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CD36 molecule
General Information
Name CD36 molecule
  • platelet glycoprotein 4
  • CD36 antigen (collagen type I receptor, thrombospondin receptor)
  • CD36 molecule (thrombospondin receptor)
  • PAS IV
  • PAS-4 protein
  • cluster determinant 36
  • fatty acid translocase
  • glycoprotein IIIb
  • leukocyte differentiation antigen CD36
  • platelet glycoprotein IV
  • scavenger receptor class B, member 3
Gene_family CD molecules|Scavenger receptors
organism Homo sapiens
entrez_id 948
location 7q21.11
transcript_count 28
exon_count 22
by NCBI GRCh38.p14
    Entrez The protein encoded by this gene is the fourth major glycoprotein of the platelet surface and serves as a receptor for thrombospondin in platelets and various cell lines. Since thrombospondins are widely distributed proteins involved in a variety of adhesive processes, this protein may have important functions as a cell adhesion molecule. It binds to collagen, thrombospondin, anionic phospholipids and oxidized LDL. It directly mediates cytoadherence of Plasmodium falciparum parasitized erythrocytes and it binds long chain fatty acids and may function in the transport and/or as a regulator of fatty acid transport. Mutations in this gene cause platelet glycoprotein deficiency. Multiple alternatively spliced transcript variants have been found for this gene. [provided by RefSeq, Feb 2014]
    Stringdb Platelet glycoprotein 4; Multifunctional glycoprotein that acts as receptor for a broad range of ligands. Ligands can be of proteinaceous nature like thrombospondin, fibronectin, collagen or amyloid-beta as well as of lipidic nature such as oxidized low-density lipoprotein (oxLDL), anionic phospholipids, long-chain fatty acids and bacterial diacylated lipopeptides. They are generally multivalent and can therefore engage multiple receptors simultaneously, the resulting formation of CD36 clusters initiates signal transduction and internalization of receptor-ligand complexes. The dependen [...]
    nextProt (Microbial infection) Directly mediates cytoadherence of Plasmodium falciparum parasitized erythrocytes and the internalization of particles independently of TLR signaling.
A A.Source B B.DB B.Source Description PubMed
CD36 BioGRID C3orf52 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
CD36 BioGRID MBOAT7 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
CD36 BioGRID CROT GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
CD36 BioGRID USP10 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-Western
CD36 BioGRID GPC4 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-Western; Co-localization
CD36 BioGRID APOB GeneID BioGRID Reconstituted Complex
CD36 BioGRID IRS1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-Western
CD36 BioGRID FYN GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-Western
CD36 BioGRID CHRD GeneID BioGRID Two-hybrid
CD36 BioGRID APP GeneID BioGRID Reconstituted Complex
CD36 BioGRID CAND1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
CD36 Protein ITGA2B GeneID HPRD
CD36 Protein MATK GeneID HPRD
CD36 Protein SRC GeneID HPRD
CD36 Protein THBS1 GeneID HPRD
CD36 Protein ITGB3 GeneID HPRD
CD36 Protein LYN GeneID HPRD
CD36 Protein YES1 GeneID HPRD
CD36 Protein ITGA6 GeneID HPRD
CD36 Protein CD9 GeneID HPRD
CD36 Protein FYN GeneID HPRD
CD36 Protein ITGB1 GeneID HPRD
CD36 Protein COL1A2 GeneID HPRD
CD36 Protein COL1A1 GeneID HPRD
CD36 BioGRID YES1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-Western
CD36 BioGRID ITGB3 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-Western
CD36 BioGRID ITGB1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-Western
CD36 BioGRID ITGA2B GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-Western
CD36 BioGRID ITGA6 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-Western
CD36 BioGRID CD9 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-Western
CD36 BioGRID MATK GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-Western
CD36 BioGRID VLDLR GeneID BioGRID Reconstituted Complex
CD36 BioGRID LYN GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-Western
CD36 BioGRID LDLR GeneID BioGRID Reconstituted Complex
CD36 BioGRID HSD11B1 GeneID BioGRID Reconstituted Complex
A B experiments database textmining combined score hadb nhadb
CD36 SPARC 0 0 140 159 1 2
CD36 SIT1 0 0 124 166 1 1
CD36 ACSS1 0 0 181 321 1 1
CD36 EP300 0 900 57 903 1 2
CD36 SIRPA 0 0 150 169 1 1
CD36 ADIPOR1 0 0 167 196 1 1
CD36 PKLR 0 0 183 183 1 1
CD36 TEFM 0 0 96 466 1 1
CD36 IL4 0 900 160 914 1 1
CD36 CDK19 0 900 0 900 1 1
CD36 ADRB3 0 0 171 184 1 1
CD36 FLOT1 0 0 45 202 1 1
CD36 ITGB1 270 0 306 483 1 1
CD36 AOAH 0 0 0 175 1 1
CD36 THBS4 0 800 193 833 1 1
CD36 TYROBP 0 0 91 283 1 1
CD36 LEPR 0 0 205 275 1 1
CD36 ALB 0 0 525 536 1 2
CD36 CD68 0 0 218 272 1 2
CD36 KNG1 0 0 113 156 1 1
CD36 GYPC 0 0 141 343 1 1
CD36 CCL2 0 0 260 260 1 2
CD36 SLC38A4 0 0 149 180 1 1
CD36 ACAA1 0 0 235 249 1 1
CD36 IGFN1 0 0 75 319 1 1
CD36 POLG 0 0 306 306 1 1
CD36 SYTL4 0 300 0 300 1 1
CD36 ABCA1 0 0 370 386 1 2
CD36 BDH2 0 0 73 275 1 1
CD36 SIGLEC9 0 0 60 156 1 1
CD36 MTERF1 0 0 71 210 1 1
CD36 DPP4 0 0 165 183 1 1
CD36 GTPBP1 0 0 804 823 1 1
CD36 CSN2 0 0 120 359 1 1
CD36 PLG 0 0 156 175 1 1
CD36 MLXIPL 0 0 392 405 1 1
CD36 MFGE8 0 0 218 218 1 1
CD36 CD33 0 0 134 180 1 1
CD36 PDPN 0 0 193 193 1 1
CD36 SCARA5 0 0 123 203 1 1
CD36 AGER 0 0 150 282 1 2
CD36 CNTNAP1 0 0 0 207 1 1
CD36 HMGCS2 0 0 283 298 1 1
CD36 MED22 0 900 0 900 1 1
CD36 LILRB2 0 0 0 173 1 1
CD36 ADIPOQ 0 0 414 466 1 2
CD36 CPA3 0 0 0 171 1 1
CD36 PTK2 270 0 90 307 1 2
CD36 ARG1 0 0 170 206 1 2
CD36 TSPAN3 0 0 0 207 1 1
CD36 CHKA 0 0 113 355 1 1
CD36 CPT1B 0 0 519 543 1 1
CD36 STAB2 0 0 142 584 1 1
CD36 LPO 0 0 126 162 1 1
CD36 MED4 0 900 0 900 1 1
CD36 CYB5R1 0 300 0 300 1 1
CD36 PXN 270 0 0 270 1 1
CD36 HSPB3 0 0 81 158 1 1
CD36 CLEC12A 0 0 59 177 1 1
CD36 CYP2E1 0 0 147 187 1 2
CD36 CEBPD 0 0 91 248 1 1
CD36 CCR2 0 0 134 217 1 2
CD36 PPARA 0 900 637 964 1 2
CD36 CETP 0 0 172 192 1 1
CD36 MGME1 0 0 54 150 1 1
CD36 LPL 0 0 660 687 1 1
CD36 IL12B 0 0 77 236 1 1
CD36 CFD 0 0 181 267 1 1
CD36 MFSD2A 0 0 134 150 1 1
CD36 CKMT2 0 0 112 173 1 1
CD36 MS4A7 0 0 0 286 1 1
CD36 CD163L1 0 0 49 307 1 1
CD36 SORCS2 0 0 92 154 1 1
CD36 CYP27A1 0 0 144 195 1 1
CD36 EGF 0 0 176 182 1 2
CD36 GPAT2 0 0 157 169 1 1
CD36 FASN 0 0 518 524 1 2
CD36 GP6 0 0 806 806 1 1
CD36 POMC 0 0 134 225 1 1
CD36 CYCS 0 0 170 169 1 2
CD36 SLC27A5 0 0 527 569 1 1
CD36 TLR7 0 0 72 195 1 2
CD36 CAV1 0 0 437 443 1 2
CD36 MED18 0 900 0 900 1 1
CD36 SH2D3C 0 0 323 362 1 1
CD36 FFAR2 0 0 193 217 1 1
CD36 SPTLC3 0 0 117 191 1 1
CD36 CYP7A1 0 0 321 337 1 1
CD36 SLC16A3 0 0 155 171 1 1
CD36 GPC4 270 0 47 274 1 1
CD36 NCOA2 0 900 94 905 1 1
CD36 ADPRHL1 0 0 96 208 1 1
CD36 SLC35B4 0 0 160 159 1 1
CD36 JUN 0 0 170 189 1 2
CD36 GP1BA 0 0 522 769 1 1
CD36 FABP3 0 0 535 573 1 1
CD36 CD109 0 300 0 333 1 1
CD36 GZMA 0 900 0 910 1 1
CD36 SIGLEC1 0 0 310 530 1 1
CD36 SLC16A4 0 0 164 163 1 1
CD36 NRF1 0 0 174 173 1 2
CD36 P2RY12 0 0 170 169 1 1
CD36 CCR5 0 0 57 184 1 1
CD36 ELOVL6 0 0 253 265 1 1
CD36 DNA2 0 0 108 268 1 1
CD36 TBC1D4 0 0 236 245 1 1
CD36 TBL1X 0 900 81 904 1 1
CD36 MED12 0 900 58 901 1 1
CD36 COMP 0 800 90 814 1 1
CD36 TTPA 0 0 123 175 1 1
CD36 MED10 0 900 0 900 1 1
CD36 FDPS 0 0 127 164 1 1
CD36 GRN 0 0 143 165 1 1
CD36 FYN 675 900 212 972 1 1
CD36 AGPAT1 0 0 234 330 1 1
CD36 TFAM 0 0 216 238 1 2
CD36 SLC27A6 0 0 681 705 1 1
CD36 SLC7A9 0 0 57 335 1 1
CD36 RBP4 0 0 181 198 1 1
CD36 AWAT1 0 0 292 292 1 1
CD36 CLPX 0 0 243 242 1 1
CD36 NCOA3 0 900 0 900 1 1
CD36 MFN1 0 0 83 179 1 2
CD36 CD8A 0 0 194 224 1 1
CD36 PCDH7 0 300 0 348 1 1
CD36 IRS2 0 0 218 218 1 1
CD36 CFL2 0 0 0 189 1 1
CD36 PEMT 0 0 158 165 1 1
CD36 MTTP 0 0 426 453 1 1
CD36 PYY 0 0 172 184 1 1
CD36 TIMP1 0 0 161 177 1 1
CD36 GUCY1A3 0 0 0 160 1 1
CD36 SLC38A2 0 0 202 202 1 1
CD36 FABP5 0 0 413 428 1 1
CD36 SLC15A1 0 0 60 203 1 1
CD36 FGL2 0 0 0 343 1 1
CD36 NR1D2 0 0 81 243 1 1
CD36 PLIN5 0 0 211 244 1 1
CD36 SPP1 0 0 170 189 1 2
CD36 ICAM1 0 0 261 261 1 2
CD36 GPR84 0 0 73 361 1 1
CD36 GNL2 0 0 77 231 1 1
CD36 ELOVL3 0 0 142 156 1 1
CD36 PEAR1 0 0 0 160 1 1
CD36 MYH9 0 0 113 274 1 1
CD36 EHHADH 0 0 218 236 1 1
CD36 PTPRC 0 0 124 226 1 1
CD36 GPIHBP1 0 0 107 259 1 1
CD36 SLC10A2 0 0 134 386 1 1
CD36 ITGAV 0 500 387 692 1 1
CD36 GYPB 0 0 160 159 1 1
CD36 COX4I1 0 0 216 216 1 1
CD36 CRP 0 0 173 173 1 2
CD36 LY6G6F 0 300 0 318 1 1
CD36 CEBPA 0 0 395 462 1 1
CD36 ACSBG1 0 0 0 373 1 1
CD36 ACAA2 0 0 242 304 1 1
CD36 HPGDS 0 0 101 181 1 1
CD36 PNPLA2 0 0 517 557 1 2
CD36 TBL2 0 0 76 239 1 1
CD36 HADHA 0 0 234 250 1 1
CD36 FCGR2B 0 0 76 183 1 1
CD36 PCK2 0 0 166 218 1 1
CD36 GIMAP4 0 0 0 152 1 1
CD36 ABCG1 0 0 278 293 1 2
CD36 THY1 0 0 241 261 1 1
CD36 SIRT3 0 0 166 165 1 2
CD36 MCM5 0 0 100 246 1 1
CD36 SUB1 0 0 0 189 1 1
CD36 B2M 0 0 112 163 1 1
CD36 MMP9 0 0 181 206 1 2
CD36 MSMO1 0 0 125 177 1 1
CD36 SLC5A11 0 0 170 199 1 1
CD36 FUT8 0 0 63 160 1 1
CD36 GPR34 0 0 0 161 1 1
CD36 CAV2 0 0 151 169 1 1
CD36 MED25 0 900 0 901 1 1
CD36 ACSS3 0 0 0 183 1 1
CD36 AP3B2 0 0 0 189 1 1
CD36 SELP 0 300 323 542 1 1
CD36 INS 0 0 596 596 1 2
CD36 GAS6 0 0 171 315 1 1
CD36 ACTB 0 0 325 367 1 2
CD36 MYOM2 0 0 370 370 1 1
CD36 PLA2G4A 0 0 155 154 1 1
CD36 PSAT1 0 0 118 153 1 1
CD36 ACSL3 0 0 233 272 1 1
CD36 MS4A4A 0 0 0 161 1 1
CD36 ACSL5 0 0 218 299 1 1
CD36 MED27 0 900 0 900 1 1
CD36 SLC38A1 0 0 202 202 1 1
CD36 GIMAP5 0 0 0 151 1 1
CD36 THOP1 0 0 0 171 1 1
CD36 FCGR3A 0 0 101 190 1 1
CD36 HRAS 0 0 90 157 1 2
CD36 LIPE 0 0 519 537 1 1
CD36 MFN2 0 0 94 175 1 2
CD36 EPHA2 0 0 0 201 1 1
CD36 EGR1 0 0 74 150 1 2
CD36 ADAP2 0 0 0 154 1 1
CD36 CXCL8 0 0 183 183 1 2
CD36 CD151 0 0 155 186 1 1
CD36 STAB1 0 0 180 509 1 1
CD36 ACVR1C 0 0 61 186 1 1
CD36 SLC1A7 0 0 134 152 1 1
CD36 FOLR2 0 0 55 177 1 1
CD36 MED6 0 900 0 900 1 1
CD36 HIF1A 0 0 219 219 1 2
CD36 GCK 0 0 285 313 1 1
CD36 PYGL 0 0 103 196 1 1
CD36 PDZK1 0 0 0 201 1 1
CD36 IL1B 0 0 267 307 1 2
CD36 FAT1 0 0 123 177 1 1
CD36 NR1H3 0 0 338 386 1 1
CD36 CYP4A22 0 0 155 189 1 1
CD36 PIP 0 0 459 479 1 1
CD36 CROT 229 0 96 273 1 1
CD36 TGS1 0 900 0 901 1 1
CD36 PLEK 0 0 75 193 1 1
CD36 CYP4A11 0 0 162 196 1 1
CD36 FABP6 0 0 205 302 1 1
CD36 MPO 0 0 122 161 1 2
CD36 PLIN1 0 0 359 398 1 1
CD36 TMEM254 0 0 50 218 1 1
CD36 UCP2 0 0 468 479 1 2
CD36 IL6 0 0 325 325 1 2
CD36 LYZ 0 0 44 156 1 1
CD36 TBL1XR1 0 900 0 900 1 1
CD36 RAD51 0 0 321 321 1 2
CD36 MTOR 0 0 181 181 1 2
CD36 GIMAP8 0 0 0 189 1 1
CD36 ACOT2 0 0 193 193 1 1
CD36 CD163 0 0 988 991 1 1
CD36 MED15 0 900 0 900 1 1
CD36 TIMP4 0 0 57 269 1 1
CD36 RBP7 0 0 94 362 1 1
CD36 CD40LG 0 0 113 159 1 1
CD36 CCNC 0 900 53 903 1 1
CD36 OSBPL1A 0 0 73 170 1 1
CD36 SCAP 0 0 138 156 1 1
CD36 FGF21 0 0 310 315 1 2
CD36 GALK1 0 0 139 170 1 1
CD36 CS 0 0 358 358 1 1
CD36 ANXA5 0 0 157 156 1 2
CD36 AP3B1 0 0 0 189 1 1
CD36 SLC25A10 0 0 165 165 1 1
CD36 MED14 0 900 0 900 1 1
CD36 HSD11B1 270 0 123 372 1 1
CD36 APOA4 0 0 240 269 1 1
CD36 G0S2 0 0 108 159 1 1
CD36 CIDEC 0 0 246 278 1 1
CD36 ELOVL2 0 0 153 243 1 1
CD36 HAL 0 0 74 509 1 1
CD36 PLCG2 0 0 432 432 1 1
CD36 CCL5 0 0 107 151 1 2
CD36 MBOAT7 187 0 0 198 1 1
CD36 ESRRA 0 0 193 193 1 1
CD36 CA5A 0 0 49 155 1 1
CD36 PFKFB3 0 0 180 179 1 2
CD36 CREBBP 0 900 57 903 1 1
CD36 GPR18 0 0 55 480 1 1
CD36 UROD 0 0 242 248 1 1
CD36 GPS1 0 0 270 270 1 1
CD36 APOA1 0 600 294 718 1 1
CD36 PGLYRP2 0 0 68 180 1 1
CD36 CD14 0 0 141 525 1 1
CD36 AMN 0 0 90 500 1 1
CD36 GP9 0 0 632 653 1 1
CD36 TLR4 270 600 266 798 1 2
CD36 CA14 0 0 0 205 1 1
CD36 GAPDH 0 0 322 321 1 2
CD36 RAB18 0 0 74 189 1 1
CD36 ELOVL5 0 0 217 251 1 1
CD36 CARM1 0 900 0 900 1 2
CD36 MGAT2 0 0 140 163 1 1
CD36 UMOD 0 0 0 642 1 1
CD36 ACSS2 0 0 261 724 1 1
CD36 NPTN 0 0 181 181 1 1
CD36 PLVAP 0 0 116 159 1 1
CD36 SLC25A20 0 0 294 313 1 1
CD36 CLEC7A 0 0 469 513 1 1
CD36 TOP3A 0 0 0 273 1 1
CD36 TOP1 0 0 0 199 1 1
CD36 CES3 0 0 134 152 1 1
CD36 MED30 0 900 66 903 1 1
CD36 NR1I3 0 0 157 179 1 1
CD36 ACACA 0 0 507 518 1 1
CD36 NR4A3 0 0 53 161 1 1
CD36 LMBRD1 0 0 74 592 1 1
CD36 CYP7B1 0 0 137 167 1 1
CD36 GNAT3 0 0 184 201 1 1
CD36 MED21 0 900 0 900 1 1
CD36 G6PC 0 0 362 377 1 1
CD36 APOH 0 0 90 296 1 1
CD36 PLTP 0 0 125 151 1 1
CD36 GPR63 0 0 81 493 1 1
CD36 CD84 0 0 94 167 1 1
CD36 KALRN 0 0 623 626 1 1
CD36 PPARGC1A 0 900 505 948 1 2
CD36 TREM1 0 0 84 172 1 1
CD36 PCK1 0 0 322 337 1 1
CD36 CA7 0 0 0 163 1 1
CD36 PDK1 0 0 124 164 1 2
CD36 IL15 0 0 114 441 1 1
CD36 MYC 0 0 193 193 1 2
CD36 IDH3G 0 0 0 234 1 1
CD36 DGAT1 0 0 643 652 1 2
CD36 FABP7 0 0 209 226 1 1
CD36 NR0B2 0 0 163 181 1 1
CD36 OR2AP1 0 0 297 297 1 1
CD36 GP1BB 0 0 181 181 1 1
CD36 NPY 0 0 147 165 1 1
CD36 STK11 0 0 247 358 1 2
CD36 PFKM 0 0 167 167 1 1
CD36 CD80 0 0 83 163 1 2
CD36 MED19 0 900 0 900 1 1
CD36 CEL 0 0 108 324 1 1
CD36 MAP2K5 0 0 53 164 1 1
CD36 CLEC1B 0 0 293 349 1 1
CD36 TLR1 0 0 70 159 1 1
CD36 CIDEA 0 0 261 300 1 1
CD36 AKT2 0 0 161 174 1 2
CD36 MPEG1 0 0 66 265 1 1
CD36 ACSL1 0 0 422 504 1 1
CD36 GOLPH3 0 0 164 163 1 1
CD36 SLC34A2 0 0 0 177 1 1
CD36 LY75 0 0 113 159 1 1
CD36 SLC2A3 0 0 210 210 1 1
CD36 SOAT1 0 0 193 210 1 1
CD36 CIDEB 0 0 90 172 1 1
CD36 CTSE 0 0 48 251 1 1
CD36 PRSS57 0 0 369 383 1 1
CD36 TFEC 0 0 0 183 1 1
CD36 CLEC4A 0 0 0 160 1 1
CD36 MED9 0 900 0 900 1 1
CD36 SUGP1 0 0 206 206 1 1
CD36 MED13 0 900 0 900 1 1
CD36 PNLIP 0 0 209 223 1 1
CD36 SLC25A4 0 0 322 321 1 1
CD36 SPECC1 0 0 367 380 1 1
CD36 LCP2 0 0 203 327 1 1
CD36 SLC2A2 0 0 283 296 1 1
CD36 C1orf85 0 0 0 196 1 1
CD36 ACSL6 0 0 122 182 1 1
CD36 HK2 0 0 264 282 1 2
CD36 MRPL43 0 0 537 537 1 1
CD36 ADH1A 0 0 86 199 1 1
CD36 MED8 0 900 0 902 1 1
CD36 FBXO6 0 0 181 181 1 1
CD36 DECR1 0 0 122 162 1 1
CD36 MOGAT1 0 0 324 343 1 1
CD36 SLC2A1 0 0 391 390 1 2
CD36 BCO2 0 0 0 301 1 1
CD36 FFAR1 0 0 323 323 1 1
CD36 FES 0 0 0 150 1 1
CD36 HTT 0 0 0 181 1 2
CD36 GPR39 0 0 105 353 1 1
CD36 GART 0 0 0 156 1 1
CD36 TP53 0 0 169 169 1 2
CD36 HMGCS1 0 0 218 229 1 1
CD36 UBIAD1 0 0 75 155 1 1
CD36 NR1H2 0 0 0 159 1 1
CD36 INSIG1 0 0 181 197 1 1
CD36 CWC15 0 0 603 603 1 1
CD36 MED29 0 900 0 900 1 1
CD36 CPT2 0 0 460 471 1 1
CD36 NCOA1 0 900 52 901 1 1
CD36 STAT3 0 0 181 181 1 2
CD36 PLIN4 0 0 132 175 1 1
CD36 LRTM1 0 0 112 266 1 1
CD36 AQP7 0 0 217 228 1 1
CD36 SERPINH1 0 0 184 183 1 1
CD36 FGR 0 0 57 179 1 1
CD36 SRSF1 0 0 82 151 1 1
CD36 MED23 0 900 0 900 1 1
CD36 PPARD 0 0 190 290 1 1
CD36 ATP8B4 0 0 0 157 1 1
CD36 LY86 0 0 0 205 1 1
CD36 GHRL 0 0 188 189 1 1
CD36 SLC5A1 0 0 242 296 1 1
CD36 LDHA 0 0 193 214 1 2
CD36 PTRF 0 0 142 221 1 1
CD36 LEP 0 0 460 496 1 1
CD36 SYK 0 0 323 369 1 2
CD36 S1PR1 0 0 96 173 1 1
CD36 CTTNBP2 0 0 520 520 1 1
CD36 MAPK14 0 900 81 905 1 2
CD36 FCGR2A 0 0 112 175 1 1
CD36 SLC27A2 0 0 561 595 1 1
CD36 SREBF1 0 0 604 618 1 1
CD36 UCP1 0 0 321 335 1 2
CD36 CHL1 0 0 0 162 1 1
CD36 VEGFA 0 0 204 213 1 2
CD36 SLC2A14 0 0 204 204 1 1
CD36 ACSL4 0 0 233 261 1 1
CD36 NCOA6 0 900 48 909 1 1
CD36 PLP2 0 0 170 339 1 1
CD36 SLC7A7 0 0 71 182 1 1
CD36 FCER1G 0 0 509 570 1 1
CD36 FFAR4 0 0 335 360 1 1
CD36 SCARA3 0 0 171 218 1 1
CD36 GOSR2 0 0 0 234 1 1
CD36 GIMAP7 0 0 0 163 1 1
CD36 ITGB5 0 500 93 537 1 1
CD36 NR1H4 0 0 293 308 1 1
CD36 CPT1C 0 0 416 423 1 1
CD36 IL10 0 0 229 248 1 2
CD36 PPARGC1B 0 0 181 197 1 1
CD36 COL1A1 213 0 309 443 1 2
CD36 SERPINC1 0 0 97 211 1 1
CD36 MARCO 0 0 195 343 1 1
CD36 TRHR 0 0 45 205 1 1
CD36 ITGA2B 270 500 591 837 1 1
CD36 UNG 284 0 0 284 1 1
CD36 G6PD 0 0 181 181 1 1
CD36 AGRP 0 0 171 171 1 1
CD36 ENG 0 0 124 173 1 2
CD36 IGSF22 0 0 0 294 1 1
CD36 LALBA 0 0 160 212 1 1
CD36 FCGR3B 0 0 108 160 1 1
CD36 GOT2 0 0 681 695 1 1
CD36 CD300LB 0 0 0 175 1 1
CD36 VTN 0 0 155 175 1 1
CD36 FN1 0 0 242 241 1 2
CD36 RAG2 0 0 0 192 1 1
CD36 GPX1 0 0 123 151 1 1
CD36 SNX5 0 0 0 187 1 1
CD36 MED31 0 900 0 900 1 1
CD36 NPC1L1 0 0 390 408 1 1
CD36 TXNL4B 0 0 0 177 1 1
CD36 CDC45 0 0 134 223 1 1
CD36 MGLL 0 0 323 337 1 1
CD36 NCF2 0 0 56 170 1 1
CD36 HADHB 0 0 242 285 1 1
CD36 HSPB2 0 0 60 198 1 1
CD36 MCM2 0 0 194 229 1 1
CD36 AGFG1 0 0 55 150 1 1
CD36 WDFY4 0 0 0 175 1 1
CD36 MYO1F 0 0 0 157 1 1
CD36 AQP9 0 0 64 201 1 1
CD36 AADAC 0 0 127 178 1 1
CD36 NLRP14 0 0 260 260 1 1
CD36 TLR8 0 0 47 204 1 1
CD36 SH2D3A 0 0 325 367 1 1
CD36 ITGB3 270 500 328 739 1 1
CD36 MRPL39 0 0 61 627 1 1
CD36 SP3 0 0 66 263 1 1
CD36 SCARF1 0 0 499 533 1 1
CD36 SNX6 0 0 46 306 1 1
CD36 RCN1 0 0 45 244 1 1
CD36 GYPA 0 0 284 284 1 1
CD36 FAM120B 0 900 0 900 1 1
CD36 SLC22A5 0 0 156 155 1 1
CD36 C1QA 0 0 0 181 1 1
CD36 APOA5 0 0 233 249 1 1
CD36 SPI1 0 0 0 201 1 1
CD36 ACADS 0 0 127 190 1 1
CD36 ACOX1 0 0 414 459 1 1
CD36 SIRT1 0 0 260 260 1 2
CD36 PLIN2 0 0 465 487 1 2
CD36 ERVW-1 0 0 250 250 1 1
CD36 PDK4 0 0 503 539 1 1
CD36 MYL3 0 0 99 154 1 1
CD36 ITGAM 0 0 171 276 1 1
CD36 LYN 486 0 120 546 1 1
CD36 PPP1CA 0 0 391 441 1 1
CD36 CHKB 0 0 48 218 1 1
CD36 PNPLA4 0 0 0 157 1 1
CD36 TLR2 0 0 276 356 1 2
CD36 ACADL 0 0 330 344 1 1
CD36 MED7 0 900 0 900 1 1
CD36 THBS1 663 800 860 989 1 1
CD36 ENSG00000262660 0 0 166 166 1 1
CD36 SMARCD3 0 900 0 902 1 1
CD36 ADHFE1 0 0 56 218 1 1
CD36 LRP1 0 0 202 221 1 1
CD36 COX4I2 0 0 213 213 1 1
CD36 TLR6 270 600 160 745 1 1
CD36 ITGA2 0 0 491 491 1 1
CD36 VSIG4 0 0 0 158 1 1
CD36 OLR1 0 0 275 275 1 2
CD36 CAV3 0 0 161 179 1 1
CD36 CD81 0 0 103 159 1 1
CD36 LPIN1 0 0 261 280 1 2
CD36 CHD9 0 900 0 902 1 1
CD36 THBS3 0 800 71 806 1 1
CD36 ACOX3 0 0 53 395 1 1
CD36 ACADVL 0 0 325 339 1 1
CD36 CD86 0 0 96 164 1 1
CD36 NAAA 0 0 140 165 1 1
CD36 MED1 0 900 74 903 1 1
CD36 MED11 0 900 0 900 1 1
CD36 FCN1 0 0 44 172 1 1
CD36 SCD5 0 0 193 224 1 1
CD36 SLC40A1 0 0 92 175 1 1
CD36 RXRA 0 900 67 908 1 1
CD36 MCM6 0 0 96 199 1 1
CD36 ANGPTL4 0 0 261 280 1 1
CD36 TADA3 0 0 0 162 1 1
CD36 STAT5A 0 0 105 165 1 1
CD36 IRAK3 0 0 0 236 1 1
CD36 AGPAT6 0 0 96 241 1 1
CD36 FCER1A 0 0 0 173 1 1
CD36 BSX 0 0 146 165 1 1
CD36 S100A8 0 0 66 164 1 2
CD36 MATK 270 0 0 286 1 1
CD36 MNDA 0 0 0 167 1 1
CD36 IGSF6 0 0 0 233 1 1
CD36 ITGB2 0 0 67 163 1 1
CD36 PALMD 0 0 0 154 1 1
CD36 FOXO1 0 0 274 274 1 2
CD36 GPBAR1 0 0 141 192 1 1
CD36 TAS1R3 0 0 180 179 1 1
CD36 SOD2 0 0 127 152 1 2
CD36 SLC35A4 0 0 0 246 1 1
CD36 AGPAT2 0 0 113 291 1 1
CD36 S100A12 0 0 255 334 1 1
CD36 GP5 0 0 955 958 1 1
CD36 PDE3B 0 0 184 190 1 1
CD36 PNPLA3 0 0 160 230 1 1
CD36 ADAMTSL1 0 0 0 276 1 1
CD36 GK 0 0 213 213 1 1
CD36 SST 0 0 62 161 1 1
CD36 CXCL16 0 0 87 261 1 1
CD36 FABP4 0 0 561 664 1 1
CD36 GSK3B 0 0 85 155 1 2
CD36 MRC1 0 0 209 325 1 1
CD36 ITGAX 0 0 141 225 1 1
CD36 AHSG 0 0 124 217 1 1
CD36 BDH1 0 0 146 194 1 1
CD36 MED28 0 900 0 900 1 1
CD36 HCK 0 0 46 169 1 1
CD36 ZADH2 0 0 0 256 1 1
CD36 CEBPB 0 0 182 203 1 2
CD36 ACOT1 0 0 194 194 1 1
CD36 LIPC 0 0 234 257 1 1
CD36 HADH 0 0 346 359 1 1
CD36 PGLYRP1 0 0 134 223 1 1
CD36 MSR1 0 0 271 338 1 1
CD36 CNTN3 0 0 102 171 1 1
CD36 PTGS2 0 0 171 171 1 2
CD36 CASP3 0 0 154 153 1 2
CD36 F3 0 0 212 212 1 1
CD36 PLIN3 0 0 235 242 1 1
CD36 NLN 0 0 44 191 1 1
CD36 AGPAT9 0 0 194 233 1 1
CD36 DBI 0 0 284 328 1 1
CD36 MED26 0 900 0 900 1 1
CD36 ARPC5L 0 0 81 172 1 1
CD36 VEGFC 0 0 76 204 1 1
CD36 FPR3 0 0 0 155 1 1
CD36 GPR65 0 0 0 193 1 1
CD36 CYBB 0 0 103 243 1 2
CD36 ASZ1 0 0 517 528 1 1
CD36 BTN1A1 0 0 322 373 1 1
CD36 ACE 0 0 181 219 1 1
CD36 CTSS 0 0 0 214 1 1
CD36 ALOX5 0 0 112 183 1 1
CD36 PHACTR2 0 300 0 300 1 1
CD36 SLC27A3 0 0 335 351 1 1
CD36 SLC1A1 0 0 67 327 1 1
CD36 IL13 0 900 112 907 1 2
CD36 VDAC1 0 0 117 165 1 2
CD36 ISX 0 0 46 196 1 1
CD36 PF4 0 0 112 164 1 1
CD36 C1QB 0 0 0 226 1 1
CD36 APLP2 0 300 0 331 1 1
CD36 OXCT1 0 0 142 160 1 1
CD36 CYP4V2 0 0 64 200 1 1
CD36 PPBP 0 0 81 162 1 1
CD36 ADIPOR2 0 0 137 170 1 1
CD36 HMOX1 0 0 143 161 1 2
CD36 APOC2 0 0 150 185 1 1
CD36 KDR 0 0 170 189 1 2
CD36 ANPEP 0 0 142 364 1 1
CD36 CUBN 0 0 62 224 1 1
CD36 ADAMTSL3 0 0 60 274 1 1
CD36 CD93 0 0 0 192 1 1
CD36 COASY 0 0 334 379 1 1
CD36 RGS18 0 0 0 193 1 1
CD36 ECH1 0 0 108 167 1 1
CD36 TLR3 0 0 62 159 1 2
CD36 IL19 0 0 0 177 1 1
CD36 ELTD1 0 0 53 168 1 1
CD36 ACLY 0 0 323 323 1 1
CD36 MED20 0 900 391 936 1 1
CD36 HNF4A 0 0 194 208 1 1
CD36 SLC2A4 0 0 595 603 1 1
CD36 APOE 0 0 310 325 1 2
CD36 ETFDH 0 0 134 175 1 1
CD36 PCSK9 0 0 181 191 1 1
CD36 CD47 0 0 479 479 1 2
CD36 DGAT2 0 0 465 496 1 1
CD36 ITGA6 270 0 81 317 1 1
CD36 MCM3 0 0 93 266 1 1
CD36 CDC42 0 0 102 177 1 2
CD36 PQLC2 0 0 100 164 1 1
CD36 SCD 0 0 517 535 1 1
CD36 LRRC15 0 0 0 642 1 1
CD36 HP 0 0 123 236 1 1
CD36 CRAT 0 0 161 179 1 1
CD36 SRC 213 0 428 539 1 2
CD36 GPR112 0 0 83 380 1 1
CD36 TOP1MT 0 0 81 177 1 1
CD36 GPR183 0 0 0 151 1 1
CD36 NR5A2 0 0 117 151 1 1
CD36 NR1I2 0 0 315 343 1 1
CD36 VLDLR 270 0 322 507 1 1
CD36 VEGFB 0 0 156 166 1 1
CD36 LHFPL2 0 300 0 300 1 1
CD36 TAP1 0 0 70 164 1 1
CD36 YES1 462 0 49 475 1 1
CD36 CD34 0 0 151 170 1 2
CD36 GYS2 0 0 81 167 1 1
CD36 BCO1 0 0 204 294 1 1
CD36 MED24 0 900 0 900 1 1
CD36 CD58 0 0 0 303 1 1
CD36 SLC2A8 0 0 140 180 1 1
CD36 CCK 0 0 150 181 1 1
CD36 FAAH 0 0 180 179 1 1
CD36 GPT 0 0 236 236 1 1
CD36 GP2 0 0 982 982 1 1
CD36 SLC2A5 0 0 120 165 1 1
CD36 COL1A2 213 0 108 267 1 1
CD36 CLDN1 0 0 53 258 1 1
CD36 NIPA1 0 0 0 207 1 1
CD36 CDK8 0 900 0 900 1 1
CD36 THRAP3 0 900 0 900 1 1
CD36 ACACB 0 0 368 398 1 1
CD36 ABCG8 0 0 257 273 1 1
CD36 FABP2 0 0 269 424 1 1
CD36 PPARG 0 900 608 961 1 2
CD36 AKT1 0 0 324 335 1 2
CD36 CPT1A 0 0 556 572 1 1
CD36 TGFB2 0 0 145 162 1 1
CD36 NDUFAF3 0 0 0 213 1 1
CD36 VCAM1 0 0 171 269 1 1
CD36 GARS 0 0 0 214 1 1
CD36 CD4 0 0 181 239 1 2
CD36 CYP8B1 0 0 141 179 1 1
CD36 PRDM16 0 0 181 195 1 1
CD36 F13A1 0 0 54 232 1 1
CD36 ACOXL 0 0 0 302 1 1
CD36 ACOX2 0 0 112 282 1 1
CD36 CD209 0 0 193 223 1 1
CD36 CLEC10A 0 0 108 268 1 1
CD36 DAGLA 0 0 155 161 1 1
CD36 CES1 0 0 123 201 1 1
CD36 MS4A6A 0 0 0 304 1 1
CD36 ACADM 0 0 459 470 1 1
CD36 ABCA6 0 0 0 205 1 1
CD36 MLYCD 0 0 255 287 1 1
CD36 RPLP0 0 0 181 181 1 1
CD36 MED17 0 900 0 900 1 1
CD36 EMB 0 0 181 181 1 1
CD36 XDH 0 0 170 247 1 1
CD36 IDH3B 0 0 0 307 1 1
CD36 FAXDC2 0 0 122 508 1 1
CD36 TNF 0 0 294 335 1 2
CD36 PLA2G2A 0 0 175 193 1 1
CD36 MMP3 0 0 327 327 1 1
CD36 LPIN2 0 0 134 206 1 1
CD36 ABHD5 0 0 194 211 1 1
CD36 UCP3 0 0 530 540 1 1
CD36 SLC1A5 0 0 157 156 1 1
CD36 SCP2 0 0 234 259 1 1
CD36 HPR 0 0 63 184 1 1
CD36 CDH5 0 0 151 171 1 1
CD36 RETN 0 0 211 258 1 1
CD36 NAPEPLD 0 0 212 212 1 1
CD36 FFAR3 0 0 170 204 1 1
CD36 LIPG 0 0 270 286 1 1
CD36 CNR1 0 0 185 198 1 1
CD36 PKM 0 0 147 162 1 1
CD36 MS4A14 0 0 0 151 1 1
CD36 THBS2 0 800 252 845 1 1
CD36 FABP1 0 650 519 835 1 1
CD36 BTK 0 0 113 178 1 1
CD36 TECRL 0 0 182 181 1 1
CD36 CSF1R 0 0 61 234 1 1
CD36 APOB 270 600 419 823 1 2
CD36 ACSBG2 0 0 0 223 1 1
CD36 IGF1 0 0 241 285 1 2
CD36 GCG 0 0 293 293 1 1
CD36 APOC3 0 0 232 254 1 1
CD36 TFRC 0 0 157 187 1 1
CD36 VWF 0 0 625 676 1 1
CD36 CD63 0 0 123 150 1 2
CD36 AGT 0 0 123 211 1 1
CD36 GPS2 0 0 170 234 1 1
CD36 PRLR 0 0 139 160 1 1
CD36 BCL2A1 0 0 155 185 1 1
CD36 TAS1R2 0 0 181 181 1 1
CD36 S100A9 0 0 84 186 1 1
CD36 THRSP 0 0 186 217 1 1
CD36 CD9 270 300 150 527 1 1
CD36 MEGF11 0 0 0 160 1 1
CD36 MEGF10 0 0 0 160 1 1
CD36 MED13L 0 900 0 900 1 1
CD36 SORBS1 0 0 72 151 1 1
CD36 HK3 0 0 57 190 1 1
CD36 ANXA2 0 0 447 451 1 1
CD36 NCF1 0 0 117 169 1 1
CD36 TMX3 0 300 0 300 1 1
CD36 ACTA2 0 0 107 163 1 1
CD36 NOS3 0 0 233 239 1 2
CD36 SREBF2 0 0 307 307 1 1
CD36 CSF2RB 0 0 0 200 1 1
CD36 SERPINE1 0 0 181 181 1 1
CD36 AHR 0 0 150 198 1 2
CD36 RRAD 0 0 90 210 1 1
CD36 C10orf2 0 0 603 689 1 1
CD36 IRS1 270 0 324 485 1 2
CD36 STARD3 0 0 0 232 1 1
CD36 MED16 0 900 0 900 1 1
CD36 LIPA 0 0 206 236 1 1
CD36 CD207 0 0 97 156 1 1
CD36 HMGCR 0 0 260 260 1 1
CD36 TSPAN14 0 0 134 215 1 1
CD36 FADS1 0 0 245 329 1 1
CD36 FADS2 0 0 321 396 1 1
CD36 MCM7 0 0 183 245 1 1
CD36 AOX1 0 0 151 313 1 1
CD36 ENSG00000264813 0 0 160 178 1 1
CD36 OSBPL10 0 0 74 172 1 1
CD36 SSBP1 0 0 181 181 1 1
CD36 SFTPD 0 0 0 160 1 1
CD36 TXN 0 0 305 305 1 1
CD36 AGPAT3 0 0 151 181 1 1
CD36 S100A10 0 0 597 602 1 1
CD36 ACAT1 0 0 146 223 1 1
CD36 ABCG5 0 0 274 305 1 1
CD36 HELZ2 0 900 0 905 1 1
CD36 SLC27A4 0 0 653 679 1 1
CD36 MARCH1 0 0 0 194 1 1
CD36 PTK2B 0 0 650 650 1 1
CD36 PECAM1 0 300 204 478 1 1
CD36 CAT 0 0 218 263 1 2
CD36 ATP2A2 0 0 134 153 1 1
CD36 POLG2 0 0 155 287 1 1
CD36 SLC27A1 0 0 689 713 1 1
CD36 LDLR 270 0 325 510 1 2
CD36 DFFA 0 0 202 273 1 1
CD36 COLEC12 0 0 180 192 1 1
CD36 APOBR 0 0 94 175 1 1
CD36 LPCAT3 0 0 134 165 1 1
CD36 NR1D1 0 0 113 187 1 2
CD36 GPAM 0 0 392 409 1 1
CD36 HPRT1 0 0 151 150 1 1
ID Category Term Effect Evidence PubMed
GO:0035325 Molecular Function Toll-like receptor binding enables IPI
GO:0001540 Molecular Function amyloid-beta binding enables IC
GO:0001540 Molecular Function amyloid-beta binding enables IDA
GO:0001540 Molecular Function amyloid-beta binding enables TAS
GO:0005504 Molecular Function fatty acid binding enables IDA
GO:0008035 Molecular Function high-density lipoprotein particle binding enables IEA
GO:0008289 Molecular Function lipid binding enables IDA
GO:0071813 Molecular Function lipoprotein particle binding enables IDA
GO:0070892 Molecular Function lipoteichoic acid immune receptor activity enables IEA
GO:0005324 Molecular Function long-chain fatty acid transporter activity enables IMP
GO:0005324 Molecular Function long-chain fatty acid transporter activity enables TAS
GO:0030169 Molecular Function low-density lipoprotein particle binding enables IBA
GO:0030169 Molecular Function low-density lipoprotein particle binding enables IDA
GO:0005041 Molecular Function low-density lipoprotein particle receptor activity enables IBA
GO:0005041 Molecular Function low-density lipoprotein particle receptor activity enables IMP
GO:0005041 Molecular Function low-density lipoprotein particle receptor activity enables TAS
GO:1901480 Molecular Function oleate transmembrane transporter activity enables IDA
GO:0150025 Molecular Function oxidised low-density lipoprotein particle receptor activity enables IMP
GO:0005515 Molecular Function protein binding enables IPI
GO:0044877 Molecular Function protein-containing complex binding enables IPI
GO:0005044 Molecular Function scavenger receptor activity enables IBA
GO:0005044 Molecular Function scavenger receptor activity enables IMP
GO:0005044 Molecular Function scavenger receptor activity enables TAS
GO:0015636 Molecular Function short-chain fatty acid transmembrane transporter activity enables IMP
GO:0070053 Molecular Function thrombospondin receptor activity enables ISS
GO:0050431 Molecular Function transforming growth factor beta binding enables ISS
GO:0000165 Biological Process MAPK cascade involved_in IEA
GO:1990000 Biological Process amyloid fibril formation involved_in ISS
GO:0150094 Biological Process amyloid-beta clearance by cellular catabolic process involved_in IBA
GO:0150094 Biological Process amyloid-beta clearance by cellular catabolic process involved_in IMP
GO:0043277 Biological Process apoptotic cell clearance involved_in IEA
GO:0007596 Biological Process blood coagulation involved_in TAS
GO:0019934 Biological Process cGMP-mediated signaling involved_in IDA
GO:0007155 Biological Process cell adhesion involved_in IEA
GO:0007166 Biological Process cell surface receptor signaling pathway involved_in IEA
GO:1904646 Biological Process cellular response to amyloid-beta involved_in IGI
GO:0071726 Biological Process cellular response to diacyl bacterial lipopeptide involved_in IDA
GO:0071726 Biological Process cellular response to diacyl bacterial lipopeptide involved_in ISS
GO:0071447 Biological Process cellular response to hydroperoxide involved_in IEA
GO:0071222 Biological Process cellular response to lipopolysaccharide involved_in IEA
GO:0071223 Biological Process cellular response to lipoteichoic acid involved_in IEA
GO:0071404 Biological Process cellular response to low-density lipoprotein particle stimulus involved_in ISS
GO:0140052 Biological Process cellular response to oxidised low-density lipoprotein particle stimulus involved_in IMP
GO:0070508 Biological Process cholesterol import involved_in ISS
GO:0030301 Biological Process cholesterol transport involved_in ISS
GO:0050830 Biological Process defense response to Gram-positive bacterium involved_in IEA
GO:0097009 Biological Process energy homeostasis involved_in ISS
GO:0006631 Biological Process fatty acid metabolic process involved_in TAS
GO:0050892 Biological Process intestinal absorption involved_in ISS
GO:0030299 Biological Process intestinal cholesterol absorption involved_in ISS
GO:0006629 Biological Process lipid metabolic process involved_in NAS
GO:0019915 Biological Process lipid storage involved_in IBA
GO:0019915 Biological Process lipid storage involved_in IMP
GO:1990379 Biological Process lipid transport across blood-brain barrier involved_in IMP
GO:0042953 Biological Process lipoprotein transport involved_in IBA
GO:0042953 Biological Process lipoprotein transport involved_in IMP
GO:0042953 Biological Process lipoprotein transport involved_in TAS
GO:0015911 Biological Process long-chain fatty acid import across plasma membrane involved_in IDA
GO:0044539 Biological Process long-chain fatty acid import into cell involved_in IBA
GO:0044539 Biological Process long-chain fatty acid import into cell involved_in IDA
GO:0015909 Biological Process long-chain fatty acid transport involved_in IMP
GO:0034383 Biological Process low-density lipoprotein particle clearance involved_in IBA
GO:0034383 Biological Process low-density lipoprotein particle clearance involved_in IMP
GO:0055096 Biological Process low-density lipoprotein particle mediated signaling involved_in IEA
GO:0010629 Biological Process negative regulation of gene expression involved_in IEA
GO:0042308 Biological Process negative regulation of protein import into nucleus involved_in IEA
GO:0000122 Biological Process negative regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II involved_in IEA
GO:0007263 Biological Process nitric oxide mediated signal transduction involved_in IDA
GO:0150024 Biological Process oxidised low-density lipoprotein particle clearance involved_in IMP
GO:0006911 Biological Process phagocytosis, engulfment involved_in TAS
GO:0006910 Biological Process phagocytosis, recognition involved_in IEA
GO:0034381 Biological Process plasma lipoprotein particle clearance involved_in ISS
GO:0070374 Biological Process positive regulation of ERK1 and ERK2 cascade involved_in ISS
GO:0051092 Biological Process positive regulation of NF-kappaB transcription factor activity involved_in IGI
GO:1900227 Biological Process positive regulation of NLRP3 inflammasome complex assembly involved_in ISS
GO:0030194 Biological Process positive regulation of blood coagulation involved_in IEA
GO:2000334 Biological Process positive regulation of blood microparticle formation involved_in IEA
GO:0043123 Biological Process positive regulation of canonical NF-kappaB signal transduction involved_in IEA
GO:0001954 Biological Process positive regulation of cell-matrix adhesion involved_in IDA
GO:0010886 Biological Process positive regulation of cholesterol storage involved_in IEA
GO:0120162 Biological Process positive regulation of cold-induced thermogenesis involved_in ISS
GO:0007204 Biological Process positive regulation of cytosolic calcium ion concentration involved_in ISS
GO:0010628 Biological Process positive regulation of gene expression involved_in ISS
GO:0032731 Biological Process positive regulation of interleukin-1 beta production involved_in ISS
GO:0032735 Biological Process positive regulation of interleukin-12 production involved_in IEA
GO:0032755 Biological Process positive regulation of interleukin-6 production involved_in IEA
GO:0060907 Biological Process positive regulation of macrophage cytokine production involved_in IEA
GO:0010744 Biological Process positive regulation of macrophage derived foam cell differentiation involved_in IMP
GO:0045429 Biological Process positive regulation of nitric oxide biosynthetic process involved_in ISS
GO:0050731 Biological Process positive regulation of peptidyl-tyrosine phosphorylation involved_in IEA
GO:0060100 Biological Process positive regulation of phagocytosis, engulfment involved_in IEA
GO:1903428 Biological Process positive regulation of reactive oxygen species biosynthetic process involved_in ISS
GO:0032760 Biological Process positive regulation of tumor necrosis factor production involved_in IEA
GO:0002532 Biological Process production of molecular mediator involved in inflammatory response involved_in TAS
GO:0031623 Biological Process receptor internalization involved_in ISS
GO:0006898 Biological Process receptor-mediated endocytosis involved_in IBA
GO:0006898 Biological Process receptor-mediated endocytosis involved_in IMP
GO:0098900 Biological Process regulation of action potential involved_in ISS
GO:0031664 Biological Process regulation of lipopolysaccharide-mediated signaling pathway involved_in TAS
GO:0043254 Biological Process regulation of protein-containing complex assembly involved_in IMP
GO:2000121 Biological Process regulation of removal of superoxide radicals involved_in IEA
GO:0034121 Biological Process regulation of toll-like receptor signaling pathway involved_in IGI
GO:0070542 Biological Process response to fatty acid involved_in ISS
GO:0070543 Biological Process response to linoleic acid involved_in ISS
GO:0033993 Biological Process response to lipid involved_in ISS
GO:0035634 Biological Process response to stilbenoid involved_in IEA
GO:0050909 Biological Process sensory perception of taste involved_in ISS
GO:0015912 Biological Process short-chain fatty acid transport involved_in IMP
GO:0034197 Biological Process triglyceride transport involved_in ISS
GO:0005794 Cellular Component Golgi apparatus located_in IDA
GO:0016324 Cellular Component apical plasma membrane located_in IEA
GO:0031526 Cellular Component brush border membrane located_in ISS
GO:0005901 Cellular Component caveola is_active_in IBA
GO:0005901 Cellular Component caveola is_active_in IDA
GO:0071944 Cellular Component cell periphery located_in IDA
GO:0009986 Cellular Component cell surface is_active_in IBA
GO:0009986 Cellular Component cell surface located_in IDA
GO:0009986 Cellular Component cell surface located_in ISS
GO:0009986 Cellular Component cell surface located_in TAS
GO:0005737 Cellular Component cytoplasm is_active_in IBA
GO:0030666 Cellular Component endocytic vesicle membrane located_in TAS
GO:0009897 Cellular Component external side of plasma membrane located_in IEA
GO:0005615 Cellular Component extracellular space located_in HDA
GO:0016020 Cellular Component membrane located_in TAS
GO:0045121 Cellular Component membrane raft located_in IDA
GO:0045335 Cellular Component phagocytic vesicle located_in TAS
GO:0005886 Cellular Component plasma membrane is_active_in IBA
GO:0005886 Cellular Component plasma membrane located_in IDA
GO:0005886 Cellular Component plasma membrane located_in TAS
GO:0031092 Cellular Component platelet alpha granule membrane located_in TAS
GO:0043235 Cellular Component receptor complex part_of IPI
GO:0035579 Cellular Component specific granule membrane located_in TAS
Name DB ID
Hemostasis Reactome R-HSA-109582
Platelet degranulation Reactome R-HSA-114608
Cross-presentation of particulate exogenous antigens (phagosomes) Reactome R-HSA-1236973
ER-Phagosome pathway Reactome R-HSA-1236974
Antigen processing-Cross presentation Reactome R-HSA-1236975
Developmental Biology Reactome R-HSA-1266738
Cytokine Signaling in Immune system Reactome R-HSA-1280215
Adaptive Immune System Reactome R-HSA-1280218
Metabolism Reactome R-HSA-1430728
Integration of energy metabolism Reactome R-HSA-163685
Disease Reactome R-HSA-1643685
Toll Like Receptor 4 (TLR4) Cascade Reactome R-HSA-166016
MyD88:MAL(TIRAP) cascade initiated on plasma membrane Reactome R-HSA-166058
Toll Like Receptor TLR1:TLR2 Cascade Reactome R-HSA-168179
Toll Like Receptor TLR6:TLR2 Cascade Reactome R-HSA-168188
Innate Immune System Reactome R-HSA-168249
Immune System Reactome R-HSA-168256
Toll-like Receptor Cascades Reactome R-HSA-168898
Toll Like Receptor 2 (TLR2) Cascade Reactome R-HSA-181438
PPARA activates gene expression Reactome R-HSA-1989781
Binding and Uptake of Ligands by Scavenger Receptors Reactome R-HSA-2173782
Scavenging by Class B Receptors Reactome R-HSA-3000471
Transcriptional regulation of white adipocyte differentiation Reactome R-HSA-381340
Regulation of lipid metabolism by PPARalpha Reactome R-HSA-400206
Free fatty acids regulate insulin secretion Reactome R-HSA-400451
Regulation of insulin secretion Reactome R-HSA-422356
Intracellular metabolism of fatty acids regulates insulin secretion Reactome R-HSA-434313
Signaling by Interleukins Reactome R-HSA-449147
Diseases of Immune System Reactome R-HSA-5260271
Metabolism of lipids Reactome R-HSA-556833
Diseases associated with the TLR signaling cascade Reactome R-HSA-5602358
MyD88 deficiency (TLR2/4) Reactome R-HSA-5602498
IRAK4 deficiency (TLR2/4) Reactome R-HSA-5603041
Vesicle-mediated transport Reactome R-HSA-5653656
Regulation of TLR by endogenous ligand Reactome R-HSA-5686938
Interleukin-4 and Interleukin-13 signaling Reactome R-HSA-6785807
Neutrophil degranulation Reactome R-HSA-6798695
Platelet activation, signaling and aggregation Reactome R-HSA-76002
Response to elevated platelet cytosolic Ca2+ Reactome R-HSA-76005
Class I MHC mediated antigen processing & presentation Reactome R-HSA-983169
Fatty acid transporters (WP5061) WikiPathways WP5061_r115541
Aryl hydrocarbon receptor pathway (WP2586) WikiPathways WP2586_r121728
Effect of intestinal microbiome on anticoagulant response of vitamin K antagonists (WP5273) WikiPathways WP5273_r123985
IL-18 signaling pathway (WP4754) WikiPathways WP4754_r115147
Genes controlling nephrogenesis (WP4823) WikiPathways WP4823_r119116
Roles of ceramides in the development of insulin resistance (WP5181) WikiPathways WP5181_r124468
PPAR signaling pathway (WP3942) WikiPathways WP3942_r106517
Vitamin A and carotenoid metabolism (WP716) WikiPathways WP716_r116512
Accession Version MolecularType Name NCBI Comments
NR_110501 1 miscRNA transcript variant 9 NC_000007 Reference
XM_024447003 2 mRNA transcript variant X7 NC_000007 Reference
NM_001371075 1 mRNA transcript variant 11 NC_000007 Reference
NM_001371081 1 mRNA transcript variant 16 NC_000007 Reference
NM_001001547 3 mRNA transcript variant 2 NC_000007 Reference
NM_001371074 1 mRNA transcript variant 10 NC_000007 Reference
NM_001289911 2 mRNA transcript variant 8 NC_000007 Reference
NM_001371080 1 mRNA transcript variant 15 NC_000007 Reference
XM_047421046 1 mRNA transcript variant X9 NC_000007 Reference
XM_047421041 1 mRNA transcript variant X2 NC_000007 Reference
XM_047421043 1 mRNA transcript variant X4 NC_000007 Reference
XM_047421042 1 mRNA transcript variant X3 NC_000007 Reference
XM_047421044 1 mRNA transcript variant X6 NC_000007 Reference
XM_047421045 1 mRNA transcript variant X8 NC_000007 Reference
NM_001371077 1 mRNA transcript variant 12 NC_000007 Reference
NM_001371078 1 mRNA transcript variant 13 NC_000007 Reference
XM_047421049 1 mRNA transcript variant X12 NC_000007 Reference
XM_047421047 1 mRNA transcript variant X10 NC_000007 Reference
XM_047421048 1 mRNA transcript variant X11 NC_000007 Reference
XM_005250715 6 mRNA transcript variant X1 NC_000007 Reference
XM_024447002 2 mRNA transcript variant X5 NC_000007 Reference
NM_000072 3 mRNA transcript variant 3 NC_000007 Reference
NM_001001548 3 mRNA transcript variant 1 NC_000007 Reference
NM_001371079 1 mRNA transcript variant 14 NC_000007 Reference
NM_001289909 1 mRNA transcript variant 7 NC_000007 Reference
NM_001127443 2 mRNA transcript variant 4 NC_000007 Reference
NM_001127444 2 mRNA transcript variant 5 NC_000007 Reference
NM_001289908 1 mRNA transcript variant 6 NC_000007 Reference