA2 TBC1D2B 0 0 0 199 1 1
PRKAA2 PPM1N 0 0 0 208 1 1
PRKAA2 PTK6 0 0 0 220 1 2
PRKAA2 MATK 0 0 46 160 1 1
PRKAA2 GNGT2 0 600 0 600 1 1
PRKAA2 PPP1R3A 0 0 134 696 1 1
PRKAA2 ORMDL1 0 0 0 209 1 1
PRKAA2 ASB8 0 0 47 173 1 1
PRKAA2 STK17A 0 0 0 181 1 1
PRKAA2 GNAI3 0 0 0 197 1 2
PRKAA2 UBE2E3 0 0 0 174 1 1
PRKAA2 MALRD1 0 0 0 162 1 1
PRKAA2 RNF20 0 0 0 151 1 1
PRKAA2 RRAGD 0 900 329 936 1 1
PRKAA2 RASL10B 0 0 0 173 1 1
PRKAA2 ATP1A1 0 0 158 223 1 1
PRKAA2 RABGAP1 0 0 90 200 1 1
PRKAA2 CDKN2B 0 0 0 183 1 1
PRKAA2 PIK3CB 0 0 137 353 1 1
PRKAA2 MET 0 0 0 178 1 2
PRKAA2 NCALD 0 0 0 179 1 1
PRKAA2 LRRK2 0 0 48 218 1 2
PRKAA2 GNAO1 0 0 54 208 1 1
PRKAA2 NDUFA6 0 0 66 164 1 1
PRKAA2 STK38L 0 0 0 196 1 1
PRKAA2 ARF6 0 0 0 154 1 1
PRKAA2 ARL4C 0 0 0 156 1 1
PRKAA2 RASL11A 0 0 0 154 1 1
PRKAA2 EIF4EBP2 0 0 327 461 1 1
PRKAA2 WEE1 0 0 0 159 1 1
PRKAA2 EEF2K 213 800 90 848 1 2
PRKAA2 STXBP1 0 0 0 188 1 1
PRKAA2 COQ5 0 0 92 222 1 1
PRKAA2 DIRAS3 0 0 54 165 1 2
PRKAA2 SLC16A5 0 0 95 186 1 1
PRKAA2 GDF11 0 0 0 195 1 1
PRKAA2 ISYNA1 0 0 57 359 1 1
PRKAA2 PHLDB2 0 0 94 179 1 1
PRKAA2 ATG12 0 0 223 279 1 2
PRKAA2 RRP7A 0 0 118 317 1 1
PRKAA2 LIPC 0 0 157 156 1 1
PRKAA2 TNNI3K 0 0 0 158 1 1
PRKAA2 LIMK1 0 0 0 159 1 1
PRKAA2 GAPVD1 0 0 0 152 1 1
PRKAA2 SNTB1 0 0 81 178 1 1
PRKAA2 EPHA5 0 0 46 185 1 1
PRKAA2 CHP2 0 0 0 249 1 1
PRKAA2 RAB4B 0 0 0 185 1 1
PRKAA2 KCNIP1 0 0 0 179 1 1
PRKAA2 PLIN3 0 600 66 652 1 1
PRKAA2 ATG4D 0 0 75 173 1 2
PRKAA2 GFPT1 258 0 0 312 1 1
PRKAA2 CRYAB 0 0 49 212 1 2
PRKAA2 YWHAH 0 0 0 344 1 1
PRKAA2 LAMTOR1 0 900 0 900 1 1
PRKAA2 EFCAB9 0 0 0 192 1 1
PRKAA2 RAB42 0 0 0 154 1 1
PRKAA2 ZNF320 0 0 57 150 1 1
PRKAA2 HDAC1 0 0 62 236 1 2
PRKAA2 HCK 0 0 103 288 1 1
PRKAA2 RAB2B 0 0 0 154 1 1
PRKAA2 GHR 0 0 117 217 1 1
PRKAA2 FBP1 0 0 141 487 1 1
PRKAA2 DNAJA2 0 0 141 198 1 1
PRKAA2 PI4KA 0 0 0 171 1 1
PRKAA2 ZADH2 0 0 140 156 1 1
PRKAA2 STK24 0 0 81 203 1 1
PRKAA2 UBE2L6 0 0 48 163 1 1
PRKAA2 MEF2A 0 0 73 385 1 1
PRKAA2 HAT1 270 0 0 285 1 1
PRKAA2 FBXL7 0 0 0 162 1 1
PRKAA2 ATP6V1C1 0 0 73 182 1 1
PRKAA2 CHUK 0 0 54 169 1 1
PRKAA2 CALM2 0 0 66 258 1 1
PRKAA2 CAPN10 0 0 244 255 1 2
PRKAA2 BMPR1B 0 0 57 185 1 1
PRKAA2 SOCS2 0 0 95 264 1 1
PRKAA2 SFN 0 0 0 270 1 2
PRKAA2 EPHA3 0 0 0 158 1 1
PRKAA2 FABP4 0 0 178 189 1 1
PRKAA2 TBC1D1 0 900 180 934 1 1
PRKAA2 MPC2 0 0 60 154 1 1
PRKAA2 SIK1 0 0 184 204 1 1
PRKAA2 BLK 0 0 0 264 1 1
PRKAA2 ZNF674 0 0 57 150 1 1
PRKAA2 RAD51 0 0 56 195 1 2
PRKAA2 UBL4B 0 0 0 179 1 1
PRKAA2 RAD23A 0 0 0 160 1 1
PRKAA2 MTOR 0 900 444 979 1 2
PRKAA2 RRAS 0 0 0 154 1 1
PRKAA2 GUCA1C 0 0 0 179 1 1
PRKAA2 MARK4 0 0 219 231 1 1
PRKAA2 ARAF 0 0 48 160 1 1
PRKAA2 TRAPPC8 0 0 93 194 1 1
PRKAA2 ZNF462 0 0 0 167 1 1
PRKAA2 SOCS5 0 0 0 156 1 1
PRKAA2 MTMR7 0 0 107 227 1 1
PRKAA2 FN3K 0 0 123 230 1 1
PRKAA2 MYL6B 0 0 0 179 1 1
PRKAA2 BICC1 0 0 0 277 1 1
PRKAA2 PLIN1 0 0 55 201 1 1
PRKAA2 CHP1 0 0 0 249 1 1
PRKAA2 PIK3C3 0 900 294 942 1 2
PRKAA2 MAP3K2 0 0 122 254 1 1
PRKAA2 KLHL31 0 0 0 168 1 1
PRKAA2 PPP4C 0 0 0 238 1 1
PRKAA2 CLK3 0 0 357 244 1 1
PRKAA2 MAPRE1 0 0 0 178 1 1
PRKAA2 NPAS2 0 0 180 187 1 1
PRKAA2 MTNR1A 0 0 74 277 1 1
PRKAA2 ATXN1 0 0 62 259 1 1
PRKAA2 ARF3 0 0 0 156 1 1
PRKAA2 UBE2G1 0 0 135 266 1 1
PRKAA2 SLC1A7 0 0 297 297 1 1
PRKAA2 NEDD4 0 0 0 162 1 2
PRKAA2 AK4 0 0 75 197 1 1
PRKAA2 MLF2 180 0 0 179 1 1
PRKAA2 NR1H3 0 0 113 366 1 1
PRKAA2 PASK 0 0 0 207 1 1
PRKAA2 EFCAB3 0 0 0 192 1 1
PRKAA2 ALG1 0 0 0 182 1 1
PRKAA2 POLH 0 0 0 224 1 1
PRKAA2 RHOBTB1 0 0 0 168 1 1
PRKAA2 IKBKE 0 0 93 177 1 1
PRKAA2 CTNNB1 0 0 108 179 1 2
PRKAA2 HRAS 0 0 128 357 1 2
PRKAA2 TBC1D30 0 0 0 199 1 1
PRKAA2 ARL8A 0 0 0 154 1 1
PRKAA2 TCTEX1D1 0 0 172 227 1 1
PRKAA2 EVPL 0 0 69 224 1 1
PRKAA2 NFKB1 0 0 151 263 1 2
PRKAA2 RORA 0 0 157 157 1 1
PRKAA2 STRADA 0 900 75 926 1 1
PRKAA2 COX5B 0 0 159 195 1 1
PRKAA2 PPP1R12B 0 0 81 216 1 1
PRKAA2 DUPD1 0 0 0 171 1 1
PRKAA2 NPTN 0 0 60 485 1 1
PRKAA2 PDHA1 0 0 113 199 1 1
PRKAA2 USP27X 0 0 0 173 1 1
PRKAA2 ZAP70 0 0 0 158 1 1
PRKAA2 FKBP8 0 0 330 348 1 1
PRKAA2 ARL5B 0 0 0 156 1 1
PRKAA2 HDAC10 0 0 92 220 1 1
PRKAA2 SMG1 0 0 141 319 1 1
PRKAA2 TCF7L2 0 0 151 169 1 1
PRKAA2 MAP2K7 0 0 84 170 1 1
PRKAA2 ABL1 0 0 55 163 1 1
PRKAA2 ELOVL5 0 0 66 167 1 1
PRKAA2 GAPDH 0 0 212 284 1 2
PRKAA2 ALG1L 0 0 0 182 1 1
PRKAA2 DUSP5 0 0 43 199 1 1
PRKAA2 ESPL1 0 0 0 152 1 1
PRKAA2 TSKS 0 0 161 161 1 1
PRKAA2 NOX3 0 0 58 169 1 1
PRKAA2 WWP1 270 0 0 436 1 1
PRKAA2 CREB1 0 0 233 346 1 2
PRKAA2 ARL14 0 0 0 156 1 1
PRKAA2 UBE2D3 0 0 0 174 1 1
PRKAA2 ESRRA 0 0 297 310 1 1
PRKAA2 SLC25A51 0 0 148 185 1 1
PRKAA2 PFKFB3 0 600 202 691 1 2
PRKAA2 CREBBP 0 0 123 216 1 1
PRKAA2 RHOBTB2 0 0 0 168 1 1
PRKAA2 GRID2IP 0 0 0 177 1 1
PRKAA2 TRIP12 0 0 0 169 1 1
PRKAA2 NCS1 0 0 0 204 1 1
PRKAA2 HSF1 0 0 70 418 1 2
PRKAA2 NRBP2 0 0 181 181 1 1
PRKAA2 LPCAT1 0 0 124 158 1 1
PRKAA2 FTO 0 0 193 201 1 2
PRKAA2 LAMTOR5 0 900 0 900 1 1
PRKAA2 SLC38A9 0 900 0 902 1 1
PRKAA2 POLR2A 0 0 0 152 1 1
PRKAA2 RHOJ 0 0 96 213 1 1
PRKAA2 GNG11 0 600 0 652 1 1
PRKAA2 CPN1 0 0 0 193 1 1
PRKAA2 ACTA1 0 0 0 196 1 1
PRKAA2 DUSP4 0 0 113 264 1 1
PRKAA2 ASB4 0 0 0 162 1 1
PRKAA2 PDE12 0 0 113 176 1 1
PRKAA2 DHTKD1 0 0 91 198 1 1
PRKAA2 PBK 0 0 0 162 1 1
PRKAA2 L1TD1 0 0 95 151 1 1
PRKAA2 OASL 0 0 0 179 1 1
PRKAA2 BRCA1 128 0 66 172 1 2
PRKAA2 STK11 674 900 519 980 1 2
PRKAA2 PEX1 0 0 112 267 1 1
PRKAA2 MAP3K8 0 0 49 177 1 1
PRKAA2 BOLA2 0 0 0 240 1 1
PRKAA2 RB1CC1 92 600 124 675 1 2
PRKAA2 ALG11 0 0 0 182 1 1
PRKAA2 MYL9 0 0 0 275 1 1
PRKAA2 GNG12 0 600 0 619 1 1
PRKAA2 NAP1L2 0 0 0 266 1 1
PRKAA2 GNG4 0 600 0 600 1 1
PRKAA2 MPP3 0 0 95 172 1 1
PRKAA2 CDC14A 0 0 0 168 1 1
PRKAA2 SRMS 0 0 0 158 1 1
PRKAA2 PPARGC1A 270 900 440 969 1 2
PRKAA2 PCK1 0 0 217 282 1 1
PRKAA2 PPP1R7 0 0 0 154 1 1
PRKAA2 PPRC1 0 0 60 315 1 1
PRKAA2 DGAT1 0 0 143 196 1 2
PRKAA2 PPP5C 0 0 0 253 1 1
PRKAA2 PARK2 270 0 57 383 1 1
PRKAA2 CLOCK 0 0 184 221 1 2
PRKAA2 ILK 0 0 0 170 1 1
PRKAA2 CETN3 0 0 0 181 1 1
PRKAA2 MYO15A 0 0 0 252 1 1
PRKAA2 SLC2A6 0 0 89 202 1 1
PRKAA2 OPN1LW 0 0 0 167 1 1
PRKAA2 TM2D1 0 0 143 196 1 1
PRKAA2 PPAP2B 0 0 164 182 1 1
PRKAA2 ROR1 0 0 0 179 1 1
PRKAA2 P4HB 0 0 57 175 1 2
PRKAA2 YTHDF2 0 0 0 174 1 1
PRKAA2 G6PC 0 0 134 273 1 1
PRKAA2 RICTOR 0 0 307 430 1 2
PRKAA2 GNAQ 0 600 92 676 1 1
PRKAA2 TNNC1 0 0 0 192 1 1
PRKAA2 CALM3 0 0 50 246 1 1
PRKAA2 MELK 0 0 607 165 1 1
PRKAA2 PPARD 0 0 261 340 1 1
PRKAA2 PSMD10 0 0 0 165 1 1
PRKAA2 ADCY1 0 0 74 196 1 1
PRKAA2 ACTR8 0 0 0 166 1 1
PRKAA2 NR4A1 0 0 260 260 1 2
PRKAA2 JAK2 0 0 49 197 1 2
PRKAA2 GHRL 0 0 95 252 1 1
PRKAA2 ZNF335 0 0 0 167 1 1
PRKAA2 CCNI 0 0 0 210 1 1
PRKAA2 GNAT1 0 0 0 197 1 1
PRKAA2 HDAC6 0 0 44 179 1 2
PRKAA2 APAF1 0 0 0 267 1 2
PRKAA2 EIF2AK4 0 0 0 288 1 2
PRKAA2 RHBDL3 0 0 0 192 1 1
PRKAA2 RASGRP3 0 0 0 156 1 1
PRKAA2 SPTLC1 0 0 0 166 1 1
PRKAA2 PHKB 0 0 95 161 1 1
PRKAA2 GNGT1 0 600 81 640 1 1
PRKAA2 PRKAR2A 0 0 210 648 1 1
PRKAA2 MCOLN1 0 0 94 179 1 2
PRKAA2 BRF1 0 0 0 230 1 1
PRKAA2 ZNF532 0 0 0 179 1 1
PRKAA2 UACA 0 0 0 169 1 1
PRKAA2 LAMP1 0 0 125 227 1 2
PRKAA2 SLC2A1 0 0 213 267 1 2
PRKAA2 ANKFY1 0 0 0 180 1 1
PRKAA2 AMHR2 0 0 0 162 1 1
PRKAA2 PPP1CC 0 0 60 577 1 1
PRKAA2 MYL10 0 0 0 179 1 1
PRKAA2 ATP2C1 0 0 0 173 1 1
PRKAA2 TP53 0 900 241 930 1 2
PRKAA2 EFCAB6 0 0 0 192 1 1
PRKAA2 RASGRP1 0 0 0 156 1 1
PRKAA2 NR1H2 0 0 0 203 1 1
PRKAA2 INSIG1 0 0 94 150 1 1
PRKAA2 RAB2A 0 0 0 154 1 1
PRKAA2 SCYL3 0 0 211 229 1 1
PRKAA2 ZNF256 0 0 298 367 1 1
PRKAA2 TNS3 0 0 0 168 1 1
PRKAA2 PPP2R5D 0 0 0 216 1 1
PRKAA2 MYL6 0 0 0 179 1 1
PRKAA2 MAP3K7 0 800 81 840 1 2
PRKAA2 HDAC2 0 0 54 230 1 1
PRKAA2 RAF1 0 0 47 160 1 2
PRKAA2 PSTPIP2 0 0 0 363 1 1
PRKAA2 IRAK1 0 0 45 161 1 1
PRKAA2 OCM 0 0 0 192 1 1
PRKAA2 RREB1 0 0 67 159 1 1
PRKAA2 DOK3 0 0 0 206 1 1
PRKAA2 GPR180 0 0 108 216 1 1
PRKAA2 CUL2 0 0 0 157 1 1
PRKAA2 PFKFB2 213 600 0 704 1 1
PRKAA2 CDK16 0 0 158 356 1 1
PRKAA2 C8B 0 0 140 193 1 1
PRKAA2 SH3PXD2A 223 0 0 326 1 1
PRKAA2 DUSP10 0 0 48 177 1 1
PRKAA2 EPM2A 270 0 53 415 1 2
PRKAA2 PRKCZ 0 0 108 191 1 1
PRKAA2 CALML3 0 0 0 192 1 1
PRKAA2 WAC 0 0 124 177 1 1
PRKAA2 KCNIP3 0 0 81 233 1 1
PRKAA2 EPHA4 0 0 90 192 1 1
PRKAA2 NRAP 192 0 0 213 1 1
PRKAA2 ACTC1 0 0 0 196 1 1
PRKAA2 MAP3K9 0 0 123 188 1 1
PRKAA2 DUSP8 0 0 0 179 1 1
PRKAA2 SGK494 0 0 160 298 1 1
PRKAA2 USP32 0 0 0 196 1 1
PRKAA2 SIRT6 0 0 66 193 1 2
PRKAA2 CAP2 0 0 0 173 1 1
PRKAA2 ACVR2B 0 0 0 158 1 1
PRKAA2 ATP2A1 0 0 46 177 1 1
PRKAA2 CABP5 0 0 0 192 1 1
PRKAA2 MAP1B 0 0 46 162 1 2
PRKAA2 PIK3AP1 0 0 74 157 1 1
PRKAA2 ALK 0 0 88 176 1 2
PRKAA2 PPP1CB 0 0 64 579 1 1
PRKAA2 HACL1 0 0 0 288 1 1
PRKAA2 ROCK2 0 0 97 178 1 1
PRKAA2 MAP3K11 0 0 71 169 1 1
PRKAA2 TBC1D2 0 0 0 199 1 1
PRKAA2 SGCB 0 0 75 159 1 1
PRKAA2 PDE4A 0 0 0 151 1 1
PRKAA2 C19orf47 192 0 0 201 1 1
PRKAA2 ASB12 0 0 0 152 1 1
PRKAA2 DUSP9 0 0 42 169 1 1
PRKAA2 RAP2A 0 0 0 154 1 1
PRKAA2 PVALB 0 0 0 192 1 1
PRKAA2 CSNK1D 0 0 205 299 1 1
PRKAA2 ELAVL1 0 800 89 817 1 2
PRKAA2 DUSP7 0 0 0 168 1 1
PRKAA2 CUL1 0 0 59 229 1 1
PRKAA2 CALML5 0 0 91 294 1 1
PRKAA2 ALB 0 0 124 232 1 2
PRKAA2 CTR9 0 0 66 185 1 1
PRKAA2 SGK2 0 0 82 342 1 1
PRKAA2 GNB2 0 600 0 630 1 1
PRKAA2 BIRC3 0 0 0 152 1 1
PRKAA2 IFNA6 0 0 156 155 1 1
PRKAA2 CRY2 0 600 150 669 1 1
PRKAA2 SLC2A13 0 0 0 160 1 1
PRKAA2 ROCK1 0 0 95 177 1 2
PRKAA2 STK35 0 0 218 165 1 1
PRKAA2 ACSS1 0 0 94 262 1 1
PRKAA2 ADIPOR1 0 650 0 671 1 1
PRKAA2 CDK5 0 0 81 157 1 2
PRKAA2 C21orf91 0 0 166 224 1 1
PRKAA2 HKDC1 0 0 0 390 1 1
PRKAA2 PKLR 0 0 82 666 1 1
PRKAA2 TPTE 0 0 0 168 1 1
PRKAA2 SH3PXD2B 0 0 0 168 1 1
PRKAA2 RAP1B 0 0 55 169 1 1
PRKAA2 MSRB2 0 0 231 241 1 1
PRKAA2 ARHGAP21 0 0 0 159 1 1
PRKAA2 ENSG00000267318 0 0 0 201 1 1
PRKAA2 SLC8B1 0 0 0 166 1 1
PRKAA2 GAK 0 0 0 201 1 1
PRKAA2 PCSK1 0 0 0 178 1 1
PRKAA2 FLCN 65 0 66 250 1 1
PRKAA2 SESN3 0 600 171 710 1 1
PRKAA2 DGKZ 0 0 122 202 1 1
PRKAA2 CYCS 0 0 242 387 1 2
PRKAA2 DUSP12 0 0 60 188 1 1
PRKAA2 CAMKK1 0 0 118 686 1 1
PRKAA2 RAC3 0 0 0 165 1 2
PRKAA2 SLC22A1 0 0 182 181 1 1
PRKAA2 PDP1 0 0 63 226 1 1
PRKAA2 PPM1L 0 0 0 339 1 1
PRKAA2 XPO5 0 0 0 282 1 1
PRKAA2 ZNF77 0 0 134 240 1 1
PRKAA2 CHAT 0 0 0 174 1 1
PRKAA2 NAP1L5 0 0 0 266 1 1
PRKAA2 PPARA 0 0 377 438 1 2
PRKAA2 HMGCL 0 0 113 188 1 1
PRKAA2 SMARCA2 0 0 0 255 1 1
PRKAA2 SEPT9 0 0 0 152 1 1
PRKAA2 CCNJL 0 0 0 183 1 1
PRKAA2 USP22 0 0 53 183 1 1
PRKAA2 DYRK3 0 0 76 195 1 1
PRKAA2 PIK3R1 0 0 118 253 1 1
PRKAA2 DICER1 0 0 0 270 1 1
PRKAA2 ZNF214 0 0 0 156 1 1
PRKAA2 PPP2R5B 0 0 0 216 1 1
PRKAA2 ABL2 0 0 0 158 1 1
PRKAA2 PPP2CB 0 0 0 242 1 1
PRKAA2 SRPK1 0 0 0 269 1 1
PRKAA2 CALML4 0 0 0 192 1 1
PRKAA2 ZNF573 0 0 60 153 1 1
PRKAA2 MAPRE3 0 0 0 178 1 1
PRKAA2 SSH1 0 0 0 171 1 1
PRKAA2 KDM2A 0 0 0 295 1 1
PRKAA2 NAP1L3 0 0 0 266 1 1
PRKAA2 SESN2 0 600 155 712 1 2
PRKAA2 PSMD11 270 0 0 285 1 1
PRKAA2 BRAF 0 0 45 159 1 2
PRKAA2 TNS4 0 0 0 168 1 1
PRKAA2 PRKAR1B 65 0 0 361 1 1
PRKAA2 AKAP13 0 0 66 169 1 1
PRKAA2 PPP3R2 0 0 0 249 1 1
PRKAA2 MAP2K4 0 0 134 209 1 1
PRKAA2 PKDCC 0 0 0 184 1 1
PRKAA2 PLD1 0 0 0 161 1 2
PRKAA2 MYLPF 0 0 0 179 1 1
PRKAA2 BHLHE40 0 0 155 168 1 1
PRKAA2 PHF8 0 0 0 274 1 1
PRKAA2 PEX5 0 0 55 155 1 1
PRKAA2 MAPK8 0 0 146 313 1 2
PRKAA2 PLA2G15 0 0 0 345 1 1
PRKAA2 PPM1F 270 0 0 467 1 1
PRKAA2 ALG6 0 0 96 156 1 1
PRKAA2 SLC27A6 0 0 120 174 1 1
PRKAA2 ENSG00000270024 0 0 60 328 1 1
PRKAA2 PRKACB 0 800 134 857 1 1
PRKAA2 CSNK1G2 0 0 0 222 1 1
PRKAA2 EIF4E3 0 0 95 192 1 1
PRKAA2 FER 0 0 0 159 1 1
PRKAA2 MAST3 223 0 0 258 1 1
PRKAA2 RAP2C 0 0 0 154 1 1
PRKAA2 PUM2 0 0 0 199 1 1
PRKAA2 ZBTB7A 0 0 70 186 1 1
PRKAA2 IRS2 0 0 181 211 1 1
PRKAA2 ANKHD1 0 0 0 171 1 1
PRKAA2 SLC47A2 0 0 0 197 1 1
PRKAA2 CETN2 0 0 0 181 1 1
PRKAA2 TBC1D4 0 0 170 408 1 1
PRKAA2 CDC25C 0 0 54 218 1 2
PRKAA2 EPN2 75 0 117 193 1 1
PRKAA2 RABL2A 0 0 0 154 1 1
PRKAA2 ANKRD44 0 0 0 164 1 1
PRKAA2 ARL10 0 0 0 154 1 1
PRKAA2 ZCCHC9 0 0 0 203 1 1
PRKAA2 DCLRE1C 874 0 0 878 1 1
PRKAA2 FYN 0 0 81 281 1 1
PRKAA2 PP2D1 0 0 0 299 1 1
PRKAA2 INSIG2 0 0 123 215 1 1
PRKAA2 RMND1 0 0 113 208 1 1
PRKAA2 ZAK 0 0 129 256 1 1
PRKAA2 CDC14B 0 0 0 168 1 1
PRKAA2 JUN 0 0 181 213 1 2
PRKAA2 DIS3L 0 0 0 197 1 1
PRKAA2 CDKL1 0 0 0 168 1 1
PRKAA2 TYK2 0 0 49 161 1 1
PRKAA2 ARL4A 0 0 0 156 1 1
PRKAA2 ACAD11 0 0 160 171 1 1
PRKAA2 FABP3 0 0 161 179 1 1
PRKAA2 UBA6 0 0 0 179 1 1
PRKAA2 DIS3L2 0 0 0 257 1 1
PRKAA2 RC3H2 0 0 0 176 1 1
PRKAA2 RABEPK 0 0 0 236 1 1
PRKAA2 WDR31 0 0 0 160 1 1
PRKAA2 ZNF276 0 0 180 312 1 1
PRKAA2 SIK2 0 0 233 210 1 1
PRKAA2 AIF1 0 0 0 192 1 2
PRKAA2 PIH1D3 114 0 0 154 1 1
PRKAA2 HPCAL1 0 0 0 179 1 1
PRKAA2 PIK3CG 273 0 147 514 1 1
PRKAA2 JAK3 0 0 0 171 1 1
PRKAA2 STXBP5 0 0 0 160 1 1
PRKAA2 MYO3A 0 0 0 162 1 1
PRKAA2 CIB4 0 0 0 249 1 1
PRKAA2 PI4K2B 0 0 97 272 1 1
PRKAA2 CRTC3 0 0 95 167 1 1
PRKAA2 PFKP 0 0 81 212 1 1
PRKAA2 NCOA2 0 0 91 256 1 1
PRKAA2 CCNA2 0 0 62 216 1 1
PRKAA2 BNIP3 0 0 141 212 1 2
PRKAA2 SQSTM1 0 0 373 395 1 2
PRKAA2 NIPBL 0 0 46 204 1 1
PRKAA2 DDIAS 0 0 122 277 1 1
PRKAA2 PCK2 0 0 143 310 1 1
PRKAA2 MYL12B 0 0 0 275 1 1
PRKAA2 STK38 0 0 67 209 1 1
PRKAA2 RND1 0 0 0 165 1 1
PRKAA2 MAPK3 0 0 181 385 1 2
PRKAA2 UHRF1BP1 0 0 96 252 1 1
PRKAA2 MSMO1 0 0 126 168 1 1
PRKAA2 ACSS3 0 0 0 219 1 1
PRKAA2 ATG13 0 600 186 673 1 2
PRKAA2 UBE2E1 0 0 0 174 1 1
PRKAA2 DNAJA4 128 0 0 186 1 1
PRKAA2 PSEN1 0 0 134 168 1 2
PRKAA2 RHOV 0 0 0 165 1 1
PRKAA2 EPHA7 0 0 119 227 1 1
PRKAA2 ACSBG1 0 0 67 179 1 1
PRKAA2 KLHDC1 0 0 0 236 1 1
PRKAA2 HDAC4 0 0 0 174 1 2
PRKAA2 IFNA16 0 0 180 179 1 1
PRKAA2 HSP90AA1 129 0 87 267 1 2
PRKAA2 MTX1 0 0 0 151 1 1
PRKAA2 GNB1 0 600 54 684 1 1
PRKAA2 CCNB2 0 0 0 213 1 1
PRKAA2 RALB 0 0 0 154 1 2
PRKAA2 AP3M2 0 0 124 231 1 1
PRKAA2 SOX9 0 0 59 287 1 1
PRKAA2 UMPS 0 0 0 190 1 1
PRKAA2 NAP1L6 0 0 0 266 1 1
PRKAA2 RASL12 0 0 0 154 1 1
PRKAA2 ENSG00000271810 0 0 0 165 1 1
PRKAA2 ATRNL1 0 0 0 164 1 1
PRKAA2 ADSS 0 0 54 190 1 1
PRKAA2 KLHDC10 0 0 0 236 1 1
PRKAA2 AURKA 0 0 75 190 1 2
PRKAA2 DUSP16 0 0 0 179 1 1
PRKAA2 FABP5 0 0 150 208 1 1
PRKAA2 SCN7A 0 0 81 157 1 1
PRKAA2 MYL1 0 0 0 179 1 1
PRKAA2 TTLL7 0 0 0 158 1 1
PRKAA2 NR1D2 0 0 218 251 1 1
PRKAA2 IFNA7 0 0 194 194 1 1
PRKAA2 ATG9A 0 0 83 179 1 2
ID Category Term Effect Evidence PubMed
GO:0004679 Molecular Function AMP-activated protein kinase activity enables IDA
GO:0004679 Molecular Function AMP-activated protein kinase activity enables ISS
GO:0005524 Molecular Function ATP binding enables IEA
GO:0050405 Molecular Function [acetyl-CoA carboxylase] kinase activity enables IEA
GO:0047322 Molecular Function [hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA reductase (NADPH)] kinase activity enables IEA
GO:0003682 Molecular Function chromatin binding enables ISS
GO:0140823 Molecular Function histone H2BS36 kinase activity enables ISS
GO:0046872 Molecular Function metal ion binding enables IEA
GO:0005515 Molecular Function protein binding enables IPI
GO:0004672 Molecular Function protein kinase activity enables TAS
GO:0106310 Molecular Function protein serine kinase activity enables IEA
GO:0004674 Molecular Function protein serine/threonine kinase activity enables IBA
GO:0004674 Molecular Function protein serine/threonine kinase activity enables IDA
GO:0004674 Molecular Function protein serine/threonine kinase activity enables ISS
GO:0004712 Molecular Function protein serine/threonine/tyrosine kinase activity enables IDA
GO:0016055 Biological Process Wnt signaling pathway involved_in IEA
GO:0006914 Biological Process autophagy involved_in IEA
GO:0071277 Biological Process cellular response to calcium ion involved_in ISS
GO:0042149 Biological Process cellular response to glucose starvation involved_in IBA
GO:0042149 Biological Process cellular response to glucose starvation involved_in IDA
GO:0071333 Biological Process cellular response to glucose stimulus involved_in ISS
GO:0031669 Biological Process cellular response to nutrient levels involved_in IDA
GO:0031669 Biological Process cellular response to nutrient levels involved_in ISS
GO:0031669 Biological Process cellular response to nutrient levels involved_in NAS
GO:0034599 Biological Process cellular response to oxidative stress involved_in ISS
GO:0071380 Biological Process cellular response to prostaglandin E stimulus involved_in IEA
GO:0071466 Biological Process cellular response to xenobiotic stimulus involved_in IEA
GO:0006695 Biological Process cholesterol biosynthetic process involved_in IEA
GO:0006338 Biological Process chromatin remodeling involved_in IEA
GO:0097009 Biological Process energy homeostasis involved_in ISS
GO:0006633 Biological Process fatty acid biosynthetic process involved_in IEA
GO:0055089 Biological Process fatty acid homeostasis involved_in ISS
GO:0042593 Biological Process glucose homeostasis involved_in ISS
GO:0035556 Biological Process intracellular signal transduction involved_in IBA
GO:0008610 Biological Process lipid biosynthetic process involved_in ISS
GO:1905691 Biological Process lipid droplet disassembly acts_upstream_of_positive_effect IDA
GO:0032007 Biological Process negative regulation of TOR signaling involved_in IBA
GO:0032007 Biological Process negative regulation of TOR signaling involved_in ISS
GO:1904262 Biological Process negative regulation of TORC1 signaling involved_in IDA
GO:0043066 Biological Process negative regulation of apoptotic process involved_in ISS
GO:0010629 Biological Process negative regulation of gene expression involved_in ISS
GO:1903944 Biological Process negative regulation of hepatocyte apoptotic process involved_in IDA
GO:1904428 Biological Process negative regulation of tubulin deacetylation involved_in ISS
GO:0010508 Biological Process positive regulation of autophagy involved_in ISS
GO:0045821 Biological Process positive regulation of glycolytic process involved_in ISS
GO:0016239 Biological Process positive regulation of macroautophagy involved_in TAS
GO:2000758 Biological Process positive regulation of peptidyl-lysine acetylation involved_in ISS
GO:1903829 Biological Process positive regulation of protein localization involved_in ISS
GO:1990044 Biological Process protein localization to lipid droplet involved_in IDA
GO:0006468 Biological Process protein phosphorylation involved_in IBA
GO:0006468 Biological Process protein phosphorylation involved_in TAS
GO:0042752 Biological Process regulation of circadian rhythm involved_in ISS
GO:0016241 Biological Process regulation of macroautophagy involved_in ISS
GO:0070507 Biological Process regulation of microtubule cytoskeleton organization involved_in ISS
GO:0062028 Biological Process regulation of stress granule assembly involved_in IEA
GO:0014850 Biological Process response to muscle activity involved_in IEA
GO:0048511 Biological Process rhythmic process involved_in IEA
GO:0007165 Biological Process signal transduction involved_in TAS
GO:0005794 Cellular Component Golgi apparatus located_in IDA
GO:0030424 Cellular Component axon located_in ISS
GO:0010494 Cellular Component cytoplasmic stress granule located_in ISS
GO:0005829 Cellular Component cytosol located_in TAS
GO:0030425 Cellular Component dendrite located_in ISS
GO:0043025 Cellular Component neuronal cell body located_in ISS
GO:0016607 Cellular Component nuclear speck located_in IDA
GO:0005654 Cellular Component nucleoplasm located_in TAS
GO:0031588 Cellular Component nucleotide-activated protein kinase complex part_of IBA
GO:0031588 Cellular Component nucleotide-activated protein kinase complex part_of IPI
GO:0031588 Cellular Component nucleotide-activated protein kinase complex part_of ISS
GO:0005634 Cellular Component nucleus located_in IDA
GO:0005634 Cellular Component nucleus located_in TAS
Name DB ID
Neurotransmitter receptors and postsynaptic signal transmission Reactome R-HSA-112314
Transmission across Chemical Synapses Reactome R-HSA-112315
Neuronal System Reactome R-HSA-112316
Metabolism Reactome R-HSA-1430728
Translocation of SLC2A4 (GLUT4) to the plasma membrane Reactome R-HSA-1445148
Mitochondrial biogenesis Reactome R-HSA-1592230
Signal Transduction Reactome R-HSA-162582
Macroautophagy Reactome R-HSA-1632852
AMPK inhibits chREBP transcriptional activation activity Reactome R-HSA-163680
Integration of energy metabolism Reactome R-HSA-163685
MTOR signalling Reactome R-HSA-165159
Organelle biogenesis and maintenance Reactome R-HSA-1852241
Membrane Trafficking Reactome R-HSA-199991
Carnitine metabolism Reactome R-HSA-200425
Generic Transcription Pathway Reactome R-HSA-212436
Activation of PPARGC1A (PGC-1alpha) by phosphorylation Reactome R-HSA-2151209
Transcriptional Regulation by TP53 Reactome R-HSA-3700989
Energy dependent regulation of mTOR by LKB1-AMPK Reactome R-HSA-380972
Post NMDA receptor activation events Reactome R-HSA-438064
Activation of NMDA receptors and postsynaptic events Reactome R-HSA-442755
Metabolism of lipids Reactome R-HSA-556833
TP53 Regulates Metabolic Genes Reactome R-HSA-5628897
Regulation of TP53 Activity Reactome R-HSA-5633007
Vesicle-mediated transport Reactome R-HSA-5653656
Regulation of TP53 Activity through Phosphorylation Reactome R-HSA-6804756
RNA Polymerase II Transcription Reactome R-HSA-73857
Gene expression (Transcription) Reactome R-HSA-74160
Fatty acid metabolism Reactome R-HSA-8978868
Autophagy Reactome R-HSA-9612973
Lipophagy Reactome R-HSA-9613354
Activation of AMPK downstream of NMDARs Reactome R-HSA-9619483
Selective autophagy Reactome R-HSA-9663891
p53 transcriptional gene network (WP4963) WikiPathways WP4963_r122690
Thermogenesis (WP4321) WikiPathways WP4321_r123362
Hippo signaling regulation pathways (WP4540) WikiPathways WP4540_r120395
Sterol regulatory element-binding proteins (SREBP) signaling (WP1982) WikiPathways WP1982_r116442
Clock-controlled autophagy in bone metabolism (WP5205) WikiPathways WP5205_r122560
Corticotropin-releasing hormone signaling pathway (WP2355) WikiPathways WP2355_r120664
Lipid metabolism pathway (WP3965) WikiPathways WP3965_r117154
Focal adhesion: PI3K-Akt-mTOR-signaling pathway (WP3932) WikiPathways WP3932_r124527
Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) signaling pathway (WP2380) WikiPathways WP2380_r120727
Insulin signaling (WP481) WikiPathways WP481_r120562
Circadian rhythm genes (WP3594) WikiPathways WP3594_r117682
Leptin signaling pathway (WP2034) WikiPathways WP2034_r120670
AMP-activated protein kinase signaling (WP1403) WikiPathways WP1403_r123620
Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (WP4396) WikiPathways WP4396_r123350
Head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (WP4674) WikiPathways WP4674_r123494
Energy metabolism (WP1541) WikiPathways WP1541_r117711
PI3K/AKT/mTOR - vitamin D3 signaling (WP4141) WikiPathways WP4141_r122432
Autophagy (WP4923) WikiPathways WP4923_r110416
Synaptic signaling pathways associated with autism spectrum disorder (WP4539) WikiPathways WP4539_r113659
Malignant pleural mesothelioma (WP5087) WikiPathways WP5087_r122659
PI3K-Akt signaling pathway (WP4172) WikiPathways WP4172_r122580
VEGFA-VEGFR2 signaling pathway (WP3888) WikiPathways WP3888_r116782
Angiopoietin-like protein 8 regulatory pathway (WP3915) WikiPathways WP3915_r123920
1q21.1 copy number variation syndrome (WP4905) WikiPathways WP4905_r115772
Target of rapamycin signaling (WP1471) WikiPathways WP1471_r123616
Thyroxine (thyroid hormone) production (WP1981) WikiPathways WP1981_r122822
Accession Version MolecularType Name NCBI Comments
NM_006252 4 mRNA None NC_000001 Reference
XM_017001693 2 mRNA transcript variant X1 NC_000001 Reference