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prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase 2
General Information
Name prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase 2
  • prostaglandin G/H synthase 2
  • PGH synthase 2
  • PHS II
  • cyclooxygenase 2
  • cyclooxygenase 2b
  • prostaglandin H2 synthase 2
  • prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase 2 (prostaglandin G/H synthase and cyclooxygenase)
organism Homo sapiens
entrez_id 5743
location 1q31.1
transcript_count 1
exon_count 10
by NCBI GRCh38.p14
    Entrez Prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase (PTGS), also known as cyclooxygenase, is the key enzyme in prostaglandin biosynthesis, and acts both as a dioxygenase and as a peroxidase. There are two isozymes of PTGS: a constitutive PTGS1 and an inducible PTGS2, which differ in their regulation of expression and tissue distribution. This gene encodes the inducible isozyme. It is regulated by specific stimulatory events, suggesting that it is responsible for the prostanoid biosynthesis involved in inflammation and mitogenesis. [provided by RefSeq, Feb 2009]
    Stringdb Prostaglandin G/H synthase 2; Converts arachidonate to prostaglandin H2 (PGH2), a committed step in prostanoid synthesis. Constitutively expressed in some tissues in physiological conditions, such as the endothelium, kidney and brain, and in pathological conditions, such as in cancer. PTGS2 is responsible for production of inflammatory prostaglandins. Up-regulation of PTGS2 is also associated with increased cell adhesion, phenotypic changes, resistance to apoptosis and tumor angiogenesis. In cancer cells, PTGS2 is a key step in the production of prostaglandin E2 (PGE2), which plays imp [...]
    nextProt Dual cyclooxygenase and peroxidase in the biosynthesis pathway of prostanoids, a class of C20 oxylipins mainly derived from arachidonate, with a particular role in the inflammatory response (PubMed:7947975, PubMed:7592599, PubMed:9261177, PubMed:16373578, PubMed:22942274, PubMed:26859324, PubMed:27226593, PubMed:11939906, PubMed:19540099). The cyclooxygenase activity oxygenates arachidonate (AA, C20:4(n-6)) to the hydroperoxy endoperoxide prostaglandin G2 (PGG2), and the peroxidase activity reduces PGG2 to the hydroxy endoperoxide PGH2, the precursor of all 2-series prostaglandins and thromboxanes (PubMed:7947975, PubMed:7592599, PubMed:9261177, PubMed:16373578, PubMed:22942274, PubMed:26859324, PubMed:27226593). This complex transformation is initiated by abstraction of hydrogen at carbon 13 (with S-stereochemistry), followed by insertion of molecular O2 to form the endoperoxide bridge between carbon 9 and 11 that defines prostaglandins. The insertion of a second molecule of O2 (bis-oxygenase activity) yields a hydroperoxy group in PGG2 that is then reduced to PGH2 by two electrons (PubMed:7947975, PubMed:7592599, PubMed:9261177, PubMed:16373578, PubMed:22942274, PubMed:26859324, PubMed:27226593). Similarly catalyzes successive cyclooxygenation and peroxidation of dihomo-gamma-linoleate (DGLA, C20:3(n-6)) and eicosapentaenoate (EPA, C20:5(n-3)) to corresponding PGH1 and PGH3, the precursors of 1- and 3-series prostaglandins (PubMed:11939906, PubMed:19540099). In an alternative pathway of prostanoid biosynthesis, converts 2-arachidonoyl lysophopholipids to prostanoid lysophopholipids, which are then hydrolyzed by intracellular phospholipases to release free prostanoids (PubMed:27642067). Metabolizes 2-arachidonoyl glycerol yielding the glyceryl ester of PGH2, a process that can contribute to pain response (PubMed:22942274). Generates lipid mediators from n-3 and n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) via a lipoxygenase-type mechanism. Oxygenates PUFAs to hydroperoxy compounds and then reduces them to corresponding alcohols (PubMed:11034610, PubMed:11192938, PubMed:9048568, PubMed:9261177). Plays a role in the generation of resolution phase interaction products (resolvins) during both sterile and infectious inflammation (PubMed:12391014). Metabolizes docosahexaenoate (DHA, C22:6(n-3)) to 17R-HDHA, a precursor of the D-series resolvins (RvDs) (PubMed:12391014). As a component of the biosynthetic pathway of E-series resolvins (RvEs), converts eicosapentaenoate (EPA, C20:5(n-3)) primarily to 18S-HEPE that is further metabolized by ALOX5 and LTA4H to generate 18S-RvE1 and 18S-RvE2 (PubMed:21206090). In vascular endothelial cells, converts docosapentaenoate (DPA, C22:5(n-3)) to 13R-HDPA, a precursor for 13-series resolvins (RvTs) shown to activate macrophage phagocytosis during bacterial infection (PubMed:26236990). In activated leukocytes, contributes to oxygenation of hydroxyeicosatetraenoates (HETE) to diHETES (5,15-diHETE and 5,11-diHETE) (PubMed:22068350, PubMed:26282205). During neuroinflammation, plays a role in neuronal secretion of specialized preresolving mediators (SPMs) 15R-lipoxin A4 that regulates phagocytic microglia (By similarity).
A A.Source B B.DB B.Source Description PubMed
PTGS2 BioGRID MYC GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
PTGS2 BioGRID SKP2 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
PTGS2 BioGRID LMAN2L GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
PTGS2 BioGRID SRC GeneID BioGRID Positive Genetic
PTGS2 BioGRID NFKB1 GeneID BioGRID Positive Genetic
PTGS2 BioGRID HLA-A GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
PTGS2 BioGRID TP53 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-Western; Co-purification; Reconstituted Complex
PTGS2 BioGRID TP53BP1 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
PTGS2 BioGRID Drosha GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-Western
PTGS2 BioGRID PTGS2 GeneID BioGRID Co-crystal Structure; Reconstituted Complex
PTGS2 BioGRID PTGER1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-Western
PTGS2 BioGRID AGTR1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-Western
PTGS2 BioGRID APP GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-Western
PTGS2 BioGRID FAF2 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
PTGS2 BioGRID USP22 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-Western; Biochemical Activity; Reconstituted Complex
PTGS2 BioGRID HSPA4 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-RNA
PTGS2 BioGRID HNRNPD GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-RNA
PTGS2 BioGRID COPS7A GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-Western; Reconstituted Complex
PTGS2 BioGRID COPS5 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-Western; Co-fractionation; Reconstituted Complex
PTGS2 BioGRID CASK GeneID BioGRID Two-hybrid
PTGS2 BioGRID SUMO1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-Western
PTGS2 BioGRID MAPK3 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-Western
PTGS2 BioGRID EP300 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-Western
PTGS2 BioGRID ELMO1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-Western
PTGS2 BioGRID PTGS1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-Western
PTGS2 BioGRID NUCB1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-Western; Co-fractionation; Reconstituted Complex
PTGS2 BioGRID ELAVL1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-RNA; Protein-RNA
PTGS2 BioGRID CTNNB1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-RNA; Protein-RNA
PTGS2 BioGRID Vcp GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-Western
PTGS2 BioGRID DERL1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-Western
PTGS2 BioGRID SELENOS GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-Western
PTGS2 BioGRID VCP GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-Western
PTGS2 BioGRID CAV1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-Western; Co-fractionation; Reconstituted Complex
PTGS2 BioGRID Nos2 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-Western
PTGS2 BioGRID RBX1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-Western
PTGS2 BioGRID COPS3 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-Western
PTGS2 BioGRID CUL1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-Western
PTGS2 BioGRID CUL4A GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-Western
PTGS2 BioGRID PSMD1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-Western
PTGS2 BioGRID PSMC5 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-Western
PTGS2 Protein CAV1 GeneID HPRD
PTGS2 Protein TP53 GeneID HPRD
PTGS2 Protein PTGS2 GeneID BIND COX-2 forms a homodimer. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated homodimerization of mouse COX-1.
PTGS2 Nucleotide ZFP36 GeneID BIND TTP interacts with Cox2 mRNA. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between TTP and Cox2 mRNA, both from unspecified species.
PTGS2 Nucleotide AF480551.1 Nucleotide BIND miR16 interacts with Cox2 mRNA. This interaction was modelled on a demonstrated interaction between human miR16 and Cox2 mRNA from unspecified species.
PTGS2 Protein TP53 GeneID BIND COX-2 interacts with p53.
A B experiments database textmining combined score hadb nhadb
PTGS2 GABRA1 0 0 125 163 1 1
PTGS2 MTOR 0 0 518 535 1 2
PTGS2 LAP3 0 0 0 237 1 1
PTGS2 CD163 0 0 406 406 1 1
PTGS2 PSMC6 0 0 297 297 1 1
PTGS2 PIPOX 0 0 0 199 1 1
PTGS2 TIMP4 0 0 156 196 1 1
PTGS2 KAZN 0 0 0 215 1 1
PTGS2 CYR61 0 0 341 366 1 1
PTGS2 HIST1H4F 0 0 182 181 1 1
PTGS2 CXCR4 0 0 505 512 1 2
PTGS2 SMOX 0 0 135 279 1 1
PTGS2 MMP1 0 0 610 657 1 1
PTGS2 CYP2C18 0 0 140 173 1 1
PTGS2 CYP4A22 0 900 154 913 1 1
PTGS2 FOLR1 0 0 74 182 1 1
PTGS2 DEFB1 0 0 155 154 1 1
PTGS2 STAT1 0 0 587 593 1 2
PTGS2 SOCS5 0 0 156 170 1 1
PTGS2 BCL2L2-PABPN1 0 0 182 181 1 1
PTGS2 ELAVL3 0 0 134 166 1 1
PTGS2 TFPI2 0 0 183 239 1 1
PTGS2 PLEK 0 0 108 151 1 1
PTGS2 KCNMA1 0 0 135 167 1 1
PTGS2 OCLN 0 0 396 403 1 1
PTGS2 GZMB 0 0 256 298 1 1
PTGS2 CYP4A11 0 900 155 913 1 1
PTGS2 NPHS1 0 0 164 177 1 1
PTGS2 ACAN 0 0 528 562 1 1
PTGS2 ETS2 0 0 160 213 1 1
PTGS2 PLIN1 0 0 170 169 1 1
PTGS2 CTRL 0 0 193 205 1 2
PTGS2 EPHX2 0 0 186 233 1 1
PTGS2 CXCL14 0 0 205 205 1 1
PTGS2 IGFBP7 0 0 156 193 1 1
PTGS2 MOG 0 0 209 214 1 1
PTGS2 LPAR3 0 0 414 423 1 1
PTGS2 NDRG1 0 0 85 157 1 1
PTGS2 CXCL8 0 0 769 943 1 2
PTGS2 SGSM2 0 0 0 160 1 1
PTGS2 CTSL 0 0 217 255 1 2
PTGS2 FSHB 0 0 75 237 1 1
PTGS2 BAI3 0 0 49 260 1 1
PTGS2 IL6R 0 0 335 351 1 1
PTGS2 WNT7A 0 0 218 218 1 1
PTGS2 NOXO1 0 0 127 181 1 1
PTGS2 KLK3 0 0 402 411 1 1
PTGS2 SLC1A7 0 0 155 173 1 1
PTGS2 FOLR2 0 0 108 273 1 1
PTGS2 POSTN 0 0 264 280 1 1
PTGS2 SLC22A8 0 0 150 187 1 1
PTGS2 BAG3 0 0 113 183 1 2
PTGS2 CYP4F2 0 900 308 929 1 1
PTGS2 BMP15 0 0 390 435 1 1
PTGS2 VAV3 0 0 74 248 1 1
PTGS2 NR1H3 0 0 218 281 1 1
PTGS2 WNT2B 0 0 167 287 1 1
PTGS2 C3AR1 0 0 150 237 1 1
PTGS2 CRHBP 0 0 69 231 1 1
PTGS2 DDR2 0 0 113 202 1 1
PTGS2 IKBKE 0 0 136 193 1 1
PTGS2 ARC 0 0 130 168 1 2
PTGS2 CTNNB1 270 0 737 800 1 2
PTGS2 MSH6 0 0 202 202 1 1
PTGS2 HRAS 0 0 556 580 1 2
PTGS2 CLEC18A 0 0 0 190 1 1
PTGS2 S1PR3 0 0 306 306 1 1
PTGS2 MRPL12 0 0 398 398 1 1
PTGS2 TRPV1 0 0 556 586 1 2
PTGS2 APP 270 0 464 608 1 2
PTGS2 EGR1 0 0 519 605 1 2
PTGS2 PRODH 0 0 205 222 1 1
PTGS2 KLF6 0 0 139 194 1 1
PTGS2 NFKB1 189 0 469 603 1 2
PTGS2 RELA 0 0 558 569 1 2
PTGS2 CDH13 0 0 287 315 1 1
PTGS2 NPR1 0 0 123 151 1 1
PTGS2 GSTM3 0 0 82 178 1 1
PTGS2 WIF1 0 0 181 282 1 1
PTGS2 CACNA1G 0 0 212 212 1 1
PTGS2 ITGA4 0 0 157 205 1 1
PTGS2 CASP6 0 0 171 171 1 1
PTGS2 STAT4 0 0 193 430 1 1
PTGS2 MMP20 0 0 51 468 1 1
PTGS2 TLR10 0 0 216 395 1 1
PTGS2 ZAP70 0 0 108 172 1 1
PTGS2 CTNNBIP1 0 0 54 189 1 1
PTGS2 TNFSF15 0 0 134 205 1 1
PTGS2 CD83 0 0 233 278 1 1
PTGS2 OAS2 0 0 164 239 1 1
PTGS2 CD1A 0 0 184 183 1 1
PTGS2 CX3CL1 0 0 391 416 1 1
PTGS2 MAP2K7 0 0 508 508 1 1
PTGS2 ABL1 0 0 182 335 1 1
PTGS2 HIST4H4 0 0 182 181 1 1
PTGS2 FGFR2 0 0 202 286 1 1
PTGS2 ENO1 0 0 181 199 1 1
PTGS2 GAPDH 0 0 681 690 1 2
PTGS2 GREM1 0 0 328 342 1 1
PTGS2 ELOVL5 0 0 165 250 1 1
PTGS2 LPAR5 0 0 183 183 1 1
PTGS2 DUSP5 0 0 203 311 1 1
PTGS2 CYP1A1 0 0 469 489 1 2
PTGS2 HIST2H2AC 0 0 124 178 1 1
PTGS2 HSD11B1 0 0 323 354 1 1
PTGS2 APC 0 0 391 702 1 1
PTGS2 NOX3 0 0 202 256 1 1
PTGS2 RAPGEF3 0 0 281 281 1 1
PTGS2 G0S2 0 0 170 318 1 1
PTGS2 CREB1 0 0 606 613 1 2
PTGS2 AKR1B10 0 0 164 192 1 1
PTGS2 ESRRA 0 0 150 308 1 1
PTGS2 SDHB 0 0 209 209 1 1
PTGS2 IGJ 0 0 161 176 1 1
PTGS2 CYP17A1 0 0 265 279 1 1
PTGS2 NFE2 0 0 242 268 1 1
PTGS2 GPR32 0 0 294 294 1 1
PTGS2 HCAR2 0 0 183 296 1 1
PTGS2 RECK 0 0 157 190 1 1
PTGS2 LGI2 0 0 0 211 1 1
PTGS2 CCL13 0 0 159 166 1 1
PTGS2 CREBBP 0 0 293 326 1 1
PTGS2 DDO 0 0 0 260 1 1
PTGS2 GDF9 0 0 391 407 1 1
PTGS2 IL4R 0 0 280 331 1 1
PTGS2 SIRT2 0 0 294 294 1 2
PTGS2 C5AR1 0 0 226 250 1 1
PTGS2 HSF1 0 0 88 288 1 2
PTGS2 WNT11 0 0 167 167 1 1
PTGS2 CA2 0 0 240 240 1 1
PTGS2 PLA2G2E 0 650 193 756 1 1
PTGS2 CRISP3 0 0 54 188 1 1
PTGS2 ALDH3B2 0 0 0 242 1 1
PTGS2 CASP10 0 0 101 156 1 1
PTGS2 SUCNR1 0 0 202 231 1 1
PTGS2 ACTA1 0 0 96 205 1 1
PTGS2 IER5 0 0 92 250 1 1
PTGS2 LAG3 0 0 167 167 1 1
PTGS2 DUSP4 0 0 184 237 1 1
PTGS2 GOLPH3 0 0 75 237 1 1
PTGS2 STC1 0 0 369 385 1 1
PTGS2 CHRDL2 0 0 143 164 1 1
PTGS2 SLC2A3 0 0 172 273 1 1
PTGS2 TNFRSF12A 0 0 150 190 1 1
PTGS2 SOAT1 0 0 134 239 1 1
PTGS2 TTN 0 0 71 204 1 1
PTGS2 OAS3 0 0 112 188 1 1
PTGS2 MKNK2 0 0 0 556 1 1
PTGS2 LRP5 0 0 241 295 1 1
PTGS2 INHBA 0 0 262 338 1 1
PTGS2 CHGA 0 0 138 150 1 1
PTGS2 CLEC4A 0 0 57 169 1 1
PTGS2 NANP 0 0 0 209 1 1
PTGS2 OASL 0 0 241 268 1 1
PTGS2 AREG 0 0 519 572 1 1
PTGS2 PDGFB 0 0 282 282 1 2
PTGS2 CCL21 0 0 233 232 1 1
PTGS2 BRCA1 0 0 322 321 1 2
PTGS2 STK11 0 0 400 400 1 2
PTGS2 TOP2A 0 0 193 193 1 1
PTGS2 FUT4 0 0 212 212 1 1
PTGS2 POR 0 0 95 160 1 2
PTGS2 FZD2 0 0 125 218 1 1
PTGS2 MAP3K8 0 0 235 294 1 1
PTGS2 AQP1 0 0 232 262 1 1
PTGS2 PLTP 0 0 117 159 1 1
PTGS2 IL36G 0 0 151 525 1 1
PTGS2 ABCC2 0 0 166 165 1 1
PTGS2 ADAM10 0 0 202 202 1 1
PTGS2 HPSE 0 0 167 173 1 1
PTGS2 PPARGC1A 0 0 395 394 1 2
PTGS2 PCK1 0 0 140 159 1 1
PTGS2 KISS1R 0 0 71 223 1 1
PTGS2 CA7 0 0 261 261 1 1
PTGS2 IL15 0 0 391 399 1 1
PTGS2 SLC1A3 0 0 195 214 1 1
PTGS2 ITGAE 0 0 164 182 1 1
PTGS2 DGAT1 0 0 138 174 1 2
PTGS2 FCGR1B 0 0 108 158 1 1
PTGS2 IFNA1 0 0 430 430 1 1
PTGS2 PARK2 0 0 195 195 1 1
PTGS2 NR0B2 0 0 218 230 1 1
PTGS2 WNT5A 0 0 369 373 1 2
PTGS2 ILK 0 0 233 232 1 1
PTGS2 APC2 0 0 0 244 1 1
PTGS2 CEACAM5 0 0 322 321 1 1
PTGS2 TOP1 0 0 392 392 1 1
PTGS2 ACP5 0 0 390 421 1 1
PTGS2 IL2RA 0 0 211 228 1 1
PTGS2 HHIP 0 0 60 331 1 1
PTGS2 GPX7 0 0 141 584 1 1
PTGS2 IBSP 0 0 218 219 1 1
PTGS2 MEFV 0 0 283 298 1 1
PTGS2 G6PC 0 0 205 205 1 1
PTGS2 SOAT2 0 0 0 268 1 1
PTGS2 DVL1 0 0 143 162 1 1
PTGS2 GNAQ 0 0 288 288 1 1
PTGS2 EGLN3 0 0 154 164 1 1
PTGS2 ADORA1 0 0 374 383 1 1
PTGS2 GLIPR2 0 0 0 177 1 2
PTGS2 CLU 0 0 208 208 1 2
PTGS2 CALM3 0 0 140 162 1 1
PTGS2 BRD4 0 0 90 160 1 2
PTGS2 STMN4 0 0 150 180 1 1
PTGS2 PPARD 0 0 391 451 1 1
PTGS2 SFTPC 0 0 155 215 1 1
PTGS2 CDH3 0 0 118 153 1 1
PTGS2 KLF10 0 0 145 181 1 1
PTGS2 NR4A1 0 0 324 360 1 2
PTGS2 PLA2G4C 0 650 243 723 1 1
PTGS2 JAK2 0 0 456 502 1 2
PTGS2 GHRL 0 0 261 261 1 1
PTGS2 SLC5A1 0 0 163 213 1 1
PTGS2 MKNK1 0 0 74 216 1 1
PTGS2 PTX3 0 0 381 492 1 1
PTGS2 CDH2 0 0 341 367 1 1
PTGS2 HDAC6 0 0 180 179 1 2
PTGS2 APAF1 0 0 324 326 1 2
PTGS2 PTPN22 0 0 167 199 1 1
PTGS2 CES2 0 0 137 169 1 1
PTGS2 PTN 0 0 127 269 1 1
PTGS2 IFNA2 0 0 155 154 1 1
PTGS2 ITGB8 0 0 103 209 1 1
PTGS2 NCOA1 0 0 180 187 1 1
PTGS2 HBEGF 0 0 571 628 1 1
PTGS2 GDNF 0 0 336 354 1 2
PTGS2 CPVL 0 0 87 221 1 1
PTGS2 NQO2 0 0 161 161 1 1
PTGS2 ITGA5 0 0 193 268 1 1
PTGS2 MUC5AC 0 0 321 321 1 1
PTGS2 GCLM 0 0 324 323 1 1
PTGS2 MMP15 0 0 176 503 1 1
PTGS2 KRT5 0 0 242 241 1 1
PTGS2 LAMP1 0 0 107 270 1 2
PTGS2 TSLP 0 0 264 301 1 1
PTGS2 AMHR2 0 0 113 166 1 1
PTGS2 SLC2A1 0 0 374 528 1 2
PTGS2 FGFR3 0 0 136 164 1 1
PTGS2 PEBP4 0 0 48 168 1 1
PTGS2 HTT 0 0 180 180 1 2
PTGS2 CFLAR 0 0 394 422 1 2
PTGS2 EGFR 0 0 700 706 1 2
PTGS2 ECM1 0 0 95 280 1 1
PTGS2 HS3ST2 0 0 74 172 1 1
PTGS2 ALOX15 0 900 608 961 1 1
PTGS2 MAOA 0 0 233 256 1 1
PTGS2 TGM2 0 0 244 274 1 2
PTGS2 MDM2 0 0 513 590 1 2
PTGS2 LCN2 0 0 365 365 1 1
PTGS2 TP53 874 0 958 994 1 2
PTGS2 DCN 0 0 256 256 1 2
PTGS2 NR1H2 0 0 113 217 1 1
PTGS2 HNRNPA1L2 0 0 0 151 1 1
PTGS2 WNT4 0 0 241 246 1 1
PTGS2 MAP3K7 0 0 287 313 1 2
PTGS2 HDAC2 0 0 278 278 1 1
PTGS2 GIG25 0 0 174 192 1 1
PTGS2 NFKBIZ 0 0 283 383 1 1
PTGS2 LAMA4 0 0 125 152 1 1
PTGS2 PAEP 0 0 181 237 1 1
PTGS2 TNFRSF11B 0 0 468 480 1 1
PTGS2 CD200R1 0 0 193 193 1 1
PTGS2 RAF1 0 0 244 272 1 2
PTGS2 ADAMTS1 0 0 292 342 1 1
PTGS2 IRAK1 0 0 414 435 1 1
PTGS2 PLA2G4E 0 650 0 688 1 1
PTGS2 NCOR2 0 0 123 165 1 1
PTGS2 P2RX4 0 0 214 214 1 1
PTGS2 BST1 0 0 48 222 1 1
PTGS2 PDGFRA 0 0 213 243 1 1
PTGS2 ALCAM 0 0 180 196 1 1
PTGS2 BUB1B 0 0 66 160 1 1
PTGS2 PRKCZ 0 0 232 260 1 1
PTGS2 DUSP10 0 0 260 309 1 1
PTGS2 CD33 0 0 284 284 1 1
PTGS2 CDH1 0 0 564 581 1 2
PTGS2 NCF4 0 0 195 216 1 1
PTGS2 ACTC1 0 0 124 199 1 1
PTGS2 AGER 0 0 422 422 1 2
PTGS2 PLA2G16 0 650 181 701 1 1
PTGS2 FKBP4 0 0 162 168 1 1
PTGS2 PDE4D 0 0 129 171 1 1
PTGS2 ALDH3A2 0 0 0 185 1 1
PTGS2 CTH 0 0 202 207 1 1
PTGS2 SIRT6 0 0 282 282 1 2
PTGS2 SRGN 0 0 73 180 1 1
PTGS2 CRYGC 0 0 341 341 1 1
PTGS2 GBP1 0 0 209 283 1 1
PTGS2 AVP 0 0 174 173 1 1
PTGS2 AQP2 0 0 282 301 1 1
PTGS2 TRADD 0 0 284 301 1 1
PTGS2 WNT1 0 0 298 298 1 2
PTGS2 CYP3A4 0 0 348 358 1 1
PTGS2 ALK 0 0 167 198 1 2
PTGS2 MRPS7 0 0 166 165 1 1
PTGS2 ROCK2 0 0 107 269 1 1
PTGS2 DRD2 0 0 202 214 1 1
PTGS2 LOXL2 0 0 161 161 1 1
PTGS2 EREG 0 0 519 568 1 1
PTGS2 BCHE 0 0 325 343 1 1
PTGS2 GATA1 0 0 123 152 1 1
PTGS2 MAF 0 0 268 268 1 1
PTGS2 COPS3 270 0 0 270 1 1
PTGS2 PDE4A 0 0 284 288 1 1
PTGS2 CSN2 0 0 161 161 1 1
PTGS2 RFX4 0 0 0 252 1 1
PTGS2 ANXA3 0 0 181 217 1 1
PTGS2 PVALB 0 0 150 173 1 1
PTGS2 ELAVL1 270 0 520 667 1 2
PTGS2 CASP7 0 0 265 265 1 1
PTGS2 CUL1 270 0 60 297 1 1
PTGS2 MME 0 0 260 260 1 1
PTGS2 CREB3L3 0 0 82 239 1 1
PTGS2 SNAI2 0 0 337 337 1 1
PTGS2 RPL19 0 0 181 187 1 1
PTGS2 ENPEP 0 0 81 286 1 1
PTGS2 IDO1 0 0 498 510 1 1
PTGS2 IFI6 0 0 207 207 1 1
PTGS2 SFRP5 0 0 140 158 1 1
PTGS2 IL16 0 0 266 266 1 1
PTGS2 ALB 0 0 672 703 1 2
PTGS2 CD68 0 0 518 546 1 2
PTGS2 CCL2 0 0 738 774 1 2
PTGS2 FAM213A 0 0 150 189 1 1
PTGS2 IL17F 0 0 203 203 1 1
PTGS2 ADRA2B 0 0 125 179 1 1
PTGS2 BIRC3 0 0 406 427 1 1
PTGS2 ANXA8 0 0 262 262 1 1
PTGS2 ABCC4 0 0 286 287 1 1
PTGS2 SPARC 0 0 265 281 1 2
PTGS2 KLK10 0 0 82 152 1 1
PTGS2 SMAD3 0 0 401 405 1 2
PTGS2 ROCK1 0 0 150 212 1 2
PTGS2 SERPINF1 0 0 134 168 1 1
PTGS2 SIRPA 0 0 135 203 1 1
PTGS2 EP300 486 0 391 680 1 2
PTGS2 CDK5 0 0 233 233 1 2
PTGS2 ADIPOR1 0 0 294 294 1 1
PTGS2 LEF1 0 0 243 242 1 1
PTGS2 PDGFRB 0 0 310 331 1 2
PTGS2 ELMO1 270 0 447 579 1 1
PTGS2 ADRA2A 0 0 157 190 1 1
PTGS2 IL4 0 0 632 655 1 1
PTGS2 SCARB1 0 0 241 240 1 1
PTGS2 HNF1A 0 0 180 179 1 1
PTGS2 PLAU 0 0 469 511 1 1
PTGS2 IGFBP1 0 0 323 346 1 1
PTGS2 PAWR 0 0 97 254 1 1
PTGS2 CYP27A1 0 0 142 185 1 1
PTGS2 BMP2 0 0 402 430 1 1
PTGS2 EGF 0 0 615 642 1 2
PTGS2 PPFIA3 0 0 0 215 1 1
PTGS2 PRTN3 0 0 161 174 1 1
PTGS2 PELI1 0 0 113 186 1 1
PTGS2 BDKRB1 0 0 203 215 1 1
PTGS2 HAS1 0 0 139 214 1 1
PTGS2 TREH 0 0 0 165 1 1
PTGS2 SLC1A2 0 0 269 290 1 1
PTGS2 VCAN 0 0 325 339 1 1
PTGS2 IL18BP 0 0 212 212 1 1
PTGS2 TRAF6 0 0 426 426 1 2
PTGS2 DUSP12 0 0 341 370 1 1
PTGS2 CYCS 0 0 565 568 1 2
PTGS2 GADD45B 0 0 287 348 1 1
PTGS2 CXCL11 0 0 325 350 1 1
PTGS2 TRPC6 0 0 129 163 1 1
PTGS2 HSPB3 0 0 335 335 1 1
PTGS2 PDCD4 0 0 245 244 1 2
PTGS2 CYP2E1 0 900 457 945 1 2
PTGS2 CHAT 0 0 249 248 1 1
PTGS2 HSP90B1 0 0 181 181 1 1
PTGS2 ISG20 0 0 113 152 1 1
PTGS2 CCR2 0 0 452 471 1 2
PTGS2 COL4A4 0 0 70 179 1 1
PTGS2 CETP 0 0 122 181 1 1
PTGS2 PPARA 0 0 613 619 1 2
PTGS2 CBR1 0 0 282 320 1 1
PTGS2 ACHE 0 0 455 477 1 2
PTGS2 LPL 0 0 323 323 1 1
PTGS2 TEK 0 0 358 369 1 1
PTGS2 CXCL9 0 0 369 382 1 1
PTGS2 IER3 0 0 241 304 1 1
PTGS2 LTF 0 0 139 164 1 1
PTGS2 GATA4 0 0 171 198 1 2
PTGS2 IRF2 0 0 235 236 1 1
PTGS2 HSPA4 270 0 459 605 1 1
PTGS2 CYP1B1 0 0 457 504 1 1
PTGS2 USP22 270 0 54 279 1 1
PTGS2 DICER1 0 0 233 277 1 1
PTGS2 PIK3R1 0 0 211 211 1 1
PTGS2 CRHR1 0 0 141 232 1 1
PTGS2 ATP6AP2 0 0 502 502 1 1
PTGS2 PLAUR 0 0 391 473 1 1
PTGS2 PROCR 0 0 123 176 1 1
PTGS2 P2RX7 0 0 293 315 1 2
PTGS2 COL4A1 0 0 144 193 1 1
PTGS2 ABL2 0 0 49 244 1 1
PTGS2 CHKA 0 0 157 156 1 1
PTGS2 CRHR2 0 0 98 154 1 1
PTGS2 CCR1 0 0 289 345 1 1
PTGS2 PRNP 0 0 150 173 1 2
PTGS2 VR1 0 0 556 586 1 1
PTGS2 CEACAM8 0 0 202 202 1 1
PTGS2 GPX4 0 0 358 480 1 2
PTGS2 MMP16 0 0 124 482 1 1
PTGS2 IL1F10 0 0 62 546 1 1
PTGS2 RHPN2 0 0 0 191 1 1
PTGS2 HSDL2 0 0 61 175 1 1
PTGS2 DIABLO 0 0 241 240 1 2
PTGS2 BRAF 0 0 134 166 1 2
PTGS2 CALCA 0 0 451 465 1 1
PTGS2 FGF18 0 0 306 311 1 1
PTGS2 CRISPLD1 0 0 0 177 1 1
PTGS2 COX7C 0 0 49 150 1 1
PTGS2 MAP2K4 0 0 297 297 1 1
PTGS2 PHLDA1 0 0 134 172 1 1
PTGS2 BHLHE40 0 0 134 175 1 1
PTGS2 XRCC1 0 0 166 165 1 1
PTGS2 PTK2 0 0 294 294 1 2
PTGS2 MAPK8 0 0 562 564 1 2
PTGS2 FRZB 0 0 194 194 1 1
PTGS2 GGT5 0 0 136 187 1 1
PTGS2 COL3A1 0 0 251 305 1 1
PTGS2 KRT8 0 0 209 217 1 1
PTGS2 SKA2 0 0 0 240 1 1
PTGS2 NEDD9 0 0 119 152 1 1
PTGS2 NFATC3 0 0 262 262 1 1
PTGS2 RUNX3 0 0 283 282 1 1
PTGS2 TBXAS1 0 900 592 959 1 1
PTGS2 TNFRSF13C 0 0 113 174 1 1
PTGS2 TREM2 0 0 213 236 1 1
PTGS2 NCOA3 0 0 139 161 1 1
PTGS2 P2RY1 0 0 193 193 1 1
PTGS2 LTC4S 0 0 337 337 1 1
PTGS2 UGT1A8 0 0 212 212 1 1
PTGS2 EIF2AK2 0 0 125 157 1 2
PTGS2 UCHL1 0 0 181 198 1 2
PTGS2 GAP43 0 0 150 196 1 1
PTGS2 BMP6 0 0 212 293 1 1
PTGS2 IRS2 0 0 213 213 1 1
PTGS2 IL36RN 0 0 77 553 1 1
PTGS2 ARNT 0 0 324 323 1 2
PTGS2 IL7R 0 0 169 199 1 1
PTGS2 BMI1 0 0 183 183 1 1
PTGS2 AKR1C2 0 0 160 212 1 1
PTGS2 ELOVL6 0 0 167 199 1 1
PTGS2 SOD1 0 0 457 468 1 2
PTGS2 LTA 0 0 305 362 1 1
PTGS2 TBL1X 0 0 167 167 1 1
PTGS2 CDC25C 0 0 270 270 1 2
PTGS2 GOLPH3L 0 0 0 209 1 1
PTGS2 COMP 0 0 218 218 1 1
PTGS2 TTPA 0 0 154 157 1 1
PTGS2 FGF6 0 0 0 215 1 1
PTGS2 GRB2 0 0 226 225 1 1
PTGS2 NFKBIE 0 0 260 296 1 1
PTGS2 IGFBP4 0 0 143 275 1 1
PTGS2 ALDH16A1 0 0 0 189 1 1
PTGS2 GRIN2A 0 0 212 253 1 1
PTGS2 FYN 0 0 246 274 1 1
PTGS2 JAG1 0 0 271 288 1 1
PTGS2 CREB3L2 0 0 60 271 1 1
PTGS2 FST 0 0 204 235 1 1
PTGS2 JUN 0 0 738 745 1 2
PTGS2 DAPK1 0 0 248 248 1 2
PTGS2 FZD1 0 0 162 191 1 1
PTGS2 TYK2 0 0 201 230 1 1
PTGS2 FABP3 0 0 138 209 1 1
PTGS2 SERPINB2 0 0 323 474 1 1
PTGS2 ITGAL 0 0 134 152 1 1
PTGS2 GZMA 0 0 141 172 1 1
PTGS2 CDH17 0 0 277 306 1 1
PTGS2 NPPB 0 0 123 156 1 1
PTGS2 PYGB 0 0 134 152 1 1
PTGS2 S1PR4 0 0 157 156 1 1
PTGS2 SI 0 0 242 241 1 1
PTGS2 ENSG00000173366 0 0 405 405 1 1
PTGS2 CYP19A1 0 0 603 609 1 2
PTGS2 ERBB4 0 0 235 304 1 1
PTGS2 GSTA4 0 0 162 183 1 1
PTGS2 HIC1 0 0 203 215 1 1
PTGS2 COL18A1 0 0 323 323 1 1
PTGS2 DHRS11 0 0 209 226 1 1
PTGS2 AIF1 0 0 561 572 1 2
PTGS2 CHRNA7 0 0 123 196 1 1
PTGS2 KMO 0 0 143 228 1 1
PTGS2 ZBTB16 0 0 73 237 1 1
PTGS2 JAK3 0 0 212 241 1 1
PTGS2 PIK3CG 0 0 255 282 1 1
PTGS2 ALDH1A3 0 0 141 349 1 2
PTGS2 CYP7A1 0 0 174 186 1 1
PTGS2 DNTT 0 0 466 465 1 1
PTGS2 DENND1A 0 0 0 203 1 1
PTGS2 DSC2 0 0 85 182 1 1
PTGS2 NOS1 0 0 504 590 1 1
PTGS2 GPC4 0 0 45 154 1 1
PTGS2 NCOA2 0 0 179 179 1 1
PTGS2 CCNA2 0 0 367 380 1 1
PTGS2 SQSTM1 0 0 193 200 1 2
PTGS2 BNIP3 0 0 195 212 1 2
PTGS2 JUNB 0 0 215 335 1 1
PTGS2 CRYZ 0 0 323 378 1 1
PTGS2 TFAP2D 0 0 46 177 1 1
PTGS2 ANXA4 0 0 134 188 1 1
PTGS2 THY1 0 0 325 339 1 1
PTGS2 ABCG1 0 0 226 237 1 2
PTGS2 CUL4A 270 0 0 270 1 1
PTGS2 MMP9 0 0 739 760 1 2
PTGS2 MAPK3 270 0 681 780 1 2
PTGS2 FGF1 0 0 252 252 1 1
PTGS2 NLRX1 0 0 95 157 1 2
PTGS2 EPRS 0 0 255 254 1 1
PTGS2 SELL 0 0 257 286 1 1
PTGS2 MSN 0 0 108 198 1 1
PTGS2 SELP 0 0 393 425 1 1
PTGS2 ALDH3A1 0 0 154 267 1 1
PTGS2 CRP 0 0 610 636 1 2
PTGS2 ASS1 0 0 112 162 1 1
PTGS2 PSEN1 0 0 395 397 1 2
PTGS2 NPEPL1 0 0 0 237 1 1
PTGS2 COL14A1 0 0 100 188 1 1
PTGS2 ATF2 0 0 335 335 1 1
PTGS2 TP73 0 0 135 167 1 2
PTGS2 IFIT5 0 0 195 195 1 1
PTGS2 PTGDR2 0 0 230 231 1 1
PTGS2 SOX2 0 0 259 258 1 2
PTGS2 S100A11 0 0 213 242 1 1
PTGS2 HDAC4 270 0 203 393 1 2
PTGS2 IL21 0 0 46 643 1 1
PTGS2 CTBP1 0 0 101 226 1 1
PTGS2 CREB3L1 0 0 74 238 1 1
PTGS2 LBP 0 0 166 191 1 1
PTGS2 HSP90AA1 0 0 421 429 1 2
PTGS2 LTB 0 0 156 155 1 1
PTGS2 BCL3 0 0 71 192 1 1
PTGS2 PTGER2 0 0 565 678 1 1
PTGS2 ICAM1 0 0 681 728 1 2
PTGS2 NEUROG1 0 0 167 167 1 1
PTGS2 SOX9 0 0 391 392 1 1
PTGS2 CXCR1 0 0 285 321 1 1
PTGS2 SOST 0 0 248 248 1 1
PTGS2 PTPRC 0 0 455 501 1 1
PTGS2 PRG4 0 0 203 203 1 1
PTGS2 IGFBP2 0 0 167 167 1 1
PTGS2 ADH1B 0 0 150 176 1 1
PTGS2 ITGAV 0 0 183 200 1 1
PTGS2 CCL18 0 0 249 270 1 1
PTGS2 GPR29 0 0 141 177 1 1
PTGS2 BAX 0 0 458 457 1 2
PTGS2 PI16 0 0 0 218 1 1
PTGS2 TIMP1 0 0 559 585 1 1
PTGS2 F10 0 0 211 223 1 1
PTGS2 FABP5 0 0 219 248 1 1
PTGS2 AURKA 0 0 175 189 1 2
PTGS2 STX6 0 0 44 232 1 1
PTGS2 SYN1 0 0 117 175 1 1
PTGS2 CITED2 0 0 158 157 1 1
PTGS2 RCAN2 0 0 270 279 1 1
PTGS2 FGL2 0 0 137 247 1 1
PTGS2 AR 0 0 408 421 1 2
PTGS2 BID 0 0 134 153 1 2
PTGS2 CD1C 0 0 193 193 1 1
PTGS2 GNRH1 0 0 327 334 1 1
PTGS2 CDKN1A 0 0 455 486 1 2
PTGS2 WSCD1 0 0 45 255 1 1
PTGS2 SPP1 0 0 508 519 1 2
PTGS2 SLC2A4 0 0 478 489 1 1
PTGS2 GLIPR1L2 0 0 0 177 1 1
PTGS2 PLB1 0 650 66 677 1 1
PTGS2 FOXO3 0 0 325 325 1 2
PTGS2 APOE 0 0 470 479 1 2
PTGS2 CEMIP 0 0 134 176 1 1
PTGS2 TRPV2 0 0 135 166 1 1
PTGS2 EGR4 0 0 88 168 1 1
PTGS2 BGLAP 0 0 414 415 1 1
PTGS2 BMPER 0 0 75 171 1 1
PTGS2 ACTG2 0 0 129 166 1 1
PTGS2 TNFSF11 0 0 558 565 1 2
PTGS2 ITGA6 0 0 171 190 1 1
PTGS2 F2 0 0 226 319 1 1
PTGS2 GPX6 0 0 47 415 1 1
PTGS2 LRP8 0 0 87 182 1 1
PTGS2 C1QBP 0 0 327 327 1 1
PTGS2 CDC42 0 0 339 363 1 2
PTGS2 IRF8 0 0 201 201 1 1
PTGS2 DKK1 0 0 263 290 1 1
PTGS2 VIMP 270 0 84 302 1 1
PTGS2 DAO 0 0 47 265 1 2
PTGS2 LYPLA2 0 0 66 370 1 1
PTGS2 LPAR1 0 0 269 302 1 1
PTGS2 MIF 0 0 459 462 1 2
PTGS2 TLR3 0 0 466 478 1 2
PTGS2 CDKN3 0 0 260 281 1 1
PTGS2 JDP2 0 0 87 186 1 1
PTGS2 IL19 0 0 194 200 1 1
PTGS2 RSAD2 0 0 227 246 1 1
PTGS2 SERPINB3 0 0 82 166 1 1
PTGS2 JMJD7-PLA2G4B 0 650 82 696 1 1
PTGS2 P2RY13 0 0 73 152 1 1
PTGS2 S100A6 0 0 180 237 1 1
PTGS2 HTR2A 0 0 213 242 1 1
PTGS2 SRXN1 0 0 205 246 1 1
PTGS2 COMT 0 0 294 294 1 1
PTGS2 ADAMTS18 0 0 0 204 1 1
PTGS2 SERPINB7 0 0 0 228 1 1
PTGS2 HNF4A 0 0 366 366 1 1
PTGS2 DCX 0 0 210 210 1 1
PTGS2 FGA 0 0 94 211 1 1
PTGS2 TBK1 0 0 235 263 1 2
PTGS2 ASPN 0 0 156 155 1 1
PTGS2 ADIPOR2 0 0 249 248 1 1
PTGS2 TUBB2A 0 0 113 150 1 1
PTGS2 FOXP3 0 0 469 469 1 2
PTGS2 SLC6A2 0 0 155 154 1 1
PTGS2 MGST1 0 0 170 188 1 1
PTGS2 HIST1H4D 0 0 182 181 1 1
PTGS2 RARRES2 0 0 155 154 1 1
PTGS2 KDR 0 0 468 477 1 2
PTGS2 IL4I1 0 0 106 150 1 1
PTGS2 RAC2 0 0 243 306 1 1
PTGS2 AGTR2 0 0 232 244 1 1
PTGS2 DSC3 0 0 57 157 1 1
PTGS2 KRT19 0 0 282 282 1 1
PTGS2 VDAC1 0 0 161 161 1 2
PTGS2 GADD45G 0 0 108 163 1 1
PTGS2 TGFB1 0 0 519 590 1 2
PTGS2 STAT5B 0 0 323 327 1 1
PTGS2 LUM 0 0 146 170 1 1
PTGS2 PIK3C2A 0 0 134 166 1 1
PTGS2 SCGB1A1 0 0 156 155 1 1
PTGS2 MGAT5 0 0 66 163 1 1
PTGS2 SPINT2 0 0 113 186 1 1
PTGS2 GLUL 0 0 220 237 1 1
PTGS2 PRKCD 0 0 390 413 1 2
PTGS2 TRPV4 0 0 281 286 1 1
PTGS2 CYP2D6 0 0 276 304 1 1
PTGS2 CNN1 0 0 125 162 1 1
PTGS2 HYAL1 0 0 98 163 1 1
PTGS2 ITGBL1 0 0 0 154 1 1
PTGS2 DIO2 0 0 185 187 1 1
PTGS2 RIPK3 0 0 97 162 1 2
PTGS2 MMP10 0 0 330 516 1 1
PTGS2 UGT1A1 0 0 213 213 1 1
PTGS2 CSF2 0 0 596 626 1 1
PTGS2 HIST1H4C 0 0 182 181 1 1
PTGS2 CPT1A 0 0 161 161 1 1
PTGS2 LHX3 0 0 0 252 1 1
PTGS2 VCAM1 0 0 650 667 1 1
PTGS2 IFIT3 0 0 193 254 1 1
PTGS2 CCL14 0 0 158 171 1 1
PTGS2 CA9 0 0 466 466 1 1
PTGS2 SUMO1 486 0 704 841 1 1
PTGS2 FAS 0 0 283 314 1 2
PTGS2 SLC2A5 0 0 123 163 1 1
PTGS2 DUOX1 0 0 413 243 1 1
PTGS2 CLDN1 0 0 146 188 1 1
PTGS2 EPGN 0 0 123 207 1 1
PTGS2 NLRC4 0 0 309 334 1 2
PTGS2 NTRK2 0 0 261 288 1 1
PTGS2 ATP7A 0 0 233 232 1 1
PTGS2 CD247 0 0 157 163 1 1
PTGS2 VIP 0 0 216 233 1 1
PTGS2 CREB3L4 0 0 90 471 1 1
PTGS2 COL4A2 0 0 84 191 1 1
PTGS2 COL4A3 0 0 134 197 1 1
PTGS2 CRISPLD2 0 0 0 177 1 1
PTGS2 NOX4 0 0 452 489 1 2
PTGS2 CST3 0 0 142 157 1 1
PTGS2 DROSHA 0 0 181 205 1 1
PTGS2 ARF4 0 0 0 155 1 1
PTGS2 SLC2A12 0 0 107 176 1 1
PTGS2 SLC12A1 0 0 294 294 1 1
PTGS2 GJA1 0 0 459 459 1 1
PTGS2 BCL6 0 0 163 206 1 1
PTGS2 PINK1 0 0 170 169 1 2
PTGS2 GRM5 0 0 162 161 1 1
PTGS2 NFATC4 0 0 261 261 1 1
PTGS2 FAAH 0 0 605 616 1 1
PTGS2 ST3GAL1 0 0 96 209 1 1
PTGS2 PHGDH 0 0 122 314 1 1
PTGS2 MYOF 0 0 152 219 1 1
PTGS2 PDE5A 0 0 335 351 1 1
PTGS2 HMGA1 0 0 195 195 1 1
PTGS2 SEPP1 0 0 155 154 1 1
PTGS2 GPT 0 0 519 530 1 1
PTGS2 TYMS 0 0 323 355 1 1
PTGS2 KRT18 0 0 216 233 1 1
PTGS2 EIF4EBP1 0 0 225 224 1 2
PTGS2 RTN4 0 0 138 177 1 1
PTGS2 FOXO4 0 0 152 284 1 1
PTGS2 AXL 0 0 185 233 1 2
PTGS2 HSP90AB1 0 0 113 249 1 2
PTGS2 ISLR 0 0 66 226 1 1
PTGS2 HRH2 0 0 181 211 1 1
PTGS2 GATM 0 0 91 188 1 1
PTGS2 DLD 0 0 45 182 1 2
PTGS2 PTPN23 0 0 0 242 1 1
PTGS2 CREM 0 0 140 233 1 1
PTGS2 STC2 0 0 81 175 1 1
PTGS2 FBN1 0 0 345 347 1 1
PTGS2 GSTA2 0 0 108 163 1 1
PTGS2 PHYKPL 0 0 0 169 1 1
PTGS2 LTB4R 0 0 325 347 1 1
PTGS2 CYP2J2 0 900 235 923 1 1
PTGS2 CARD6 0 0 94 183 1 1
PTGS2 TGFBI 0 0 193 280 1 1
PTGS2 MGAM 0 0 242 279 1 1
PTGS2 PDE4B 0 0 243 331 1 1
PTGS2 NID2 0 0 90 192 1 1
PTGS2 ACVR1B 0 0 145 195 1 1
PTGS2 VEGFB 0 0 265 281 1 1
PTGS2 TH 0 0 400 419 1 2
PTGS2 KLK4 0 0 212 224 1 1
PTGS2 ECE1 0 0 141 329 1 1
PTGS2 NGF 0 0 508 542 1 2
PTGS2 CD34 0 0 458 457 1 2
PTGS2 DHODH 0 0 155 173 1 1
PTGS2 AXIN2 0 0 216 216 1 1
PTGS2 CMKLR1 0 0 282 309 1 1
PTGS2 PTCH1 0 0 231 230 1 1
PTGS2 POTEI 0 0 0 173 1 1
PTGS2 APOC3 0 0 134 152 1 1
PTGS2 ENSG00000272980 0 0 141 177 1 1
PTGS2 TNFAIP6 0 0 563 695 1 1
PTGS2 IFNAR1 0 0 186 186 1 1
PTGS2 HIST1H4H 0 0 182 181 1 1
PTGS2 PRDX2 0 0 150 237 1 1
PTGS2 VWF 0 0 335 335 1 1
PTGS2 CD63 0 0 149 184 1 2
PTGS2 TYMP 0 0 323 347 1 1
PTGS2 SFRP4 0 0 136 154 1 1
PTGS2 TNFSF14 0 0 164 163 1 1
PTGS2 BCL2A1 0 0 371 462 1 1
PTGS2 ENSG00000196136 0 0 174 192 1 1
PTGS2 RELB 0 0 493 522 1 2
PTGS2 PRDX4 0 0 125 195 1 1
PTGS2 FGF2 0 0 566 578 1 2
PTGS2 CXCL3 0 0 460 665 1 1
PTGS2 SDC4 0 0 205 222 1 1
PTGS2 IFNW1 0 0 57 194 1 1
PTGS2 GADD45A 0 0 321 336 1 1
PTGS2 EPHB4 0 0 113 174 1 1
PTGS2 PKM 0 0 206 206 1 1
PTGS2 ESRRB 0 0 46 223 1 1
PTGS2 VKORC1 0 0 304 304 1 1
PTGS2 SOCS1 0 0 395 408 1 1
PTGS2 BTK 0 0 137 190 1 1
PTGS2 CCND3 0 0 182 181 1 1
PTGS2 APOB 0 0 260 276 1 2
PTGS2 CSF1R 0 0 325 353 1 1
PTGS2 DEFB4A 0 0 194 195 1 1
PTGS2 TNMD 0 0 155 154 1 1
PTGS2 PLA2G3 0 650 398 780 1 1
PTGS2 MAPK1 0 0 393 478 1 2
PTGS2 IGF1 0 0 562 573 1 2
PTGS2 ALDH9A1 0 0 71 214 1 1
PTGS2 ASMT 0 0 181 181 1 1
PTGS2 XDH 0 0 252 367 1 1
PTGS2 TIRAP 0 0 269 269 1 1
PTGS2 LHX9 0 0 0 263 1 1
PTGS2 RHAG 0 0 258 258 1 1
PTGS2 ADAMTS9 0 0 113 186 1 1
PTGS2 HNRNPD 270 0 265 449 1 1
PTGS2 CELF1 0 0 138 191 1 1
PTGS2 OXTR 0 0 518 536 1 1
PTGS2 PLA2G2A 0 650 593 854 1 1
PTGS2 TANK 0 0 136 155 1 2
PTGS2 TSHR 0 0 134 150 1 1
PTGS2 ABHD6 0 0 459 473 1 1
PTGS2 HDC 0 0 150 168 1 1
PTGS2 HTR2C 0 0 122 159 1 1
PTGS2 GPC2 0 0 57 307 1 1
PTGS2 CASP2 0 0 180 179 1 1
PTGS2 CD44 0 0 504 546 1 2
PTGS2 BDNF 0 0 519 558 1 2
PTGS2 IL7 0 0 260 278 1 1
PTGS2 ADAMTS4 0 0 459 481 1 1
PTGS2 GPC1 0 0 108 188 1 1
PTGS2 CD209 0 0 167 190 1 1
PTGS2 NRIP1 0 0 150 183 1 1
PTGS2 DAGLA 0 0 395 394 1 1
PTGS2 GPC5 0 0 50 164 1 1
PTGS2 NME1 0 0 227 232 1 1
PTGS2 PLA2G4D 0 650 0 688 1 1
PTGS2 VCL 0 0 210 227 1 1
PTGS2 IFI30 0 0 153 180 1 1
PTGS2 GPR4 0 0 188 188 1 1
PTGS2 MMP7 0 0 497 567 1 1
PTGS2 GPR55 0 0 391 415 1 1
PTGS2 SLCO2A1 0 0 392 407 1 1
PTGS2 SMPD2 0 0 184 183 1 1
PTGS2 RPLP0 0 0 159 158 1 1
PTGS2 CBSL 0 0 194 194 1 1
PTGS2 IL23R 0 0 181 181 1 1
PTGS2 MT2A 0 0 150 185 1 1
PTGS2 P2RY6 0 0 156 155 1 1
PTGS2 BRS3 0 0 0 152 1 1
PTGS2 KLF9 0 0 118 198 1 1
PTGS2 LDLR 0 0 324 372 1 2
PTGS2 COL7A1 0 0 124 190 1 1
PTGS2 HIST2H4B 0 0 182 181 1 1
PTGS2 MDK 0 0 261 297 1 1
PTGS2 AKR1C1 0 0 249 309 1 1
PTGS2 NR1D1 0 0 167 167 1 2
PTGS2 CD38 0 0 181 181 1 2
PTGS2 ALPL 0 0 161 161 1 1
PTGS2 EVL 0 0 0 173 1 1
PTGS2 RHEB 0 0 123 155 1 2
PTGS2 DNAJB7 0 0 152 151 1 1
PTGS2 FADS1 0 0 260 264 1 1
PTGS2 ENSG00000264813 0 0 557 578 1 1
PTGS2 AOX1 0 0 170 187 1 1
PTGS2 LRP6 0 0 210 266 1 1
PTGS2 RETNLB 0 0 294 294 1 1
PTGS2 PLA2G12B 0 650 73 684 1 1
PTGS2 TXN 0 0 390 398 1 1
PTGS2 LCP1 0 0 46 273 1 1
PTGS2 S100A10 0 0 150 173 1 1
PTGS2 CCNE1 0 0 203 267 1 1
PTGS2 OPRM1 0 0 292 303 1 1
PTGS2 MARCH1 0 0 0 189 1 1
PTGS2 PTK2B 0 0 212 229 1 1
PTGS2 IDE 0 0 211 211 1 1
PTGS2 PECAM1 0 0 507 516 1 1
PTGS2 SLPI 0 0 182 211 1 1
PTGS2 EIF4E 0 0 166 175 1 2
PTGS2 HBD 0 0 112 173 1 1
PTGS2 HEY1 0 0 170 170 1 1
PTGS2 KAT2B 0 0 155 168 1 1
PTGS2 GPC6 0 0 96 199 1 1
PTGS2 CRLF1 0 0 104 173 1 1
PTGS2 KRT20 0 0 166 165 1 1
PTGS2 ADRA1D 0 0 150 215 1 1
PTGS2 NOX5 0 0 202 256 1 1
PTGS2 CYP24A1 0 0 210 227 1 1
PTGS2 PROK2 0 0 150 181 1 1
PTGS2 GSTA1 0 0 243 290 1 1
PTGS2 HMGCR 0 0 358 358 1 1
PTGS2 MTHFR 0 0 269 287 1 1
PTGS2 IFIT2 0 0 180 209 1 1
PTGS2 FGF5 0 0 62 163 1 1
PTGS2 ICAM2 0 0 161 162 1 1
PTGS2 CD19 0 0 263 279 1 1
PTGS2 SLC35A2 0 0 161 161 1 1
PTGS2 ANXA2 0 0 208 237 1 1
PTGS2 NCF1 0 0 391 415 1 1
PTGS2 IRAK2 0 0 235 292 1 1
PTGS2 VNN2 0 0 160 221 1 1
PTGS2 PTAFR 0 0 241 257 1 1
PTGS2 CD36 0 0 171 171 1 2
PTGS2 JUND 0 0 249 248 1 1
PTGS2 SEMA3A 0 0 140 159 1 1
PTGS2 ACTA2 0 0 170 311 1 1
PTGS2 NOS3 0 0 662 705 1 2
PTGS2 NR5A1 0 0 203 221 1 1
PTGS2 FSHR 0 0 310 335 1 1
PTGS2 TNFRSF10D 0 0 142 194 1 1
PTGS2 CCND1 0 0 666 678 1 2
PTGS2 PRKAA1 0 0 141 164 1 2
PTGS2 RPRM 0 0 232 237 1 1
PTGS2 SERPINC1 0 0 194 194 1 1
PTGS2 S1PR5 0 0 167 167 1 1
PTGS2 AXIN1 0 0 292 292 1 1
PTGS2 CTSD 0 0 257 294 1 2
PTGS2 IL23A 0 0 175 195 1 1
PTGS2 COA3 0 0 223 223 1 1
PTGS2 EZR 0 0 181 214 1 1
PTGS2 MTRR 0 0 95 191 1 1
PTGS2 SMAD5 0 0 166 165 1 1
PTGS2 THBD 0 0 235 342 1 1
PTGS2 SHC1 0 0 208 225 1 1
PTGS2 SFRP1 0 0 269 285 1 1
PTGS2 ATM 0 0 329 329 1 2
PTGS2 GPR132 0 0 143 166 1 1
PTGS2 PLEKHG4B 0 0 0 268 1 1
PTGS2 ITGA2B 0 0 183 200 1 1
PTGS2 RET 0 0 218 218 1 1
PTGS2 COL17A1 0 0 90 155 1 1
PTGS2 KLK6 0 0 87 247 1 1
PTGS2 LCAT 0 0 113 163 1 1
PTGS2 G6PD 0 0 270 286 1 1
PTGS2 LHCGR 0 0 342 473 1 1
PTGS2 ALDH1B1 0 0 64 208 1 1
PTGS2 CA4 0 0 181 181 1 1
PTGS2 ICT1 0 0 388 388 1 1
PTGS2 TJP1 0 0 381 381 1 1
PTGS2 SELE 0 0 518 550 1 1
PTGS2 RXRG 0 0 91 263 1 1
PTGS2 EGLN2 0 0 150 180 1 1
PTGS2 TGFBR2 0 0 325 388 1 1
PTGS2 TAC1 0 0 504 504 1 1
PTGS2 HTR2B 0 0 75 151 1 1
PTGS2 CDH11 0 0 278 322 1 1
PTGS2 ATG7 0 0 181 181 1 2
PTGS2 BTG2 0 0 208 293 1 1
PTGS2 ITGB5 0 0 67 192 1 1
PTGS2 ACTG1 0 0 324 395 1 1
PTGS2 CCL23 0 0 112 154 1 1
PTGS2 CNRIP1 0 0 58 158 1 1
PTGS2 GFAP 0 0 394 422 1 2
PTGS2 EFNB2 0 0 152 167 1 1
PTGS2 CCL20 0 0 463 523 1 1
PTGS2 NAMPT 0 0 322 419 1 2
PTGS2 PTGR1 0 0 234 281 1 1
PTGS2 CYP4F8 0 900 330 931 1 1
PTGS2 COL1A1 0 0 376 421 1 2
PTGS2 ITGB4 0 0 114 219 1 1
PTGS2 CXCL2 0 0 562 830 1 1
PTGS2 GPR68 0 0 220 241 1 1
PTGS2 IRF4 0 0 181 181 1 1
PTGS2 TRPV3 0 0 170 169 1 1
PTGS2 VEGFA 0 0 892 896 1 2
PTGS2 GLIPR1 0 0 74 282 1 1
PTGS2 MAPK7 0 0 247 267 1 1
PTGS2 NEK7 0 0 82 227 1 1
PTGS2 PTEN 0 0 509 526 1 2
PTGS2 MBP 0 0 243 242 1 2
PTGS2 SERPINF2 0 0 107 161 1 1
PTGS2 MYOD1 0 0 210 210 1 1
PTGS2 PLA2G5 0 650 280 777 1 1
PTGS2 CASP5 0 0 150 222 1 1
PTGS2 DNM1L 0 0 160 159 1 2
PTGS2 FCER1G 0 0 92 157 1 1
PTGS2 COLEC10 0 0 0 213 1 1
PTGS2 FFAR4 0 0 324 334 1 1
PTGS2 COL10A1 0 0 174 192 1 1
PTGS2 LTB4R2 0 0 241 252 1 1
PTGS2 MAP3K3 0 0 142 167 1 1
PTGS2 PTPRG 0 0 50 161 1 1
PTGS2 BMP4 0 0 320 334 1 1
PTGS2 TCF4 0 0 193 193 1 1
PTGS2 ZC3H12A 0 0 203 288 1 1
PTGS2 WT1 0 0 201 213 1 1
PTGS2 CCKBR 0 0 171 183 1 1
PTGS2 SYK 0 0 341 379 1 2
PTGS2 NUP98 0 0 74 159 1 1
PTGS2 LEP 0 0 510 523 1 1
PTGS2 S1PR1 0 0 243 263 1 1
PTGS2 NFKBIA 0 0 759 795 1 2
PTGS2 CSF3R 0 0 123 271 1 1
PTGS2 WDR1 0 0 0 236 1 1
PTGS2 CFL1 0 0 150 179 1 1
PTGS2 MGEA5 0 0 285 284 1 1
PTGS2 ENSG00000258947 0 0 112 162 1 1
PTGS2 TIMP3 0 0 340 357 1 1
PTGS2 MAPK14 0 0 518 633 1 2
PTGS2 PTH1R 0 0 125 213 1 1
PTGS2 HIST1H4A 0 0 182 181 1 1
PTGS2 MAPK10 0 0 193 207 1 2
PTGS2 SREBF1 0 0 374 383 1 1
PTGS2 UCP1 0 0 285 284 1 2
PTGS2 ENSG00000279624 0 0 295 295 1 1
PTGS2 SPI1 0 0 241 271 1 1
PTGS2 TP53BP1 302 0 61 316 1 1
PTGS2 NOX1 0 0 421 460 1 1
PTGS2 CTSB 0 0 310 350 1 2
PTGS2 ACOX1 0 0 181 193 1 1
PTGS2 PLET1 0 0 93 249 1 1
PTGS2 IER2 0 0 155 182 1 1
PTGS2 SIRT1 0 0 509 520 1 2
PTGS2 MCL1 0 0 457 471 1 2
PTGS2 MAP3K5 0 0 295 316 1 1
PTGS2 PSMC5 270 0 0 270 1 1
PTGS2 ACKR2 0 0 142 155 1 1
PTGS2 BACE1 0 0 391 434 1 2
PTGS2 RGS1 0 0 139 230 1 1
PTGS2 GATA2 0 0 124 180 1 1
PTGS2 ITGAM 0 0 556 588 1 1
PTGS2 LYN 0 0 265 310 1 1
PTGS2 CTSK 0 0 293 329 1 2
PTGS2 B3GALT2 0 0 66 387 1 1
PTGS2 COPS5 270 0 290 459 1 1
PTGS2 MAPK6 0 0 165 179 1 1
PTGS2 RAC1 0 0 174 205 1 2
PTGS2 HMGB1 0 0 508 508 1 2
PTGS2 DUOX2 0 0 413 453 1 1
PTGS2 IRF5 0 0 211 229 1 1
PTGS2 MAP2K6 0 0 232 231 1 1
PTGS2 ATG5 0 0 229 228 1 2
PTGS2 MT-ND1 0 0 54 511 1 1
PTGS2 WNT3A 0 0 290 304 1 2
PTGS2 TIA1 0 0 282 282 1 1
PTGS2 GRIN1 0 0 85 162 1 1
PTGS2 TLR8 0 0 451 484 1 1
PTGS2 CRH 0 0 362 362 1 1
PTGS2 ITGB3 0 0 260 402 1 1
PTGS2 STAT2 0 0 186 328 1 1
PTGS2 XBP1 0 0 288 288 1 2
PTGS2 PTPN1 0 0 294 353 1 1
PTGS2 WDR90 0 0 0 236 1 1
PTGS2 GATA6 0 0 134 200 1 1
PTGS2 EPHX3 0 0 118 151 1 1
PTGS2 S100A4 0 0 262 315 1 1
PTGS2 TGFBR1 0 0 325 350 1 1
PTGS2 SOCS6 0 0 181 181 1 1
PTGS2 CMA1 0 0 241 266 1 1
PTGS2 MGLL 0 0 561 594 1 1
PTGS2 DYRK1A 0 0 291 290 1 1
PTGS2 HSPB1 0 0 321 321 1 2
PTGS2 GLI1 0 0 213 225 1 2
PTGS2 ENSG00000255819 0 0 213 225 1 1
PTGS2 ANTXR2 0 0 57 231 1 1
PTGS2 HSPB2 0 0 310 309 1 1
PTGS2 ANXA6 0 0 140 193 1 1
PTGS2 MCAM 0 0 181 181 1 1
PTGS2 ISG15 0 0 216 233 1 2
PTGS2 NDUFB8 0 0 357 357 1 1
PTGS2 NFKBIB 0 0 392 458 1 1
PTGS2 SERPINB8 0 0 0 263 1 1
PTGS2 AQP9 0 0 82 206 1 1
PTGS2 ADAM17 0 0 324 333 1 1
PTGS2 GPX3 0 0 303 435 1 1
PTGS2 RPS6KA1 0 0 244 243 1 1
PTGS2 NUCB1 462 0 46 480 1 1
PTGS2 SOD3 0 0 244 263 1 1
PTGS2 TBX21 0 0 244 257 1 1
PTGS2 HNRNPK 0 0 164 163 1 1
PTGS2 NCAM1 0 0 184 198 1 1
PTGS2 VTN 0 0 225 225 1 1
PTGS2 CASR 0 0 211 211 1 2
PTGS2 KDM5B 0 0 70 240 1 1
PTGS2 TIAL1 0 0 235 235 1 1
PTGS2 CCR7 0 0 301 315 1 1
PTGS2 IKBKG 0 0 358 359 1 1
PTGS2 RARA 0 0 163 193 1 2
PTGS2 GPX1 0 0 414 464 1 1
PTGS2 TFF2 0 0 164 163 1 1
PTGS2 IL5RA 0 0 107 197 1 1
PTGS2 CXCR5 0 0 113 187 1 1
PTGS2 AKT3 0 0 166 216 1 2
PTGS2 EPAS1 0 0 209 305 1 2
PTGS2 FOXO1 0 0 325 325 1 2
PTGS2 TSPAN2 0 0 0 303 1 1
PTGS2 GPX2 0 0 252 446 1 1
PTGS2 SOD2 0 0 518 551 1 2
PTGS2 LGI1 0 0 57 160 1 1
PTGS2 IFNGR1 0 0 216 216 1 1
PTGS2 CCL17 0 0 310 325 1 1
PTGS2 GLIPR1L1 0 0 0 177 1 1
PTGS2 E2F1 0 0 158 157 1 2
PTGS2 HSPA5 0 0 370 370 1 2
PTGS2 CASP14 0 0 119 207 1 1
PTGS2 FGF20 0 0 60 180 1 1
PTGS2 NRAS 0 0 181 225 1 1
PTGS2 CCL8 0 0 249 291 1 1
PTGS2 BTRC 0 0 148 171 1 1
PTGS2 FTH1 0 0 194 240 1 1
PTGS2 CLEC18C 0 0 0 190 1 1
PTGS2 INHBB 0 0 112 199 1 1
PTGS2 IRG1 0 0 205 234 1 1
PTGS2 ANGPTL4 0 0 339 345 1 1
PTGS2 PTPN11 0 0 183 214 1 1
PTGS2 IRAK3 0 0 218 292 1 1
PTGS2 FCER1A 0 0 91 253 1 1
PTGS2 FOS 0 0 661 690 1 2
PTGS2 TWIST1 0 0 293 308 1 1
PTGS2 SPIN1 0 0 0 207 1 1
PTGS2 S100A8 0 0 378 424 1 2
PTGS2 YWHAZ 0 0 194 194 1 1
PTGS2 IL15RA 0 0 166 206 1 1
PTGS2 PGF 0 0 294 304 1 1
PTGS2 PPP1R3A 0 0 0 185 1 1
PTGS2 CFB 0 0 153 210 1 1
PTGS2 NOD1 0 0 261 279 1 2
PTGS2 OC90 0 0 0 288 1 1
PTGS2 CD86 0 0 408 433 1 1
PTGS2 NAAA 0 0 328 369 1 1
PTGS2 GSTM2 0 0 96 235 1 1
PTGS2 BGN 0 0 235 251 1 1
PTGS2 IFITM5 0 0 170 184 1 1
PTGS2 LRP2 0 0 90 154 1 1
PTGS2 PMAIP1 0 0 235 308 1 2
PTGS2 PIK3CB 0 0 115 172 1 1
PTGS2 TLR2 0 0 608 646 1 2
PTGS2 CDKN2B 0 0 213 230 1 1
PTGS2 PLA2R1 0 0 123 171 1 1
PTGS2 MET 0 0 414 477 1 2
PTGS2 TRAF3 0 0 181 181 1 2
PTGS2 LRRK2 270 0 181 435 1 2
PTGS2 TOLLIP 0 0 241 240 1 1
PTGS2 GRIN2B 0 0 244 250 1 1
PTGS2 PTGES 0 900 988 998 1 1
PTGS2 SDC1 0 0 218 227 1 1
PTGS2 CCL7 0 0 403 485 1 1
PTGS2 MAOB 0 0 282 326 1 1
PTGS2 NR6A1 0 0 0 263 1 1
PTGS2 SFRP2 0 0 216 233 1 1
PTGS2 ALDH1A1 0 0 234 388 1 1
PTGS2 DERL1 270 0 0 270 1 1
PTGS2 CD28 0 0 284 299 1 1
PTGS2 CXCL5 0 0 457 539 1 1
PTGS2 PNPLA8 0 0 150 181 1 1
PTGS2 PPIA 0 0 235 258 1 1
PTGS2 VIL1 0 0 134 197 1 1
PTGS2 NOTCH2 0 0 192 218 1 1
PTGS2 ANG 0 0 233 232 1 2
PTGS2 FGF22 0 0 0 215 1 1
PTGS2 TGM6 0 0 170 169 1 1
PTGS2 PLEKHG4 0 0 0 174 1 1
PTGS2 ALOX5 0 900 824 982 1 1
PTGS2 PHLDB2 0 0 328 328 1 1
PTGS2 CD1B 0 0 195 195 1 1
PTGS2 STS 0 0 155 154 1 1
PTGS2 DCHS2 0 0 0 161 1 1
PTGS2 AFP 0 0 253 277 1 2
PTGS2 TNFRSF21 0 0 155 154 1 1
PTGS2 FIGF 0 0 310 309 1 1
PTGS2 IL1RL1 0 0 193 230 1 1
PTGS2 CCL11 0 0 342 347 1 1
PTGS2 FGF19 0 0 69 237 1 1
PTGS2 RPSA 0 0 156 165 1 1
PTGS2 NQO1 0 0 506 506 1 2
PTGS2 CXCL1 0 0 595 847 1 2
PTGS2 ESRRG 0 0 59 176 1 1
PTGS2 IL33 0 0 382 383 1 2
PTGS2 TRIB3 0 0 134 166 1 2
PTGS2 P2RX3 0 0 206 206 1 1
PTGS2 MMP14 0 0 335 438 1 1
PTGS2 GNA15 0 0 124 198 1 1
PTGS2 TMEM242 0 0 0 205 1 1
PTGS2 HDAC1 270 0 310 474 1 2
PTGS2 EGFLAM 0 0 0 211 1 1
PTGS2 RRM2 0 0 147 165 1 1
PTGS2 CSF1 0 0 467 504 1 1
PTGS2 PTGIR 0 0 467 488 1 1
PTGS2 HCK 0 0 147 208 1 1
PTGS2 TSPO 0 0 341 357 1 1
PTGS2 PLA2G4B 0 650 83 696 1 1
PTGS2 IFIT1B 0 0 204 204 1 1
PTGS2 DHFR 0 0 210 228 1 1
PTGS2 PLA2G2C 0 650 95 741 1 1
PTGS2 MT-CO2 0 0 218 223 1 1
PTGS2 MEF2A 0 0 112 182 1 1
PTGS2 RBL2 0 0 193 211 1 1
PTGS2 WNT2 0 0 202 416 1 1
PTGS2 KLF2 0 0 201 242 1 1
PTGS2 HIST2H4A 0 0 182 181 1 1
PTGS2 CUL3 0 0 134 157 1 2
PTGS2 CHUK 0 0 560 589 1 1
PTGS2 S100A12 0 0 182 240 1 1
PTGS2 PDE3B 0 0 164 163 1 1
PTGS2 SST 0 0 263 273 1 1
PTGS2 SOCS2 0 0 249 248 1 1
PTGS2 CALM2 0 0 141 163 1 1
PTGS2 BMPR1B 0 0 171 218 1 1
PTGS2 CASP4 0 0 181 257 1 2
PTGS2 MGP 0 0 95 251 1 1
PTGS2 ERCC1 0 0 210 210 1 1
PTGS2 ADM 0 0 290 332 1 2
PTGS2 SFN 0 0 164 163 1 2
PTGS2 FABP4 0 0 334 359 1 1
PTGS2 EPHA3 0 0 47 250 1 1
PTGS2 PTGR2 0 0 123 216 1 1
PTGS2 ITGAX 0 0 325 354 1 1
PTGS2 SLC11A1 0 0 141 164 1 1
PTGS2 RPL13A 0 0 141 158 1 1
PTGS2 TRPV6 0 0 128 168 1 1
PTGS2 NLRP1 0 0 186 186 1 1
PTGS2 SYT7 0 0 53 266 1 1
PTGS2 RHOU 0 0 74 262 1 1
PTGS2 SAA1 0 0 264 264 1 1
PTGS2 CALM1 0 0 182 203 1 1
PTGS2 C4A 0 0 142 157 1 1
PTGS2 POTEF 0 0 322 415 1 1
PTGS2 HLA-G 0 0 203 203 1 1
PTGS2 PSEN2 0 0 137 160 1 1
PTGS2 FGF13 0 0 370 381 1 1
PTGS2 SULT1A1 0 0 180 185 1 1
PTGS2 PTGS1 270 800 880 869 1 1
PTGS2 CD40LG 0 0 391 400 1 1
PTGS2 VNN1 0 0 123 179 1 1
PTGS2 NOTCH1 0 0 458 459 1 2
PTGS2 ENTPD1 0 0 270 276 1 1
PTGS2 BRD2 0 0 95 164 1 1
PTGS2 PPFIA2 0 0 0 215 1 1
PTGS2 UBE2A 0 0 0 189 1 1
PTGS2 TNFRSF1A 0 0 469 493 1 1
PTGS2 MPO 0 0 613 653 1 2
PTGS2 ADAMTS16 0 0 0 204 1 1
PTGS2 PRKG1 0 0 205 205 1 1
PTGS2 UCP2 0 0 324 341 1 2
PTGS2 IL6 0 0 865 913 1 2
PTGS2 ABHD12 0 0 359 363 1 1
PTGS2 LYZ 0 0 153 189 1 1
PTGS2 LYVE1 0 0 235 251 1 1
PTGS2 MAPK13 0 0 171 242 1 1
PTGS2 CRISP2 0 0 0 177 1 1
PTGS2 STAB1 0 0 76 168 1 1
PTGS2 SELENBP1 0 0 81 157 1 1
PTGS2 ID1 0 0 258 258 1 1
PTGS2 EDN1 0 0 601 626 1 1
PTGS2 HIF1A 0 0 681 693 1 2
PTGS2 CYP27B1 0 0 218 277 1 1
PTGS2 OAS1 0 0 202 202 1 1
PTGS2 SIRT5 0 0 260 260 1 1
PTGS2 TRPM7 0 0 142 173 1 1
PTGS2 PRKCB 0 0 270 273 1 2
PTGS2 WNT7B 0 0 193 193 1 1
PTGS2 FAT1 0 0 261 298 1 1
PTGS2 IL1B 0 0 870 944 1 2
PTGS2 SP1 0 0 391 400 1 2
PTGS2 HOXA11 0 0 154 153 1 1
PTGS2 RHO 0 0 166 194 1 2
PTGS2 PLA2G4A 0 650 710 915 1 1
PTGS2 DHCR7 0 0 126 153 1 1
PTGS2 CXCR2 0 0 413 422 1 1
PTGS2 XPO1 0 0 161 161 1 1
PTGS2 SAMSN1 0 0 48 150 1 1
PTGS2 TNFRSF1B 0 0 324 360 1 1
PTGS2 CYP4B1 0 0 113 150 1 1
PTGS2 CDK2 0 0 391 403 1 2
PTGS2 ALOXE3 0 0 122 327 1 1
PTGS2 SOCS7 0 0 161 161 1 1
PTGS2 FCGR3A 0 0 227 269 1 1
PTGS2 AKR1C3 0 0 518 548 1 1
PTGS2 MAP1LC3A 0 0 122 162 1 2
PTGS2 LIPE 0 0 223 223 1 1
PTGS2 EPHA2 0 0 208 276 1 1
PTGS2 DNMT3B 0 0 261 261 1 1
PTGS2 DNMT3A 0 0 246 245 1 2
PTGS2 ACKR3 0 0 155 168 1 1
PTGS2 CCL4L1 0 0 293 314 1 1
PTGS2 BCL2L1 0 0 602 602 1 2
PTGS2 SLCO5A1 0 0 108 192 1 1
PTGS2 PI15 0 0 49 361 1 1
PTGS2 GJB6 0 0 181 181 1 1
PTGS2 CALCR 0 0 141 173 1 1
PTGS2 GJB2 0 0 125 177 1 1
PTGS2 COL11A2 0 0 81 188 1 1
PTGS2 KITLG 0 0 373 373 1 1
PTGS2 ALDH1A2 0 0 55 200 1 1
PTGS2 ADCYAP1 0 0 156 155 1 1
PTGS2 CLEC7A 0 0 263 274 1 1
PTGS2 APOA1 0 0 282 282 1 1
PTGS2 CYSLTR2 0 0 234 234 1 1
PTGS2 RAP1A 0 0 95 161 1 1
PTGS2 CD14 0 0 171 313 1 1
PTGS2 MYADM 0 0 107 201 1 1
PTGS2 RPS6KA5 0 0 183 183 1 1
PTGS2 POTEE 0 0 0 173 1 1
PTGS2 CPA4 0 0 90 173 1 1
PTGS2 NOS2 0 0 801 838 1 2
PTGS2 ABHD16A 213 0 81 245 1 1
PTGS2 PROK1 0 0 180 197 1 1
PTGS2 HYAL2 0 0 96 161 1 1
PTGS2 NF1 0 0 166 171 1 1
PTGS2 CYP1A2 0 0 293 306 1 1
PTGS2 EMR1 0 0 128 333 1 1
PTGS2 SMAD2 0 0 372 376 1 2
PTGS2 TLR4 0 0 710 763 1 2
PTGS2 GSTO1 0 0 153 193 1 1
PTGS2 DNASE1 0 0 144 162 1 1
PTGS2 EGR3 0 0 274 374 1 1
PTGS2 TNFRSF25 0 0 154 184 1 1
PTGS2 GAST 0 0 402 402 1 1
PTGS2 TUBB1 0 0 61 190 1 1
PTGS2 IFNG 0 0 603 643 1 2
PTGS2 BIRC2 0 0 324 323 1 1
PTGS2 PLCG2 0 0 113 157 1 1
PTGS2 SDF4 0 0 162 161 1 1
PTGS2 CCL5 0 0 595 606 1 2
PTGS2 TGFB3 0 0 321 335 1 1
PTGS2 ETNPPL 0 0 0 169 1 1
PTGS2 HAVCR1 0 0 142 157 1 1
PTGS2 PPFIA1 0 0 0 215 1 1
PTGS2 NOTCH4 0 0 155 156 1 1
PTGS2 GPR18 0 0 283 296 1 1
PTGS2 IGFBP5 0 0 206 206 1 1
PTGS2 CYP4F3 0 900 351 933 1 1
PTGS2 CLEC4D 0 0 73 177 1 1
PTGS2 CXCL13 0 0 279 279 1 1
PTGS2 TNFSF9 0 0 180 199 1 1
PTGS2 EPO 0 0 341 354 1 2
PTGS2 PLK1 0 0 142 177 1 2
PTGS2 TNFSF18 0 0 74 172 1 1
PTGS2 PTGER1 270 0 808 868 1 1
PTGS2 PRDX6 0 0 193 309 1 1
PTGS2 ABAT 0 0 0 181 1 1
PTGS2 GRIA2 0 0 104 154 1 1
PTGS2 FGF21 0 0 187 309 1 2
PTGS2 ANXA5 0 0 468 514 1 2
PTGS2 CLCF1 0 0 96 161 1 1
PTGS2 NPPA 0 0 113 174 1 1
PTGS2 CCNB1 0 0 402 415 1 1
PTGS2 PTGES2 0 900 726 972 1 1
PTGS2 MGMT 0 0 325 325 1 2
PTGS2 HSD11B2 0 0 204 235 1 1
PTGS2 HSPD1 0 0 155 154 1 1
PTGS2 RAPGEF4 0 0 259 258 1 1
PTGS2 TAGLN 0 0 203 242 1 1
PTGS2 LGALS9 0 0 125 158 1 1
PTGS2 FOXM1 0 0 220 220 1 1
PTGS2 MPEG1 0 0 95 172 1 1
PTGS2 PARK7 0 0 213 213 1 2
PTGS2 ACSL1 0 0 164 207 1 1
PTGS2 CHI3L1 0 0 216 245 1 1
PTGS2 NELFCD 0 0 204 204 1 1
PTGS2 HIST1H4L 0 0 182 181 1 1
PTGS2 MYCN 0 0 150 163 1 1
PTGS2 ALOX12B 0 900 150 916 1 1
PTGS2 SMAD4 0 0 391 390 1 2
PTGS2 ALOX12 0 900 518 951 1 1
PTGS2 S1PR2 0 0 299 299 1 1
PTGS2 TDO2 0 0 232 280 1 1
PTGS2 EIF5B 0 0 171 171 1 1
PTGS2 GRPR 0 0 136 336 1 1
PTGS2 FURIN 0 0 149 195 1 1
PTGS2 NPY 0 0 246 245 1 1
PTGS2 ALDH8A1 0 0 0 189 1 1
PTGS2 CD80 0 0 391 404 1 2
PTGS2 MAP2K1 0 0 468 468 1 1
PTGS2 CH25H 0 0 173 236 1 1
PTGS2 F2RL1 0 0 277 277 1 1
PTGS2 OSM 0 0 320 400 1 1
PTGS2 ODC1 0 0 468 468 1 1
PTGS2 VASP 0 0 134 267 1 1
PTGS2 BTC 0 0 294 326 1 1
PTGS2 MECP2 0 0 162 161 1 1
PTGS2 NFE2L2 0 0 611 611 1 2
PTGS2 TLR1 0 0 391 474 1 1
PTGS2 CIDEA 0 0 156 162 1 1
PTGS2 AKT2 0 0 234 278 1 2
PTGS2 IGF1R 0 0 400 466 1 2
PTGS2 ITGAD 0 0 112 154 1 1
PTGS2 SDHC 0 0 406 419 1 1
PTGS2 COL11A1 0 0 123 261 1 1
PTGS2 HOXA9 0 0 150 165 1 1
PTGS2 PLCB3 0 0 101 259 1 1
PTGS2 USF1 0 0 167 167 1 1
PTGS2 TAB2 0 0 161 161 1 2
PTGS2 PI3 0 0 234 272 1 2
PTGS2 ENSG00000279576 0 0 171 171 1 1
PTGS2 TREM1 0 0 282 389 1 1
PTGS2 SDHAF2 0 0 150 180 1 1
PTGS2 FGF10 0 0 113 211 1 1
PTGS2 MYC 0 0 595 595 1 2
PTGS2 IL1R1 0 0 505 533 1 1
PTGS2 PPIG 0 0 400 418 1 1
PTGS2 APEX1 0 0 175 175 1 1
PTGS2 FABP7 0 0 159 189 1 1
PTGS2 TMEFF2 0 0 142 175 1 1
PTGS2 IL18 0 0 556 574 1 2
PTGS2 SLC6A4 0 0 236 236 1 1
PTGS2 PIK3CA 0 0 393 403 1 2
PTGS2 SBNO2 0 0 71 419 1 1
PTGS2 ACACA 0 0 205 205 1 1
PTGS2 NR4A3 0 0 181 236 1 1
PTGS2 MMP17 0 0 55 482 1 1
PTGS2 TRAF2 0 0 218 224 1 2
PTGS2 MAP2 0 0 218 238 1 2
PTGS2 TAB1 0 0 265 281 1 1
PTGS2 NOG 0 0 167 167 1 1
PTGS2 MX1 0 0 233 232 1 1
PTGS2 GPR50 0 0 66 165 1 1
PTGS2 FGR 0 0 81 189 1 1
PTGS2 CYBA 0 0 369 406 1 1
PTGS2 PAX4 0 0 0 252 1 1
PTGS2 MAFF 0 0 107 191 1 1
PTGS2 CTBP2 0 0 102 227 1 1
PTGS2 CCL26 0 0 140 158 1 1
PTGS2 TGM1 0 0 155 162 1 1
PTGS2 TSC22D3 0 0 195 195 1 1
PTGS2 WNT5B 0 0 167 173 1 1
PTGS2 COL2A1 0 0 335 369 1 2
PTGS2 RBM3 0 0 218 230 1 1
PTGS2 AGO2 0 0 181 181 1 2
PTGS2 CD55 0 0 125 168 1 1
PTGS2 TGFA 0 0 295 313 1 1
PTGS2 SCNN1G 0 0 81 156 1 1
PTGS2 STAT3 0 900 681 967 1 2
PTGS2 IDO2 0 0 214 214 1 1
PTGS2 EZH2 0 0 416 416 1 2
PTGS2 EDN2 0 0 167 167 1 1
PTGS2 ERN1 0 0 241 285 1 2
PTGS2 ANKH 0 0 90 155 1 1
PTGS2 NF2 0 0 142 196 1 1
PTGS2 GATA3 0 0 245 270 1 1
PTGS2 RHPN1 0 0 0 191 1 1
PTGS2 MRPL38 0 0 0 162 1 1
PTGS2 FFAR1 0 0 193 193 1 1
PTGS2 FADD 0 0 325 325 1 2
PTGS2 MYD88 0 0 594 609 1 2
PTGS2 ADORA3 0 0 325 335 1 1
PTGS2 HIST1H4I 0 0 182 181 1 1
PTGS2 CDK4 0 0 392 392 1 2
PTGS2 IRF9 0 0 155 154 1 1
PTGS2 SCN10A 0 0 166 165 1 1
PTGS2 COL5A2 0 0 117 175 1 1
PTGS2 PRKCE 0 0 235 289 1 1
PTGS2 CFTR 0 0 240 261 1 2
PTGS2 PNLIP 0 0 181 192 1 1
PTGS2 SELPLG 0 0 180 210 1 1
PTGS2 DDIT3 0 0 412 415 1 2
PTGS2 ARF5 0 0 56 192 1 1
PTGS2 MUC5B 0 0 170 169 1 1
PTGS2 LMNA 0 0 261 296 1 2
PTGS2 SLC2A2 0 0 150 171 1 1
PTGS2 CSF3 0 0 470 536 1 1
PTGS2 HK2 0 0 204 221 1 2
PTGS2 CAMP 0 0 212 230 1 2
PTGS2 TRAF1 0 0 361 392 1 1
PTGS2 FGF7 0 0 323 353 1 1
PTGS2 OSGIN1 0 0 64 164 1 1
PTGS2 FZD8 0 0 148 181 1 1
PTGS2 ZEB2 0 0 240 257 1 1
PTGS2 PLG 0 0 502 540 1 1
PTGS2 BMP7 0 0 261 262 1 1
PTGS2 FGF17 0 0 74 215 1 1
PTGS2 DEFB4B 0 0 150 151 1 1
PTGS2 PDPN 0 0 324 338 1 1
PTGS2 MAPKAPK2 0 0 281 296 1 1
PTGS2 HIST1H4E 0 0 182 181 1 1
PTGS2 PLA2G10 0 650 631 867 1 1
PTGS2 CDK6 0 0 285 285 1 2
PTGS2 C4B 0 0 139 154 1 1
PTGS2 HMGCS2 0 0 113 204 1 1
PTGS2 CP 0 0 193 217 1 1
PTGS2 AIM2 0 0 181 196 1 2
PTGS2 DDX58 0 0 234 265 1 1
PTGS2 H2AFX 0 0 236 236 1 1
PTGS2 ACAA1 0 0 70 168 1 1
PTGS2 HTR1A 0 0 233 261 1 1
PTGS2 CCL4 0 0 464 510 1 1
PTGS2 RHOB 0 0 202 248 1 1
PTGS2 IL1A 0 0 681 737 1 1
PTGS2 TSEN54 0 0 0 252 1 1
PTGS2 BDKRB2 0 0 218 235 1 1
PTGS2 ABCA1 0 0 341 360 1 2
PTGS2 NR3C2 0 0 268 285 1 1
PTGS2 DPP4 0 0 341 355 1 1
PTGS2 BSG 0 0 162 214 1 1
PTGS2 FKBP5 0 0 210 246 1 1
PTGS2 NFIL3 0 0 145 290 1 1
PTGS2 HSPG2 0 0 155 243 1 1
PTGS2 ARHGEF40 0 0 0 174 1 1
PTGS2 ADRB3 0 0 161 205 1 1
PTGS2 PGK1 0 0 205 224 1 2
PTGS2 ITLN1 0 0 182 181 1 1
PTGS2 ITGB1 0 0 268 369 1 1
PTGS2 FAP 0 0 96 155 1 2
PTGS2 CD276 0 0 233 232 1 1
PTGS2 LEPR 0 0 263 263 1 1
PTGS2 CASP8 0 0 505 538 1 2
PTGS2 DCLK1 0 0 182 181 1 1
PTGS2 KNG1 0 0 560 560 1 1
PTGS2 PDLIM4 0 0 153 152 1 1
PTGS2 IFI44L 0 0 204 204 1 1
PTGS2 MYLK 0 0 275 316 1 1
PTGS2 SERPINB1 0 0 108 228 1 1
PTGS2 CNTF 0 0 202 202 1 1
PTGS2 TNFRSF10A 0 0 282 290 1 1
PTGS2 GPX5 0 0 146 484 1 1
PTGS2 FOLR3 0 0 0 225 1 1
PTGS2 LGALS1 0 0 131 157 1 1
PTGS2 F7 0 0 140 153 1 1
PTGS2 ENPP2 0 0 325 345 1 1
PTGS2 AGXT2 0 0 112 313 1 1
PTGS2 CSNK2A2 0 0 147 241 1 1
PTGS2 IL9 0 0 253 269 1 1
PTGS2 NOTCH3 0 0 181 182 1 1
PTGS2 AKR1B1 0 0 600 608 1 1
PTGS2 CRABP1 0 0 181 198 1 1
PTGS2 IL17A 0 0 595 597 1 2
PTGS2 FASN 0 0 323 323 1 2
PTGS2 ETS1 0 0 316 335 1 1
PTGS2 CCNDBP1 0 0 57 151 1 1
PTGS2 NANOG 0 0 233 232 1 2
PTGS2 CASP9 0 0 556 568 1 2
PTGS2 ITPR1 0 0 180 198 1 2
PTGS2 ENSG00000253117 0 0 0 288 1 1
PTGS2 GDF2 0 0 143 276 1 1
PTGS2 POMC 0 0 413 412 1 1
PTGS2 ANXA13 0 0 74 159 1 1
PTGS2 PLK2 0 0 150 260 1 1
PTGS2 OGG1 0 0 202 202 1 1
PTGS2 NRP1 0 0 156 155 1 1
PTGS2 RPS6KA3 0 0 194 194 1 1
PTGS2 CHEK2 0 0 217 238 1 1
PTGS2 TLR7 0 0 330 330 1 2
PTGS2 MAPK9 0 0 331 331 1 2
PTGS2 IL13RA2 0 0 150 208 1 1
PTGS2 NES 0 0 218 218 1 2
PTGS2 RPTOR 0 0 166 197 1 2
PTGS2 ITGA1 0 0 112 162 1 1
PTGS2 CEBPD 270 0 362 552 1 1
PTGS2 DAB2 0 0 90 216 1 1
PTGS2 TIE1 0 0 166 272 1 1
PTGS2 TRIB1 0 0 95 185 1 1
PTGS2 GNAS 0 0 75 187 1 1
PTGS2 ST6GALNAC5 0 0 298 298 1 1
PTGS2 LIF 0 0 371 408 1 2
PTGS2 ACVR1 0 0 166 214 1 1
PTGS2 COL5A1 0 0 123 200 1 1
PTGS2 POTEJ 0 0 0 173 1 1
PTGS2 PGRMC1 0 0 150 187 1 1
PTGS2 CX3CR1 0 0 335 352 1 1
PTGS2 CDKN1C 0 0 181 181 1 1
PTGS2 TYR 0 0 288 296 1 2
PTGS2 PDE2A 0 0 55 262 1 1
PTGS2 CELF2 0 0 384 384 1 1
PTGS2 RDX 0 0 112 161 1 1
PTGS2 HNRNPA2B1 0 0 166 191 1 1
PTGS2 CTGF 0 0 490 512 1 1
PTGS2 CYP2B6 0 900 166 916 1 1
PTGS2 CSK 0 0 218 252 1 1
PTGS2 FLG 0 0 158 201 1 1
PTGS2 MX2 0 0 161 161 1 1
PTGS2 IL2RG 0 0 96 192 1 1
PTGS2 PRF1 0 0 219 219 1 1
PTGS2 NR3C1 0 0 465 488 1 1
PTGS2 CISH 0 0 293 293 1 1
PTGS2 PDGFA 0 0 194 194 1 1
PTGS2 PTGER4 0 0 769 824 1 1
PTGS2 TFF1 0 0 289 288 1 1
PTGS2 TNS1 0 0 284 322 1 1
PTGS2 KLF5 0 0 172 213 1 2
PTGS2 CDX1 0 0 212 237 1 1
PTGS2 CYP3A5 0 0 170 183 1 1
PTGS2 SPRED3 0 0 0 173 1 1
PTGS2 IFIH1 0 0 203 254 1 1
PTGS2 PXN 0 0 184 183 1 1
PTGS2 HIST2H3PS2 0 0 369 369 1 1
PTGS2 HSPA6 0 0 108 161 1 1
PTGS2 ADAMTS2 0 0 108 182 1 1
PTGS2 TRPM8 0 0 161 161 1 1
PTGS2 ENO2 0 0 193 208 1 1
PTGS2 TBXA2R 0 0 404 426 1 1
PTGS2 PTGIS 312 900 877 991 1 1
PTGS2 ADIPOQ 0 0 509 516 1 2
PTGS2 CPA3 0 0 91 190 1 1
PTGS2 ARG1 0 0 594 596 1 2
PTGS2 VIM 0 0 240 276 1 2
PTGS2 GCLC 0 0 335 335 1 1
PTGS2 SKP2 0 0 155 154 1 2
PTGS2 TNFSF4 0 0 150 239 1 1
PTGS2 IL22RA2 0 0 49 213 1 1
PTGS2 ANGPT2 0 0 391 390 1 1
PTGS2 TFAM 0 0 184 202 1 2
PTGS2 SAT1 0 0 189 224 1 1
PTGS2 RIPK2 0 0 247 312 1 2
PTGS2 CNR2 0 0 295 353 1 1
PTGS2 ALOX15B 0 900 384 939 1 1
PTGS2 CREB3 0 0 151 243 1 1
PTGS2 AGRN 0 0 60 158 1 1
PTGS2 MMP2 0 0 654 663 1 2
PTGS2 RBP4 0 0 150 159 1 1
PTGS2 PSMB8 0 0 150 194 1 1
PTGS2 IGFBP3 0 0 391 420 1 2
PTGS2 HAVCR2 0 0 194 211 1 1
PTGS2 CD8A 0 0 519 519 1 1
PTGS2 ADAM8 0 0 181 214 1 1
PTGS2 PCDH7 0 0 62 293 1 1
PTGS2 CALR 0 0 219 219 1 1
PTGS2 P2RY12 0 0 260 260 1 1
PTGS2 IL37 0 0 96 508 1 1
PTGS2 CCR5 0 0 324 354 1 1
PTGS2 CD69 0 0 241 291 1 1
PTGS2 PRDX1 0 0 241 301 1 1
PTGS2 PM20D1 0 0 0 229 1 1
PTGS2 SHH 0 0 257 283 1 2
PTGS2 IFI27L1 0 0 218 218 1 1
PTGS2 PENK 0 0 150 150 1 1
PTGS2 ANK1 0 0 189 189 1 1
PTGS2 TICAM1 0 0 242 279 1 2
PTGS2 PSMD1 270 0 0 270 1 1
PTGS2 MSLN 0 0 169 187 1 1
PTGS2 GRN 0 0 120 163 1 1
PTGS2 CYSLTR1 0 0 325 325 1 1
PTGS2 NCBP1 0 0 0 154 1 1
PTGS2 LCK 0 0 167 198 1 1
PTGS2 VCP 270 0 51 287 1 2
PTGS2 CCRL2 0 0 166 234 1 1
PTGS2 APOLD1 0 0 112 575 1 1
PTGS2 IL17RA 0 0 202 202 1 1
PTGS2 ITPR3 0 0 150 168 1 1
PTGS2 TFF3 0 0 240 239 1 1
PTGS2 PLCG1 0 0 218 218 1 1
PTGS2 GP1BA 0 0 180 245 1 1
PTGS2 TNIP3 0 0 113 201 1 1
PTGS2 BCL2L11 0 0 290 290 1 2
PTGS2 IL10RA 0 0 230 252 1 1
PTGS2 HNRNPA1 0 0 106 208 1 1
PTGS2 CCL24 0 0 148 163 1 1
PTGS2 NR2F2 0 0 134 154 1 1
PTGS2 KL 0 0 155 156 1 2
PTGS2 MAPK12 0 0 213 280 1 1
PTGS2 SERPINA1 0 0 181 238 1 2
PTGS2 ELOVL4 0 0 107 164 1 1
PTGS2 HLA-DRB1 0 0 162 161 1 1
PTGS2 ZFP36 0 0 456 498 1 1
PTGS2 CAV1 675 0 785 930 1 2
PTGS2 TNFSF10 0 0 390 403 1 2
PTGS2 HSPA1A 0 0 306 348 1 1
PTGS2 ZMYND10 0 0 96 164 1 1
PTGS2 SRF 0 0 184 185 1 1
PTGS2 PER2 0 0 152 170 1 1
PTGS2 FFAR2 0 0 183 370 1 1
PTGS2 MAP2K3 0 0 382 400 1 1
PTGS2 CD74 0 0 213 235 1 1
PTGS2 CHEK1 0 0 194 211 1 2
PTGS2 SLC16A3 0 0 156 186 1 1
PTGS2 PLAT 0 0 285 319 1 1
PTGS2 SNCA 0 0 391 395 1 2
PTGS2 CXCL6 0 0 260 357 1 1
PTGS2 SLC6A12 0 0 123 151 1 1
PTGS2 CASP1 0 0 523 598 1 2
PTGS2 CCR3 0 0 252 263 1 1
PTGS2 KHSRP 0 0 185 185 1 1
PTGS2 FCGR2B 0 0 227 266 1 1
PTGS2 F2RL2 0 0 63 233 1 1
PTGS2 HIST1H4J 0 0 182 181 1 1
PTGS2 ANGPT1 0 0 336 336 1 1
PTGS2 SYT6 0 0 0 202 1 1
PTGS2 SIRT3 0 0 298 298 1 2
PTGS2 PROM1 0 0 338 338 1 2
PTGS2 KEAP1 0 0 540 543 1 2
PTGS2 B2M 0 0 325 355 1 1
PTGS2 WNT6 0 0 157 156 1 1
PTGS2 ITGB7 0 0 53 167 1 1
PTGS2 CD40 0 0 460 472 1 2
PTGS2 STUB1 0 0 162 161 1 2
PTGS2 GOT1 0 0 49 168 1 1
PTGS2 DNMT1 0 0 359 359 1 2
PTGS2 FPR2 0 0 392 423 1 1
PTGS2 ADAMTS5 0 0 506 516 1 1
PTGS2 IL17B 0 0 124 245 1 1
PTGS2 EVA1C 0 0 81 162 1 1
PTGS2 ENSG00000258555 0 0 287 304 1 1
PTGS2 CLDN5 0 0 211 211 1 1
PTGS2 INS 0 0 605 618 1 2
PTGS2 ACTB 0 0 710 749 1 2
PTGS2 COX4I1 0 0 123 161 1 1
PTGS2 AK5 0 0 86 155 1 1
PTGS2 CEBPA 0 0 341 360 1 1
PTGS2 SLC9A3 0 0 137 159 1 1
PTGS2 SP7 0 0 291 302 1 1
PTGS2 HPGDS 0 900 531 951 1 1
PTGS2 PNPLA2 0 0 218 218 1 2
PTGS2 PTGDR 0 0 231 295 1 1
PTGS2 IL3 0 0 325 325 1 1
PTGS2 FOSL1 0 0 358 415 1 1
PTGS2 GPR42 0 0 46 168 1 1
PTGS2 ADORA2A 0 0 350 365 1 1
PTGS2 CD24 0 0 232 231 1 2
PTGS2 ZEB1 0 0 381 381 1 2
PTGS2 GPR84 0 0 112 215 1 1
PTGS2 SIRT7 0 0 261 261 1 2
PTGS2 ADSL 0 0 295 295 1 1
PTGS2 IL22 0 0 193 198 1 1
PTGS2 CYP2U1 0 900 66 906 1 1
PTGS2 NLRP9 0 0 104 160 1 1
PTGS2 ESR2 0 0 509 527 1 1
PTGS2 PLA2G2D 0 650 260 818 1 1
PTGS2 MLKL 0 0 116 196 1 2
PTGS2 MTTP 0 0 66 163 1 1
PTGS2 CXCL12 0 0 507 507 1 2
PTGS2 HSD3B1 0 0 323 327 1 1
PTGS2 IL36A 0 0 67 548 1 1
PTGS2 FGF4 0 0 74 242 1 1
PTGS2 KLRK1 0 0 217 229 1 1
PTGS2 PLA2G1B 0 650 698 890 1 1
PTGS2 TLR5 0 0 334 334 1 1
PTGS2 EPCAM 0 0 265 265 1 2
PTGS2 PARP1 0 0 325 326 1 2
PTGS2 RHOA 0 0 425 446 1 2
PTGS2 KCNH2 0 0 147 156 1 1
PTGS2 ETV4 0 0 247 246 1 1
PTGS2 GSR 0 0 469 546 1 1
PTGS2 HSPA8 0 0 164 178 1 2
PTGS2 INSR 0 0 119 217 1 1
PTGS2 TNFRSF14 0 0 96 219 1 1
PTGS2 NKRF 0 0 229 241 1 1
PTGS2 KDM6A 0 0 69 235 1 1
PTGS2 OXT 0 0 460 459 1 1
PTGS2 LIFR 0 0 157 156 1 1
PTGS2 IL36B 0 0 0 535 1 1
PTGS2 SPRED1 0 0 47 178 1 1
PTGS2 PCSK9 0 0 161 199 1 1
PTGS2 CD47 0 0 167 167 1 2
PTGS2 MB 0 0 180 179 1 2
PTGS2 SCD 0 0 266 266 1 1
PTGS2 HP 0 0 285 296 1 1
PTGS2 SRC 189 0 562 657 1 2
PTGS2 TNFRSF18 0 0 150 169 1 1
PTGS2 FLT1 0 0 450 450 1 1
PTGS2 VHL 0 0 147 165 1 2
PTGS2 CADM1 0 0 308 307 1 1
PTGS2 HRH1 0 0 172 192 1 1
PTGS2 LGALS3 0 0 338 371 1 2
PTGS2 STAT6 0 0 346 431 1 1
PTGS2 ACLY 0 0 167 167 1 1
PTGS2 GAD1 0 0 146 182 1 1
PTGS2 ENAH 0 0 54 184 1 1
PTGS2 A2M 0 0 141 172 1 1
PTGS2 EIF2AK3 0 0 457 457 1 2
PTGS2 NRG1 0 0 155 180 1 2
PTGS2 GLRX 0 0 171 182 1 1
PTGS2 PPBP 0 0 167 268 1 1
PTGS2 TCHP 0 0 342 342 1 1
PTGS2 TICAM2 0 0 141 173 1 1
PTGS2 HSD17B12 0 0 112 182 1 1
PTGS2 HMOX1 0 0 740 754 1 2
PTGS2 IL32 0 0 310 309 1 1
PTGS2 JAK1 0 0 323 348 1 2
PTGS2 MITF 0 0 193 211 1 2
PTGS2 EIF2S1 0 0 193 193 1 2
PTGS2 PTPRQ 0 0 0 183 1 1
PTGS2 ANPEP 0 0 180 301 1 1
PTGS2 NTN1 0 0 157 167 1 1
PTGS2 MMP12 0 0 378 405 1 1
PTGS2 RASSF1 0 0 392 392 1 1
PTGS2 CYP2C9 0 900 390 938 1 1
PTGS2 LPAR4 0 0 188 189 1 1
PTGS2 HAS2 0 0 565 625 1 1
PTGS2 NFATC2 0 0 290 290 1 1
PTGS2 HCAR3 0 0 69 198 1 1
PTGS2 RBX1 270 0 63 286 1 1
PTGS2 TSC2 0 0 218 218 1 2
PTGS2 F2R 0 0 322 321 1 1
PTGS2 PF4 0 0 243 242 1 1
PTGS2 ADORA2B 0 0 305 331 1 1
PTGS2 MSX2 0 0 163 244 1 1
PTGS2 GPC3 0 0 108 215 1 1
PTGS2 CDKN1B 0 0 378 383 1 2
PTGS2 DHCR24 0 0 171 259 1 1
PTGS2 GSTM4 0 0 45 304 1 1
PTGS2 CCR4 0 0 150 163 1 1
PTGS2 IFIT1 0 0 260 260 1 1
PTGS2 RB1 0 0 249 248 1 2
PTGS2 IL17C 0 0 134 225 1 1
PTGS2 MKI67 0 0 181 361 1 2
PTGS2 IL12RB1 0 0 95 151 1 1
PTGS2 LY96 0 0 391 446 1 1
PTGS2 PPARG 0 0 860 862 1 2
PTGS2 AKT1 0 0 737 754 1 2
PTGS2 GBP2 0 0 144 195 1 1
PTGS2 TGFB2 0 0 341 341 1 1
PTGS2 SCN9A 0 0 166 167 1 1
PTGS2 RSPO3 0 0 72 164 1 1
PTGS2 ATF1 0 0 181 181 1 1
PTGS2 HOXA10 0 0 282 393 1 1
PTGS2 RRM1 0 0 146 164 1 1
PTGS2 CD4 0 0 562 583 1 2
PTGS2 ATF4 0 0 231 230 1 2
PTGS2 FOXA1 0 0 120 175 1 1
PTGS2 PRDM16 0 0 211 223 1 1
PTGS2 PRSS46 0 0 156 192 1 1
PTGS2 PTHLH 0 0 274 274 1 1
PTGS2 PANX1 0 0 218 218 1 1
PTGS2 CLEC18B 0 0 0 190 1 1
PTGS2 KLF4 0 0 281 351 1 2
PTGS2 COL1A2 0 0 321 370 1 1
PTGS2 MARCH8 0 0 0 189 1 1
PTGS2 ATF6 0 0 245 254 1 2
PTGS2 ACE2 0 0 235 367 1 2
PTGS2 ALOX5AP 0 0 466 490 1 1
PTGS2 GSTM1 0 0 298 317 1 1
PTGS2 IKBKB 0 0 595 620 1 2
PTGS2 PPFIA4 0 0 0 215 1 1
PTGS2 FGFR1 0 0 216 216 1 1
PTGS2 DCTN5 0 0 0 154 1 1
PTGS2 BRDT 0 0 67 331 1 1
PTGS2 RUNX2 0 0 401 427 1 2
PTGS2 R3HDML 0 0 0 177 1 1
PTGS2 PSPH 0 0 0 186 1 1
PTGS2 XIAP 0 0 455 462 1 2
PTGS2 PPP2R4 0 0 195 195 1 1
PTGS2 CEBPG 0 0 0 216 1 1
PTGS2 ESM1 0 0 142 188 1 1
PTGS2 CFH 0 0 158 212 1 1
PTGS2 ITGB6 0 0 54 175 1 1
PTGS2 SIRT4 0 0 260 260 1 1
PTGS2 BIRC5 0 0 269 269 1 2
PTGS2 CCK 0 0 243 260 1 1
PTGS2 IL24 0 0 283 309 1 2
PTGS2 GSK3A 0 0 86 180 1 1
PTGS2 REG4 0 0 82 193 1 1
PTGS2 SLC7A2 0 0 137 244 1 1
PTGS2 IL11 0 0 458 457 1 1
PTGS2 SIAE 0 0 0 241 1 1
PTGS2 NID1 0 0 138 331 1 1
PTGS2 FGG 0 0 130 226 1 1
PTGS2 CXCL10 0 0 556 590 1 2
PTGS2 RHOC 0 0 146 209 1 1
PTGS2 EDNRB 0 0 334 344 1 1
PTGS2 FGF3 0 0 0 215 1 1
PTGS2 CHCHD7 0 0 459 459 1 1
PTGS2 UGT1A6 0 0 261 261 1 1
PTGS2 TLR9 0 0 418 418 1 2
PTGS2 PYCARD 0 0 232 231 1 2
PTGS2 MAP3K1 0 0 266 266 1 1
PTGS2 IL6ST 0 0 219 236 1 1
PTGS2 IGF2R 0 0 150 169 1 1
PTGS2 VLDLR 0 0 134 204 1 1
PTGS2 NR1I2 0 0 286 297 1 1
PTGS2 CCNE2 0 0 150 198 1 1
PTGS2 CD1D 0 0 213 213 1 1
PTGS2 MAFK 0 0 125 152 1 1
PTGS2 OPRK1 0 0 150 163 1 1
PTGS2 BBC3 0 0 157 156 1 2
PTGS2 KCNJ1 0 0 181 202 1 1
PTGS2 CCL3L3 0 0 173 255 1 1
PTGS2 CYP2C19 0 900 243 924 1 1
PTGS2 SHBG 0 0 161 179 1 1
PTGS2 KLK1 0 0 126 151 1 1
PTGS2 AHRR 0 0 88 188 1 1
PTGS2 S100A2 0 0 123 164 1 1
PTGS2 IRF3 0 0 335 335 1 2
PTGS2 ENSG00000274276 0 0 194 194 1 1
PTGS2 PRDX3 0 0 137 206 1 1
PTGS2 ERBB2 270 0 601 702 1 2
PTGS2 ARG2 0 0 450 454 1 1
PTGS2 HMGA2 0 0 171 189 1 1
PTGS2 ATP12A 0 0 654 661 1 1
PTGS2 GCG 0 0 265 284 1 1
PTGS2 TNFAIP3 0 0 395 489 1 2
PTGS2 GSTP1 0 0 501 501 1 1
PTGS2 NFKB2 0 0 454 488 1 1
PTGS2 TFAP2A 0 0 194 194 1 1
PTGS2 GOT1L1 0 0 0 161 1 1
PTGS2 TFRC 0 0 246 245 1 1
PTGS2 CCND2 0 0 325 339 1 1
PTGS2 IL5 0 0 455 460 1 1
PTGS2 RPS6KA2 0 0 180 179 1 1
PTGS2 AGT 0 0 273 432 1 1
PTGS2 MAP3K14 0 0 102 166 1 1
PTGS2 IL1R2 0 0 324 378 1 1
PTGS2 TXNIP 0 0 323 323 1 2
PTGS2 PRLR 0 0 193 248 1 1
PTGS2 PROX1 0 0 161 161 1 1
PTGS2 MMP8 0 0 324 525 1 1
PTGS2 CSNK2A1 0 0 94 150 1 1
PTGS2 IFI16 0 0 170 234 1 1
PTGS2 S100A9 0 0 260 324 1 1
PTGS2 CD9 0 0 184 205 1 1
PTGS2 ATF3 0 0 457 533 1 2
PTGS2 CASK 218 0 0 220 1 1
PTGS2 CDH5 0 0 294 322 1 1
PTGS2 RETN 0 0 304 330 1 1
PTGS2 CLASRP 0 0 306 306 1 1
PTGS2 IFI35 0 0 181 191 1 1
PTGS2 FFAR3 0 0 134 263 1 1
PTGS2 NAPEPLD 0 0 459 492 1 1
PTGS2 CNR1 0 0 644 658 1 1
PTGS2 ARNTL 0 0 206 206 1 1
PTGS2 FABP1 0 0 172 190 1 1
PTGS2 THBS2 0 0 210 233 1 1
PTGS2 FHIT 0 0 231 230 1 1
PTGS2 MERTK 0 0 134 222 1 1
PTGS2 FOXL2 0 0 166 180 1 1
PTGS2 MMP27 0 0 75 495 1 1
PTGS2 SOCS4 0 0 139 192 1 1
PTGS2 DDX53 0 0 291 290 1 1
PTGS2 IRF7 0 0 293 307 1 1
PTGS2 ITIH4 0 0 180 179 1 1
PTGS2 KYNU 0 0 213 213 1 1
PTGS2 LCT 0 0 125 159 1 1
PTGS2 IFITM1 0 0 181 181 1 1
PTGS2 PLCB1 0 0 147 166 1 1
PTGS2 TNF 0 0 845 863 1 2
PTGS2 MSX1 0 0 150 286 1 1
PTGS2 PTGFR 0 0 517 536 1 1
PTGS2 IL1RN 0 0 505 582 1 1
PTGS2 SYT10 0 0 0 202 1 1
PTGS2 MMP3 0 0 632 691 1 1
PTGS2 NR4A2 0 0 323 402 1 1
PTGS2 WISP1 0 0 207 243 1 1
PTGS2 VDR 0 0 383 392 1 2
PTGS2 MEF2C 0 0 108 230 1 1
PTGS2 MMP25 0 0 107 498 1 1
PTGS2 PLA2G12A 0 650 193 705 1 1
PTGS2 KEL 0 0 67 229 1 1
PTGS2 AQP5 0 0 147 198 1 1
PTGS2 NT5E 0 0 305 336 1 1
PTGS2 KRT14 0 0 233 232 1 1
PTGS2 PON3 0 0 119 169 1 1
PTGS2 PEBP1 0 0 96 210 1 1
PTGS2 ALDH7A1 0 0 275 354 1 1
PTGS2 PDCD6IP 0 0 54 201 1 1
PTGS2 CES1 0 0 156 223 1 1
PTGS2 IFI27 0 0 218 218 1 1
PTGS2 RCAN1 0 0 295 314 1 2
PTGS2 PDGFC 0 0 181 210 1 1
PTGS2 ADCY7 0 0 123 216 1 1
PTGS2 PPP1R15A 0 0 180 264 1 2
PTGS2 ABCA2 0 0 113 151 1 1
PTGS2 NFAT5 0 0 278 362 1 1
PTGS2 RBFOX3 0 0 341 349 1 1
PTGS2 SLC7A11 0 0 294 310 1 2
PTGS2 CD97 0 0 72 157 1 1
PTGS2 CTLA4 0 0 401 414 1 2
PTGS2 SLC27A1 0 0 98 155 1 1
PTGS2 CCL19 0 0 240 239 1 1
PTGS2 SEP15 0 0 112 167 1 1
PTGS2 TP53I3 0 0 103 216 1 1
PTGS2 BCL2 0 0 171 193 1 2
PTGS2 MYB 0 0 254 268 1 1
PTGS2 FOXA2 0 0 125 151 1 1
PTGS2 SMAD6 0 0 210 210 1 1
PTGS2 BAK1 0 0 143 162 1 2
PTGS2 FGF16 0 0 60 191 1 1
PTGS2 PTPN2 0 0 73 151 1 2
PTGS2 RNASEL 0 0 203 257 1 1
PTGS2 HPRT1 0 0 361 361 1 1
PTGS2 HSD17B1 0 0 180 200 1 1
PTGS2 TOB2 0 0 55 263 1 1
PTGS2 IFI44 0 0 210 256 1 1
PTGS2 DDIT4 0 0 150 173 1 2
PTGS2 MCM7 0 0 143 161 1 1
PTGS2 POU5F1 0 0 261 262 1 2
PTGS2 FADS2 0 0 310 314 1 1
PTGS2 HGF 0 0 519 571 1 2
PTGS2 SFTPD 0 0 158 171 1 1
PTGS2 BMPR2 0 0 194 229 1 1
PTGS2 GRIA1 0 0 162 180 1 1
PTGS2 SLC39A8 0 0 95 158 1 1
PTGS2 CAST 0 0 142 161 1 2
PTGS2 FAF2 270 0 0 281 1 1
PTGS2 ADAMTS3 0 0 450 461 1 1
PTGS2 DUSP6 0 0 201 247 1 1
PTGS2 PTGDS 0 900 468 945 1 1
PTGS2 CCL1 0 0 194 194 1 1
PTGS2 EMP1 0 0 193 281 1 1
PTGS2 PDPK1 0 0 249 248 1 2
PTGS2 SGPP2 0 0 143 166 1 1
PTGS2 CAT 0 0 663 721 1 2
PTGS2 HPGD 0 0 703 709 1 1
PTGS2 WNT10B 0 0 217 217 1 1
PTGS2 ARHGEF25 0 0 0 174 1 1
PTGS2 LEPREL2 0 0 171 171 1 1
PTGS2 AHR 0 0 469 500 1 2
PTGS2 SERPINE1 0 0 518 569 1 1
PTGS2 HIST1H4B 0 0 182 181 1 1
PTGS2 PGR 0 0 565 586 1 1
PTGS2 MUC1 0 0 373 400 1 1
PTGS2 DAGLB 0 0 283 282 1 1
PTGS2 CDK1 0 0 310 315 1 2
PTGS2 NCOR1 0 0 195 195 1 1
PTGS2 ADRB2 0 0 363 396 1 1
PTGS2 GRP 0 0 182 181 1 2
PTGS2 REM1 0 0 0 334 1 1
PTGS2 FCGR1A 0 0 215 268 1 1
PTGS2 AGTR1 270 0 549 662 1 1
PTGS2 RPS6KB1 0 0 321 326 1 2
PTGS2 MMP19 0 0 103 162 1 1
PTGS2 LOX 0 0 611 646 1 2
PTGS2 EGR2 0 0 310 396 1 1
PTGS2 SAG 0 0 235 235 1 1
PTGS2 SGK1 0 0 235 300 1 2
PTGS2 IRS1 0 0 358 369 1 2
PTGS2 ERC1 0 0 351 351 1 1
PTGS2 EDNRA 0 0 324 334 1 1
PTGS2 NTRK1 0 0 322 347 1 1
PTGS2 ATR 0 0 138 153 1 2
PTGS2 ADH5 0 0 96 194 1 1
PTGS2 BCL2L2 0 0 202 202 1 1
PTGS2 ABCG2 0 0 390 390 1 1
PTGS2 DENND1B 0 0 0 203 1 1
PTGS2 FOXC2 0 0 176 194 1 1
PTGS2 SERPINE2 0 0 170 227 1 1
PTGS2 STAR 0 0 420 430 1 1
PTGS2 DPYD 0 0 223 262 1 1
PTGS2 SBNO1 0 0 0 163 1 1
PTGS2 CSF2RB 0 0 103 173 1 1
PTGS2 SREBF2 0 0 235 246 1 1
PTGS2 CD274 0 0 458 511 1 2
PTGS2 AQP3 0 0 278 293 1 1
PTGS2 ALDH2 0 0 193 317 1 2
PTGS2 IGF2 0 0 392 392 1 1
PTGS2 PON2 0 0 171 172 1 1
PTGS2 IL18RAP 0 0 134 168 1 1
PTGS2 LITAF 0 0 97 235 1 1
PTGS2 HLA-A 131 0 141 244 1 1
PTGS2 SOX10 0 0 54 199 1 1
PTGS2 COPS7A 270 0 0 270 1 1
PTGS2 CCL3 0 0 529 580 1 1
PTGS2 ENG 0 0 341 393 1 2
PTGS2 CTSG 0 0 211 237 1 1
PTGS2 CCL22 0 0 342 342 1 1
PTGS2 FCGR3B 0 0 220 264 1 1
PTGS2 GOT2 0 0 243 295 1 1
PTGS2 MDM4 0 0 82 150 1 1
PTGS2 FGF12 0 0 0 153 1 1
PTGS2 FOSB 0 0 373 454 1 1
PTGS2 GDF5 0 0 217 217 1 1
PTGS2 DLG4 0 0 218 235 1 2
PTGS2 GDF15 0 0 391 390 1 1
PTGS2 FOSL2 0 0 263 336 1 1
PTGS2 CCNL1 0 0 117 166 1 1
PTGS2 NR1H4 0 0 324 334 1 1
PTGS2 OPRD1 0 0 150 163 1 1
PTGS2 HBB 0 0 136 222 1 1
PTGS2 SNAI1 0 0 422 439 1 1
PTGS2 IL10 0 0 734 757 1 2
PTGS2 FGFR4 0 0 134 166 1 1
PTGS2 FLT3 0 0 184 183 1 2
PTGS2 IRAK4 0 0 296 322 1 1
PTGS2 FZD9 0 0 125 176 1 1
PTGS2 FPR1 0 0 256 292 1 1
PTGS2 LTA4H 0 0 339 357 1 1
PTGS2 CACNG4 0 0 46 255 1 1
PTGS2 SLC2A14 0 0 143 258 1 1
PTGS2 ACSL4 0 0 282 306 1 1
PTGS2 TNFRSF11A 0 0 167 219 1 1
PTGS2 SGSM1 0 0 45 271 1 1
PTGS2 BMPR1A 0 0 170 324 1 1
PTGS2 HBP1 0 0 76 152 1 1
PTGS2 GAPDHS 0 0 0 448 1 1
PTGS2 PPFIBP2 0 0 218 253 1 1
PTGS2 CERK 0 0 150 182 1 1
PTGS2 TMEM86A 0 0 0 189 1 1
PTGS2 CD200 0 0 195 195 1 1
PTGS2 PDCD1LG2 0 0 235 280 1 1
PTGS2 MMP11 0 0 144 518 1 1
PTGS2 NFATC1 0 0 364 403 1 2
PTGS2 LDHA 0 0 233 249 1 2
PTGS2 RARB 0 0 318 328 1 1
PTGS2 CCNA1 0 0 244 260 1 1
PTGS2 NFE2L1 0 0 55 159 1 1
PTGS2 KIT 0 0 382 382 1 2
PTGS2 COMMD3-BMI1 0 0 180 179 1 1
PTGS2 CLEC4E 0 0 208 311 1 1
PTGS2 RORC 0 0 122 153 1 1
PTGS2 TNFRSF9 0 0 167 167 1 1
PTGS2 NGFR 0 0 189 189 1 1
PTGS2 CDX2 0 0 252 275 1 1
PTGS2 FCGR2A 0 0 231 283 1 1
PTGS2 HIST1H4K 0 0 182 181 1 1
PTGS2 LMNB1 0 0 241 269 1 1
PTGS2 RGS2 0 0 269 334 1 1
PTGS2 PRL 0 0 323 323 1 1
PTGS2 SULT1E1 0 0 181 186 1 1
PTGS2 PLIN2 0 0 218 218 1 2
PTGS2 IL10RB 0 0 174 173 1 1
PTGS2 PDK4 0 0 162 161 1 1
PTGS2 SLC5A8 0 0 164 190 1 1
PTGS2 SMAD7 0 0 294 310 1 1
PTGS2 HOMER1 0 0 150 220 1 1
PTGS2 PDCD1 0 0 266 266 1 2
PTGS2 TRPA1 0 0 359 385 1 1
PTGS2 P2RY2 0 0 195 215 1 1
PTGS2 MSH2 0 0 251 250 1 1
PTGS2 ESR1 0 0 632 637 1 2
PTGS2 IFNB1 0 0 469 483 1 1
PTGS2 SYP 0 0 230 231 1 1
PTGS2 PRKD1 0 0 202 202 1 1
PTGS2 LGR5 0 0 260 273 1 1
PTGS2 YAP1 0 0 186 186 1 2
PTGS2 CXCR3 0 0 270 281 1 1
PTGS2 MYBL2 0 0 217 232 1 1
PTGS2 ELN 0 0 361 362 1 1
PTGS2 SLC6A3 0 0 266 266 1 1
PTGS2 EPHX1 0 0 235 241 1 1
PTGS2 TNFAIP2 0 0 235 297 1 1
PTGS2 IRF1 0 0 415 454 1 2
PTGS2 ATP4A 0 0 654 661 1 1
PTGS2 CDC45 0 0 46 153 1 1
PTGS2 MST1R 0 0 93 172 1 1
PTGS2 KCNN4 0 0 123 167 1 1
PTGS2 TYRP1 0 0 180 179 1 1
PTGS2 ADRB1 0 0 234 245 1 1
PTGS2 VAV1 0 0 94 150 1 1
PTGS2 NCF2 0 0 287 406 1 1
PTGS2 TERT 0 0 375 375 1 2
PTGS2 GDE1 0 0 170 170 1 1
PTGS2 UBC 0 0 103 159 1 2
PTGS2 SERPINB5 0 0 217 270 1 1
PTGS2 CD1E 0 0 188 188 1 1
PTGS2 CYP2C8 0 900 306 930 1 1
PTGS2 XCL1 0 0 150 175 1 1
PTGS2 MAP1LC3B 0 0 181 181 1 2
PTGS2 TIMP2 0 0 395 425 1 1
PTGS2 SPHK2 0 0 298 298 1 1
PTGS2 SPHK1 0 0 455 480 1 2
PTGS2 HAND2 0 0 96 185 1 1
PTGS2 HMOX2 0 0 219 252 1 1
PTGS2 ELANE 0 0 285 296 1 1
PTGS2 ACVRL1 0 0 140 172 1 1
PTGS2 FAAH2 0 0 218 219 1 1
PTGS2 PRKCA 0 0 415 417 1 1
PTGS2 CRISP1 0 0 0 177 1 1
PTGS2 PLK3 0 0 124 223 1 1
PTGS2 TM4SF1 0 0 117 431 1 1
PTGS2 MT-CO1 0 0 193 193 1 1
PTGS2 TBP 0 0 234 234 1 1
PTGS2 FN1 0 0 646 654 1 2
PTGS2 MMP13 0 0 616 636 1 2
PTGS2 LPAR2 0 0 350 360 1 1
PTGS2 SPRED2 0 0 48 179 1 2
PTGS2 C3 0 0 406 428 1 2
PTGS2 ITGB2 0 0 203 354 1 1
PTGS2 KRAS 0 0 519 566 1 2
PTGS2 HNRNPC 0 0 623 629 1 1
PTGS2 PTH 0 0 349 349 1 1
PTGS2 PLA2G2F 0 650 107 810 1 1
PTGS2 GPBAR1 0 0 170 187 1 1
PTGS2 VIPR1 0 0 75 236 1 1
PTGS2 PDYN 0 0 181 181 1 1
PTGS2 CSRNP1 0 0 90 183 1 1
PTGS2 ENSG00000257767 0 0 0 189 1 1
PTGS2 GPR119 0 0 181 199 1 1
PTGS2 RXRA 0 0 202 234 1 1
PTGS2 VTCN1 0 0 150 168 1 1
PTGS2 MMP24 0 0 105 470 1 1
PTGS2 AQP4 0 0 289 304 1 1
PTGS2 STAT5A 0 0 324 368 1 1
PTGS2 CLDN2 0 0 155 154 1 1
PTGS2 PON1 0 0 260 260 1 1
PTGS2 DDAH1 0 0 145 333 1 1
PTGS2 TNIP1 0 0 112 194 1 1
PTGS2 FASLG 0 0 421 420 1 1
PTGS2 KDM6B 0 0 150 397 1 1
PTGS2 COL12A1 0 0 107 195 1 1
PTGS2 SOCS3 0 0 467 535 1 1
PTGS2 CA1 0 0 194 194 1 1
PTGS2 HNRNPA0 0 0 96 253 1 1
PTGS2 LPCAT2 0 0 75 272 1 1
PTGS2 TACR1 0 0 282 282 1 1
PTGS2 IL18R1 0 0 151 181 1 1
PTGS2 ITPKA 0 0 141 215 1 1
PTGS2 CDC25A 0 0 144 167 1 1
PTGS2 ERRFI1 0 0 148 256 1 1
PTGS2 SCD5 0 0 103 163 1 1
PTGS2 FLT4 0 0 307 307 1 1
PTGS2 MAPK11 0 0 242 335 1 1
PTGS2 FGF23 0 0 96 152 1 1
PTGS2 DUSP1 0 0 469 543 1 1
PTGS2 PLA2G4F 0 650 45 690 1 1
PTGS2 AMH 0 0 228 227 1 1
PTGS2 PTGER3 0 0 710 714 1 1
PTGS2 HSH2D 0 0 233 252 1 1
PTGS2 MLH1 0 0 375 380 1 1
PTGS2 ABCB1 0 0 422 426 1 2
PTGS2 THBS1 0 0 454 497 1 1
PTGS2 CYP11A1 0 0 390 399 1 1
PTGS2 MAPT 0 0 269 269 1 2
PTGS2 BECN1 0 0 320 319 1 2
PTGS2 LRP1 0 0 160 239 1 1
PTGS2 ABCC1 0 0 260 276 1 1
PTGS2 MUC4 0 0 193 194 1 1
PTGS2 TLR6 0 0 299 450 1 1
PTGS2 IL2 0 0 563 577 1 1
PTGS2 SPINT1 0 0 67 179 1 1
PTGS2 ITGA2 0 0 232 248 1 1
PTGS2 ANXA1 0 0 392 466 1 1
PTGS2 OLR1 0 0 321 366 1 2
PTGS2 VEGFC 0 0 500 528 1 1
PTGS2 FPR3 0 0 158 195 1 1
PTGS2 CYBB 0 0 517 566 1 2
PTGS2 PTS 0 0 138 171 1 1
PTGS2 SMARCA1 0 0 46 176 1 1
PTGS2 CTSS 0 0 156 239 1 1
PTGS2 ACE 0 0 561 583 1 1
PTGS2 IHH 0 0 241 298 1 1
PTGS2 TNFSF13B 0 0 235 235 1 1
PTGS2 ABHD4 0 0 323 323 1 1
PTGS2 REN 0 0 614 663 1 1
PTGS2 GPER1 0 0 235 235 1 2
PTGS2 ASAH1 0 0 158 157 1 1
PTGS2 IL13 0 0 556 563 1 2
PTGS2 TNFRSF10B 0 0 370 377 1 2
PTGS2 SSTR2 0 0 134 169 1 1
PTGS2 TUBB6 0 0 0 163 1 1
PTGS2 ENPP1 0 0 82 165 1 1
PTGS2 MSR1 0 0 241 240 1 1
PTGS2 TGFBR3 0 0 137 301 1 1
PTGS2 CASP3 0 0 707 721 1 2
PTGS2 ERBB3 0 0 294 352 1 1
PTGS2 F3 0 0 463 487 1 1
PTGS2 CTSZ 0 0 76 177 1 1
PTGS2 EGLN1 0 0 182 181 1 1
PTGS2 HNRNPL 0 0 441 445 1 1
PTGS2 PLD2 0 0 212 212 1 1
PTGS2 HCRT 0 0 143 162 1 1
PTGS2 HDAC9 0 0 170 169 1 1
PTGS2 BRCA2 0 0 208 208 1 1
PTGS2 NLRP3 0 0 502 530 1 2
PTGS2 REL 0 0 508 536 1 2
PTGS2 PLA2G7 0 0 135 167 1 1
PTGS2 CARD16 0 0 0 154 1 1
PTGS2 ELF3 0 0 181 181 1 1
PTGS2 PLA2G6 0 650 415 835 1 1
PTGS2 TXNRD2 0 0 120 298 1 1
PTGS2 FGF11 0 0 0 215 1 1
PTGS2 LTBR 0 0 145 165 1 1
PTGS2 WNT3 0 0 159 165 1 1
PTGS2 PTGES3 0 900 649 964 1 1
PTGS2 ABCB4 0 0 134 152 1 1
PTGS2 RIPK1 0 0 193 239 1 2
PTGS2 NOD2 0 0 430 457 1 2
PTGS2 SMPD1 0 0 167 167 1 1
PTGS2 CEBPB 270 0 561 706 1 2
PTGS2 FGF9 0 0 90 248 1 1
PTGS2 SGMS2 0 0 107 170 1 1
PTGS2 TXNRD1 0 0 334 481 1 1
PTGS2 FAM105A 0 0 0 546 1 1
PTGS2 IL13RA1 0 0 155 185 1 1
PTGS2 NTF3 0 0 162 194 1 1
PTGS2 DUSP2 0 0 184 260 1 1
PTGS2 INSRR 0 0 45 151 1 1
PTGS2 IL1RAP 0 0 181 201 1 1
PTGS2 EPHB2 0 0 145 207 1 2
PTGS2 COL4A5 0 0 0 190 1 1
PTGS2 ARRB2 0 0 213 213 1 1
PTGS2 CDKN2A 0 0 500 505 1 2
PTGS2 CXCL16 0 0 220 220 1 1
PTGS2 GUSB 0 0 310 414 1 1
PTGS2 GPX8 0 0 96 562 1 1
PTGS2 FGF8 0 0 82 248 1 1
PTGS2 ARRB1 0 0 170 193 1 1
PTGS2 TTR 0 0 157 169 1 1
PTGS2 GRIN3A 0 0 59 169 1 1
PTGS2 MRC1 0 0 465 492 1 1
PTGS2 GSK3B 0 0 427 497 1 2
PTGS2 KRT7 0 0 150 203 1 1
PTGS2 S100B 0 0 341 341 1 1
ID Category Term Effect Evidence PubMed
GO:0019899 Molecular Function enzyme binding enables IPI
GO:0020037 Molecular Function heme binding enables ISS
GO:0046872 Molecular Function metal ion binding enables IEA
GO:0016702 Molecular Function oxidoreductase activity, acting on single donors with incorporation of molecular oxygen, incorporation of two atoms of oxygen enables IBA
GO:0004601 Molecular Function peroxidase activity enables NAS
GO:0004666 Molecular Function prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase activity enables IBA
GO:0004666 Molecular Function prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase activity enables IDA
GO:0005515 Molecular Function protein binding enables IPI
GO:0042803 Molecular Function protein homodimerization activity enables IEA
GO:0001525 Biological Process angiogenesis involved_in IEA
GO:0030282 Biological Process bone mineralization involved_in IEA
GO:0050873 Biological Process brown fat cell differentiation involved_in IEA
GO:0098869 Biological Process cellular oxidant detoxification involved_in IEA
GO:0071318 Biological Process cellular response to ATP involved_in IEA
GO:0071498 Biological Process cellular response to fluid shear stress involved_in IEA
GO:0034605 Biological Process cellular response to heat involved_in IEA
GO:0071456 Biological Process cellular response to hypoxia involved_in IEP
GO:0071284 Biological Process cellular response to lead ion involved_in IEA
GO:0071260 Biological Process cellular response to mechanical stimulus involved_in IEA
GO:0071471 Biological Process cellular response to non-ionic osmotic stress involved_in IEA
GO:0019371 Biological Process cyclooxygenase pathway involved_in IBA
GO:0019371 Biological Process cyclooxygenase pathway involved_in IDA
GO:0046697 Biological Process decidualization involved_in IEA
GO:0007566 Biological Process embryo implantation involved_in IEA
GO:0042633 Biological Process hair cycle involved_in IEA
GO:0007612 Biological Process learning involved_in IEA
GO:0035633 Biological Process maintenance of blood-brain barrier involved_in IEA
GO:0007613 Biological Process memory involved_in IEA
GO:0051926 Biological Process negative regulation of calcium ion transport involved_in IEA
GO:0045786 Biological Process negative regulation of cell cycle involved_in IEA
GO:0008285 Biological Process negative regulation of cell population proliferation involved_in IEA
GO:1902219 Biological Process negative regulation of intrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway in response to osmotic stress involved_in IEA
GO:0045986 Biological Process negative regulation of smooth muscle contraction involved_in IEA
GO:0032227 Biological Process negative regulation of synaptic transmission, dopaminergic involved_in IEA
GO:0043065 Biological Process positive regulation of apoptotic process involved_in IEA
GO:0090336 Biological Process positive regulation of brown fat cell differentiation involved_in ISS
GO:0090050 Biological Process positive regulation of cell migration involved in sprouting angiogenesis involved_in ISS
GO:0031622 Biological Process positive regulation of fever generation involved_in ISS
GO:0090271 Biological Process positive regulation of fibroblast growth factor production involved_in ISS
GO:0045429 Biological Process positive regulation of nitric oxide biosynthetic process involved_in ISS
GO:0033138 Biological Process positive regulation of peptidyl-serine phosphorylation involved_in IEA
GO:0090362 Biological Process positive regulation of platelet-derived growth factor production involved_in ISS
GO:0031394 Biological Process positive regulation of prostaglandin biosynthetic process involved_in NAS
GO:0042307 Biological Process positive regulation of protein import into nucleus involved_in IEA
GO:0048661 Biological Process positive regulation of smooth muscle cell proliferation involved_in IEA
GO:0045987 Biological Process positive regulation of smooth muscle contraction involved_in IEA
GO:0031915 Biological Process positive regulation of synaptic plasticity involved_in IEA
GO:0051968 Biological Process positive regulation of synaptic transmission, glutamatergic involved_in IEA
GO:0071636 Biological Process positive regulation of transforming growth factor beta production involved_in ISS
GO:0010575 Biological Process positive regulation of vascular endothelial growth factor production involved_in ISS
GO:0045907 Biological Process positive regulation of vasoconstriction involved_in IEA
GO:0001516 Biological Process prostaglandin biosynthetic process involved_in IDA
GO:0001516 Biological Process prostaglandin biosynthetic process involved_in ISS
GO:0001516 Biological Process prostaglandin biosynthetic process involved_in NAS
GO:0032310 Biological Process prostaglandin secretion involved_in IEA
GO:0008217 Biological Process regulation of blood pressure involved_in ISS
GO:0050727 Biological Process regulation of inflammatory response involved_in NAS
GO:0150077 Biological Process regulation of neuroinflammatory response involved_in ISS
GO:1990776 Biological Process response to angiotensin involved_in IEA
GO:0032355 Biological Process response to estradiol involved_in IEA
GO:0070542 Biological Process response to fatty acid involved_in IEA
GO:0009750 Biological Process response to fructose involved_in IEA
GO:0051384 Biological Process response to glucocorticoid involved_in IEA
GO:0032496 Biological Process response to lipopolysaccharide involved_in IEA
GO:0010042 Biological Process response to manganese ion involved_in IEA
GO:0009624 Biological Process response to nematode involved_in IEA
GO:0006979 Biological Process response to oxidative stress involved_in IEA
GO:0034612 Biological Process response to tumor necrosis factor involved_in IEA
GO:0033280 Biological Process response to vitamin D involved_in IEA
GO:0009410 Biological Process response to xenobiotic stimulus involved_in IEA
GO:0005901 Cellular Component caveola located_in IEA
GO:0005737 Cellular Component cytoplasm is_active_in IBA
GO:0005737 Cellular Component cytoplasm located_in IDA
GO:0005737 Cellular Component cytoplasm located_in ISS
GO:0005783 Cellular Component endoplasmic reticulum located_in IDA
GO:0005788 Cellular Component endoplasmic reticulum lumen located_in TAS
GO:0005789 Cellular Component endoplasmic reticulum membrane located_in TAS
GO:0043005 Cellular Component neuron projection is_active_in IBA
GO:0043005 Cellular Component neuron projection located_in IDA
GO:0005637 Cellular Component nuclear inner membrane located_in IDA
GO:0005640 Cellular Component nuclear outer membrane located_in IDA
GO:0032991 Cellular Component protein-containing complex part_of IEA
Name DB ID
Cytokine Signaling in Immune system Reactome R-HSA-1280215
Metabolism Reactome R-HSA-1430728
Immune System Reactome R-HSA-168256
Nicotinate metabolism Reactome R-HSA-196807
Metabolism of water-soluble vitamins and cofactors Reactome R-HSA-196849
Metabolism of vitamins and cofactors Reactome R-HSA-196854
Nicotinamide salvaging Reactome R-HSA-197264
Arachidonic acid metabolism Reactome R-HSA-2142753
Synthesis of 15-eicosatetraenoic acid derivatives Reactome R-HSA-2142770
Synthesis of Prostaglandins (PG) and Thromboxanes (TX) Reactome R-HSA-2162123
Signaling by Interleukins Reactome R-HSA-449147
Metabolism of lipids Reactome R-HSA-556833
Interleukin-10 signaling Reactome R-HSA-6783783
Interleukin-4 and Interleukin-13 signaling Reactome R-HSA-6785807
Fatty acid metabolism Reactome R-HSA-8978868
Biosynthesis of DHA-derived SPMs Reactome R-HSA-9018677
Biosynthesis of specialized proresolving mediators (SPMs) Reactome R-HSA-9018678
Biosynthesis of EPA-derived SPMs Reactome R-HSA-9018679
Biosynthesis of DPA-derived SPMs Reactome R-HSA-9018683
Biosynthesis of DPAn-3 SPMs Reactome R-HSA-9025094
Biosynthesis of electrophilic ω-3 PUFA oxo-derivatives Reactome R-HSA-9027604
Network map of SARS-CoV-2 signaling pathway (WP5115) WikiPathways WP5115_r124648
Photodynamic therapy-induced HIF-1 survival signaling (WP3614) WikiPathways WP3614_r106542
Chromosomal and microsatellite instability in colorectal cancer (WP4216) WikiPathways WP4216_r123363
Alzheimer's disease (WP5124) WikiPathways WP5124_r123917
Eicosanoid synthesis (WP167) WikiPathways WP167_r124766
Prostaglandin synthesis and regulation (WP98) WikiPathways WP98_r117172
Metabolism of alpha-linolenic acid (WP4586) WikiPathways WP4586_r119267
Relationship between inflammation, COX-2 and EGFR (WP4483) WikiPathways WP4483_r107927
Selenium micronutrient network (WP15) WikiPathways WP15_r123380
Alzheimer's disease and miRNA effects (WP2059) WikiPathways WP2059_r119468
Aspirin and miRNAs (WP4707) WikiPathways WP4707_r116586
Prostaglandin and leukotriene metabolism in senescence (WP5122) WikiPathways WP5122_r119484
Aryl hydrocarbon receptor pathway (WP2586) WikiPathways WP2586_r121728
Overview of nanoparticle effects (WP3287) WikiPathways WP3287_r121705
IL-18 signaling pathway (WP4754) WikiPathways WP4754_r115147
Nuclear receptors meta-pathway (WP2882) WikiPathways WP2882_r120815
Quercetin and Nf-kB / AP-1 induced apoptosis (WP2435) WikiPathways WP2435_r120750
Eicosanoid metabolism via cyclooxygenases (COX) (WP4719) WikiPathways WP4719_r124743
Docosahexaenoic acid oxylipin metabolism (WP5154) WikiPathways WP5154_r123805
Lipid metabolism in senescent cells (WP5149) WikiPathways WP5149_r120374
Small cell lung cancer (WP4658) WikiPathways WP4658_r124606
Gastrin signaling pathway (WP4659) WikiPathways WP4659_r116555
Spinal cord injury (WP2431) WikiPathways WP2431_r120812
Glucocorticoid receptor pathway (WP2880) WikiPathways WP2880_r117734
Hepatitis C and hepatocellular carcinoma (WP3646) WikiPathways WP3646_r116732
Arachidonic acid (AA, ARA) oxylipin metabolism (WP5155) WikiPathways WP5155_r124435
Photodynamic therapy-induced NF-kB survival signaling (WP3617) WikiPathways WP3617_r106541
VEGFA-VEGFR2 signaling pathway (WP3888) WikiPathways WP3888_r116782
Accession Version MolecularType Name NCBI Comments
NM_000963 4 mRNA None NC_000001 Reference