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RAB5A, member RAS oncogene family
General Information
Name RAB5A, member RAS oncogene family
  • ras-related protein Rab-5A
  • RAS-associated protein RAB5A
Gene_family RAB, member RAS oncogene GTPases
organism Homo sapiens
entrez_id 5868
location 3p24.3
transcript_count 3
exon_count 7
by NCBI GRCh38.p14
    Entrez Enables GDP binding activity; GTP binding activity; and GTPase activity. Involved in several processes, including amyloid-beta clearance by transcytosis; early endosome to late endosome transport; and regulation of exocytosis. Located in several cellular components, including cytoplasmic side of early endosome membrane; nucleoplasm; and terminal bouton. [provided by Alliance of Genome Resources, Apr 2022]
    Stringdb Ras-related protein Rab-5A; The small GTPases Rab are key regulators of intracellular membrane trafficking, from the formation of transport vesicles to their fusion with membranes. Rabs cycle between an inactive GDP-bound form and an active GTP-bound form that is able to recruit to membranes different sets of downstream effectors directly responsible for vesicle formation, movement, tethering and fusion. RAB5A is required for the fusion of plasma membranes and early endosomes. Contributes to the regulation of filopodia extension. Required for the exosomal release of SDCBP, CD63, PDCD6I [...]
    nextProt Small GTPase which cycles between active GTP-bound and inactive GDP-bound states. In its active state, binds to a variety of effector proteins to regulate cellular responses such as of intracellular membrane trafficking, from the formation of transport vesicles to their fusion with membranes. Active GTP-bound form is able to recruit to membranes different sets of downstream effectors directly responsible for vesicle formation, movement, tethering and fusion. RAB5A is required for the fusion of plasma membranes and early endosomes (PubMed:10818110, PubMed:14617813, PubMed:16410077, PubMed:15378032). Contributes to the regulation of filopodia extension (PubMed:14978216). Required for the exosomal release of SDCBP, CD63, PDCD6IP and syndecan (PubMed:22660413). Regulates maturation of apoptotic cell-containing phagosomes, probably downstream of DYN2 and PIK3C3 (By similarity).
A A.Source B B.DB B.Source Description PubMed
RAB5A BioGRID MYC GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID TRIM67 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID HDLBP GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID RAF1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID AGTR1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-Western; Reconstituted Complex
RAB5A BioGRID ZRANB1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID RNF115 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-Western
RAB5A BioGRID EEA1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS; Co-crystal Structure; Co-fractionation; FRET; Proximity Label-MS; Reconstituted Complex; Two-hybrid
RAB5A BioGRID LMNA GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID SOX2 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID GDI2 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS; Proximity Label-MS; Reconstituted Complex
RAB5A BioGRID GDI1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID RAB5B GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID orf3 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID SCAMP2 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID SCAMP1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS; Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID VAMP3 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS; Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID STX17 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID SARAF GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID PIGT GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID PHF11 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID GOLGA7 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID SSUH2 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID DERL2 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID SUN2 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS; Two-hybrid
RAB5A BioGRID H2AP GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID WIF1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID ATE1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID UPK1A GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID RAB31 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID RPL35A GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID RAB5C GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS; Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID RABGGTA GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS; Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID MBNL1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID C18orf21 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID C1orf35 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID CENPM GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID ELOVL1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID PCTP GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID CHM GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS; Proximity Label-MS; Reconstituted Complex
RAB5A BioGRID SLC25A6 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID HDDC3 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID FNDC5 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID NIPAL1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID ZDHHC19 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID TGFA GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID FFAR1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID GOT1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID FGF4 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID CCR1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID CHML GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS; Proximity Label-MS; Reconstituted Complex
RAB5A BioGRID FSCN1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID FZR1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID SLC9A3 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-Western
RAB5A BioGRID FLVCR1 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID RABGEF1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-Western; Proximity Label-MS; Reconstituted Complex
RAB5A BioGRID ARFIP1 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID SNX5 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID RPS6KC1 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID ARFGAP3 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID TOR1AIP1 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID GGA1 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID RAI14 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID APPL1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS; Affinity Capture-Western; Proximity Label-MS; Reconstituted Complex; Two-hybrid
RAB5A BioGRID RAB11FIP5 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID GORASP2 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID TMEM87A GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID PTPN23 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID ZDHHC5 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID RAB3GAP2 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID BCL2L13 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID STX12 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID CEMIP2 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID PLD3 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID LEMD3 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID SLC39A14 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID SCRIB GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID MACF1 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID VPS8 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID ESYT1 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID WDR7 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID DMXL2 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID EHBP1 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID DDHD2 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID SCFD1 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID SYNE2 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID UBXN4 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID GGA3 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID CLCC1 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID ANKLE2 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID TBC1D2B GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID BLTP3B GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID PDXDC1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS; Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID MON2 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID USP33 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID NUMB GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID UNC5C GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID PPFIBP1 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID GOLGB1 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID GOLGA3 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID GJA1 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID FLOT2 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID ACSL3 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS; Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID MARK2 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID EMD GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID EPHA2 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID EFNB2 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID EFNB1 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID ECE1 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID DSG2 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID DSC2 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID DLG1 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID DMXL1 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID CXADR GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID CTNND1 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID CPD GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID CLCN7 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID LRBA GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID CAV1 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID CAMLG GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID VPS51 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID RAB3GAP1 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID INPP5F GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID FNDC3A GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID EXOC3 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID VPS45 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS; Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID PACSIN2 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID SEC63 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID SEC23IP GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID NISCH GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID WDR6 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID NUP42 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID TDRKH GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID FERMT2 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID CKAP4 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID EHD1 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID FAM114A2 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID FRS2 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID GIPC1 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID SLC12A7 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID YKT6 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID GLRX3 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID VTI1B GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID SEC24B GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID PGRMC2 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID BASP1 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID NDRG1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS; Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID SLC19A1 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID SLC12A4 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID SLC12A2 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID SLC7A2 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID SLC6A8 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID SLC3A2 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID SLC1A5 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID SLC1A3 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID SHB GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID RTN1 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID RRBP1 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID ROBO1 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID ABCD3 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID NECTIN2 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID PTPN12 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID PTPN1 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID POR GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID PMAIP1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID PI4KB GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID PIK3C3 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS; Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID PGK1 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID PFAS GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID OCRL GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS; Proximity Label-MS; Reconstituted Complex; Two-hybrid
RAB5A BioGRID OCLN GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID ROR2 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID NOTCH2 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID NEO1 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID MYO6 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID MCAM GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID MARK3 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID MARCKS GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID LRP2 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID LNPEP GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID LMAN1 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID LLGL1 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID KTN1 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID JUP GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS; Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID JAG2 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID ITGB1 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID INPP5B GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID IL1B GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID IGF2R GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID HMOX2 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID HLA-A GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID HTT GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID BSG GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID DST GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID BNIP2 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID AUP1 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID ATP6V1B2 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID ATP2B1 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID ATP1A1 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID ARHGAP1 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID APBB2 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID APBB1 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID ALDH3A2 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID ADCY9 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID FHIP1A GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID RGPD6 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID RUFY1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-Western; Proximity Label-MS; Reconstituted Complex
RAB5A BioGRID RAB11FIP1 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID WLS GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID PEAK1 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID CLMN GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID ATP13A3 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID DDRGK1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS; Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID PHACTR4 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID VPS33A GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID NIBAN2 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID ACBD3 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID INF2 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID RBSN GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS; Far Western; Proximity Label-MS; Reconstituted Complex
RAB5A BioGRID SMAP1 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID RINT1 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID PLEKHA1 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID SNX6 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID CACHD1 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID KIAA1549 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID VPS18 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID RELCH GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID FAM135A GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID MAVS GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID ESYT2 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID ARFGEF3 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID VANGL2 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID SLC39A10 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID SCYL3 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID RTN4 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID GOPC GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID CCDC47 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID GRIPAP1 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID ZC3HAV1 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID JPH1 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID ERBIN GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID TEX2 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID VPS11 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID DEPDC1B GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID NDC1 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID RABL6 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS; Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID CISD2 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID MXRA7 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID SNX30 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID WASHC2A GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID MIA3 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID RABL3 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID PPP1R37 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID ZDHHC20 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID WASHC2C GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID FAM83B GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID STX6 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID TRIM13 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID ATP6AP2 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID BCAP31 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID SCAMP3 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID DNM1L GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID SLC12A6 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID DOP1B GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID GOLGA5 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID SEC16A GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS; Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID SV2A GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID TECPR2 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID SNX17 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID ZFYVE16 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID NUP155 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID AKAP12 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID SEC22B GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID SLC4A7 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID STX8 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID EIF2AK3 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID ITM2B GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID ZFYVE9 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID SNAP29 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID TRIP11 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID VAPA GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID VAPB GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID RABEP1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS; Co-purification; Proximity Label-MS; Reconstituted Complex; Two-hybrid
RAB5A BioGRID MTMR6 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID STBD1 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID SNAP23 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID GBF1 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID SNX3 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID STX10 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID VAMP4 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID VAMP8 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID UNC5B GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID FAM219A GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID ARL13B GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID TOR1AIP2 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID FAM91A1 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID VPS13B GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID SH3D19 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID TMEM199 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID TOM1L2 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID CPNE8 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID VTI1A GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID SMCR8 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID NCOA7 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID PPP1R21 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID PDZD8 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID SNAP47 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID OSBPL11 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS; Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID OSBPL10 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID OSBPL9 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID OSBPL8 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID SYAP1 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID MTDH GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID SNX29 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID CHMP7 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID ACBD5 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID TMEM209 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID ARFGAP2 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID FHIP1B GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID COG3 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID CDCA3 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID SPRY4 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID VANGL1 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID DIAPH3 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID ITM2C GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID TMX1 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID SLC38A1 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID LNPK GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID CDK5RAP3 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID SCYL2 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID DENND4C GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID TBC1D22B GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID SMPD4 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID KIF16B GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID VEZT GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID AP1AR GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID LRRC59 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID LSG1 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID WDR41 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID CCDC25 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID KIRREL1 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID STEAP3 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID MACO1 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID EXD2 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID APPL2 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS; Reconstituted Complex
RAB5A BioGRID SLC6A15 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID ATG2B GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID LAMTOR1 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID OCIAD1 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID SEMA4C GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID CDKAL1 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID BLTP3A GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID CC2D1A GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID WDR44 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID RETREG1 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID SLC38A2 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID PTRH2 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID LSR GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID ANKFY1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS; Affinity Capture-Western; Proximity Label-MS; Reconstituted Complex
RAB5A BioGRID UBE2J1 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID TEX264 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID HOOK1 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID BET1L GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID MINK1 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID PIK3R4 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID EHD4 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID UBIAD1 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID OLA1 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID IRS4 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID STX7 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID AKAP1 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID SLC7A5 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID RAB7A GeneID BioGRID Co-fractionation; Proximity Label-MS; Two-hybrid
RAB5A BioGRID SLMAP GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID LRP8 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID SLC30A4 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID SLC30A1 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID YES1 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID VRK2 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID TSC1 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID TPD52L2 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID TMPO GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID TMF1 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID TFRC GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID TACC1 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID VAMP7 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID VAMP2 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID STX5 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID STX3 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID STIM1 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID SRPRA GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID SPTAN1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS; Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID SNX2 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID SNX1 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID SLC20A2 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID ORF7b GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID ORF3a GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID INS GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID Inpp5b GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID CIT GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID KIF14 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID KIF23 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID MRPL22 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID EIF3K GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID FAM162A GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID PRPF31 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID MTCH2 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID SDF2L1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID ROCK1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID RBM3 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID RAB6A GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID RAB5A GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS; Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID QARS1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID PTK2 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID PRPSAP2 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID PRPSAP1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID PRPS2 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID PRPS1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID PRKDC GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID PPOX GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID PPM1B GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID POLRMT GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID PDHB GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID NCL GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID HNRNPM GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID MAP4 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID MAGEB2 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID EPCAM GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID LDLR GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID ITGA3 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID ITGA2 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID EIF3E GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID HSPB1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID HNRNPU GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID HNRNPH3 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID HNRNPC GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID HMGN2 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID H2AZ1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID H1-3 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID H1-2 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID GTF2B GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID GLG1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID FARSA GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID FBL GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID ERH GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID SLC29A1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID EIF4B GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID DYNC1H1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID DHX9 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID DBN1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID CRABP2 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID COMT GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID CLNS1A GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID CANX GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID CAD GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID ASPH GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID ALDH1A3 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID ALCAM GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID AP1G1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID TMED7-TICAM2 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID EIF3CL GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID CCDC88C GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID HNRNPCL1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID HNRNPA3 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID RPLP0P6 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID H2AZ2 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID ARHGAP12 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID WDR77 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID MTMR14 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID CCAR2 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID CAMSAP3 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID RANBP10 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID AGK GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID IPO9 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID LYAR GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID COPRS GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID FANCI GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID RAB6B GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID EIF3L GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID DDX47 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID DCTN4 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID HSD17B12 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID RDH11 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID MRPL2 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID RPS27L GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID DPP7 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID ZYX GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID CNBP GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID VARS1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID UQCRH GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID SURF4 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID ST14 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID SSR1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID TRIM21 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID SNRPN GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID SNRPD3 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID SNRPB GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID SMN1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID SMARCA1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID S100A4 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID RPS27 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID RPLP0 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID RPL37A GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID RPL32 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID RPL28 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID RPL27A GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID RPL27 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID RPL21 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID RPL18A GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID RPL18 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID RPL15 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID RPL13 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID RPL12 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID RPL6 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID RPL3 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID ACAP2 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID RPL13A GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID FAM120A GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID EMC1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID TCF25 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID STK38 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID TMED2 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID CARM1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID EIF3M GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID TIMM44 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID FAM3C GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID PRMT5 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID HNRNPR GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID PSMD14 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID ACTR1A GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID THRAP3 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID MVP GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID CKAP5 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID BCLAF1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID BLTP2 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID ATP5MJ GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID HMGN3 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID DDX21 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID EIF3J GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID EIF3I GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID EIF3H GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID EIF3G GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID EIF3F GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID EIF3C GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID EIF3B GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID EIF3A GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID YBX3 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID SMARCA5 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID SLC25A11 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID ATG9A GeneID BioGRID Co-fractionation
RAB5A BioGRID PLEKHA4 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID DUSP9 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID BAG6 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-Western
RAB5A BioGRID RAB11A GeneID BioGRID Co-fractionation
RAB5A BioGRID VDAC1 GeneID BioGRID Co-fractionation
RAB5A BioGRID HRAS GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-Western
RAB5A BioGRID NR2C2 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID VPS35 GeneID BioGRID Co-localization
RAB5A BioGRID UBR4 GeneID BioGRID Co-localization
RAB5A BioGRID RABGGTB GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS; Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID CDKN2A GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID GTPBP4 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID NUP205 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID DDX52 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID LANCL1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID TCEAL1 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID USP11 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS; Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID TPR GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID YTHDF3 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID RBM33 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID GRPEL1 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID DDX54 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID DDX24 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID GNL3 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID VIRMA GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID PCMT1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID KARS1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID HAGH GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID DLAT GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID EGFR GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-Western
RAB5A BioGRID AGR2 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID RECQL4 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID PTGIR GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-Western
RAB5A BioGRID TRIM14 GeneID BioGRID Two-hybrid
RAB5A BioGRID FGFR1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID CFTR GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS; Affinity Capture-Western
RAB5A BioGRID MTSS1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-Western
RAB5A BioGRID DLST GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID FZD4 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-Western
RAB5A BioGRID RAB2B GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID DUSP22 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID TSG101 GeneID BioGRID Co-localization
RAB5A BioGRID CDC73 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID CHMP5 GeneID BioGRID Co-localization
RAB5A BioGRID ACSL4 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-Western
RAB5A BioGRID SH3GLB1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-Western
RAB5A BioGRID HTATIP2 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-Western; PCA
RAB5A BioGRID NOTCH1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-Western
RAB5A BioGRID LRRK2 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-Western
RAB5A BioGRID NEURL4 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-Western
RAB5A BioGRID HERC2 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-Western
RAB5A BioGRID CAVIN1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID C1orf52 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID MICOS13 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID SPECC1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID PRMT9 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID MAP3K20 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID MED4 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID NCOR1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID BTRC GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
RAB5A BioGRID MKNK1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID HIVEP1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID COL1A2 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID ENTPD6 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID TAF12 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID HAX1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID RAB11B GeneID BioGRID Co-fractionation
RAB5A BioGRID UQCRC2 GeneID BioGRID Co-fractionation
RAB5A BioGRID SLAMF1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID RPN1 GeneID BioGRID Co-fractionation
RAB5A BioGRID RAP1B GeneID BioGRID Co-fractionation
RAB5A BioGRID RAP1A GeneID BioGRID Co-fractionation
RAB5A BioGRID RAB2A GeneID BioGRID Co-fractionation
RAB5A BioGRID RAB1A GeneID BioGRID Co-fractionation
RAB5A BioGRID UNK GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-RNA
RAB5A BioGRID RAB1B GeneID BioGRID Co-fractionation
RAB5A BioGRID DNAAF2 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID RAB8B GeneID BioGRID Co-fractionation
RAB5A BioGRID DDX19B GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID RAB8A GeneID BioGRID Co-fractionation
RAB5A BioGRID LDHB GeneID BioGRID Co-fractionation
RAB5A BioGRID LDHA GeneID BioGRID Co-fractionation
RAB5A BioGRID CTSD GeneID BioGRID Co-fractionation
RAB5A BioGRID ARF1 GeneID BioGRID Co-fractionation
RAB5A BioGRID TXNIP GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-Western
RAB5A BioGRID KDR GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-Western
RAB5A BioGRID TNF GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-Western
RAB5A BioGRID BAG3 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-Luminescence; Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID NME2 GeneID BioGRID Two-hybrid
RAB5A BioGRID KCNN3 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-Western
RAB5A BioGRID RABAC1 GeneID BioGRID Two-hybrid
RAB5A BioGRID ATP13A2 GeneID BioGRID Co-localization
RAB5A BioGRID IGF2BP2 GeneID BioGRID Co-fractionation
RAB5A BioGRID MOGS GeneID BioGRID Co-fractionation
RAB5A BioGRID MOV10 GeneID BioGRID Co-fractionation
RAB5A BioGRID RHOT2 GeneID BioGRID Co-fractionation
RAB5A BioGRID SNCA GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-Western
RAB5A BioGRID TYRP1 GeneID BioGRID Co-fractionation
RAB5A BioGRID TF GeneID BioGRID Co-fractionation
RAB5A BioGRID PIK3CB GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
RAB5A BioGRID TBC1D17 GeneID BioGRID Two-hybrid
RAB5A BioGRID TBC1D15 GeneID BioGRID Two-hybrid
RAB5A BioGRID RIN1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-Western; Two-hybrid
RAB5A BioGRID KCNA5 GeneID BioGRID Co-localization
RAB5A BioGRID SGSM3 GeneID BioGRID Two-hybrid
RAB5A BioGRID RABEP2 GeneID BioGRID Reconstituted Complex
RAB5A BioGRID SH3KBP1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-Western
RAB5A BioGRID RAB22A GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-Western
RAB5A BioGRID PIK3R1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-Western
RAB5A BioGRID ELAVL1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-RNA
RAB5A BioGRID ZFYVE28 GeneID BioGRID Co-localization
RAB5A Protein RIN2 GeneID HPRD
RAB5A Protein RAB37 GeneID HPRD
RAB5A Protein RIN1 GeneID HPRD
RAB5A Protein EEA1 GeneID HPRD
RAB5A Protein GDI2 GeneID HPRD
RAB5A Protein TSC2 GeneID HPRD
RAB5A Protein STX4 GeneID HPRD
RAB5A BioGRID RAB4A GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS; Affinity Capture-Western
RAB5A BioGRID RABEP2 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS; Affinity Capture-Western
RAB5A BioGRID RIN2 GeneID BioGRID Two-hybrid
RAB5A BioGRID RAB37 GeneID BioGRID Two-hybrid
RAB5A BioGRID TSC2 GeneID BioGRID Co-purification
RAB5A BioGRID STX4 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-Western
RAB5A BioGRID RIT2 GeneID BioGRID Biochemical Activity
RAB5A BioGRID ALS2CL GeneID BioGRID Reconstituted Complex
RAB5A BioGRID RAB4A GeneID BioGRID Co-purification
RAB5A BioGRID KIF3B GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-Western
RAB5A BioGRID RIN3 GeneID BioGRID Two-hybrid
RAB5A BioGRID SDCBP GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-Western; Two-hybrid
RAB5A Protein EEA1 GeneID BIND Rab5 interacts with EEA.1.
RAB5A Protein RAB5A GeneID BIND Rab5 interacts with a second Rab5 molecule.
A B experiments database textmining combined score hadb nhadb
RAB5A ARFGEF2 0 0 95 190 1 1
RAB5A TSC1 0 0 323 327 1 2
RAB5A KPNB1 0 0 107 169 1 1
RAB5A TNKS 0 0 46 176 1 1
RAB5A PPP1R16B 0 0 0 172 1 1
RAB5A SNX1 0 0 677 773 1 1
RAB5A FBXO8 0 0 0 178 1 1
RAB5A GOLGB1 0 0 501 534 1 1
RAB5A ZNF629 0 0 181 187 1 1
RAB5A DVL3 0 0 60 178 1 1
RAB5A COPE 0 0 240 286 1 2
RAB5A DENND6A 0 0 188 188 1 1
RAB5A MAN2A1 0 0 141 231 1 1
RAB5A RHOT1 0 0 94 163 1 1
RAB5A PLCG1 0 0 161 188 1 1
RAB5A ITPR3 0 0 172 171 1 1
RAB5A CASP1 0 0 231 249 1 2
RAB5A SNCA 270 0 392 537 1 2
RAB5A NPC2 0 0 218 218 1 1
RAB5A MVP 117 0 120 199 1 1
RAB5A SNAP29 0 0 322 408 1 2
RAB5A HCFC1R1 0 0 74 171 1 1
RAB5A MAP2K3 0 0 113 157 1 1
RAB5A ZFYVE27 0 0 325 325 1 1
RAB5A ARL17B 0 0 0 214 1 1
RAB5A ULK2 0 0 288 377 1 2
RAB5A CAV1 0 0 932 934 1 2
RAB5A BAIAP2L1 0 0 457 457 1 1
RAB5A EXOC7 0 0 391 443 1 1
RAB5A CALR 0 0 342 402 1 1
RAB5A ARFGAP3 0 0 260 356 1 1
RAB5A WDFY1 0 0 134 203 1 1
RAB5A CD8A 0 0 266 266 1 1
RAB5A MCOLN2 0 0 398 465 1 1
RAB5A MCOLN3 0 0 392 459 1 1
RAB5A SNX3 0 0 635 687 1 1
RAB5A CYB5B 0 0 0 199 1 1
RAB5A TCIRG1 0 0 151 286 1 1
RAB5A ATP5B 0 0 81 200 1 1
RAB5A SLAMF1 128 0 71 155 1 1
RAB5A MMP2 0 0 126 217 1 2
RAB5A CRK 0 0 243 281 1 1
RAB5A TM9SF4 282 0 90 380 1 1
RAB5A EHD4 0 0 404 536 1 1
RAB5A RASD1 0 0 455 216 1 1
RAB5A SLC25A24 0 0 0 150 1 1
RAB5A ACAP1 0 0 296 379 1 1
RAB5A LAMP2 0 0 668 711 1 2
RAB5A WDFY2 0 0 368 391 1 1
RAB5A VCP 0 0 234 277 1 2
RAB5A LCK 0 0 211 240 1 1
RAB5A PIP5K1A 0 0 113 202 1 1
RAB5A RTN1 0 0 82 264 1 1
RAB5A GOLGA2 0 0 619 640 1 1
RAB5A MYRF 0 0 54 155 1 1
RAB5A ELP3 0 0 0 221 1 1
RAB5A ANK1 0 0 0 172 1 1
RAB5A HIP1 0 0 0 242 1 1
RAB5A SNX27 0 0 427 435 1 1
RAB5A IFT52 0 0 166 165 1 1
RAB5A RILP 0 0 469 470 1 1
RAB5A SHH 0 0 165 187 1 2
RAB5A EIF1 0 0 48 221 1 1
RAB5A USH1G 0 0 0 172 1 1
RAB5A RPN2 0 0 112 202 1 1
RAB5A FZD6 0 0 58 167 1 1
RAB5A GTPBP4 86 0 336 381 1 1
RAB5A MIB2 0 0 0 183 1 1
RAB5A CCR5 0 0 472 472 1 1
RAB5A RAB1A 311 0 681 576 1 1
RAB5A RHOG 0 0 378 286 1 1
RAB5A RAB11FIP1 0 0 457 457 1 1
RAB5A USP6 0 0 391 476 1 1
RAB5A SLC9A6 0 0 179 214 1 1
RAB5A MYH9 0 0 73 182 1 1
RAB5A ATP6V1E1 0 0 101 191 1 1
RAB5A TUBA1B 0 0 122 250 1 1
RAB5A GABARAPL1 0 0 450 586 1 2
RAB5A RAB24 0 0 558 163 1 2
RAB5A LLGL2 0 0 54 154 1 1
RAB5A AGAP6 0 0 0 153 1 1
RAB5A BCLAF1 117 0 54 171 1 1
RAB5A ZFYVE20 807 800 986 999 1 1
RAB5A HSPA8 0 0 368 394 1 2
RAB5A RHOA 0 0 505 318 1 2
RAB5A ABTB1 0 0 0 179 1 1
RAB5A PARP1 0 0 194 194 1 2
RAB5A EPCAM 117 0 95 168 1 2
RAB5A HNRNPM 117 0 0 174 1 1
RAB5A ARAP2 0 0 141 241 1 1
RAB5A TARDBP 0 0 204 205 1 2
RAB5A UBE2N 0 0 102 252 1 1
RAB5A GABPB1 0 0 0 172 1 1
RAB5A CXCL12 0 0 161 161 1 2
RAB5A RHOQ 0 0 469 216 1 1
RAB5A ACTB 0 0 458 537 1 2
RAB5A INS 0 0 406 406 1 2
RAB5A CLDN5 0 0 405 405 1 1
RAB5A CIT 270 0 0 347 1 1
RAB5A EXOC3 0 0 335 442 1 1
RAB5A CAV2 0 0 218 246 1 1
RAB5A GLP1R 0 0 416 416 1 1
RAB5A CTTN 0 0 391 395 1 1
RAB5A TCEAL1 179 0 0 202 1 1
RAB5A SCYL2 0 0 95 160 1 1
RAB5A EXOC6B 0 0 48 271 1 1
RAB5A GLO1 0 0 99 161 1 1
RAB5A SYT6 0 0 171 177 1 1
RAB5A GRASP 0 0 261 321 1 1
RAB5A SLC9A9 0 0 74 251 1 1
RAB5A TRAM1 0 0 81 203 1 1
RAB5A KIF5A 0 0 113 312 1 1
RAB5A GGA2 0 600 245 718 1 1
RAB5A TFEB 0 0 323 337 1 2
RAB5A SPAG9 0 0 202 314 1 1
RAB5A HPGDS 0 0 598 623 1 1
RAB5A ANKHD1-EIF4EBP3 0 0 0 172 1 1
RAB5A ANKRD2 0 0 0 206 1 1
RAB5A SLC9A3 0 0 397 410 1 1
RAB5A KIF13A 0 0 325 497 1 1
RAB5A PLEKHA1 0 0 261 288 1 1
RAB5A MYO1G 0 0 0 191 1 1
RAB5A COX4I1 0 0 231 236 1 1
RAB5A SORCS3 0 0 88 233 1 1
RAB5A MTG1 0 900 0 900 1 1
RAB5A LRRFIP1 0 0 53 199 1 1
RAB5A CASP8 0 0 355 371 1 2
RAB5A REEP5 0 0 143 252 1 1
RAB5A KIF16B 0 0 503 552 1 1
RAB5A SUN2 674 0 497 881 1 1
RAB5A KIF17 0 0 130 160 1 1
RAB5A VPS8 129 0 772 958 1 1
RAB5A ZNF436 0 0 180 186 1 1
RAB5A ITGB1 270 0 690 788 1 1
RAB5A FLOT1 0 0 506 528 1 1
RAB5A RABEP1 972 600 989 999 1 1
RAB5A THADA 0 0 136 167 1 1
RAB5A ENSG00000272822 0 0 134 290 1 1
RAB5A ANKRD55 0 0 0 172 1 1
RAB5A TBC1D10A 0 0 310 426 1 1
RAB5A WBSCR17 0 0 61 173 1 1
RAB5A LGALS1 0 0 47 163 1 1
RAB5A ANKRD46 0 0 141 258 1 1
RAB5A MADD 0 0 506 514 1 1
RAB5A GOLGA4 0 0 321 354 1 1
RAB5A PIP5K1C 0 0 153 238 1 1
RAB5A ANKRD54 0 0 0 172 1 1
RAB5A ARL17A 0 0 0 214 1 1
RAB5A MYLK 0 0 137 177 1 1
RAB5A LGSN 0 0 0 169 1 1
RAB5A HPS3 0 0 181 191 1 1
RAB5A VAMP2 0 0 457 494 1 1
RAB5A DBN1 117 0 91 163 1 1
RAB5A ABCB6 0 0 90 155 1 1
RAB5A SNX11 0 0 150 253 1 1
RAB5A SEC63 0 0 90 186 1 1
RAB5A DDX58 0 0 193 193 1 1
RAB5A RAB3GAP2 0 0 161 344 1 1
RAB5A RAB9B 0 0 166 338 1 1
RAB5A SYT9 0 0 181 186 1 1
RAB5A YWHAG 0 0 103 170 1 1
RAB5A HYOU1 0 0 123 186 1 1
RAB5A NXF1 0 0 321 330 1 1
RAB5A RAP2B 0 0 466 224 1 1
RAB5A SPCS1 0 0 0 169 1 1
RAB5A MFGE8 0 0 258 258 1 1
RAB5A RERG 0 0 66 161 1 1
RAB5A ZNF763 0 0 188 194 1 1
RAB5A RAB6C 0 0 261 241 1 1
RAB5A FICD 0 0 70 150 1 1
RAB5A SNX15 0 0 253 274 1 1
RAB5A FZD8 0 0 94 219 1 1
RAB5A FRK 0 0 96 186 1 1
RAB5A LLGL1 0 0 123 216 1 1
RAB5A BOLA2B 0 0 0 187 1 1
RAB5A LGALS4 0 0 561 621 1 1
RAB5A FAM109A 0 0 195 195 1 1
RAB5A PIK3R5 0 0 155 154 1 1
RAB5A VPS54 0 0 211 263 1 1
RAB5A BSG 0 0 206 210 1 1
RAB5A DCTN1 0 0 413 430 1 1
RAB5A CHMP3 0 0 392 499 1 1
RAB5A KIF20A 0 0 161 186 1 1
RAB5A MAP1LC3C 0 0 138 266 1 2
RAB5A RHOB 0 0 390 294 1 1
RAB5A SPAST 0 0 176 215 1 1
RAB5A DNM2 0 0 854 898 1 1
RAB5A VPS18 129 0 528 871 1 1
RAB5A HIST2H3PS2 0 0 171 195 1 1
RAB5A PXN 0 0 325 325 1 1
RAB5A EMC2 0 0 0 226 1 1
RAB5A CYB5R1 0 0 0 153 1 1
RAB5A TNS1 0 0 150 165 1 1
RAB5A ACAP3 0 0 0 153 1 1
RAB5A PRF1 0 0 167 167 1 1
RAB5A GLUD1 0 0 0 155 1 1
RAB5A MX2 0 0 44 168 1 1
RAB5A FKBP1A 0 0 183 184 1 2
RAB5A RUSC1 0 0 189 189 1 1
RAB5A STX1B 0 0 48 153 1 1
RAB5A VANGL2 0 0 183 204 1 1
RAB5A CSK 0 0 142 174 1 1
RAB5A HNRNPA2B1 0 0 120 153 1 1
RAB5A GNPTAB 0 0 49 254 1 1
RAB5A VIM 0 0 0 173 1 2
RAB5A FZD7 0 0 85 211 1 1
RAB5A GRB7 0 0 428 428 1 1
RAB5A NISCH 0 0 97 522 1 1
RAB5A ACAP2 117 0 242 413 1 1
RAB5A AGAP10 0 0 0 153 1 1
RAB5A SHANK2 0 0 66 195 1 1
RAB5A ADIPOQ 0 0 210 210 1 2
RAB5A RAB38 0 0 517 256 1 1
RAB5A RAB36 0 0 252 277 1 1
RAB5A ATP6V0A2 0 0 176 358 1 1
RAB5A RAPGEF1 0 0 128 150 1 1
RAB5A SHOC2 0 0 122 323 1 1
RAB5A IMMT 0 0 194 278 1 1
RAB5A TLR7 0 0 150 203 1 2
RAB5A RPS6KA3 0 0 95 188 1 1
RAB5A NRP1 0 0 246 245 1 1
RAB5A YIPF6 0 0 0 256 1 1
RAB5A EXOC6 0 0 605 698 1 1
RAB5A ANXA13 0 0 242 253 1 1
RAB5A MTM1 0 0 460 519 1 2
RAB5A TBC1D15 192 0 596 860 1 1
RAB5A ITPR1 0 0 181 181 1 2
RAB5A ATG4A 0 0 115 190 1 2
RAB5A TBC1D3I 0 0 0 204 1 1
RAB5A GULP1 0 0 388 514 1 1
RAB5A ARFRP1 0 0 134 166 1 1
RAB5A GLUD2 0 0 0 155 1 1
RAB5A RAB31 263 0 602 314 1 1
RAB5A CD59 0 0 260 260 1 1
RAB5A GCC2 0 0 304 311 1 1
RAB5A RAB8B 680 0 502 779 1 2
RAB5A RDX 0 0 323 401 1 1
RAB5A ASB10 0 0 0 172 1 1
RAB5A SEC23A 0 0 73 345 1 2
RAB5A TYR 0 0 107 235 1 2
RAB5A PMEL 0 0 150 156 1 1
RAB5A ACVR1 0 0 62 169 1 1
RAB5A TBC1D9B 0 0 203 338 1 1
RAB5A HSPE1-MOB4 0 0 0 231 1 1
RAB5A HIF1AN 0 0 270 270 1 1
RAB5A DAB2 0 0 390 410 1 1
RAB5A TBC1D5 0 0 427 526 1 2
RAB5A ANKRD66 0 0 45 175 1 1
RAB5A PPP4R2 0 0 0 158 1 1
RAB5A RABL6 226 0 0 335 1 1
RAB5A RPTOR 0 0 242 262 1 2
RAB5A NCSTN 0 0 175 217 1 1
RAB5A TRAPPC9 0 0 155 214 1 1
RAB5A PFN4 0 0 0 174 1 1
RAB5A IRGC 0 0 0 258 1 1
RAB5A MYC 0 0 597 619 1 2
RAB5A CHMP4C 0 0 81 235 1 1
RAB5A IRGM 0 0 233 232 1 2
RAB5A TBC1D24 0 0 444 547 1 1
RAB5A IFITM3 0 0 218 218 1 1
RAB5A ARL8B 0 0 310 369 1 1
RAB5A RIT1 0 0 0 155 1 1
RAB5A SLC18A2 0 0 163 163 1 1
RAB5A ANKRD28 0 0 45 175 1 1
RAB5A RAB3B 0 0 490 191 1 1
RAB5A PI3 0 0 555 555 1 2
RAB5A ANKRD20A4 0 0 0 172 1 1
RAB5A GRB14 0 0 392 392 1 1
RAB5A IGF1R 0 0 151 208 1 2
RAB5A MYH10 0 0 63 173 1 1
RAB5A RUVBL2 0 0 119 157 1 1
RAB5A FANK1 0 0 0 172 1 1
RAB5A YIPF3 0 0 57 153 1 1
RAB5A DCTN4 117 0 101 686 1 1
RAB5A NPC1 0 0 369 369 1 2
RAB5A DENND1C 0 0 202 315 1 1
RAB5A APPL1 876 0 989 998 1 1
RAB5A MX1 0 0 107 186 1 1
RAB5A ANXA9 0 0 231 230 1 1
RAB5A GNAT3 0 0 0 164 1 1
RAB5A MAP2 0 0 176 202 1 2
RAB5A BDP1 0 0 423 486 1 1
RAB5A MOB4 0 0 0 288 1 1
RAB5A NAPSA 0 0 0 170 1 1
RAB5A CLTA 0 0 170 520 1 1
RAB5A SERPINA6 0 0 181 181 1 1
RAB5A NDFIP2 0 0 0 210 1 1
RAB5A SYT11 0 0 180 245 1 1
RAB5A PIK3CA 0 0 285 394 1 2
RAB5A GNAT2 0 0 0 164 1 1
RAB5A KDELR1 0 0 259 303 1 1
RAB5A RINL 0 900 703 974 1 1
RAB5A SH3BGRL 0 0 0 228 1 1
RAB5A UBA1 0 0 123 160 1 1
RAB5A CIDEB 0 0 376 376 1 1
RAB5A SMAD4 0 0 138 233 1 2
RAB5A SYT8 0 0 181 186 1 1
RAB5A DYNLT1 0 0 108 171 1 2
RAB5A ARCN1 0 0 140 444 1 1
RAB5A TAX1BP1 0 0 162 390 1 2
RAB5A PARK7 0 0 204 289 1 2
RAB5A KCNN3 270 0 102 321 1 1
RAB5A SHANK1 0 0 53 232 1 1
RAB5A SEC16A 86 0 232 313 1 2
RAB5A PARD3 0 0 181 269 1 1
RAB5A RUFY1 270 600 566 866 1 1
RAB5A AKT2 0 0 252 367 1 2
RAB5A UBE2K 0 0 81 157 1 1
RAB5A UNC13D 0 0 202 207 1 1
RAB5A LNPEP 111 0 112 204 1 1
RAB5A ENSG00000272772 0 0 0 277 1 1
RAB5A SERINC1 0 0 0 212 1 1
RAB5A C12orf4 0 0 0 165 1 1
RAB5A TLR1 0 0 108 164 1 1
RAB5A NFE2L2 0 0 67 174 1 2
RAB5A MICAL1 0 0 171 218 1 1
RAB5A VASP 0 0 218 218 1 1
RAB5A RTN2 0 0 106 270 1 1
RAB5A UNK 270 0 0 359 1 1
RAB5A MAP2K1 0 0 158 157 1 1
RAB5A SMAP1 0 0 0 164 1 1
RAB5A PIP4K2A 0 0 81 192 1 1
RAB5A FURIN 0 0 341 395 1 1
RAB5A ATP6V0C 0 0 96 176 1 1
RAB5A COPB2 0 0 160 247 1 1
RAB5A CFTR 600 0 287 715 1 2
RAB5A AP3D1 0 0 213 329 1 1
RAB5A SCAMP4 0 0 148 179 1 1
RAB5A TTBK2 0 0 66 195 1 1
RAB5A BNIP2 0 0 97 181 1 1
RAB5A STX5 0 0 323 433 1 1
RAB5A PRKCI 0 0 57 298 1 1
RAB5A TUBA4A 0 0 90 184 1 1
RAB5A SLC9C1 0 0 124 153 1 1
RAB5A MYD88 0 0 245 261 1 2
RAB5A FADD 0 0 221 231 1 2
RAB5A ESX1 0 0 214 214 1 1
RAB5A RAB4A 270 600 944 762 1 1
RAB5A MRPL38 0 0 0 150 1 1
RAB5A VPS53 0 0 195 242 1 1
RAB5A FAM83A 0 0 46 192 1 1
RAB5A GOLIM4 0 0 337 364 1 1
RAB5A SLC9A3R2 0 0 108 186 1 1
RAB5A RNF115 0 0 253 287 1 1
RAB5A GALNT11 0 0 46 165 1 1
RAB5A KLC4 0 0 0 172 1 1
RAB5A PYROXD1 0 0 0 150 1 1
RAB5A PPP1R27 0 0 0 172 1 1
RAB5A SERPINA4 0 0 327 327 1 1
RAB5A C1orf52 246 0 0 245 1 1
RAB5A ARPC2 0 0 150 215 1 1
RAB5A DENND4C 0 0 254 267 1 1
RAB5A RAB3IL1 0 0 202 219 1 1
RAB5A LMNA 0 0 217 413 1 2
RAB5A SNAP23 0 0 414 473 1 1
RAB5A ARF5 0 0 204 368 1 1
RAB5A WHAMM 0 0 185 185 1 1
RAB5A SPECC1 128 0 0 158 1 1
RAB5A ZNF44 0 0 180 186 1 1
RAB5A G3BP2 0 0 0 150 1 1
RAB5A ZFAND4 0 0 0 269 1 1
RAB5A PDCD6 0 0 108 156 1 1
RAB5A HOOK3 0 0 243 371 1 1
RAB5A PAK1 0 0 206 229 1 2
RAB5A DIRAS1 0 0 57 161 1 1
RAB5A SGSM3 192 0 772 832 1 1
RAB5A HGS 0 0 525 745 1 2
RAB5A ZFYVE19 0 0 0 310 1 1
RAB5A ANKRD42 0 0 0 190 1 1
RAB5A SH3BP5 0 0 112 191 1 1
RAB5A CYBA 0 0 150 173 1 1
RAB5A ELAVL2 0 0 282 297 1 1
RAB5A NF2 0 0 357 374 1 1
RAB5A OCRL 691 0 974 993 1 1
RAB5A DYNLL1 0 0 122 202 1 1
RAB5A PLEKHG5 0 0 148 153 1 1
RAB5A LAMTOR4 0 0 182 216 1 1
RAB5A ERN1 0 0 136 185 1 2
RAB5A TRIM23 0 0 0 257 1 1
RAB5A ASB1 0 0 0 172 1 1
RAB5A MPDZ 0 0 113 189 1 1
RAB5A SNX12 0 0 241 387 1 1
RAB5A RAB9A 0 0 637 412 1 2
RAB5A STAT3 0 0 210 226 1 2
RAB5A PPP1R12C 0 0 63 191 1 1
RAB5A ATP6V0D1 0 0 150 262 1 1
RAB5A VDAC2 0 0 57 164 1 1
RAB5A PLEKHA3 0 0 370 370 1 1
RAB5A CD55 0 0 202 202 1 1
RAB5A AGO2 0 0 164 278 1 2
RAB5A ASB18 0 0 0 172 1 1
RAB5A CLINT1 0 0 325 504 1 1
RAB5A RAB5B 0 800 720 879 1 1
RAB5A ANKRD23 0 0 0 172 1 1
RAB5A IL1B 0 0 244 250 1 2
RAB5A NAE1 0 0 456 506 1 1
RAB5A SYNPR 0 0 144 183 1 1
RAB5A RINT1 0 0 140 185 1 1
RAB5A HIF1A 0 0 160 221 1 2
RAB5A DOCK1 0 0 363 391 1 1
RAB5A STRIP2 0 0 0 154 1 1
RAB5A ACVR1C 0 0 0 163 1 1
RAB5A ANXA8L1 0 0 234 234 1 1
RAB5A RNF11 0 0 74 151 1 1
RAB5A CHM 677 600 294 930 1 2
RAB5A KIAA1429 270 0 0 270 1 1
RAB5A CLN3 0 0 146 169 1 2
RAB5A ADAP2 0 0 113 261 1 1
RAB5A KANK3 0 0 0 172 1 1
RAB5A RAB6B 117 0 216 282 1 1
RAB5A MTMR6 0 0 143 315 1 1
RAB5A EPHA2 0 0 185 215 1 1
RAB5A LMTK2 0 0 298 330 1 1
RAB5A CDC73 270 0 0 339 1 1
RAB5A EXOC8 0 0 310 353 1 1
RAB5A MAP1LC3A 0 0 305 412 1 2
RAB5A PRKAR2B 0 0 0 155 1 1
RAB5A TBC1D22B 0 0 52 207 1 1
RAB5A INPP5B 0 0 602 697 1 1
RAB5A CXCR2 0 900 439 941 1 1
RAB5A ARL1 0 0 74 298 1 1
RAB5A PSAT1 0 0 0 192 1 1
RAB5A PLA2G4A 0 0 456 464 1 1
RAB5A RHO 0 0 265 265 1 2
RAB5A GOLT1B 0 0 112 234 1 1
RAB5A ERBB2IP 0 0 71 328 1 1
RAB5A GRIP1 0 0 261 309 1 1
RAB5A NOTCH1 270 0 335 530 1 2
RAB5A CCNC 0 0 0 156 1 1
RAB5A CGNL1 0 0 193 208 1 1
RAB5A SEC61A1 0 0 366 408 1 1
RAB5A PIDD1 0 0 0 253 1 1
RAB5A PSEN2 0 0 174 217 1 1
RAB5A FGF13 0 0 158 170 1 1
RAB5A PRICKLE1 0 0 57 158 1 1
RAB5A POTEF 0 0 134 231 1 1
RAB5A SEC24D 0 0 81 155 1 1
RAB5A DDX21 117 0 0 187 1 1
RAB5A CALM1 0 0 96 208 1 1
RAB5A SORT1 0 0 391 501 1 1
RAB5A MTMR3 0 0 123 153 1 2
RAB5A ANKS3 0 0 0 172 1 1
RAB5A KLF7 0 0 0 150 1 1
RAB5A AP1B1 0 0 142 216 1 1
RAB5A SYT7 0 0 285 290 1 1
RAB5A CC2D1B 0 0 82 176 1 1
RAB5A MYO9B 0 0 89 186 1 1
RAB5A MYO5A 0 0 395 483 1 1
RAB5A ATL1 0 0 141 219 1 1
RAB5A IL6 0 0 257 256 1 2
RAB5A F11R 0 0 154 153 1 1
RAB5A VAV2 0 0 234 245 1 1
RAB5A PPP1R12A 0 0 0 218 1 1
RAB5A RAB12 0 0 373 335 1 2
RAB5A CHMP2B 0 0 324 472 1 2
RAB5A ACTN4 0 900 466 947 1 1
RAB5A RPS6 0 0 166 165 1 2
RAB5A RILPL2 0 0 166 347 1 1
RAB5A VPS4A 0 0 377 614 1 1
RAB5A CPNE3 0 0 171 190 1 1
RAB5A KCNA5 273 0 392 539 1 1
RAB5A ACTR2 0 0 177 263 1 1
RAB5A LMLN 0 0 160 159 1 1
RAB5A ARF1 656 0 607 893 1 1
RAB5A HSPA1L 0 0 113 183 1 1
RAB5A LRSAM1 0 0 95 152 1 2
RAB5A CLIP1 0 0 161 180 1 1
RAB5A TBC1D3H 0 0 0 204 1 1
RAB5A ARL3 0 0 155 201 1 1
RAB5A PPFIA1 0 0 161 169 1 1
RAB5A SYT12 0 0 175 181 1 1
RAB5A CRACR2A 0 0 0 152 1 1
RAB5A GRTP1 0 0 0 329 1 1
RAB5A NSF 0 0 280 403 1 2
RAB5A RAPGEF4 0 0 155 154 1 1
RAB5A REP15 0 0 481 494 1 1
RAB5A ANXA5 0 0 283 282 1 2
RAB5A LMAN1 0 0 287 324 1 1
RAB5A GRIA2 0 0 217 240 1 1
RAB5A DYNC1LI1 0 0 187 408 1 1
RAB5A IST1 0 0 157 285 1 1
RAB5A TANC1 0 0 0 172 1 1
RAB5A PLEC 0 0 150 241 1 1
RAB5A CUL7 0 0 54 161 1 1
RAB5A EIF1B 0 0 0 166 1 1
RAB5A RANBP2 0 0 73 177 1 1
RAB5A TBC1D3E 0 0 0 204 1 1
RAB5A RER1 0 0 103 189 1 1
RAB5A CALY 0 0 161 180 1 1
RAB5A RAN 0 0 96 159 1 2
RAB5A ENSG00000250349 0 0 362 362 1 1
RAB5A LONRF2 0 0 0 198 1 1
RAB5A EPHA8 0 0 108 174 1 1
RAB5A SNX31 0 0 124 164 1 1
RAB5A TSNARE1 0 0 60 233 1 1
RAB5A SLC9A1 0 0 173 191 1 1
RAB5A TOM1 0 0 309 349 1 1
RAB5A PIK3R4 0 0 982 990 1 2
RAB5A BCL2L1 0 0 161 181 1 2
RAB5A TRAF3IP1 0 0 385 399 1 1
RAB5A MYO1D 0 0 75 214 1 1
RAB5A TUBB4A 0 0 167 199 1 1
RAB5A COPG1 0 0 134 311 1 1
RAB5A MAPK8IP1 0 0 124 178 1 1
RAB5A SIX2 0 0 0 209 1 1
RAB5A TBC1D12 0 0 95 209 1 1
RAB5A ATG14 0 0 503 518 1 2
RAB5A RIT2 270 0 90 356 1 1
RAB5A ZFYVE16 0 0 166 185 1 1
RAB5A SLC25A11 117 0 0 231 1 1
RAB5A RAB18 0 0 600 266 1 1
RAB5A AGFG2 0 0 0 153 1 1
RAB5A TLR4 0 0 320 363 1 2
RAB5A SMAD2 0 0 216 302 1 2
RAB5A APTX 0 0 0 419 1 1
RAB5A UHRF1BP1L 116 0 113 278 1 1
RAB5A CHMP1B 0 0 157 257 1 1
RAB5A PPIE 0 0 143 159 1 1
RAB5A NOS2 0 0 92 157 1 2
RAB5A KIF1A 0 0 371 433 1 1
RAB5A BRSK2 0 0 415 427 1 1
RAB5A RCE1 0 0 195 281 1 1
RAB5A RAP1A 681 0 505 765 1 1
RAB5A GABARAPL2 0 0 458 592 1 2
RAB5A UBE2V2 0 0 50 632 1 1
RAB5A SNX16 0 0 323 369 1 1
RAB5A SAR1B 0 0 95 209 1 1
RAB5A SEC62 0 0 0 189 1 1
RAB5A ITPKA 0 0 95 179 1 1
RAB5A ENSG00000260914 0 0 0 401 1 1
RAB5A TMF1 0 0 87 203 1 1
RAB5A SYNRG 0 0 97 174 1 1
RAB5A CD81 0 0 438 438 1 1
RAB5A RHOBTB3 0 0 113 176 1 1
RAB5A BIN2 0 0 49 194 1 1
RAB5A APBA2 0 0 142 175 1 1
RAB5A GIT2 0 0 75 188 1 1
RAB5A ANXA1 0 0 248 248 1 1
RAB5A ITGA2 117 0 133 201 1 1
RAB5A TLR6 0 0 96 153 1 1
RAB5A STOM 0 0 167 230 1 1
RAB5A RUFY2 0 0 317 318 1 1
RAB5A SNX4 0 0 381 495 1 2
RAB5A VAMP5 0 0 108 169 1 1
RAB5A LRP1 0 0 218 238 1 1
RAB5A SCAMP5 0 0 138 169 1 1
RAB5A DSCR3 0 0 155 154 1 1
RAB5A AP1S1 0 0 124 233 1 1
RAB5A BECN1 0 0 965 979 1 2
RAB5A MAPT 0 0 310 411 1 2
RAB5A STX10 0 0 174 357 1 1
RAB5A CYB5R4 0 0 0 165 1 1
RAB5A KANK2 0 0 0 172 1 1
RAB5A FAM160A2 0 0 390 463 1 1
RAB5A NAPA 0 0 324 403 1 1
RAB5A ELAVL4 0 0 261 277 1 1
RAB5A CDKN2C 0 0 0 172 1 1
RAB5A ERLIN2 0 0 134 173 1 1
RAB5A TRIP10 0 0 342 366 1 1
RAB5A MEX3C 0 0 55 163 1 1
RAB5A HPS4 0 0 234 240 1 1
RAB5A TBC1D25 0 0 292 394 1 1
RAB5A RAI14 0 0 0 172 1 1
RAB5A MLST8 0 0 142 150 1 1
RAB5A ANKEF1 0 0 0 172 1 1
RAB5A WDR35 0 0 155 154 1 1
RAB5A RAB19 0 0 323 168 1 1
RAB5A RABAC1 272 0 386 654 1 1
RAB5A HAX1 128 0 74 170 1 1
RAB5A AP3S2 0 0 50 271 1 1
RAB5A ANKRD53 0 0 0 172 1 1
RAB5A RND2 0 0 236 153 1 1
RAB5A DNAJC13 0 0 390 563 1 1
RAB5A C18orf8 0 0 0 171 1 1
RAB5A BABAM1 0 0 0 302 1 1
RAB5A ERLIN1 0 0 217 219 1 1
RAB5A PKN2 0 0 157 191 1 1
RAB5A TAF12 246 0 0 245 1 1
RAB5A KRAS 0 0 266 214 1 2
RAB5A UEVLD 0 0 0 229 1 1
RAB5A ITGB2 0 0 103 183 1 1
RAB5A ANKRD32 0 0 0 172 1 1
RAB5A RHOD 0 0 391 282 1 1
RAB5A MON1A 0 0 949 971 1 1
RAB5A PRKAR1A 0 0 0 187 1 2
RAB5A SV2A 0 0 271 271 1 1
RAB5A MYO1C 0 0 120 213 1 1
RAB5A AQP4 0 0 100 174 1 1
RAB5A NKPD1 0 0 0 190 1 1
RAB5A PIK3CD 0 0 261 359 1 1
RAB5A INPP4B 0 0 167 167 1 1
RAB5A ATG16L1 0 0 405 405 1 2
RAB5A RASA2 0 0 59 158 1 1
RAB5A TBC1D7 0 0 233 249 1 2
RAB5A SMPD1 0 0 234 234 1 1
RAB5A PTPRB 0 0 150 217 1 1
RAB5A NOD2 0 0 125 159 1 2
RAB5A PDIA4 0 0 95 252 1 1
RAB5A KIDINS220 0 0 72 245 1 1
RAB5A YIF1B 0 0 0 222 1 1
RAB5A FLOT2 0 0 325 361 1 1
RAB5A SCRIB 0 0 181 387 1 1
RAB5A WDR91 0 0 321 332 1 1
RAB5A RAB26 0 0 502 158 1 1
RAB5A GSK3B 0 0 142 213 1 2
RAB5A TBC1D3F 213 0 0 347 1 1
RAB5A ARRB1 0 900 395 937 1 1
RAB5A TBC1D29 0 0 0 162 1 1
RAB5A MTCH2 117 0 0 156 1 1
RAB5A UNC13B 0 0 294 294 1 1
RAB5A CDKN2A 94 0 373 488 1 2
RAB5A ARRB2 0 900 407 938 1 1
RAB5A ANKRD29 0 0 0 172 1 1
RAB5A UNC119 0 0 392 456 1 1
RAB5A PIGR 0 0 229 228 1 1
RAB5A PFN1 0 0 81 232 1 1
RAB5A RIN1 500 900 881 994 1 1
RAB5A KIFAP3 0 0 170 337 1 1
RAB5A VPS13A 0 0 139 403 1 1
RAB5A TONSL 0 0 0 172 1 1
RAB5A RASGRF1 0 0 412 427 1 1
RAB5A COG7 0 0 124 215 1 1
RAB5A STX16 0 0 459 573 1 1
RAB5A ASZ1 0 0 0 172 1 1
RAB5A NME2 111 0 108 266 1 1
RAB5A CYBB 0 0 260 260 1 2
RAB5A RAB20 0 0 639 255 1 1
RAB5A SEPT7 0 0 67 753 1 1
RAB5A GGA3 0 600 390 755 1 1
RAB5A DLG3 0 0 103 171 1 1
RAB5A ATG101 0 0 250 309 1 2
RAB5A KLC1 0 0 134 253 1 1
RAB5A NLRP3 0 0 156 155 1 2
RAB5A UBE2V1 0 0 84 399 1 1
RAB5A SEPT2 0 0 117 295 1 1
RAB5A PLD2 0 0 282 308 1 1
RAB5A DESI1 0 0 0 190 1 1
RAB5A CD99 0 0 201 289 1 1
RAB5A ERBB3 0 0 123 218 1 1
RAB5A WASF2 0 0 357 357 1 1
RAB5A CASP3 0 0 442 468 1 2
RAB5A SMURF1 0 0 140 171 1 1
RAB5A ZFAND3 0 0 0 247 1 1
RAB5A TBC1D3D 213 0 384 580 1 1
RAB5A TUB 0 0 141 172 1 1
RAB5A MICALL1 0 0 424 466 1 1
RAB5A SH3GL2 0 0 154 217 1 1
RAB5A TUBB6 0 0 57 161 1 1
RAB5A CABP7 0 0 66 175 1 1
RAB5A NME8 0 0 54 156 1 1
RAB5A PAPOLA 0 0 0 155 1 1
RAB5A F8A3 0 0 88 192 1 1
RAB5A RRAGB 0 0 171 193 1 1
RAB5A NTRK3 0 0 150 200 1 1
RAB5A BMPR1A 0 0 0 163 1 1
RAB5A SGSM1 0 0 580 634 1 1
RAB5A ACSL4 270 0 632 726 1 1
RAB5A BST2 0 0 203 228 1 1
RAB5A ACTR1A 117 0 46 184 1 1
RAB5A FZD9 0 0 0 153 1 1
RAB5A CHL1 0 0 334 334 1 1
RAB5A GOPC 0 0 235 285 1 2
RAB5A RAB27B 0 0 560 245 1 1
RAB5A MARK2 0 0 142 177 1 1
RAB5A NGFR 0 0 258 258 1 1
RAB5A KAT5 0 0 0 156 1 1
RAB5A ENSG00000273398 0 0 0 216 1 1
RAB5A STX3 0 0 324 357 1 1
RAB5A UBE2M 0 0 45 396 1 1
RAB5A MAK 0 0 0 204 1 1
RAB5A SH3GL1 0 0 272 326 1 1
RAB5A AMBRA1 0 0 283 298 1 2
RAB5A LDHA 272 0 0 292 1 2
RAB5A ANKDD1A 0 0 0 172 1 1
RAB5A DIRAS2 0 0 51 162 1 1
RAB5A COL4A3BP 0 0 203 220 1 1
RAB5A COPG2 0 0 75 270 1 1
RAB5A CASKIN2 0 0 0 172 1 1
RAB5A RAP1GAP 0 0 162 161 1 1
RAB5A CEPT1 0 0 56 175 1 1
RAB5A NIPA2 0 0 0 197 1 1
RAB5A RAB41 0 0 0 232 1 1
RAB5A M6PR 0 0 602 610 1 1
RAB5A AMPH 0 0 559 626 1 1
RAB5A TNPO1 0 0 448 461 1 1
RAB5A PPP3R1 0 0 66 243 1 1
RAB5A UBE2S 0 0 108 162 1 1
RAB5A IL10 0 0 173 173 1 2
RAB5A TBC1D8 0 0 0 197 1 1
RAB5A OPHN1 0 0 295 314 1 1
RAB5A PFN2 0 0 51 199 1 1
RAB5A ASPM 0 0 157 229 1 1
RAB5A MRAS 0 0 151 190 1 1
RAB5A DLG4 0 0 415 451 1 2
RAB5A ARFGEF1 0 0 0 174 1 1
RAB5A ANKRD20A3 0 0 0 172 1 1
RAB5A SNX30 0 0 0 218 1 1
RAB5A TF 270 0 66 351 1 2
RAB5A F8A1 0 0 142 254 1 1
RAB5A PAG1 0 0 52 155 1 1
RAB5A SARS 0 0 0 244 1 1
RAB5A SGIP1 0 0 0 185 1 1
RAB5A ERP27 0 0 66 157 1 1
RAB5A RIN3 192 900 495 962 1 1
RAB5A SDC2 0 0 163 163 1 1
RAB5A MAP1LC3B 0 0 452 556 1 2
RAB5A VPS33B 0 0 420 667 1 1
RAB5A AGFG1 0 0 798 824 1 1
RAB5A UBC 0 0 105 163 1 2
RAB5A RAB3A 0 0 632 197 1 1
RAB5A TBC1D8B 0 0 0 197 1 1
RAB5A HADHB 0 0 52 179 1 1
RAB5A VAV1 0 0 183 183 1 1
RAB5A ADRB1 0 0 156 155 1 1
RAB5A TYRP1 270 0 212 419 1 1
RAB5A TSG101 273 0 566 791 1 2
RAB5A GBP3 0 0 0 186 1 1
RAB5A PACSIN3 0 0 84 267 1 1
RAB5A ESPN 0 0 42 173 1 1
RAB5A VAMP3 86 0 517 580 1 1
RAB5A COQ3 0 0 0 193 1 1
RAB5A SNX5 0 0 467 534 1 1
RAB5A SURF4 117 0 60 175 1 1
RAB5A IFT27 0 0 75 156 1 1
RAB5A FN1 0 0 391 398 1 2
RAB5A ATP6AP1 0 0 94 179 1 1
RAB5A STX7 0 0 405 584 1 2
RAB5A MAP4 117 0 95 219 1 1
RAB5A ULK1 0 0 422 494 1 2
RAB5A RIPK4 0 0 0 228 1 1
RAB5A EIF4G2 0 0 0 165 1 1
RAB5A PRKCA 0 0 232 233 1 1
RAB5A CYTH2 0 0 180 206 1 1
RAB5A CA12 0 0 292 292 1 1
RAB5A ANKRD24 0 0 0 172 1 1
RAB5A NCL 117 0 114 202 1 2
RAB5A IFNB1 0 0 210 210 1 1
RAB5A ACBD3 0 0 90 183 1 1
RAB5A PLEKHA2 0 0 95 190 1 1
RAB5A WLS 0 0 453 514 1 1
RAB5A UBE2D2 0 0 69 179 1 1
RAB5A TRPA1 0 0 0 172 1 1
RAB5A SMAD7 0 0 96 153 1 1
RAB5A GORAB 0 0 142 160 1 1
RAB5A TRAPPC5 0 0 135 219 1 1
RAB5A INPP5K 0 0 85 157 1 1
RAB5A UBQLN2 0 0 195 232 1 2
RAB5A MAZ 0 0 59 218 1 1
RAB5A OPTN 0 0 577 577 1 2
RAB5A RAB22A 270 0 681 349 1 1
RAB5A ST8SIA2 0 0 143 174 1 1
RAB5A INPP4A 0 0 407 412 1 1
RAB5A FAM160B2 0 0 90 171 1 1
RAB5A OSBP 0 0 390 403 1 1
RAB5A ENSG00000100926 0 0 0 263 1 1
RAB5A PLIN2 0 0 228 227 1 2
RAB5A KIF3A 0 0 313 334 1 1
RAB5A LMNB1 0 0 161 371 1 1
RAB5A BICD2 0 0 247 247 1 1
RAB5A ATP4A 0 0 391 419 1 1
RAB5A MIB1 0 0 0 183 1 1
RAB5A F8A2 0 0 731 761 1 1
RAB5A SLC6A3 0 0 163 181 1 1
RAB5A IQSEC1 0 0 217 276 1 1
RAB5A TANC2 0 0 0 172 1 1
RAB5A AP4E1 0 0 67 212 1 1
RAB5A YAP1 0 0 101 152 1 2
RAB5A MCF2 0 0 245 244 1 1
RAB5A MYO7A 0 0 95 195 1 1
RAB5A PRKD1 0 0 229 251 1 1
RAB5A SYP 0 0 345 359 1 1
RAB5A ANKRD22 0 0 0 172 1 1
RAB5A PXMP2 0 0 181 250 1 1
RAB5A DYNC1H1 117 0 171 332 1 1
RAB5A RAB15 0 0 484 294 1 1
RAB5A CALCOCO2 0 0 390 403 1 2
RAB5A TBC1D23 0 0 107 192 1 1
RAB5A VAPB 0 0 261 323 1 1
RAB5A ANKRD1 0 0 0 172 1 1
RAB5A VDR 0 0 203 203 1 2
RAB5A NIPAL1 0 0 0 165 1 1
RAB5A PIK3R2 0 0 450 450 1 1
RAB5A PNRC2 0 0 0 221 1 1
RAB5A KANK4 0 0 0 172 1 1
RAB5A PLBD2 0 0 61 173 1 1
RAB5A MMP3 0 0 47 158 1 1
RAB5A SYT10 0 0 183 188 1 1
RAB5A ANKLE1 0 0 123 243 1 1
RAB5A TNF 270 0 299 466 1 2
RAB5A DNAJC6 0 0 266 381 1 1
RAB5A ASB15 0 0 0 172 1 1
RAB5A NBR1 0 0 298 318 1 2
RAB5A VPS11 0 0 690 907 1 1
RAB5A SACM1L 0 0 337 466 1 1
RAB5A LAPTM4A 0 0 90 403 1 1
RAB5A MYO18B 0 0 0 155 1 1
RAB5A UNC119B 0 0 0 150 1 1
RAB5A ZFYVE26 0 0 161 161 1 1
RAB5A ITCH 0 0 154 206 1 1
RAB5A ZFAND5 0 0 0 285 1 1
RAB5A FIS1 0 0 113 192 1 2
RAB5A ATP13A2 273 0 171 396 1 1
RAB5A ALDH18A1 0 0 90 176 1 1
RAB5A PDCD6IP 0 0 290 479 1 1
RAB5A PEBP1 0 0 0 150 1 1
RAB5A WIPI2 0 0 324 408 1 2
RAB5A ANKRD62 0 0 0 172 1 1
RAB5A RAB7A 782 900 982 990 1 2
RAB5A CD9 0 0 371 379 1 1
RAB5A DRAM1 0 0 74 214 1 2
RAB5A MAL2 0 0 131 185 1 1
RAB5A MMP8 0 0 0 153 1 1
RAB5A LAMTOR2 0 0 425 476 1 1
RAB5A TXNIP 270 0 471 597 1 2
RAB5A RPS6KA2 0 0 92 167 1 1
RAB5A SDCBP 270 0 537 700 1 1
RAB5A RHOF 0 0 246 153 1 1
RAB5A TFRC 0 0 697 719 1 1
RAB5A AP2A2 0 0 90 258 1 1
RAB5A ATG4B 0 0 255 323 1 2
RAB5A RND3 0 0 225 196 1 1
RAB5A NFKB2 0 0 0 172 1 1
RAB5A PIK3C2G 0 0 496 563 1 1
RAB5A ATP12A 0 0 392 420 1 1
RAB5A CCDC144A 0 0 0 172 1 1
RAB5A SNF8 0 0 150 315 1 1
RAB5A UVRAG 0 0 584 672 1 2
RAB5A RHEBL1 0 0 67 170 1 1
RAB5A ANKRD60 0 0 0 172 1 1
RAB5A RAB23 0 0 600 231 1 2
RAB5A ANKRD27 0 0 392 632 1 1
RAB5A CDH5 0 0 230 229 1 1
RAB5A ENSG00000248751 0 0 0 202 1 1
RAB5A RAB1B 627 0 517 709 1 2
RAB5A NTRK1 0 0 583 598 1 1
RAB5A TOM1L2 0 0 170 219 1 1
RAB5A ERC1 0 0 177 192 1 1
RAB5A CBL 0 0 451 485 1 1
RAB5A GOLGA5 0 0 203 286 1 1
RAB5A SGK1 0 0 166 233 1 2
RAB5A IRS1 0 0 459 459 1 2
RAB5A SAG 0 0 528 529 1 1
RAB5A GNLY 0 0 162 161 1 1
RAB5A CC2D1A 0 0 120 210 1 1
RAB5A MMP19 0 0 0 163 1 1
RAB5A RPS6KB1 0 0 260 320 1 2
RAB5A TTBK1 0 0 63 161 1 1
RAB5A PGC 0 0 0 170 1 1
RAB5A AGTR1 270 0 662 743 1 1
RAB5A MYO6 0 0 294 371 1 1
RAB5A EHD3 0 0 413 542 1 1
RAB5A ADRB2 0 0 401 400 1 1
RAB5A NCOR1 246 0 0 245 1 1
RAB5A CPLX1 0 0 0 256 1 1
RAB5A SPG11 0 0 454 454 1 1
RAB5A PDHB 117 0 0 195 1 1
RAB5A ZFYVE28 273 0 0 273 1 1
RAB5A LEPREL2 0 0 211 211 1 1
RAB5A AQP3 0 0 74 154 1 1
RAB5A RAB44 0 0 150 168 1 1
RAB5A ARAP1 0 0 123 225 1 1
RAB5A PLEKHG2 0 0 413 413 1 1
RAB5A ANKRD37 0 0 0 172 1 1
RAB5A ULK3 0 0 0 161 1 2
RAB5A ARL16 0 0 0 158 1 1
RAB5A CLIC3 0 0 219 245 1 1
RAB5A REXO4 0 0 108 183 1 1
RAB5A RCC1 0 0 329 364 1 1
RAB5A EPHA1 0 0 166 197 1 1
RAB5A C14orf2 117 0 62 188 1 1
RAB5A ENSG00000260170 0 0 0 150 1 1
RAB5A ZNF569 0 0 174 180 1 1
RAB5A ANKDD1B 0 0 0 172 1 1
RAB5A MYO18A 0 0 57 169 1 1
RAB5A SERPINE2 0 0 202 202 1 1
RAB5A STON2 0 0 142 161 1 1
RAB5A DENND1B 0 0 180 296 1 1
RAB5A PDLIM7 0 0 261 261 1 1
RAB5A HK3 0 0 0 223 1 1
RAB5A EPG5 0 0 206 255 1 2
RAB5A ATR 0 0 0 169 1 2
RAB5A DVL2 0 0 96 257 1 2
RAB5A STIM1 0 0 186 191 1 2
RAB5A KIAA0196 0 0 323 351 1 1
RAB5A ITSN1 191 0 251 433 1 1
RAB5A EXOC1 0 0 275 324 1 1
RAB5A RNASEL 0 0 0 228 1 1
RAB5A RPA1 0 0 0 232 1 1
RAB5A FEM1B 0 0 0 172 1 1
RAB5A TMEM189-UBE2V1 0 0 0 411 1 1
RAB5A ANKRD10 0 0 0 172 1 1
RAB5A KIF12 0 0 52 329 1 1
RAB5A RAB14 0 600 717 798 1 1
RAB5A CLN5 0 0 60 154 1 1
RAB5A PACS1 0 0 242 243 1 1
RAB5A ANKRD50 0 0 55 184 1 1
RAB5A PPP1R21 0 0 0 165 1 1
RAB5A RRAS2 0 0 124 187 1 1
RAB5A BARD1 0 0 0 172 1 1
RAB5A CAT 0 0 194 194 1 2
RAB5A RAB3IP 0 0 470 470 1 1
RAB5A DNAJC27 0 0 0 188 1 1
RAB5A ELMO2 0 0 213 286 1 1
RAB5A KLC2 0 0 194 227 1 1
RAB5A RASA1 213 0 742 813 1 1
RAB5A ZFYVE9 0 0 522 536 1 1
RAB5A FCHO1 0 0 194 383 1 1
RAB5A ALDH5A1 0 0 0 196 1 1
RAB5A CANX 117 0 517 656 1 2
RAB5A ATG2A 0 0 124 246 1 2
RAB5A GRIA1 0 0 468 484 1 1
RAB5A BMPR2 0 0 54 179 1 1
RAB5A SLC9A3R1 0 0 230 280 1 1
RAB5A STXBP3 0 0 92 457 1 1
RAB5A TMEM230 0 0 450 460 1 1
RAB5A HGF 0 0 244 243 1 2
RAB5A CDIPT 0 0 66 163 1 1
RAB5A OSBPL10 0 0 0 150 1 1
RAB5A VPS41 0 0 365 668 1 1
RAB5A MCM7 0 0 0 158 1 1
RAB5A KIF14 270 0 48 297 1 1
RAB5A CHMP1A 0 0 109 211 1 1
RAB5A AP2B1 0 0 324 366 1 1
RAB5A C20orf24 0 0 425 425 1 1
RAB5A INPP5J 0 0 128 211 1 1
RAB5A CUBN 0 0 387 386 1 1
RAB5A WASF1 0 0 181 199 1 1
RAB5A LYST 0 0 189 212 1 1
RAB5A STX17 0 0 403 513 1 2
RAB5A UBA3 0 0 0 291 1 1
RAB5A TOMM20 0 0 322 348 1 2
RAB5A LDHB 272 0 0 292 1 1
RAB5A NTN1 0 0 170 170 1 1
RAB5A ERAL1 0 0 54 259 1 1
RAB5A RRAGA 0 0 141 164 1 1
RAB5A MITF 0 0 94 173 1 2
RAB5A JAK1 0 0 97 152 1 2
RAB5A RBPJL 0 0 459 459 1 1
RAB5A ARHGAP26 0 0 286 305 1 1
RAB5A SLC17A7 0 0 181 192 1 1
RAB5A TRIM14 192 0 0 192 1 1
RAB5A LRRK1 0 0 125 390 1 1
RAB5A CD82 0 0 167 181 1 1
RAB5A TRAPPC6B 0 0 82 205 1 1
RAB5A BIN1 0 0 496 638 1 1
RAB5A SEC13 0 0 260 311 1 1
RAB5A CHMP4A 0 0 417 514 1 1
RAB5A RHOH 0 0 262 201 1 1
RAB5A TRAPPC3L 0 0 0 175 1 1
RAB5A ZFYVE1 0 0 330 518 1 2
RAB5A APLP2 0 0 170 227 1 1
RAB5A BOLA2-SMG1P6 0 0 0 169 1 1
RAB5A GSTM4 0 0 0 240 1 1
RAB5A TGOLN2 0 0 602 638 1 1
RAB5A TRIP11 0 0 245 258 1 1
RAB5A CLCN7 0 0 187 193 1 1
RAB5A BNIP3L 0 0 181 198 1 2
RAB5A SLC30A2 0 0 232 264 1 1
RAB5A IFT88 0 0 155 174 1 1
RAB5A ABCD3 108 0 108 170 1 1
RAB5A EMC8 0 0 0 176 1 1
RAB5A RAB28 0 0 369 301 1 1
RAB5A TSC2 463 0 416 684 1 2
RAB5A GORASP1 0 0 315 415 1 1
RAB5A HACE1 0 0 0 205 1 1
RAB5A TRRAP 0 0 0 187 1 1
RAB5A VPS45 650 800 742 990 1 1
RAB5A EED 0 0 0 201 1 1
RAB5A SRC 0 900 505 953 1 2
RAB5A RAB25 0 0 559 195 1 2
RAB5A SORL1 0 0 358 474 1 1
RAB5A ACTL6A 0 0 0 226 1 1
RAB5A STAMBP 0 0 195 231 1 1
RAB5A TUBA1C 0 0 45 161 1 1
RAB5A USP8 0 0 263 319 1 1
RAB5A SMURF2 0 0 181 210 1 1
RAB5A SARS2 0 0 0 170 1 2
RAB5A ATG4C 0 0 217 274 1 2
RAB5A DENND5A 0 0 310 314 1 1
RAB5A RAB11FIP2 0 0 492 501 1 1
RAB5A AP3M1 0 0 0 212 1 1
RAB5A EEA1 975 900 989 999 1 2
RAB5A KIF5B 0 0 280 446 1 1
RAB5A NEXN 0 0 162 161 1 1
RAB5A DNAJC5 0 0 218 260 1 1
RAB5A WWP2 0 0 275 319 1 1
RAB5A EIF2AK3 0 0 209 209 1 2
RAB5A ENAH 0 0 0 175 1 1
RAB5A LRRC7 0 0 0 282 1 1
RAB5A LRPAP1 0 0 194 194 1 1
RAB5A YIPF4 0 0 0 284 1 1
RAB5A PKD1 0 0 307 307 1 1
RAB5A OCIAD1 0 0 172 171 1 1
RAB5A RABGEF1 932 600 981 999 1 1
RAB5A LGALS3 0 0 212 257 1 2
RAB5A DNAJB11 0 0 155 238 1 1
RAB5A ZFAND6 0 0 0 247 1 1
RAB5A CIB1 0 0 142 237 1 1
RAB5A DNMBP 0 0 193 198 1 1
RAB5A PRUNE 0 0 107 185 1 1
RAB5A DMXL2 0 0 56 198 1 1
RAB5A MYO1A 0 0 93 207 1 1
RAB5A FEM1A 0 0 0 172 1 1
RAB5A ANK3 0 0 96 219 1 1
RAB5A PIKFYVE 0 0 630 716 1 2
RAB5A RHOC 0 0 293 300 1 1
RAB5A EMD 86 0 73 181 1 1
RAB5A CDC16 0 0 390 445 1 1
RAB5A RAB21 0 0 820 341 1 1
RAB5A VPS37A 0 0 119 163 1 1
RAB5A AP1S2 0 0 134 180 1 1
RAB5A VTI1A 0 0 364 457 1 1
RAB5A ANXA10 0 0 230 258 1 1
RAB5A DMXL1 0 0 0 210 1 1
RAB5A ERBB2 0 0 233 316 1 2
RAB5A HERC1 0 0 398 430 1 1
RAB5A WDR81 0 0 252 309 1 1
RAB5A IRF3 0 0 164 175 1 2
RAB5A YIPF5 0 0 66 295 1 1
RAB5A STRIP1 0 0 55 167 1 1
RAB5A LOC102724488 0 0 182 187 1 1
RAB5A CCZ1B 0 0 733 833 1 1
RAB5A ARFIP2 0 0 215 250 1 1
RAB5A IGF2R 86 0 454 489 1 1
RAB5A YME1L1 0 0 46 193 1 1
RAB5A TLR9 0 0 231 279 1 2
RAB5A ATP6V1A 0 0 108 312 1 1
RAB5A DSTN 0 0 70 204 1 1
RAB5A SNX7 0 0 137 296 1 1
RAB5A SYNJ2 0 0 203 324 1 1
RAB5A SGK3 0 0 123 194 1 1
RAB5A FOXA1 0 0 0 190 1 1
RAB5A TPD52 0 0 519 525 1 1
RAB5A SPIRE2 0 0 94 234 1 1
RAB5A ALS2 270 900 858 990 1 1
RAB5A SYT14 0 0 181 186 1 1
RAB5A SUN3 0 0 0 165 1 1
RAB5A SYT4 0 0 202 266 1 1
RAB5A ARL15 0 0 0 185 1 1
RAB5A RAB40C 0 0 302 229 1 1
RAB5A ENSG00000260272 0 0 0 219 1 1
RAB5A CD4 0 0 287 286 1 2
RAB5A AGAP4 0 0 0 153 1 1
RAB5A NUDT12 0 0 0 174 1 1
RAB5A USO1 0 0 240 331 1 1
RAB5A ARL5A 0 0 74 184 1 1
RAB5A ETF1 0 0 448 448 1 1
RAB5A GIPC1 0 0 556 556 1 1
RAB5A GBP2 0 0 0 186 1 1
RAB5A TMED2 117 0 0 350 1 1
RAB5A AKT1 0 0 643 698 1 2
RAB5A UBE3A 0 0 124 183 1 1
RAB5A PPARG 0 0 415 415 1 2
RAB5A ERP29 0 0 119 209 1 1
RAB5A UBR4 273 0 87 350 1 1
RAB5A TWF2 0 0 57 225 1 1
RAB5A ANKS6 0 0 0 179 1 1
RAB5A AVL9 0 0 134 158 1 1
RAB5A ARHGEF26 0 0 145 180 1 1
RAB5A DLG1 0 0 162 226 1 1
RAB5A ATL2 0 0 0 210 1 1
RAB5A PPP2R4 0 0 142 208 1 1
RAB5A UBR2 0 0 0 169 1 1
RAB5A FGFR1 91 0 157 207 1 1
RAB5A TDRD5 0 0 0 163 1 1
RAB5A GDI2 676 600 340 961 1 1
RAB5A C11orf48 0 0 141 180 1 1
RAB5A IKBKB 0 0 134 186 1 2
RAB5A GSTM1 0 0 82 245 1 1
RAB5A COL1A2 151 0 45 154 1 1
RAB5A SWAP70 0 0 163 215 1 1
RAB5A WDR31 0 0 0 161 1 1
RAB5A ENSG00000173366 0 0 232 382 1 1
RAB5A PARD3B 0 0 74 159 1 1
RAB5A ACTR3 0 0 52 198 1 1
RAB5A RABEPK 0 0 134 227 1 1
RAB5A CDH17 0 0 261 261 1 1
RAB5A FUT2 0 0 326 325 1 1
RAB5A DENND3 0 0 170 182 1 2
RAB5A FBL 117 0 118 349 1 2
RAB5A FZD1 0 0 94 219 1 1
RAB5A YKT6 0 0 391 508 1 1
RAB5A DHX15 0 0 0 239 1 1
RAB5A JUN 0 0 203 220 1 2
RAB5A ASB13 0 0 0 172 1 1
RAB5A FZD10 0 0 0 152 1 1
RAB5A GORASP2 0 0 150 275 1 1
RAB5A GPC4 0 0 165 165 1 1
RAB5A PI4K2B 0 0 141 229 1 1
RAB5A DENND1A 0 0 246 352 1 1
RAB5A NUP107 0 0 95 157 1 1
RAB5A PIK3CG 0 0 264 362 1 1
RAB5A STXBP5 0 0 133 189 1 1
RAB5A AIF1 0 0 167 207 1 2
RAB5A GSTA4 0 0 0 331 1 1
RAB5A KIF1B 0 0 157 241 1 1
RAB5A ERBB4 0 0 109 205 1 1
RAB5A EPN1 0 0 337 400 1 1
RAB5A APBB1 0 0 156 156 1 1
RAB5A ESPNL 0 0 0 172 1 1
RAB5A CLIP4 0 0 0 210 1 1
RAB5A RAP2C 0 0 0 226 1 1
RAB5A SCAMP1 0 0 173 202 1 1
RAB5A MFN1 0 0 134 190 1 2
RAB5A RAB27A 0 0 653 255 1 1
RAB5A ESYT2 0 0 89 230 1 1
RAB5A ENSG00000270024 0 0 93 166 1 1
RAB5A AGAP3 0 0 0 153 1 1
RAB5A VTA1 0 0 180 320 1 1
RAB5A WBSCR16 0 0 210 256 1 1
RAB5A COMMD5 0 0 427 427 1 1
RAB5A CPSF6 0 0 0 220 1 1
RAB5A MON1B 0 0 540 739 1 1
RAB5A ZAK 226 0 0 255 1 1
RAB5A PP2D1 0 0 156 303 1 1
RAB5A ASB16 0 0 0 172 1 1
RAB5A CEP55 0 0 128 220 1 1
RAB5A FYN 0 0 281 352 1 1
RAB5A GRIN2A 0 0 143 158 1 1
RAB5A ANKRD36B 0 0 0 172 1 1
RAB5A ABI1 0 0 577 592 1 1
RAB5A ARL10 0 0 0 158 1 1
RAB5A NFKBIE 0 0 0 210 1 1
RAB5A FDPS 0 0 143 161 1 1
RAB5A GRB2 0 0 346 369 1 1
RAB5A ANKRD44 0 0 0 172 1 1
RAB5A RABL2A 0 0 54 195 1 1
RAB5A ANKRD36C 0 0 0 172 1 1
RAB5A ACTR3C 0 0 123 220 1 1
RAB5A EPN2 0 0 181 259 1 1
RAB5A GOLPH3L 0 0 0 263 1 1
RAB5A TBC1D4 0 0 303 311 1 1
RAB5A TBL1X 0 0 134 152 1 1
RAB5A SOD1 0 0 403 411 1 2
RAB5A BSN 0 0 234 250 1 2
RAB5A ANKHD1 0 0 0 172 1 1
RAB5A ARAP3 0 0 161 259 1 1
RAB5A PCGF6 0 0 444 444 1 1
RAB5A PMCH 0 0 383 421 1 1
RAB5A PTPRC 0 0 142 210 1 1
RAB5A RASL12 0 0 67 197 1 1
RAB5A ZER1 0 0 57 318 1 1
RAB5A CXCR1 0 900 0 900 1 1
RAB5A RAB35 0 0 758 212 1 1
RAB5A PLEKHF2 0 0 423 461 1 1
RAB5A NIPSNAP3A 0 0 149 164 1 1
RAB5A AP3M2 0 0 0 203 1 1
RAB5A ASAP3 0 0 60 184 1 1
RAB5A SYTL1 0 0 166 192 1 1
RAB5A STX18 0 0 321 352 1 1
RAB5A SAR1A 0 0 243 338 1 1
RAB5A RALB 0 0 278 230 1 2
RAB5A SEC31A 0 0 150 221 1 1
RAB5A IGDCC3 0 0 254 254 1 1
RAB5A LDLRAP1 0 0 57 176 1 1
RAB5A TBC1D28 0 0 0 204 1 1
RAB5A VPS16 0 0 560 886 1 1
RAB5A TRAPPC4 0 0 193 260 1 1
RAB5A EBAG9 0 0 140 224 1 1
RAB5A SLC32A1 0 0 154 153 1 1
RAB5A VPS28 0 0 419 551 1 1
RAB5A CSF2RA 0 0 233 232 1 1
RAB5A ZMYM6 0 0 81 157 1 1
RAB5A ENSG00000249884 0 0 391 498 1 1
RAB5A ATG9A 270 0 236 498 1 2
RAB5A GPAA1 0 0 0 195 1 1
RAB5A SNX8 0 0 292 423 1 1
RAB5A ANKRD49 0 0 0 172 1 1
RAB5A STX1A 0 0 260 341 1 1
RAB5A SYN1 0 0 230 252 1 1
RAB5A IFT122 0 0 348 357 1 1
RAB5A STX4 270 0 378 551 1 1
RAB5A STX6 0 0 736 795 1 1
RAB5A PLXNA1 0 0 451 458 1 1
RAB5A SNX10 0 0 90 200 1 2
RAB5A ATG13 0 0 323 351 1 2
RAB5A MSN 0 0 392 439 1 1
RAB5A RNASEK 0 0 74 237 1 1
RAB5A GBP7 0 0 66 169 1 1
RAB5A UHRF1BP1 0 0 0 153 1 1
RAB5A ARHGDIA 0 0 241 308 1 1
RAB5A RND1 0 0 262 160 1 1
RAB5A MAPK3 0 0 376 430 1 2
RAB5A MMP9 0 0 167 253 1 2
RAB5A STK38 117 0 81 172 1 1
RAB5A ANXA4 0 0 242 241 1 1
RAB5A KIFC2 0 0 123 153 1 1
RAB5A SQSTM1 0 0 459 478 1 2
RAB5A BNIP3 0 0 181 199 1 2
RAB5A SPG20 0 0 133 151 1 1
RAB5A BCL3 0 0 0 172 1 1
RAB5A HSP90AA1 0 0 341 382 1 2
RAB5A DDX4 0 0 0 151 1 1
RAB5A CTBP1 0 0 193 203 1 1
RAB5A KIF27 0 0 64 337 1 1
RAB5A EXOC5 0 0 334 577 1 1
RAB5A HDAC4 0 0 60 163 1 2
RAB5A SYT1 0 0 340 468 1 1
RAB5A DES 0 0 0 173 1 2
RAB5A CHRM1 0 0 122 154 1 1
RAB5A RAB29 0 0 505 205 1 1
RAB5A PSEN1 0 0 343 377 1 2
RAB5A CLEC16A 0 0 180 190 1 2
RAB5A VPS13C 0 0 134 212 1 1
RAB5A NAPB 0 0 95 201 1 1
RAB5A CCL2 0 0 173 173 1 2
RAB5A UTRN 0 0 180 221 1 1
RAB5A SGK2 0 0 73 243 1 1
RAB5A CD68 0 0 83 150 1 2
RAB5A SNX32 0 0 165 205 1 1
RAB5A ALB 0 0 493 538 1 2
RAB5A CNTRL 0 0 82 408 1 1
RAB5A CUL1 0 0 125 162 1 1
RAB5A ELAVL1 42 0 231 251 1 2
RAB5A TRAPPC3 0 0 260 392 1 1
RAB5A RAP2A 0 0 489 249 1 1
RAB5A HOOK1 0 0 235 235 1 1
RAB5A ASB12 0 0 0 172 1 1
RAB5A ANXA3 0 0 230 229 1 1
RAB5A SCARB1 0 0 193 193 1 1
RAB5A RAP1B 681 0 445 755 1 1
RAB5A ELMO1 0 0 235 287 1 1
RAB5A SH3PXD2B 0 0 69 193 1 1
RAB5A AP1M1 0 0 158 203 1 1
RAB5A PDGFRB 0 900 177 914 1 2
RAB5A NUMB 0 0 325 394 1 1
RAB5A ADIPOR1 0 0 260 274 1 1
RAB5A CDK5 0 0 228 288 1 2
RAB5A LGALS8 0 0 227 272 1 1
RAB5A CHD1 0 0 0 207 1 1
RAB5A RABGAP1L 0 0 92 211 1 1
RAB5A ROCK1 117 0 158 343 1 2
RAB5A TDRD15 0 0 0 163 1 1
RAB5A SNCAIP 0 0 96 219 1 2
RAB5A SMAD3 0 0 107 251 1 2
RAB5A SEC23B 0 0 96 319 1 2
RAB5A TBCK 0 0 118 263 1 1
RAB5A ANXA8 0 0 247 246 1 1
RAB5A PLS3 0 0 655 667 1 1
RAB5A USP32 0 0 52 251 1 1
RAB5A NEFL 0 0 160 159 1 1
RAB5A ACTC1 0 0 72 199 1 1
RAB5A EMC6 0 0 459 485 1 1
RAB5A WAC 0 0 57 485 1 1
RAB5A VPS26A 0 0 602 726 1 1
RAB5A NCF4 0 0 281 281 1 1
RAB5A CDH1 0 900 381 935 1 2
RAB5A PRKCZ 0 0 180 272 1 1
RAB5A IDH1 0 0 0 156 1 1
RAB5A SH3PXD2A 0 0 113 231 1 1
RAB5A RAB32 0 0 674 291 1 2
RAB5A ADAP1 0 0 92 213 1 1
RAB5A TWF1 0 0 43 237 1 1
RAB5A RIC1 0 0 247 276 1 1
RAB5A VPS35 273 0 603 858 1 2
RAB5A FCAMR 0 0 48 195 1 1
RAB5A ATG16L2 0 0 96 152 1 2
RAB5A ZYX 117 0 227 325 1 1
RAB5A CCDC93 0 0 183 202 1 1
RAB5A TBC1D2 0 0 422 601 1 1
RAB5A DAAM1 0 0 108 169 1 1
RAB5A TBC1D22A 0 0 0 198 1 1
RAB5A ROCK2 0 0 91 216 1 1
RAB5A PPP1CB 0 0 54 194 1 1
RAB5A WNT1 0 0 86 227 1 2
RAB5A SUN1 0 0 74 391 1 1
RAB5A MAP1B 0 0 150 191 1 2
RAB5A AQP2 0 0 402 436 1 1
RAB5A FETUB 0 0 415 419 1 1
RAB5A INVS 0 0 54 183 1 1
RAB5A GBP1 0 0 49 193 1 1
RAB5A CRYGC 0 0 213 213 1 1
RAB5A PCDH15 0 0 357 358 1 1
RAB5A ACVR2B 0 0 0 175 1 1
RAB5A ANKRD30A 0 0 0 172 1 1
RAB5A WASH1 0 0 229 228 1 1
RAB5A EMC3 0 0 0 202 1 1
RAB5A MAPRE3 0 0 218 254 1 1
RAB5A STAB2 0 0 140 153 1 1
RAB5A TUFM 0 0 0 208 1 2
RAB5A SCFD1 0 0 136 400 1 1
RAB5A SPIRE1 0 0 136 226 1 1
RAB5A PRNP 0 0 242 295 1 2
RAB5A VPS52 0 0 180 275 1 1
RAB5A CORIN 0 0 0 237 1 1
RAB5A RAB43 0 0 422 180 1 1
RAB5A MAPK8 0 0 206 252 1 2
RAB5A ZNF217 0 0 0 196 1 1
RAB5A PTK2 117 0 263 321 1 2
RAB5A RAB6A 117 0 709 368 1 1
RAB5A RNF17 0 0 0 163 1 1
RAB5A TRAPPC10 0 0 108 166 1 1
RAB5A GABBR2 0 0 235 235 1 1
RAB5A VPS33A 116 0 393 817 1 1
RAB5A PLD1 0 0 209 237 1 2
RAB5A PRKAR1B 0 0 0 155 1 1
RAB5A ATP6V0D2 0 0 0 197 1 1
RAB5A RAC3 0 0 257 204 1 2
RAB5A APPL2 582 0 432 817 1 1
RAB5A GGA1 0 600 372 783 1 1
RAB5A CYCS 0 0 236 252 1 2
RAB5A TRAF6 0 0 216 216 1 2
RAB5A DDX19B 128 0 0 158 1 1
RAB5A AIFM2 0 0 0 191 1 1
RAB5A FNBP1 0 0 181 237 1 1
RAB5A ACP2 0 0 124 158 1 1
RAB5A FLCN 0 0 140 195 1 1
RAB5A FCGRT 0 0 276 276 1 1
RAB5A BLOC1S2 0 0 141 160 1 1
RAB5A GAK 0 0 210 353 1 1
RAB5A EGF 0 900 559 954 1 2
RAB5A SH3GLB1 270 0 325 513 1 2
RAB5A SORCS2 0 0 109 270 1 1
RAB5A EPS15L1 0 0 228 370 1 1
RAB5A ATP5A1 0 0 107 338 1 1
RAB5A ATL3 0 0 81 229 1 1
RAB5A ATP6AP2 0 0 122 272 1 1
RAB5A CLTC 0 0 652 760 1 1
RAB5A PIK3R1 270 0 977 982 1 1
RAB5A DICER1 0 0 139 210 1 1
RAB5A NRARP 0 0 0 172 1 1
RAB5A HSPA4 0 0 325 330 1 1
RAB5A ACHE 0 0 113 152 1 2
RAB5A ANKRD39 0 0 0 172 1 1
RAB5A ATP6V1D 0 0 66 280 1 1
RAB5A VAMP1 0 0 209 263 1 1
RAB5A HSP90B1 0 0 203 289 1 1
RAB5A RABGGTB 462 0 0 545 1 1
RAB5A SYT17 0 0 202 207 1 1
RAB5A VPS13B 0 0 90 160 1 1
RAB5A ARR3 0 0 151 241 1 1
RAB5A RALGDS 0 0 205 205 1 1
RAB5A IFT20 0 0 682 705 1 1
RAB5A WNT5A 0 0 180 194 1 2
RAB5A PPP1R16A 0 0 0 172 1 1
RAB5A ILK 0 0 85 210 1 1
RAB5A PARK2 0 0 267 279 1 1
RAB5A IFNA1 0 0 167 167 1 1
RAB5A RAB11FIP5 0 0 391 401 1 1
RAB5A PPP1R7 0 0 0 169 1 1
RAB5A ELMOD2 0 0 81 240 1 1
RAB5A BLOC1S1 0 0 170 278 1 1
RAB5A CDC14A 0 0 668 674 1 1
RAB5A ADAM10 0 0 204 266 1 1
RAB5A DDX49 0 0 0 158 1 1
RAB5A SCARB2 0 0 338 351 1 1
RAB5A KIF21A 0 0 43 323 1 1
RAB5A USP15 0 0 107 188 1 1
RAB5A SLC9A5 0 0 143 161 1 1
RAB5A GNAQ 0 0 180 213 1 1
RAB5A DVL1 0 0 134 243 1 1
RAB5A ENSG00000261832 0 0 150 173 1 1
RAB5A RICTOR 0 0 146 235 1 2
RAB5A ATP6V1G1 0 0 134 189 1 1
RAB5A P4HB 0 0 261 324 1 2
RAB5A LMBRD1 0 0 0 158 1 1
RAB5A TBC1D31 0 0 75 303 1 1
RAB5A INPP5F 0 0 143 316 1 1
RAB5A ARHGAP1 0 0 324 323 1 1
RAB5A TOP1 0 0 0 163 1 1
RAB5A GAB2 0 0 169 169 1 1
RAB5A VAPA 0 0 403 451 1 1
RAB5A ANKRD35 0 0 0 172 1 1
RAB5A CTSE 0 0 0 170 1 1
RAB5A MOSPD2 0 0 81 197 1 1
RAB5A ASB4 0 0 0 172 1 1
RAB5A RAB37 192 0 539 292 1 1
RAB5A FLNA 0 0 165 194 1 1
RAB5A ANKRD16 0 0 0 172 1 1
RAB5A C9orf72 0 0 740 740 1 2
RAB5A YIPF7 0 0 0 253 1 1
RAB5A VPS39 0 0 827 949 1 1
RAB5A GOLPH3 0 0 617 768 1 1
RAB5A DRG2 0 0 241 252 1 1
RAB5A MLPH 0 0 362 459 1 1
RAB5A ZNF501 0 0 181 187 1 1
RAB5A ANKRD7 0 0 0 172 1 1
RAB5A ACTA1 0 0 218 305 1 1
RAB5A SND1 0 0 0 163 1 1
RAB5A MTMR2 0 0 284 355 1 1
RAB5A RB1CC1 0 0 339 402 1 2
RAB5A MARCH7 0 0 57 238 1 1
RAB5A BOLA2 0 0 0 187 1 1
RAB5A OPA1 0 0 95 223 1 2
RAB5A FZD2 0 0 128 249 1 1
RAB5A CDKN2D 0 0 0 172 1 1
RAB5A STK11 0 0 161 161 1 2
RAB5A PDGFB 0 900 52 901 1 2
RAB5A SSR1 117 0 0 208 1 1
RAB5A SYNJ1 0 0 324 435 1 1
RAB5A SYT13 0 0 172 178 1 1
RAB5A ANKS1B 0 0 0 186 1 1
RAB5A YIF1A 0 0 134 352 1 1
RAB5A RAB2A 683 0 666 747 1 1
RAB5A FER1L5 0 0 150 162 1 1
RAB5A EPS15 0 0 704 750 1 1
RAB5A RASEF 0 0 181 171 1 1
RAB5A TP53 0 0 243 242 1 2
RAB5A IRGQ 0 0 0 188 1 1
RAB5A TXNL1 0 0 125 190 1 1
RAB5A CTNNA1 0 900 0 903 1 1
RAB5A KIF5C 0 0 184 306 1 1
RAB5A ATP2C1 0 0 94 168 1 1
RAB5A KANK1 0 0 0 172 1 1
RAB5A EGFR 486 900 624 981 1 2
RAB5A HTT 0 0 861 906 1 2
RAB5A PEBP4 0 0 0 150 1 1
RAB5A HNRNPR 117 0 0 154 1 1
RAB5A SLC2A1 0 0 165 175 1 2
RAB5A ANKFY1 486 0 732 904 1 1
RAB5A NCKAP1 0 0 95 168 1 1
RAB5A ASB7 0 0 0 172 1 1
RAB5A LAMP1 0 0 805 871 1 2
RAB5A ANKS1A 0 0 134 288 1 1
RAB5A IRAK1 0 0 107 159 1 1
RAB5A VAMP4 0 0 396 514 1 1
RAB5A RAF1 0 0 157 189 1 2
RAB5A MAP1A 0 0 202 208 1 2
RAB5A EDA 0 0 0 153 1 1
RAB5A TDRD1 0 0 0 262 1 1
RAB5A PAEP 0 0 175 175 1 1
RAB5A NFKBIZ 0 0 0 172 1 1
RAB5A RAB10 0 0 706 341 1 1
RAB5A VPS4B 0 0 283 598 1 1
RAB5A DNAJA1 0 0 157 274 1 1
RAB5A MAP3K7 0 0 53 156 1 2
RAB5A CTSA 0 0 84 191 1 1
RAB5A TBC1D13 0 0 122 254 1 1
RAB5A SUGP1 0 0 451 451 1 1
RAB5A EXOC2 0 0 363 476 1 1
RAB5A APAF1 0 0 97 154 1 2
RAB5A HDAC6 0 0 201 224 1 2
RAB5A CDH2 0 0 710 710 1 1
RAB5A MKNK1 204 0 0 204 1 1
RAB5A GBF1 0 0 257 332 1 1
RAB5A VIPAS39 0 0 282 310 1 1
RAB5A ASB6 0 0 0 172 1 1
RAB5A GNAT1 0 0 0 164 1 1
RAB5A VAMP8 0 0 467 512 1 2
RAB5A PLEKHA8 0 0 181 192 1 1
RAB5A ANKRD30BL 0 0 0 172 1 1
RAB5A PSMD10 0 0 0 216 1 1
RAB5A BAG6 270 0 0 270 1 1
RAB5A TMEM108 0 0 166 165 1 1
RAB5A CALM3 0 0 88 183 1 1
RAB5A KIF7 0 0 0 238 1 1
RAB5A TRIL 0 0 73 181 1 1
RAB5A MYO7B 0 0 48 184 1 1
RAB5A UACA 0 0 0 172 1 1
RAB5A RAB8A 679 0 739 776 1 2
RAB5A SOX4 0 0 0 260 1 1
RAB5A PRKAR2A 0 0 0 155 1 1
RAB5A SCAMP2 0 0 167 197 1 1
RAB5A MCOLN1 0 0 350 422 1 2
RAB5A TCEA1 0 0 0 209 1 1
RAB5A MYH6 0 0 54 157 1 1
RAB5A RPN1 272 0 71 333 1 1
RAB5A PTPRT 0 0 60 170 1 1
RAB5A ITGA5 0 0 181 185 1 1
RAB5A HNRNPH2 0 0 54 173 1 1
RAB5A GABPB2 0 0 0 172 1 1
RAB5A HAGH 86 0 45 169 1 1
RAB5A CLCN5 0 0 412 424 1 1
RAB5A CD300C 0 0 218 218 1 1
RAB5A RHBDL3 0 0 0 155 1 1
RAB5A LMNTD1 0 0 0 173 1 1
RAB5A CNBP 117 0 0 191 1 1
RAB5A SMPD3 0 0 211 211 1 1
RAB5A PDZK1 0 0 84 163 1 1
RAB5A COG4 0 0 73 150 1 1
RAB5A SEC11C 0 0 0 183 1 1
RAB5A UQCRC2 272 0 0 316 1 1
RAB5A BAG3 270 0 85 330 1 2
RAB5A TDRD6 0 0 0 163 1 1
RAB5A BBS1 0 0 134 163 1 1
RAB5A RPL12 117 0 0 169 1 1
RAB5A NEDD4 0 0 334 375 1 2
RAB5A FZD4 270 0 95 391 1 1
RAB5A ASAP1 0 0 241 371 1 1
RAB5A SEC24B 0 0 253 335 1 1
RAB5A UBE2G1 0 0 0 184 1 1
RAB5A ARF3 0 0 371 484 1 1
RAB5A NFKBID 0 0 0 172 1 1
RAB5A ATXN1 0 0 67 169 1 1
RAB5A CTSL 0 0 368 393 1 2
RAB5A GOLT1A 0 0 104 169 1 1
RAB5A SGSM2 0 0 573 627 1 1
RAB5A CXCL8 0 900 147 911 1 2
RAB5A NDRG1 117 0 91 175 1 1
RAB5A DCAF6 0 0 0 152 1 1
RAB5A MFN2 0 0 167 236 1 2
RAB5A APP 0 0 519 552 1 2
RAB5A ARL8A 0 0 69 173 1 1
RAB5A TBC1D30 0 0 184 355 1 1
RAB5A EIF3I 117 0 0 150 1 1
RAB5A HRAS 270 0 384 419 1 2
RAB5A ATP6V1B1 0 0 67 177 1 1
RAB5A CTNNB1 0 900 353 960 1 2
RAB5A DESI2 0 0 0 190 1 1
RAB5A ATE1 130 0 0 157 1 1
RAB5A WWC2 0 0 47 152 1 1
RAB5A DNM3 0 0 260 464 1 1
RAB5A KLC3 0 0 194 227 1 1
RAB5A TGFBRAP1 160 0 805 941 1 1
RAB5A KIF3B 270 0 146 389 1 1
RAB5A RHOBTB1 0 0 243 297 1 1
RAB5A MTSS1 270 0 143 357 1 1
RAB5A SNX18 0 0 281 359 1 1
RAB5A TRAPPC8 0 0 235 369 1 1
RAB5A MMP1 0 0 76 184 1 1
RAB5A L1CAM 0 0 159 158 1 1
RAB5A KAT6B 0 0 0 292 1 1
RAB5A CCDC53 0 0 235 235 1 1
RAB5A SMOX 0 0 0 210 1 1
RAB5A CXCR4 0 0 235 235 1 2
RAB5A RRAS 0 0 777 296 1 1
RAB5A ANKRD52 0 0 0 172 1 1
RAB5A DCTN2 0 0 286 376 1 1
RAB5A ANXA11 0 0 234 234 1 1
RAB5A FLAD1 0 0 0 169 1 1
RAB5A PSMC6 0 0 47 167 1 1
RAB5A SUV420H1 0 0 0 240 1 1
RAB5A MTOR 0 0 390 471 1 2
RAB5A CTRL 0 0 235 235 1 2
RAB5A MPP5 0 0 151 170 1 1
RAB5A ANKAR 0 0 0 172 1 1
RAB5A GNA13 0 0 57 181 1 1
RAB5A MAPRE1 0 0 152 295 1 1
RAB5A PLIN1 0 0 150 151 1 1
RAB5A SMN1 117 0 96 167 1 1
RAB5A CHP1 0 0 74 151 1 1
RAB5A PIK3C3 486 800 989 999 1 2
RAB5A TBC1D16 0 0 73 190 1 1
RAB5A ENSG00000115239 0 0 0 172 1 1
RAB5A SHKBP1 0 0 149 167 1 1
RAB5A OCLN 0 0 428 428 1 1
RAB5A PLEK 0 0 530 531 1 1
RAB5A ELAVL3 0 0 260 276 1 1
RAB5A COG6 0 0 54 246 1 1
RAB5A MTMR7 0 0 0 190 1 1
RAB5A STAT1 0 0 140 157 1 2
RAB5A DYNC1LI2 0 0 71 298 1 1
RAB5A ATP1A3 0 0 112 153 1 1
RAB5A FIG4 0 0 325 404 1 1
RAB5A RHOBTB2 0 0 243 297 1 1
RAB5A ANKRD20A1 0 0 0 172 1 1
RAB5A TPCN2 0 0 211 249 1 1
RAB5A CKAP5 117 0 0 172 1 1
RAB5A STAM2 0 0 450 557 1 1
RAB5A NSG1 0 0 336 336 1 1
RAB5A TMEM30A 0 0 90 315 1 1
RAB5A MOV10 271 0 47 275 1 1
RAB5A TBC1D3B 0 0 480 568 1 1
RAB5A UBE2D3 0 0 108 265 1 1
RAB5A ARL14 0 0 97 187 1 1
RAB5A CREB1 0 0 194 194 1 2
RAB5A RAPGEF3 0 0 170 169 1 1
RAB5A WWP1 0 0 74 250 1 1
RAB5A CLTCL1 0 0 57 607 1 1
RAB5A SH3KBP1 270 0 267 464 1 1
RAB5A CTNND1 0 0 242 257 1 1
RAB5A RHOJ 0 0 260 159 1 1
RAB5A ANKRD20A2 0 0 0 172 1 1
RAB5A ROGDI 0 0 0 164 1 1
RAB5A CAMSAP3 117 0 45 158 1 1
RAB5A MAP1LC3B2 0 0 0 184 1 1
RAB5A ZDHHC17 0 0 140 256 1 1
RAB5A INPPL1 0 0 283 335 1 1
RAB5A RSRC2 0 0 0 166 1 1
RAB5A KCNE1 0 0 134 188 1 1
RAB5A WASL 0 0 456 502 1 1
RAB5A RAB40B 0 0 151 211 1 1
RAB5A IQGAP1 0 0 219 247 1 1
RAB5A WNT11 0 0 182 226 1 1
RAB5A AGAP2 0 0 0 153 1 1
RAB5A DIAPH1 0 0 141 174 1 1
RAB5A CLDN15 0 0 0 161 1 1
RAB5A EVI5 0 0 194 219 1 1
RAB5A IGF2BP2 271 0 0 316 1 1
RAB5A GSTM3 0 0 0 343 1 1
RAB5A RAB40AL 0 0 364 258 1 1
RAB5A GPBP1 0 0 0 237 1 1
RAB5A RAB33B 0 0 469 220 1 2
RAB5A PPP1R12B 0 0 0 172 1 1
RAB5A FYCO1 0 0 324 350 1 2
RAB5A ELMO3 0 0 213 262 1 1
RAB5A NFKB1 0 0 61 195 1 2
RAB5A CNOT1 0 0 193 224 1 1
RAB5A BICD1 0 0 260 260 1 1
RAB5A KLF6 0 0 48 379 1 1
RAB5A KIAA0319 0 0 328 328 1 1
RAB5A WASH4P 0 0 210 210 1 1
RAB5A CXADR 0 0 163 177 1 1
RAB5A ELOVL5 0 0 0 155 1 1
RAB5A GAPDH 0 0 465 476 1 2
RAB5A ENSG00000258466 0 0 0 166 1 1
RAB5A WWC1 0 0 123 184 1 1
RAB5A TMED7 117 0 0 287 1 1
RAB5A SYT15 0 0 182 187 1 1
RAB5A ABL1 0 0 137 191 1 1
RAB5A MAP2K7 0 0 224 237 1 1
RAB5A MOGS 271 0 0 320 1 1
RAB5A SMG1 0 0 61 186 1 1
RAB5A ARL5B 0 0 391 463 1 1
RAB5A RAB3D 0 0 459 168 1 1
RAB5A RABGAP1 0 0 243 342 1 1
RAB5A HNRNPH3 117 0 0 150 1 1
RAB5A EIF1AX 0 0 0 165 1 1
RAB5A GSTM2 0 0 0 343 1 1
RAB5A WAS 0 0 423 463 1 1
RAB5A RRAGD 0 0 160 160 1 1
RAB5A GNAI3 0 0 0 265 1 2
RAB5A MALRD1 0 0 142 174 1 1
RAB5A FZD5 0 0 75 203 1 1
RAB5A PDIA3 0 0 123 234 1 1
RAB5A ARHGAP35 0 0 136 151 1 1
RAB5A ASB8 0 0 0 172 1 1
RAB5A ATP6V0A4 0 0 107 299 1 1
RAB5A CAV3 0 0 209 271 1 1
RAB5A ADCY10 0 0 194 221 1 1
RAB5A DERL1 0 0 108 216 1 1
RAB5A STXBP1 0 0 181 448 1 1
RAB5A SNAPIN 0 0 340 368 1 1
RAB5A ARF6 0 0 689 358 1 1
RAB5A IFT57 0 0 174 174 1 1
RAB5A STK38L 0 0 448 460 1 1
RAB5A TBC1D21 0 0 81 214 1 1
RAB5A SDC1 0 0 974 974 1 1
RAB5A GRIN2B 0 0 156 198 1 1
RAB5A GNAO1 0 0 117 250 1 1
RAB5A PICK1 0 0 255 256 1 1
RAB5A TM9SF2 0 0 134 190 1 1
RAB5A LRRK2 270 0 926 960 1 2
RAB5A CCDC22 0 0 150 181 1 1
RAB5A PHB 0 0 123 195 1 1
RAB5A MET 0 900 244 925 1 2
RAB5A EMC1 270 0 134 558 1 1
RAB5A CDKN2B 0 0 0 172 1 1
RAB5A TLR2 0 0 285 330 1 2
RAB5A PIK3CB 270 0 988 992 1 1
RAB5A LRP2 0 0 385 401 1 1
RAB5A VAC14 0 0 286 331 1 1
RAB5A SEC11A 0 0 128 186 1 1
RAB5A RNF13 0 0 0 173 1 1
RAB5A PICALM 0 0 283 461 1 1
RAB5A SNX2 0 0 469 631 1 1
RAB5A C16orf62 0 0 172 171 1 1
RAB5A MTPN 0 0 0 258 1 1
RAB5A EIF4A2 0 0 63 349 1 1
RAB5A BTRC 129 0 112 238 1 1
RAB5A NRAS 0 0 171 203 1 1
RAB5A CHMP5 273 0 143 484 1 1
RAB5A TFE3 0 0 95 211 1 2
RAB5A HSPA5 0 0 466 489 1 2
RAB5A DNM1 0 0 467 614 1 1
RAB5A ENSG00000279058 0 0 0 153 1 1
RAB5A ADRBK1 0 0 285 284 1 1
RAB5A ASB2 0 0 0 172 1 1
RAB5A DTNBP1 0 0 155 154 1 1
RAB5A SCAMP3 0 0 202 230 1 1
RAB5A EPAS1 0 0 410 422 1 2
RAB5A RAB39B 0 0 418 208 1 1
RAB5A CLEC9A 0 0 134 161 1 1
RAB5A AIFM3 0 0 0 233 1 1
RAB5A APLP1 0 0 231 230 1 1
RAB5A TBC1D2B 0 0 202 450 1 1
RAB5A BIN3 0 0 43 312 1 1
RAB5A RRAGC 0 0 220 239 1 1
RAB5A RAB11B 679 0 213 763 1 1
RAB5A SUCLG2 0 0 153 194 1 1
RAB5A PTPN11 0 0 166 191 1 1
RAB5A OSBPL11 117 0 108 272 1 1
RAB5A MYO5C 0 0 170 283 1 1
RAB5A TBC1D10B 0 0 233 362 1 1
RAB5A ASB5 0 0 0 172 1 1
RAB5A TMEM106B 0 0 136 172 1 1
RAB5A AP1M2 0 0 114 161 1 1
RAB5A PI4KA 0 0 211 316 1 1
RAB5A DNAJA2 0 0 61 293 1 1
RAB5A AKAP10 0 0 241 242 1 1
RAB5A HCK 0 0 171 202 1 1
RAB5A PTGIR 270 0 57 303 1 1
RAB5A RAB2B 204 0 465 349 1 1
RAB5A RIN2 476 900 931 997 1 1
RAB5A GOLGA1 0 0 414 424 1 1
RAB5A COPA 0 0 0 152 1 1
RAB5A RAB42 0 0 47 173 1 1
RAB5A AKAP1 0 0 141 168 1 1
RAB5A LAMTOR1 94 0 182 278 1 1
RAB5A CAMLG 0 0 270 270 1 1
RAB5A SLC11A1 0 0 181 198 1 1
RAB5A HIP1R 0 0 260 514 1 1
RAB5A TBC1D1 0 0 212 246 1 1
RAB5A PI4K2A 0 0 234 271 1 1
RAB5A PTPN12 0 0 0 160 1 1
RAB5A BMPR1B 0 0 0 163 1 1
RAB5A CALM2 0 0 46 176 1 1
RAB5A EHBP1L1 0 0 81 246 1 1
RAB5A WDR41 0 0 264 264 1 1
RAB5A ANKS4B 0 0 0 172 1 1
RAB5A STAM 0 0 374 509 1 1
RAB5A CUL3 0 0 127 187 1 2
RAB5A CHUK 0 0 109 253 1 1
RAB5A KIF1C 0 0 165 248 1 1
RAB5A ENSG00000250644 0 0 0 170 1 1
RAB5A MEIOB 0 0 0 176 1 1
RAB5A ARFGAP1 0 0 294 415 1 1
RAB5A ATP6V1C1 0 0 124 169 1 1
RAB5A EHD2 0 0 261 392 1 1
RAB5A ENTPD6 135 0 0 185 1 1
RAB5A ATG12 0 0 451 521 1 2
RAB5A NDE1 0 0 181 204 1 1
RAB5A BCAR1 0 0 158 174 1 1
RAB5A GDI1 466 900 339 983 1 1
RAB5A BAIAP2 0 0 206 220 1 1
RAB5A USP11 129 0 0 162 1 2
RAB5A ANKRD63 0 0 0 172 1 1
RAB5A NR2C2 270 0 0 270 1 1
RAB5A AAK1 0 0 269 315 1 1
RAB5A LMNTD2 0 0 0 173 1 1
RAB5A FAM160A1 0 0 0 154 1 1
RAB5A GNA15 0 0 151 185 1 1
RAB5A MMP14 0 0 266 348 1 1
RAB5A LNX1 0 0 143 199 1 1
RAB5A PLEKHM1 0 0 260 289 1 1
RAB5A ZFYVE21 0 0 196 196 1 1
RAB5A PLIN3 0 0 636 636 1 1
RAB5A ATG4D 0 0 415 461 1 2
RAB5A RAB4B 0 0 413 213 1 1
RAB5A CLEC4M 0 0 166 165 1 1
RAB5A AP1G1 117 0 248 584 1 1
RAB5A GAPVD1 0 600 675 928 1 1
RAB5A VPS29 0 0 560 690 1 1
RAB5A LIMK1 0 0 108 160 1 1
RAB5A ATP6V1B2 0 0 112 239 1 1
RAB5A RGN 0 0 0 150 1 1
RAB5A TBC1D9 0 0 73 224 1 1
RAB5A MYO5B 0 0 503 583 1 1
RAB5A KIAA0226 0 0 453 469 1 1
RAB5A STOML3 0 0 113 281 1 1
RAB5A SEC24A 0 0 102 168 1 1
RAB5A PI4KB 0 0 336 430 1 1
RAB5A NOSTRIN 0 0 134 152 1 1
RAB5A WIPI1 0 0 378 444 1 2
RAB5A DNM1L 0 0 240 580 1 2
RAB5A RUNDC3A 0 0 181 181 1 1
RAB5A ARL2 0 0 155 301 1 1
RAB5A BET1 0 0 170 239 1 1
RAB5A MBP 0 0 134 159 1 2
RAB5A VPS26B 0 0 283 482 1 1
RAB5A STX11 0 0 134 207 1 1
RAB5A RAB5C 735 800 681 949 1 1
RAB5A PTEN 0 0 303 354 1 2
RAB5A GABARAP 0 0 372 528 1 2
RAB5A VEGFA 0 0 256 256 1 2
RAB5A FEZ1 0 0 241 267 1 1
RAB5A AP2A1 0 0 96 263 1 1
RAB5A CAPN7 0 0 0 169 1 1
RAB5A RABGGTA 611 0 193 709 1 1
RAB5A MAPK14 0 0 185 207 1 2
RAB5A RANBP10 117 0 0 154 1 1
RAB5A TPD52L1 0 0 433 444 1 1
RAB5A LMNB2 0 0 114 336 1 1
RAB5A MGEA5 0 0 184 242 1 1
RAB5A CFL1 0 0 323 370 1 1
RAB5A CTTNBP2 0 0 58 186 1 1
RAB5A MYRIP 0 0 157 156 1 1
RAB5A NFKBIA 0 0 124 243 1 2
RAB5A SYT5 0 0 181 186 1 1
RAB5A RHOT2 271 0 55 330 1 1
RAB5A SYK 0 0 181 211 1 2
RAB5A NEURL4 270 0 0 297 1 1
RAB5A PTRF 128 0 244 312 1 1
RAB5A ASAP2 0 0 81 208 1 1
RAB5A CLIC4 0 0 112 163 1 1
RAB5A RIMS1 0 0 148 193 1 1
RAB5A EPS8 0 900 607 959 1 1
RAB5A LHCGR 0 0 171 171 1 1
RAB5A GNAI1 0 0 0 200 1 1
RAB5A ANKRD61 0 0 0 172 1 1
RAB5A STX12 0 0 369 613 1 1
RAB5A GPR132 0 0 170 169 1 1
RAB5A ATM 0 0 71 168 1 2
RAB5A CLCN3 0 0 145 182 1 1
RAB5A SHC1 0 0 194 194 1 1
RAB5A ENSG00000278299 0 0 415 515 1 1
RAB5A SMAD5 0 0 54 158 1 1
RAB5A VTI1B 0 0 467 520 1 2
RAB5A ANKRD18B 0 0 0 172 1 1
RAB5A EZR 0 0 343 377 1 1
RAB5A PREB 0 0 135 202 1 1
RAB5A LRRC1 0 0 0 282 1 1
RAB5A IDH2 0 0 0 156 1 1
RAB5A CTSD 683 0 753 929 1 2
RAB5A AXIN1 0 0 154 176 1 1
RAB5A OR4C12 0 0 0 305 1 1
RAB5A EXOC4 0 0 329 432 1 1
RAB5A ITGB4 0 0 74 150 1 1
RAB5A MON2 0 0 75 316 1 1
RAB5A SNX17 0 0 365 379 1 1
RAB5A B4GALT1 0 0 74 326 1 1
RAB5A FMN1 0 0 295 400 1 1
RAB5A EFNB2 0 0 146 180 1 1
RAB5A NCK1 0 0 122 169 1 1
RAB5A GFAP 72 0 167 193 1 2
RAB5A GSTA5 0 0 0 181 1 1
RAB5A ATP6V0A1 0 0 261 420 1 1
RAB5A CLTB 0 0 193 536 1 1
RAB5A MICALL2 0 0 261 287 1 1
RAB5A WDR7 0 0 91 282 1 1
RAB5A RECQL4 270 0 0 284 1 1
RAB5A ACTG1 0 0 170 263 1 1
RAB5A ATG7 0 0 464 605 1 2
RAB5A SYT2 0 0 181 340 1 1
RAB5A TJP1 0 0 310 325 1 1
RAB5A C15orf38-AP3S2 0 0 0 159 1 1
RAB5A MTMR8 0 0 0 190 1 1
RAB5A NFKBIB 0 0 0 172 1 1
RAB5A LY6G6D 0 0 0 288 1 1
RAB5A EHBP1 0 0 244 379 1 1
RAB5A MYO1F 0 0 0 219 1 1
RAB5A GCC1 0 0 155 154 1 1
RAB5A ACTR3B 0 0 122 219 1 1
RAB5A MAMDC4 0 0 134 166 1 1
RAB5A SNAP91 0 0 413 467 1 1
RAB5A ANXA6 0 0 292 292 1 1
RAB5A HSPB1 117 0 83 160 1 2
RAB5A ARL13B 0 0 166 230 1 1
RAB5A RT14 0 0 151 235 1 1
RAB5A TGFBR1 0 0 142 251 1 1
RAB5A ICK 0 0 53 360 1 1
RAB5A ATG10 0 0 288 303 1 2
RAB5A S100A4 117 0 66 159 1 1
RAB5A NPC1L1 0 0 122 176 1 1
RAB5A OSBPL9 86 0 448 542 1 1
RAB5A AKT3 0 0 82 224 1 2
RAB5A SEC61B 0 0 90 201 1 1
RAB5A SEC22B 0 0 324 407 1 1
RAB5A TBC1D3G 0 0 0 204 1 1
RAB5A DYNLL2 0 0 0 195 1 1
RAB5A SH3BP5L 0 0 123 187 1 1
RAB5A IKBKG 0 0 232 231 1 1
RAB5A RALA 0 0 415 238 1 1
RAB5A AP2S1 0 0 135 239 1 1
RAB5A PSMD14 117 0 95 213 1 1
RAB5A VTN 0 0 137 240 1 1
RAB5A ARFGAP2 0 0 57 205 1 1
RAB5A TBC1D14 0 0 162 268 1 2
RAB5A STMN1 0 0 467 501 1 1
RAB5A RAB11FIP3 0 0 376 413 1 1
RAB5A CHMP6 0 0 341 419 1 1
RAB5A PACSIN2 0 0 254 403 1 1
RAB5A RPS6KA1 0 0 124 208 1 1
RAB5A RAC1 0 0 393 243 1 2
RAB5A AGAP1 0 0 107 211 1 1
RAB5A RAB13 0 0 556 226 1 2
RAB5A TBC1D3L 0 0 0 204 1 1
RAB5A LYN 0 0 171 212 1 1
RAB5A TMEM55B 0 0 124 156 1 1
RAB5A ITGAM 0 0 158 157 1 1
RAB5A TUBB 0 0 128 204 1 1
RAB5A DGKA 0 0 149 195 1 1
RAB5A COG3 0 0 168 167 1 1
RAB5A BACE1 0 0 451 471 1 2
RAB5A GNA11 0 0 128 163 1 1
RAB5A AVPR2 0 0 276 276 1 1
RAB5A ANKMY2 0 0 0 172 1 1
RAB5A MAP3K5 0 0 413 413 1 1
RAB5A KIF13B 0 0 451 591 1 1
RAB5A MCL1 0 0 113 156 1 2
RAB5A REPS1 0 0 161 180 1 1
RAB5A ERVW-1 0 0 233 232 1 1
RAB5A DPM1 0 0 0 206 1 1
RAB5A SMCR8 0 0 294 338 1 1
RAB5A CTSB 0 0 392 431 1 2
RAB5A MAPK8IP3 0 0 234 308 1 1
RAB5A SPI1 0 0 151 150 1 1
RAB5A TRAPPC6A 0 0 107 206 1 1
RAB5A SELT 0 0 0 348 1 1
RAB5A FUS 0 0 180 179 1 2
RAB5A PTPN1 0 0 284 314 1 1
RAB5A MYO10 0 0 108 191 1 1
RAB5A RDH11 117 0 0 182 1 1
RAB5A PLEKHM2 0 0 260 276 1 1
RAB5A ASB3 0 0 0 172 1 1
RAB5A SNX6 0 0 415 510 1 1
RAB5A TPPP 0 0 154 232 1 1
RAB5A GIT1 0 0 166 268 1 1
RAB5A ITGB3 0 0 134 222 1 1
RAB5A CYTH1 0 0 386 405 1 1
RAB5A WDR18 0 0 150 162 1 1
RAB5A TIA1 0 0 82 234 1 1
RAB5A HYDIN 0 0 193 193 1 1
RAB5A WNT3A 0 0 157 171 1 2
RAB5A KSR1 0 0 117 150 1 1
RAB5A ATG5 0 0 574 701 1 2
RAB5A HTATIP2 270 0 134 346 1 1
RAB5A NIPAL4 0 0 0 155 1 1
RAB5A SMAP2 0 0 0 164 1 1
RAB5A HERC2 270 0 0 308 1 1
RAB5A STARD13 0 0 181 181 1 1
RAB5A ANKRD26 0 0 0 172 1 1
RAB5A BDNF 0 0 370 370 1 2
RAB5A VPS36 0 0 310 465 1 1
RAB5A CD44 0 0 231 230 1 2
RAB5A MTMR1 0 0 66 158 1 1
RAB5A CASP2 0 0 103 218 1 1
RAB5A GNAI2 0 0 0 170 1 1
RAB5A GPC2 0 0 156 155 1 1
RAB5A VPS51 0 0 180 251 1 1
RAB5A SYT16 0 0 183 188 1 1
RAB5A UNC13A 0 0 179 179 1 1
RAB5A TDRD7 0 0 0 163 1 1
RAB5A UBE2W 0 0 0 195 1 1
RAB5A TSHR 0 0 96 236 1 1
RAB5A SDCBP2 0 0 142 235 1 1
RAB5A SNAP25 0 0 294 323 1 1
RAB5A OXTR 0 0 682 682 1 1
RAB5A VPS25 0 0 470 665 1 1
RAB5A RBM7 0 0 0 155 1 1
RAB5A ANKRD9 0 0 0 172 1 1
RAB5A NUP210 0 0 113 186 1 1
RAB5A SIX1 0 0 0 189 1 1
RAB5A HLA-DMA 0 0 142 157 1 1
RAB5A PAFAH1B1 0 0 294 369 1 1
RAB5A SNX33 0 0 123 219 1 1
RAB5A TBC1D10C 0 0 325 438 1 1
RAB5A AP3S1 0 0 50 271 1 1
RAB5A ABHD17A 0 0 113 163 1 1
RAB5A CAP1 0 0 123 151 1 1
RAB5A PPM1H 270 0 0 270 1 1
RAB5A ACVR2A 0 0 0 175 1 1
RAB5A ALS2CL 270 900 567 965 1 1
RAB5A SMPD2 0 0 166 318 1 1
RAB5A RABL2B 0 0 0 194 1 1
RAB5A DDX3X 0 0 57 298 1 1
RAB5A MMP7 0 0 74 170 1 1
RAB5A VCL 0 0 721 730 1 1
RAB5A ANKRD36 0 0 0 172 1 1
RAB5A NME1 0 0 465 526 1 1
RAB5A CHMP2A 0 0 262 443 1 1
RAB5A CBLL1 0 0 241 254 1 1
RAB5A COA8 0 0 125 245 1 1
RAB5A CD209 0 0 261 261 1 1
RAB5A GPC1 0 0 203 203 1 1
RAB5A BCAP31 0 0 96 161 1 1
RAB5A FGF2 0 0 174 180 1 2
RAB5A ITSN2 0 0 195 278 1 1
RAB5A ICMT 0 0 261 329 1 1
RAB5A FNBP1L 0 0 232 284 1 1
RAB5A PLEKHA4 270 0 75 295 1 1
RAB5A RAB40A 0 0 45 206 1 1
RAB5A SH3GL3 0 0 152 215 1 1
RAB5A ASB11 0 0 0 172 1 1
RAB5A CD63 0 0 617 646 1 2
RAB5A CD2AP 0 0 293 304 1 1
RAB5A CYB5R3 0 0 0 150 1 1
RAB5A SOS1 0 0 538 556 1 1
RAB5A IREB2 0 0 51 154 1 1
RAB5A RPH3A 0 0 391 404 1 1
RAB5A LAMTOR3 0 0 109 253 1 1
RAB5A ITGA3 117 0 415 465 1 2
RAB5A IGF1 0 0 184 183 1 2
RAB5A MAPK1 0 0 140 183 1 2
RAB5A WDFY3 0 0 166 214 1 2
RAB5A CYTH3 0 0 155 182 1 1
RAB5A NEDD4L 0 0 234 281 1 1
RAB5A FCHO2 0 0 142 303 1 1
RAB5A BTK 0 0 134 173 1 1
RAB5A RAB39A 0 0 287 196 1 1
RAB5A RFXANK 0 0 0 190 1 1
RAB5A ARPC3 0 0 122 181 1 1
RAB5A SLC35A1 0 0 49 233 1 1
RAB5A GSTM5 0 0 0 211 1 1
RAB5A EPHB4 0 0 53 155 1 1
RAB5A RAB3GAP1 0 0 287 379 1 1
RAB5A RAB3C 0 0 341 171 1 1
RAB5A SDC4 0 0 264 264 1 1
RAB5A GSTA1 0 0 0 181 1 1
RAB5A LIPA 0 0 173 173 1 1
RAB5A STARD3 0 0 150 168 1 1
RAB5A PIK3C2B 0 0 242 401 1 1
RAB5A DDX23 0 0 0 158 1 1
RAB5A ACTR10 0 0 96 180 1 1
RAB5A HIVEP1 235 0 0 241 1 1
RAB5A ANKRD18A 0 0 0 172 1 1
RAB5A STX8 0 0 509 602 1 2
RAB5A RAB33A 0 0 392 198 1 1
RAB5A YWHAQ 0 0 127 157 1 1
RAB5A CHMP4B 0 0 325 560 1 2
RAB5A PRKDC 117 0 425 542 1 2
RAB5A ARHGEF7 0 0 171 189 1 1
RAB5A TBC1D20 0 0 451 549 1 1
RAB5A TIMD4 0 0 212 212 1 1
RAB5A CCND1 0 0 150 179 1 2
RAB5A FSHR 0 0 231 230 1 1
RAB5A ENSG00000273171 0 0 0 156 1 1
RAB5A PDCL 0 0 0 186 1 1
RAB5A NOS3 0 0 123 186 1 2
RAB5A PPIP5K2 0 0 85 162 1 1
RAB5A AGAP5 0 0 0 153 1 1
RAB5A TACC3 0 0 44 183 1 1
RAB5A COPB1 0 0 118 209 1 1
RAB5A ACTA2 0 0 66 170 1 1
RAB5A SEMA3A 0 0 166 165 1 1
RAB5A RAB11FIP4 0 0 181 256 1 1
RAB5A PTAFR 0 0 90 186 1 1
RAB5A ANXA2 0 0 377 377 1 1
RAB5A WNT9A 0 0 74 167 1 1
RAB5A STX2 0 0 204 243 1 1
RAB5A AP1G2 0 0 154 326 1 1
RAB5A SNX9 0 0 460 519 1 1
RAB5A MEGF10 0 0 150 169 1 1
RAB5A RHEB 0 0 373 292 1 2
RAB5A CD46 0 0 130 224 1 2
RAB5A KIF23 270 0 82 325 1 1
RAB5A ANXA7 0 0 412 432 1 1
RAB5A PHLPP2 0 0 0 159 1 1
RAB5A SIDT1 0 0 134 152 1 1
RAB5A SDPR 0 0 171 171 1 1
RAB5A GNB2L1 0 0 150 305 1 1
RAB5A TUBA1A 0 0 90 197 1 1
RAB5A NDEL1 0 0 134 178 1 1
RAB5A TECPR1 0 0 150 298 1 1
RAB5A LDLR 117 0 281 352 1 2
RAB5A PSD 0 0 310 332 1 1
RAB5A MYO1B 0 0 72 188 1 1
RAB5A RAB34 0 0 556 347 1 1
RAB5A TBC1D17 192 0 444 676 1 1
RAB5A GBA 0 0 208 237 1 1
RAB5A NADSYN1 0 0 0 212 1 1
RAB5A ANK2 0 0 101 224 1 1
RAB5A NPHS2 0 0 433 438 1 2
RAB5A LCP1 0 0 453 473 1 1
RAB5A TXN 0 0 142 180 1 1
RAB5A LRP6 0 0 157 174 1 1
RAB5A INADL 0 0 247 306 1 1
RAB5A TSPAN14 0 0 45 304 1 1
RAB5A CHML 864 600 223 967 1 1
RAB5A PACSIN1 0 0 128 302 1 1
RAB5A RAB11A 843 0 876 885 1 2
RAB5A RAC2 0 0 452 255 1 1
RAB5A DNAJC21 0 0 0 227 1 1
RAB5A SKP1 0 0 123 440 1 2
RAB5A SMIM15 0 0 0 242 1 1
RAB5A HIAT1 0 0 0 155 1 1
RAB5A CCZ1 0 0 686 803 1 1
RAB5A KDR 270 0 235 424 1 2
RAB5A STXBP2 0 0 112 401 1 1
RAB5A SORCS1 0 0 194 322 1 1
RAB5A ARRDC1 0 0 203 203 1 1
RAB5A NRBF2 0 0 194 243 1 2
RAB5A RGS19 0 0 289 308 1 2
RAB5A ADIPOR2 0 0 218 233 1 1
RAB5A TUBB2A 0 0 124 190 1 1
RAB5A ATG2B 0 0 112 231 1 2
RAB5A TBK1 0 0 260 324 1 2
RAB5A NDFIP1 0 0 74 208 1 1
RAB5A PIP4K2B 0 0 0 157 1 1
RAB5A GSTA3 0 0 0 181 1 1
RAB5A MMP10 0 0 48 159 1 1
RAB5A TBC1D3 0 0 386 490 1 1
RAB5A TBC1D3K 0 0 0 204 1 1
RAB5A UBR1 0 0 42 166 1 1
RAB5A HAP1 0 0 195 195 1 1
RAB5A TIAM1 0 0 455 492 1 1
RAB5A GLUL 0 0 57 183 1 1
RAB5A VAMP7 0 0 519 661 1 2
RAB5A SBF2 0 0 181 213 1 1
RAB5A PIK3C2A 0 0 261 416 1 1
RAB5A RAB7B 0 0 946 406 1 1
RAB5A TRAPPC1 0 0 156 264 1 1
RAB5A VDAC1 115 0 210 286 1 2
RAB5A MPHOSPH8 0 0 0 192 1 1
RAB5A TMED9 0 0 0 178 1 1
RAB5A FAM21C 0 0 171 215 1 1
RAB5A CDC42 0 0 645 317 1 2
RAB5A LRP8 0 0 148 166 1 1
RAB5A ACTG2 0 0 88 190 1 1
RAB5A RUFY3 0 0 175 182 1 1
RAB5A RAPGEF2 0 0 107 152 1 1
RAB5A APOE 0 0 286 286 1 2
RAB5A FBXW5 0 0 307 307 1 1
RAB5A SLC2A4 0 0 405 412 1 1
RAB5A GRIPAP1 0 0 322 352 1 1
RAB5A RABEP2 270 0 685 804 1 1
RAB5A ADRA1B 0 0 711 711 1 1
RAB5A CASKIN1 0 0 0 172 1 1
RAB5A RILPL1 0 0 117 358 1 1
RAB5A MYO1E 0 0 113 277 1 1
RAB5A USP6NL 213 900 741 981 1 1
RAB5A RTN3 0 0 74 199 1 1
RAB5A GTPBP3 0 0 0 153 1 1
RAB5A CORO1A 0 0 263 263 1 1
RAB5A ASB9 0 0 0 172 1 1
RAB5A SYT3 0 0 211 216 1 1
RAB5A ANKRD17 0 0 0 172 1 1
RAB5A TLR3 0 0 189 240 1 2
RAB5A ATG3 0 0 335 411 1 2
RAB5A DNAJB1 0 0 143 163 1 2
RAB5A RNF112 0 0 321 373 1 1
RAB5A BLOC1S6 0 0 453 453 1 1
RAB5A ENSG00000268465 0 0 134 161 1 1
RAB5A CRB1 0 0 90 156 1 1
RAB5A PTPN23 0 0 246 430 1 1
RAB5A DLD 0 0 59 303 1 2
RAB5A FEM1C 0 0 0 202 1 1
RAB5A GP2 0 0 137 155 1 1
RAB5A GRIK4 312 0 123 370 1 1
RAB5A AXL 0 0 123 155 1 2
RAB5A RTN4 0 0 160 309 1 1
RAB5A ANKRD65 0 0 0 172 1 1
RAB5A EIF4EBP1 0 0 166 165 1 2
RAB5A MYOF 0 0 164 176 1 1
RAB5A PHGDH 0 0 290 291 1 1
RAB5A EHD1 0 0 662 737 1 1
RAB5A TCEB2 0 0 56 178 1 1
RAB5A PINK1 0 0 297 372 1 2
RAB5A UBQLN1 0 0 115 179 1 1
RAB5A GJA1 0 0 181 181 1 1
RAB5A CLGN 0 0 0 221 1 1
RAB5A ARL13A 0 0 74 156 1 1
RAB5A NGF 0 0 401 405 1 2
RAB5A DDR1 0 0 85 334 1 1
RAB5A YES1 0 0 96 204 1 1
RAB5A PLEKHF1 0 0 118 157 1 1
RAB5A SLC25A23 0 0 46 203 1 1
RAB5A TMED5 0 0 0 194 1 1
RAB5A ASB14 0 0 0 172 1 1
RAB5A ACVR1B 0 0 46 167 1 1
RAB5A ANKRA2 0 0 0 190 1 1
RAB5A ITM2B 0 0 52 185 1 1
RAB5A AIFM1 0 0 0 194 1 1
RAB5A GOSR1 0 0 181 229 1 1
RAB5A AKAP2 0 0 108 163 1 1
RAB5A GSTA2 0 0 0 181 1 1
RAB5A SQRDL 0 0 0 150 1 1
RAB5A SYNGAP1 0 0 212 250 1 1
RAB5A CLHC1 0 0 0 227 1 1
RAB5A ANKRD6 0 0 45 175 1 1
RAB5A NME1-NME2 111 0 108 266 1 1
RAB5A INPP5D 0 0 120 184 1 1
RAB5A WDTC1 0 0 0 152 1 1
RAB5A ENSG00000269547 0 0 0 170 1 1
RAB5A CA9 0 0 270 270 1 1
RAB5A FBLL1 0 0 0 169 1 1
RAB5A DYSF 0 0 164 176 1 1
RAB5A GTDC1 0 0 73 181 1 1
RAB5A AP2M1 0 0 369 464 1 1
RAB5A TBC1D26 0 0 0 204 1 1
RAB5A ARF4 0 0 325 474 1 1
RAB5A TMED10 0 0 49 200 1 1
RAB5A MTMR4 0 0 163 192 1 1
RAB5A PSMD5 0 0 156 161 1 1
RAB5A KIAA1033 0 0 261 286 1 1
RAB5A ATP7A 0 0 193 210 1 1
RAB5A NIPA1 0 0 128 180 1 1
RAB5A NTRK2 0 0 325 361 1 1
RAB5A TNKS2 0 0 0 172 1 1
RAB5A ANKRD30B 0 0 0 172 1 1
ID Category Term Effect Evidence PubMed
GO:0003925 Molecular Function G protein activity enables IEA
GO:0019003 Molecular Function GDP binding enables IDA
GO:0005525 Molecular Function GTP binding enables IDA
GO:0003924 Molecular Function GTPase activity enables IBA
GO:0003924 Molecular Function GTPase activity enables IDA
GO:0005515 Molecular Function protein binding enables IPI
GO:0150093 Biological Process amyloid-beta clearance by transcytosis involved_in IGI
GO:0045022 Biological Process early endosome to late endosome transport involved_in IMP
GO:0006897 Biological Process endocytosis involved_in IBA
GO:0006897 Biological Process endocytosis involved_in IDA
GO:0006886 Biological Process intracellular protein transport involved_in IBA
GO:0044788 Biological Process modulation by host of viral process involved_in IMP
GO:0006909 Biological Process phagocytosis involved_in IEA
GO:0045921 Biological Process positive regulation of exocytosis involved_in IMP
GO:2000286 Biological Process receptor internalization involved in canonical Wnt signaling pathway involved_in IMP
GO:2000785 Biological Process regulation of autophagosome assembly involved_in TAS
GO:0051036 Biological Process regulation of endosome size involved_in IMP
GO:0051489 Biological Process regulation of filopodium assembly involved_in IBA
GO:0051489 Biological Process regulation of filopodium assembly involved_in IDA
GO:0048169 Biological Process regulation of long-term neuronal synaptic plasticity involved_in IBA
GO:2000300 Biological Process regulation of synaptic vesicle exocytosis involved_in IMP
GO:0036465 Biological Process synaptic vesicle recycling involved_in IDA
GO:0015629 Cellular Component actin cytoskeleton located_in IEA
GO:0030424 Cellular Component axon is_active_in IBA
GO:0030424 Cellular Component axon located_in ISS
GO:0043679 Cellular Component axon terminus located_in ISS
GO:0030669 Cellular Component clathrin-coated endocytic vesicle membrane located_in TAS
GO:0005737 Cellular Component cytoplasm located_in IDA
GO:0098559 Cellular Component cytoplasmic side of early endosome membrane located_in IMP
GO:0005829 Cellular Component cytosol located_in IDA
GO:0005829 Cellular Component cytosol located_in TAS
GO:0030425 Cellular Component dendrite is_active_in IBA
GO:0030425 Cellular Component dendrite located_in ISS
GO:0005769 Cellular Component early endosome located_in IDA
GO:0031901 Cellular Component early endosome membrane located_in TAS
GO:0032009 Cellular Component early phagosome located_in ISS
GO:0012505 Cellular Component endomembrane system is_active_in IBA
GO:0005768 Cellular Component endosome located_in ISS
GO:0010008 Cellular Component endosome membrane located_in IDA
GO:0010008 Cellular Component endosome membrane located_in TAS
GO:0070062 Cellular Component extracellular exosome located_in HDA
GO:0043231 Cellular Component intracellular membrane-bounded organelle located_in IDA
GO:0042470 Cellular Component melanosome located_in IEA
GO:0045121 Cellular Component membrane raft located_in IEA
GO:0043025 Cellular Component neuronal cell body located_in ISS
GO:0005654 Cellular Component nucleoplasm located_in IDA
GO:0045335 Cellular Component phagocytic vesicle located_in ISS
GO:0030670 Cellular Component phagocytic vesicle membrane located_in IEA
GO:0005886 Cellular Component plasma membrane located_in IEA
GO:0098842 Cellular Component postsynaptic early endosome is_active_in IBA
GO:0001726 Cellular Component ruffle located_in IEA
GO:0036477 Cellular Component somatodendritic compartment located_in IDA
GO:0008021 Cellular Component synaptic vesicle located_in ISS
GO:0043195 Cellular Component terminal bouton located_in IDA
Name DB ID
Hemostasis Reactome R-HSA-109582
Metabolism Reactome R-HSA-1430728
PI Metabolism Reactome R-HSA-1483255
Phospholipid metabolism Reactome R-HSA-1483257
Disease Reactome R-HSA-1643685
Synthesis of PIPs at the plasma membrane Reactome R-HSA-1660499
Membrane Trafficking Reactome R-HSA-199991
Metabolism of proteins Reactome R-HSA-392499
Metabolism of lipids Reactome R-HSA-556833
Vesicle-mediated transport Reactome R-HSA-5653656
Infectious disease Reactome R-HSA-5663205
Post-translational protein modification Reactome R-HSA-597592
TBC/RABGAPs Reactome R-HSA-8854214
Clathrin-mediated endocytosis Reactome R-HSA-8856828
RAB geranylgeranylation Reactome R-HSA-8873719
RAB GEFs exchange GTP for GDP on RABs Reactome R-HSA-8876198
Rab regulation of trafficking Reactome R-HSA-9007101
Infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis Reactome R-HSA-9635486
Prevention of phagosomal-lysosomal fusion Reactome R-HSA-9636383
Suppression of phagosomal maturation Reactome R-HSA-9637687
Response of Mtb to phagocytosis Reactome R-HSA-9637690
Bacterial Infection Pathways Reactome R-HSA-9824439
Factors involved in megakaryocyte development and platelet production Reactome R-HSA-983231
Ras signaling (WP4223) WikiPathways WP4223_r119284
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) (WP2447) WikiPathways WP2447_r113794
Inhibition of exosome biogenesis and secretion by Manumycin A in CRPC cells (WP4301) WikiPathways WP4301_r97800
Vasopressin-regulated water reabsorption (WP5085) WikiPathways WP5085_r119785
EGF/EGFR signaling pathway (WP437) WikiPathways WP437_r120689
16p11.2 distal deletion syndrome (WP4950) WikiPathways WP4950_r115784
VEGFA-VEGFR2 signaling pathway (WP3888) WikiPathways WP3888_r116782
Ebola virus infection in host (WP4217) WikiPathways WP4217_r120623
Accession Version MolecularType Name NCBI Comments
NM_004162 5 mRNA transcript variant 1 NC_000003 Reference
NM_001292048 2 mRNA transcript variant 2 NC_000003 Reference
XM_047448648 1 mRNA transcript variant X1 NC_000003 Reference