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clock circadian regulator
General Information
Name clock circadian regulator
  • circadian locomoter output cycles protein kaput
  • circadian locomoter output cycles kaput protein
  • class E basic helix-loop-helix protein 8
  • clock homolog
Gene_family Lysine acetyltransferases|Basic helix-loop-helix proteins|PAS domain containing
organism Homo sapiens
entrez_id 9575
location 4q12
transcript_count 17
exon_count 28
by NCBI GRCh38.p14
    Entrez The protein encoded by this gene plays a central role in the regulation of circadian rhythms. The protein encodes a transcription factor of the basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) family and contains DNA binding histone acetyltransferase activity. The encoded protein forms a heterodimer with ARNTL (BMAL1) that binds E-box enhancer elements upstream of Period (PER1, PER2, PER3) and Cryptochrome (CRY1, CRY2) genes and activates transcription of these genes. PER and CRY proteins heterodimerize and repress their own transcription by interacting in a feedback loop with CLOCK/ARNTL complexes. Polymorphisms in this gene may be associated with behavioral changes in certain populations and with obesity and metabolic syndrome. Alternative splicing results in multiple transcript variants. [provided by RefSeq, Jan 2014]
    Stringdb Circadian locomoter output cycles protein kaput; Transcriptional activator which forms a core component of the circadian clock. The circadian clock, an internal time- keeping system, regulates various physiological processes through the generation of approximately 24 hour circadian rhythms in gene expression, which are translated into rhythms in metabolism and behavior. It is derived from the Latin roots 'circa' (about) and 'diem' (day) and acts as an important regulator of a wide array of physiological functions including metabolism, sleep, body temperature, blood pressure, endocrine, [...]
    nextProt Transcriptional activator which forms a core component of the circadian clock. The circadian clock, an internal time-keeping system, regulates various physiological processes through the generation of approximately 24 hour circadian rhythms in gene expression, which are translated into rhythms in metabolism and behavior. It is derived from the Latin roots 'circa' (about) and 'diem' (day) and acts as an important regulator of a wide array of physiological functions including metabolism, sleep, body temperature, blood pressure, endocrine, immune, cardiovascular, and renal function. Consists of two major components: the central clock, residing in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) of the brain, and the peripheral clocks that are present in nearly every tissue and organ system. Both the central and peripheral clocks can be reset by environmental cues, also known as Zeitgebers (German for 'timegivers'). The predominant Zeitgeber for the central clock is light, which is sensed by retina and signals directly to the SCN. The central clock entrains the peripheral clocks through neuronal and hormonal signals, body temperature and feeding-related cues, aligning all clocks with the external light/dark cycle. Circadian rhythms allow an organism to achieve temporal homeostasis with its environment at the molecular level by regulating gene expression to create a peak of protein expression once every 24 hours to control when a particular physiological process is most active with respect to the solar day. Transcription and translation of core clock components (CLOCK, NPAS2, BMAL1, BMAL2, PER1, PER2, PER3, CRY1 and CRY2) plays a critical role in rhythm generation, whereas delays imposed by post-translational modifications (PTMs) are important for determining the period (tau) of the rhythms (tau refers to the period of a rhythm and is the length, in time, of one complete cycle). A diurnal rhythm is synchronized with the day/night cycle, while the ultradian and infradian rhythms have a period shorter and longer than 24 hours, respectively. Disruptions in the circadian rhythms contribute to the pathology of cardiovascular diseases, cancer, metabolic syndromes and aging. A transcription/translation feedback loop (TTFL) forms the core of the molecular circadian clock mechanism. Transcription factors, CLOCK or NPAS2 and BMAL1 or BMAL2, form the positive limb of the feedback loop, act in the form of a heterodimer and activate the transcription of core clock genes and clock-controlled genes (involved in key metabolic processes), harboring E-box elements (5'-CACGTG-3') within their promoters. The core clock genes: PER1/2/3 and CRY1/2 which are transcriptional repressors form the negative limb of the feedback loop and interact with the CLOCK|NPAS2-BMAL1|BMAL2 heterodimer inhibiting its activity and thereby negatively regulating their own expression. This heterodimer also activates nuclear receptors NR1D1/2 and RORA/B/G, which form a second feedback loop and which activate and repress BMAL1 transcription, respectively. Regulates the circadian expression of ICAM1, VCAM1, CCL2, THPO and MPL and also acts as an enhancer of the transactivation potential of NF-kappaB. Plays an important role in the homeostatic regulation of sleep. The CLOCK-BMAL1 heterodimer regulates the circadian expression of SERPINE1/PAI1, VWF, B3, CCRN4L/NOC, NAMPT, DBP, MYOD1, PPARGC1A, PPARGC1B, SIRT1, GYS2, F7, NGFR, GNRHR, BHLHE40/DEC1, ATF4, MTA1, KLF10 and also genes implicated in glucose and lipid metabolism. Promotes rhythmic chromatin opening, regulating the DNA accessibility of other transcription factors. The CLOCK-BMAL2 heterodimer activates the transcription of SERPINE1/PAI1 and BHLHE40/DEC1. The preferred binding motif for the CLOCK-BMAL1 heterodimer is 5'-CACGTGA-3', which contains a flanking Ala residue in addition to the canonical 6-nucleotide E-box sequence (PubMed:23229515). CLOCK specifically binds to the half-site 5'-CAC-3', while BMAL1 binds to the half-site 5'-GTGA-3' (PubMed:23229515). The CLOCK-BMAL1 heterodimer also recognizes the non-canonical E-box motifs 5'-AACGTGA-3' and 5'-CATGTGA-3' (PubMed:23229515). CLOCK has an intrinsic acetyltransferase activity, which enables circadian chromatin remodeling by acetylating histones and nonhistone proteins, including its own partner BMAL1. Represses glucocorticoid receptor NR3C1/GR-induced transcriptional activity by reducing the association of NR3C1/GR to glucocorticoid response elements (GREs) via the acetylation of multiple lysine residues located in its hinge region (PubMed:21980503). The acetyltransferase activity of CLOCK is as important as its transcription activity in circadian control. Acetylates metabolic enzymes IMPDH2 and NDUFA9 in a circadian manner. Facilitated by BMAL1, rhythmically interacts and acetylates argininosuccinate synthase 1 (ASS1) leading to enzymatic inhibition of ASS1 as well as the circadian oscillation of arginine biosynthesis and subsequent ureagenesis (PubMed:28985504). Drives the circadian rhythm of blood pressure through transcriptional activation of ATP1B1 (By similarity).
A A.Source B B.DB B.Source Description PubMed
CLOCK BioGRID TLE3 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
CLOCK BioGRID TLE2 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
CLOCK BioGRID POC1B GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
CLOCK BioGRID DDA1 GeneID BioGRID Proximity Label-MS
CLOCK BioGRID BMAL1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-Luminescence; Affinity Capture-MS; Affinity Capture-Western; PCA; Reconstituted Complex; Two-hybrid
CLOCK BioGRID TEKT4 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
CLOCK BioGRID TDRD9 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
CLOCK BioGRID COG7 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
CLOCK BioGRID CIPC GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS; Two-hybrid
CLOCK BioGRID CCNL2 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
CLOCK BioGRID BMAL2 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS; Two-hybrid
CLOCK BioGRID CMAS GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
CLOCK BioGRID EXOC1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
CLOCK BioGRID POC1A GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
CLOCK BioGRID KHDC4 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
CLOCK BioGRID SRGAP3 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
CLOCK BioGRID PUM1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
CLOCK BioGRID PRRC2A GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
CLOCK BioGRID TOP2A GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
CLOCK BioGRID PDE6B GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
CLOCK BioGRID PDE6A GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
CLOCK BioGRID NPAS2 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS; Two-hybrid
CLOCK BioGRID STUB1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-Western
CLOCK BioGRID CRY2 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-Western; Two-hybrid
CLOCK BioGRID H4C1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
CLOCK BioGRID CSK GeneID BioGRID Synthetic Lethality
CLOCK BioGRID RHOA GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-Western; Co-localization; Reconstituted Complex
CLOCK BioGRID PHLDB3 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
CLOCK BioGRID CAVIN1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
CLOCK BioGRID VPS51 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
CLOCK BioGRID NUF2 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
CLOCK BioGRID NCKAP5L GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
CLOCK BioGRID THAP11 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
CLOCK BioGRID GRIPAP1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
CLOCK BioGRID VPS50 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
CLOCK BioGRID VPS53 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
CLOCK BioGRID RPRD1A GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
CLOCK BioGRID HAUS6 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
CLOCK BioGRID CCHCR1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
CLOCK BioGRID CCDC93 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
CLOCK BioGRID PHF21A GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
CLOCK BioGRID PKN3 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
CLOCK BioGRID TFPT GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
CLOCK BioGRID RABGEF1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
CLOCK BioGRID RCOR1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
CLOCK BioGRID KDM1A GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
CLOCK BioGRID OIP5 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
CLOCK BioGRID HMG20A GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
CLOCK BioGRID GOLGA5 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
CLOCK BioGRID GIT2 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
CLOCK BioGRID DZIP3 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
CLOCK BioGRID RABEP1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
CLOCK BioGRID YEATS4 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
CLOCK BioGRID TUFT1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
CLOCK BioGRID EIPR1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
CLOCK BioGRID PSMD9 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
CLOCK BioGRID MAX GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
CLOCK BioGRID CREBBP GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-Western
CLOCK BioGRID Cry1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
CLOCK BioGRID NR1D2 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-Luminescence; Two-hybrid
CLOCK BioGRID PER2 GeneID BioGRID Two-hybrid
CLOCK BioGRID RORC GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-Luminescence; Two-hybrid
CLOCK BioGRID RORB GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-Luminescence; Two-hybrid
CLOCK BioGRID PPP2R1B GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-Luminescence; Two-hybrid
CLOCK BioGRID PPP1CC GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-Luminescence; Two-hybrid
CLOCK BioGRID PPP1CB GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-Luminescence; Two-hybrid
CLOCK BioGRID PPP1CA GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-Luminescence; Affinity Capture-Western; Two-hybrid
CLOCK BioGRID CSNK2B GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-Luminescence; Two-hybrid
CLOCK BioGRID CSNK1E GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-Luminescence; Two-hybrid
CLOCK BioGRID CRY1 GeneID BioGRID Two-hybrid
CLOCK BioGRID SIRT1 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-Western; Positive Genetic; Reconstituted Complex
CLOCK BioGRID SOX2 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
CLOCK BioGRID TFAP4 GeneID BioGRID Affinity Capture-MS
CLOCK BioGRID RXRA GeneID BioGRID Reconstituted Complex; Two-hybrid
CLOCK BioGRID RARA GeneID BioGRID Reconstituted Complex; Two-hybrid
CLOCK BioGRID KAT2B GeneID BioGRID Reconstituted Complex
CLOCK BioGRID EP300 GeneID BioGRID Reconstituted Complex
A B experiments database textmining combined score hadb nhadb
CLOCK FOSL2 0 0 54 167 1 1
CLOCK NR1H4 0 0 253 386 1 1
CLOCK PDS5A 0 0 0 228 1 1
CLOCK RXRG 0 0 103 338 1 1
CLOCK FOSB 0 0 76 151 1 1
CLOCK SMARCC2 0 0 0 165 1 1
CLOCK TAF1L 0 0 270 285 1 1
CLOCK CDCP2 0 0 134 268 1 1
CLOCK NAMPT 0 900 687 970 1 2
CLOCK OAZ2 0 0 95 400 1 1
CLOCK RBPJ 0 0 49 161 1 1
CLOCK CHD4 0 0 150 203 1 1
CLOCK KDM4C 0 0 49 173 1 1
CLOCK OPHN1 0 0 119 175 1 1
CLOCK TBC1D8 0 0 0 189 1 1
CLOCK ATM 0 0 195 220 1 2
CLOCK HSD3B2 0 0 137 156 1 1
CLOCK RAP1GAP 0 0 0 189 1 1
CLOCK GABRA2 0 0 113 177 1 1
CLOCK AGRP 0 0 184 206 1 1
CLOCK OGT 0 0 92 236 1 2
CLOCK ANKFN1 0 0 0 198 1 1
CLOCK KIT 0 0 60 154 1 2
CLOCK CPNE4 0 0 135 271 1 1
CLOCK MYRIP 0 0 123 262 1 1
CLOCK NUP98 0 0 283 299 1 1
CLOCK LEP 0 0 395 408 1 1
CLOCK TCF4 0 0 49 161 1 1
CLOCK NLK 0 0 0 203 1 1
CLOCK RARB 0 0 82 246 1 1
CLOCK PTRF 131 0 0 150 1 1
CLOCK HIST1H4A 0 0 205 221 1 1
CLOCK HIST1H4K 0 0 205 221 1 1
CLOCK RCOR2 0 0 0 421 1 1
CLOCK SREBF1 0 0 373 382 1 1
CLOCK UCP1 0 0 156 212 1 2
CLOCK MGEA5 0 0 53 218 1 1
CLOCK KAT5 0 0 252 361 1 1
CLOCK RORC 424 0 510 727 1 1
CLOCK DNAJC1 0 0 57 313 1 1
CLOCK RORB 272 0 614 739 1 1
CLOCK ID3 0 0 451 451 1 1
CLOCK POU2F3 0 0 0 158 1 1
CLOCK PTEN 0 0 166 235 1 2
CLOCK RPS29 0 0 0 261 1 1
CLOCK ARID2 0 0 47 154 1 1
CLOCK GC 0 0 0 151 1 1
CLOCK PRKAA2 0 0 184 221 1 2
CLOCK DRD3 0 0 211 211 1 1
CLOCK POU6F1 0 0 0 158 1 1
CLOCK MYOD1 0 0 181 217 1 1
CLOCK BHLHE41 130 900 681 993 1 1
CLOCK KLHL30 0 0 203 270 1 1
CLOCK ZDBF2 0 0 71 214 1 1
CLOCK CRH 0 0 271 280 1 1
CLOCK KLF11 0 0 128 152 1 1
CLOCK ATG5 0 0 376 376 1 2
CLOCK CHRNB2 0 0 77 278 1 1
CLOCK MT-ND1 0 0 0 373 1 1
CLOCK CAMK2G 0 0 323 335 1 1
CLOCK SLC6A3 0 0 323 323 1 1
CLOCK KCNH8 0 0 49 226 1 1
CLOCK PRKAG2 0 0 84 215 1 1
CLOCK SP3 0 0 95 153 1 1
CLOCK OTX2 0 0 442 442 1 1
CLOCK STAT2 0 0 0 187 1 1
CLOCK TMEM178B 0 0 137 219 1 1
CLOCK CR1 0 0 0 216 1 1
CLOCK SIRT1 270 900 989 999 1 2
CLOCK SMARCA4 0 0 108 312 1 1
CLOCK MBNL1 0 0 0 189 1 1
CLOCK RBM10 0 0 0 292 1 1
CLOCK NPAS3 0 0 219 419 1 1
CLOCK PRL 0 0 234 234 1 1
CLOCK TP53BP1 302 0 0 302 1 1
CLOCK LMNB1 0 0 134 153 1 1
CLOCK ACTL6B 0 0 0 165 1 1
CLOCK PPP1CA 424 0 55 479 1 1
CLOCK AGAP1 0 0 59 154 1 1
CLOCK ESR1 0 0 330 450 1 2
CLOCK PDK4 0 0 210 219 1 1
CLOCK SMARCD2 0 0 0 161 1 1
CLOCK PKN3 131 0 0 150 1 1
CLOCK ALDH4A1 0 0 0 153 1 1
CLOCK POU2F2 0 0 60 186 1 1
CLOCK PRKCA 0 0 297 400 1 1
CLOCK NR2E3 0 0 0 213 1 1
CLOCK NEK2 0 0 0 190 1 1
CLOCK RCOR1 131 0 261 482 1 1
CLOCK ESRP1 0 0 0 295 1 1
CLOCK NONO 0 0 269 359 1 1
CLOCK CSNK2B 272 0 163 442 1 1
CLOCK TBP 0 0 354 354 1 1
CLOCK NPS 0 0 142 194 1 1
CLOCK RARA 270 0 397 623 1 2
CLOCK RARS 0 0 450 450 1 1
CLOCK TFDP3 0 0 92 210 1 1
CLOCK CHIC2 0 0 141 194 1 1
CLOCK TTK 0 0 51 156 1 1
CLOCK LDB1 0 0 0 154 1 1
CLOCK TEAD4 0 0 100 184 1 1
CLOCK RPRD1A 131 0 0 175 1 1
CLOCK PLEKHA6 0 0 138 424 1 1
CLOCK LMO2 0 0 0 189 1 1
CLOCK AJUBA 0 0 0 392 1 1
CLOCK RXRA 270 0 431 867 1 1
CLOCK STAT5A 0 0 97 201 1 1
CLOCK IRF2BPL 0 0 109 170 1 1
CLOCK TWIST1 0 0 95 156 1 1
CLOCK FOS 0 0 324 395 1 2
CLOCK THRB 0 0 75 256 1 1
CLOCK CHRNA5 0 0 96 223 1 1
CLOCK GNB3 0 0 233 232 1 1
CLOCK FOXO1 0 0 286 313 1 2
CLOCK EPAS1 0 0 161 297 1 2
CLOCK BBX 0 0 77 436 1 1
CLOCK SYNCRIP 0 0 120 155 1 1
CLOCK MTPN 0 0 81 192 1 1
CLOCK BTRC 0 650 240 735 1 1
CLOCK AVPR1A 0 0 210 234 1 1
CLOCK TFE3 0 0 74 201 1 2
CLOCK FOXP2 0 0 181 421 1 1
CLOCK HSPA5 0 0 73 282 1 2
CLOCK TAOK1 0 0 0 644 1 1
CLOCK PEA15 0 0 74 233 1 1
CLOCK DUSP1 0 0 140 272 1 1
CLOCK SF3B3 0 0 448 448 1 1
CLOCK FZD3 0 0 54 150 1 1
CLOCK GIT2 128 0 0 153 1 1
CLOCK WEE1 0 0 459 480 1 1
CLOCK ENSG00000262660 0 0 312 312 1 1
CLOCK SMARCD3 0 0 0 161 1 1
CLOCK NR6A1 0 0 42 213 1 1
CLOCK LPIN1 0 0 167 185 1 2
CLOCK RXRB 0 0 91 457 1 1
CLOCK KCNMB3 0 0 61 156 1 1
CLOCK PRR7 0 0 213 277 1 1
CLOCK PARP2 0 0 105 230 1 1
CLOCK RTKN2 0 0 66 321 1 1
CLOCK KAT8 0 0 141 271 1 1
CLOCK POU6F2 0 0 0 158 1 1
CLOCK CCDC73 0 0 112 306 1 1
CLOCK DAXX 0 0 96 155 1 1
CLOCK KCNH4 0 0 0 220 1 1
CLOCK MKS1 0 0 0 183 1 1
CLOCK SLC23A2 0 0 62 332 1 1
CLOCK KLF14 0 0 107 153 1 1
CLOCK SRPX2 0 0 0 261 1 1
CLOCK TEKT4 295 0 0 295 1 1
CLOCK ESRRG 0 0 140 294 1 1
CLOCK HCRT 0 0 417 428 1 1
CLOCK SMARCA1 0 0 122 154 1 1
CLOCK NR2C2 0 0 43 214 1 1
CLOCK SIPA1L3 0 0 0 189 1 1
CLOCK ENSG00000268643 0 0 0 274 1 1
CLOCK TIMELESS 0 900 710 979 1 1
CLOCK OSR2 0 0 0 204 1 1
CLOCK SACS 0 0 46 257 1 1
CLOCK SETD1B 0 0 45 164 1 1
CLOCK MAP7D1 0 0 72 380 1 1
CLOCK CYBB 0 0 54 155 1 2
CLOCK BHLHA15 0 0 0 414 1 1
CLOCK BRINP3 0 0 134 354 1 1
CLOCK SAGE1 0 0 450 462 1 1
CLOCK HIST2H4A 0 0 205 221 1 1
CLOCK USF2 0 0 108 245 1 1
CLOCK ESF1 0 0 167 236 1 1
CLOCK HAT1 0 0 107 168 1 1
CLOCK SALL4 0 0 66 200 1 1
CLOCK FAT4 0 0 0 269 1 1
CLOCK GSK3B 0 0 278 454 1 2
CLOCK PBRM1 0 0 85 279 1 1
CLOCK SIK1 0 0 134 215 1 1
CLOCK SST 0 0 122 176 1 1
CLOCK RPS27A 0 0 0 177 1 1
CLOCK PRDM1 0 0 0 156 1 1
CLOCK HDAC1 0 0 461 461 1 2
CLOCK PROKR2 0 0 211 211 1 1
CLOCK HPSE2 0 0 127 163 1 1
CLOCK CEBPB 0 0 123 244 1 2
CLOCK ZNF24 0 0 57 467 1 1
CLOCK SIPA1L1 0 0 0 189 1 1
CLOCK NPAS4 0 0 155 601 1 1
CLOCK DBP 299 900 654 990 1 2
CLOCK SLC25A5 0 0 45 192 1 1
CLOCK ROBO2 0 0 0 260 1 1
CLOCK FBXW11 0 0 146 186 1 1
CLOCK LDB2 0 0 0 154 1 1
CLOCK SIM1 0 0 269 372 1 1
CLOCK COMT 0 0 261 261 1 1
CLOCK HNF4A 0 0 267 282 1 1
CLOCK POU4F1 0 0 47 156 1 1
CLOCK PTPRM 0 0 45 203 1 1
CLOCK YIPF4 0 0 108 245 1 1
CLOCK TCF12 0 0 112 258 1 1
CLOCK HTR2A 0 0 183 239 1 1
CLOCK STAT6 0 0 0 151 1 1
CLOCK ACLY 0 0 142 161 1 1
CLOCK ACTG2 0 0 0 153 1 1
CLOCK USP2 0 0 285 377 1 1
CLOCK DGAT2 0 0 150 191 1 1
CLOCK CREB5 0 0 0 179 1 1
CLOCK CRY1 627 900 988 999 1 1
CLOCK FOXO3 0 0 212 242 1 2
CLOCK KDM4B 0 0 67 189 1 1
CLOCK SLC2A4 0 0 156 156 1 1
CLOCK ATXN2 0 0 61 272 1 1
CLOCK OXT 0 0 183 183 1 1
CLOCK APOE 0 0 218 219 1 2
CLOCK CD3G 0 0 0 239 1 1
CLOCK SCD 0 0 124 151 1 1
CLOCK ACTL6A 0 0 67 188 1 1
CLOCK TTC12 0 0 183 239 1 1
CLOCK PRSS50 0 0 395 394 1 1
CLOCK ACRBP 0 0 194 194 1 1
CLOCK SMARCC1 0 0 0 165 1 1
CLOCK EIF6 0 0 414 414 1 1
CLOCK CRTC1 0 0 90 302 1 2
CLOCK USP8 0 0 0 177 1 1
CLOCK SIN3B 0 0 154 254 1 1
CLOCK HCRTR2 0 0 325 421 1 1
CLOCK KLF8 0 0 95 356 1 1
CLOCK DDB1 0 0 117 277 1 1
CLOCK TMEM101 0 0 0 358 1 1
CLOCK MC4R 0 0 166 165 1 1
CLOCK STAT5B 0 0 90 195 1 1
CLOCK TRRAP 0 0 0 384 1 1
CLOCK ENSG00000259316 0 0 0 176 1 1
CLOCK RB1 0 0 53 393 1 2
CLOCK TRIP11 0 0 0 234 1 1
CLOCK CTCF 0 0 134 151 1 1
CLOCK DIO2 0 0 150 208 1 1
CLOCK SLC6A2 0 0 171 171 1 1
CLOCK KDM5A 0 0 932 932 1 1
CLOCK PRH1 0 0 193 193 1 1
CLOCK RBPJL 0 0 0 153 1 1
CLOCK HIST1H4D 0 0 205 221 1 1
CLOCK PRKD3 0 0 46 305 1 1
CLOCK FBXL13 0 0 160 194 1 1
CLOCK NRG1 0 0 113 207 1 2
CLOCK ABCC9 0 0 161 193 1 1
CLOCK YY1 0 0 120 165 1 1
CLOCK SF3B1 0 0 0 189 1 1
CLOCK MITF 0 0 52 155 1 2
CLOCK KDR 0 0 53 218 1 2
CLOCK SKP1 0 0 210 331 1 2
CLOCK ENSG00000263020 0 0 108 165 1 1
CLOCK THRAP3 0 0 134 195 1 1
CLOCK DIBD1 0 0 103 167 1 1
CLOCK NTRK2 0 0 140 179 1 1
CLOCK BRDT 0 0 170 216 1 1
CLOCK VIP 0 0 370 422 1 1
CLOCK SLC2A5 0 0 155 154 1 1
CLOCK TGIF1 0 0 54 258 1 1
CLOCK MTNR1B 0 0 469 479 1 1
CLOCK RAI1 0 900 367 937 1 1
CLOCK BLCAP 0 0 81 156 1 1
CLOCK DISC1 0 0 223 223 1 1
CLOCK RUNX2 0 0 682 682 1 2
CLOCK EDF1 0 0 52 177 1 1
CLOCK CEBPG 0 0 123 240 1 1
CLOCK MAGEL2 0 0 74 251 1 1
CLOCK PPARG 0 0 510 638 1 2
CLOCK UBE3A 0 0 97 184 1 1
CLOCK HIST1H4C 0 0 205 221 1 1
CLOCK LHX3 0 0 45 195 1 1
CLOCK AKT1 0 0 260 260 1 2
CLOCK TEAD2 0 0 0 301 1 1
CLOCK CIRBP 0 0 381 390 1 1
CLOCK CYP8B1 0 0 150 174 1 1
CLOCK SYNJ2 0 0 43 304 1 1
CLOCK ATF4 0 0 82 205 1 2
CLOCK PRKCG 0 0 55 241 1 1
CLOCK AHSA1 0 0 48 150 1 1
CLOCK NR5A2 0 0 453 532 1 1
CLOCK NR1I2 0 0 180 331 1 1
CLOCK CREM 0 0 144 220 1 1
CLOCK SRGAP3 276 0 0 290 1 1
CLOCK LARP4B 0 0 66 225 1 1
CLOCK CR2 0 0 0 216 1 1
CLOCK STRIP1 0 0 108 224 1 1
CLOCK AHRR 0 0 155 322 1 1
CLOCK CSNK2A3 0 0 213 331 1 1
CLOCK GYS2 0 0 321 322 1 1
CLOCK TH 0 0 254 267 1 2
CLOCK BRINP2 0 0 0 173 1 1
CLOCK ID2 0 0 142 164 1 1
CLOCK CSMD3 0 0 0 254 1 1
CLOCK SIRT4 0 0 491 514 1 1
CLOCK ADAM2 0 0 324 323 1 1
CLOCK GSK3A 0 0 0 274 1 1
CLOCK GRIK4 0 0 74 166 1 1
CLOCK FOXO4 0 0 122 155 1 1
CLOCK ALAS1 0 0 439 439 1 1
CLOCK AKAP7 0 0 51 188 1 1
CLOCK DRD4 0 0 240 358 1 1
CLOCK DP2 0 0 57 180 1 1
CLOCK CNR1 0 0 113 247 1 1
CLOCK RPS19BP1 0 0 295 295 1 1
CLOCK NAPEPLD 0 0 47 194 1 1
CLOCK ESRRB 0 0 0 213 1 1
CLOCK ATF3 0 0 74 159 1 2
CLOCK CR1L 0 0 0 216 1 1
CLOCK ENSG00000132716 0 0 74 170 1 1
CLOCK CEP290 0 0 0 179 1 1
CLOCK STRN 0 0 0 232 1 1
CLOCK CSF1R 0 0 0 266 1 1
CLOCK APOB 0 0 91 153 1 2
CLOCK ASMT 0 0 294 294 1 1
CLOCK IGF1 0 0 183 188 1 2
CLOCK CSNK1G3 0 0 0 176 1 1
CLOCK SYNE1 0 0 0 266 1 1
CLOCK ARNTL 979 900 990 999 1 1
CLOCK EZH1 0 0 54 323 1 1
CLOCK HIST1H4H 0 0 205 221 1 1
CLOCK TFAP2A 0 0 59 159 1 1
CLOCK GCG 0 0 253 274 1 1
CLOCK NR0B1 0 0 0 213 1 1
CLOCK USP26 0 0 0 191 1 1
CLOCK KMT2A 192 0 65 449 1 1
CLOCK BCL2A1 0 0 180 179 1 1
CLOCK CSNK2A1 0 0 160 286 1 1
CLOCK HCRTR1 0 0 96 167 1 1
CLOCK PEBP1 0 0 295 295 1 1
CLOCK ATXN2L 0 0 0 317 1 1
CLOCK ANKK1 0 0 194 244 1 1
CLOCK NRIP1 0 650 147 723 1 1
CLOCK TFAP2C 0 0 54 155 1 1
CLOCK RBFOX3 0 0 107 168 1 1
CLOCK XIRP2 0 0 95 194 1 1
CLOCK FMR1 0 0 95 153 1 1
CLOCK POU2F1 0 0 181 298 1 1
CLOCK GPR37L1 0 0 0 224 1 1
CLOCK SIPA1 0 0 0 189 1 1
CLOCK SMARCD1 0 0 97 210 1 1
CLOCK TIPIN 0 0 431 435 1 1
CLOCK TNF 0 0 240 309 1 2
CLOCK SNAP25 0 0 107 152 1 1
CLOCK EYA3 0 0 66 209 1 1
CLOCK MANEAL 0 0 0 255 1 1
CLOCK MAGED2 0 0 57 167 1 1
CLOCK HOXA3 0 0 74 154 1 1
CLOCK BDNF 0 0 334 338 1 2
CLOCK SIN3A 0 0 203 296 1 1
CLOCK GTF3C4 0 0 202 233 1 1
CLOCK ESRP2 0 0 0 190 1 1
CLOCK MYBBP1A 0 0 155 192 1 1
CLOCK TDG 0 0 0 212 1 1
CLOCK ARNT2 0 0 261 190 1 1
CLOCK ADCY6 0 0 150 173 1 1
CLOCK UCP3 0 0 230 236 1 1
CLOCK ASCC1 0 0 0 152 1 1
CLOCK STRN3 0 0 95 279 1 1
CLOCK VDR 0 0 90 253 1 2
CLOCK KDM3A 0 0 141 157 1 1
CLOCK NR4A2 0 0 124 180 1 1
CLOCK HTR2C 0 0 167 185 1 1
CLOCK BMPR2 0 0 0 208 1 1
CLOCK GRIA1 0 0 112 180 1 1
CLOCK POU5F1 0 0 96 207 1 2
CLOCK GRIK5 0 0 74 180 1 1
CLOCK CLK1 0 0 321 377 1 1
CLOCK ARID4A 0 0 74 191 1 1
CLOCK CACNB2 0 0 90 152 1 1
CLOCK GFI1 0 0 142 173 1 1
CLOCK CAT 0 0 171 171 1 2
CLOCK CENPB 0 0 0 216 1 1
CLOCK PAGE5 0 0 504 504 1 1
CLOCK GNB2L1 0 0 389 399 1 1
CLOCK KLF9 0 0 150 188 1 1
CLOCK SLC23A1 0 0 67 320 1 1
CLOCK EXOC1 130 0 74 159 1 1
CLOCK NR1D1 0 900 900 990 1 2
CLOCK HIST2H4B 0 0 205 221 1 1
CLOCK PPP2R5E 447 0 0 459 1 1
CLOCK PSPC1 0 0 0 161 1 1
CLOCK POU1F1 0 0 0 158 1 1
CLOCK SPTBN5 0 0 0 155 1 1
CLOCK ADRA2C 0 0 105 156 1 1
CLOCK SREBF2 0 0 157 181 1 1
CLOCK HSF2 0 0 0 221 1 1
CLOCK CCND1 0 0 240 245 1 2
CLOCK SBNO1 0 0 74 219 1 1
CLOCK DDB2 0 0 0 150 1 1
CLOCK PRKAA1 0 0 113 201 1 2
CLOCK DPYD 0 0 150 235 1 1
CLOCK STAR 0 0 181 237 1 1
CLOCK NR5A1 0 0 150 297 1 1
CLOCK ACTA2 0 0 0 153 1 1
CLOCK GRP 0 0 211 328 1 2
CLOCK KAT2B 270 0 322 578 1 1
CLOCK TTBK1 0 0 0 213 1 1
CLOCK RPS6KB1 0 0 124 156 1 2
CLOCK PGC 0 0 0 252 1 1
CLOCK DENND4A 0 0 74 342 1 1
CLOCK CEP350 0 0 0 179 1 1
CLOCK HIST2H2BE 0 0 193 193 1 1
CLOCK PER1 0 900 560 986 1 1
CLOCK SERPINE1 0 900 293 926 1 1
CLOCK AHR 0 0 276 359 1 2
CLOCK PDCL2 0 0 240 257 1 1
CLOCK SCFD2 0 0 157 156 1 1
CLOCK NCOR1 0 900 390 942 1 1
CLOCK CDK1 0 0 162 175 1 2
CLOCK PGR 0 0 124 281 1 1
CLOCK HIST1H4B 0 0 205 221 1 1
CLOCK MBD6 0 0 102 395 1 1
CLOCK NOX5 0 0 0 183 1 1
CLOCK HMGCR 0 0 151 158 1 1
CLOCK PROK2 0 0 393 430 1 1
CLOCK EGR2 0 0 62 222 1 1
CLOCK CC2D1A 0 0 57 362 1 1
CLOCK CCDC86 0 0 136 269 1 1
CLOCK DRD1 0 0 214 214 1 1
CLOCK LOX 0 0 72 216 1 2
CLOCK MGA 0 0 67 154 1 1
CLOCK CAGE1 0 0 188 188 1 1
CLOCK PPP1CB 272 0 0 332 1 1
CLOCK ABCA1 0 0 138 153 1 2
CLOCK LONRF3 0 0 75 158 1 1
CLOCK FAM111B 0 0 81 380 1 1
CLOCK PGAP3 0 0 0 192 1 1
CLOCK HTR1A 0 0 170 169 1 1
CLOCK AVP 0 900 94 920 1 1
CLOCK NFIL3 0 0 651 794 1 1
CLOCK LIPI 0 0 228 227 1 1
CLOCK LGALS4 0 0 194 214 1 1
CLOCK SMARCE1 0 0 57 190 1 1
CLOCK DRD2 0 0 266 292 1 1
CLOCK AFF4 0 0 0 202 1 1
CLOCK NR3C2 0 0 150 343 1 1
CLOCK FKBP5 0 0 155 201 1 1
CLOCK AANAT 0 0 563 618 1 1
CLOCK SYCP1 0 0 57 260 1 1
CLOCK KDM8 0 0 193 208 1 1
CLOCK ZEB2 0 0 70 227 1 1
CLOCK FNDC5 0 0 88 156 1 1
CLOCK MLXIPL 0 0 140 152 1 1
CLOCK NCKAP5 0 0 68 274 1 1
CLOCK KMT2B 0 0 57 248 1 1
CLOCK HOXD1 0 0 52 276 1 1
CLOCK HDAC8 0 0 141 160 1 1
CLOCK TMEM128 0 0 151 150 1 1
CLOCK WNT16 0 0 0 303 1 1
CLOCK SIRT6 0 0 531 552 1 2
CLOCK ACTC1 0 0 0 153 1 1
CLOCK HLF 0 0 510 734 1 1
CLOCK KCNIP3 0 0 0 150 1 1
CLOCK HIST1H4E 0 0 205 221 1 1
CLOCK ERO1L 0 0 291 290 1 1
CLOCK AVPR1B 0 0 108 184 1 1
CLOCK ADRA2B 0 0 0 171 1 1
CLOCK SEC63 0 0 0 343 1 1
CLOCK ONECUT1 0 0 181 181 1 1
CLOCK CRY2 601 900 940 999 1 1
CLOCK ADRA2A 0 0 150 198 1 1
CLOCK HCFC1 0 0 689 689 1 1
CLOCK CSNK2A2 0 0 282 384 1 1
CLOCK NMRK1 0 0 125 176 1 1
CLOCK DBT 0 0 538 538 1 2
CLOCK CDK5 0 0 113 209 1 2
CLOCK ADIPOR1 0 0 57 158 1 1
CLOCK EP300 270 650 585 917 1 2
CLOCK F7 0 900 67 902 1 1
CLOCK CSNK1D 0 600 797 969 1 1
CLOCK NPAS1 0 0 431 387 1 1
CLOCK CSGALNACT1 0 0 134 153 1 1
CLOCK PRR9 0 0 164 163 1 1
CLOCK RAP1GAP2 0 0 0 189 1 1
CLOCK CUL1 0 0 181 263 1 1
CLOCK KAT2A 0 0 310 413 1 1
CLOCK ILF3 0 0 47 340 1 1
CLOCK ENSG00000269905 0 0 57 180 1 1
CLOCK BCL9 0 0 66 317 1 1
CLOCK ZNF436 0 0 66 187 1 1
CLOCK PRRG1 0 0 91 290 1 1
CLOCK HOOK1 0 0 61 174 1 1
CLOCK ALB 0 0 261 267 1 2
CLOCK CCL2 0 0 153 152 1 2
CLOCK PPP2R1B 427 0 0 426 1 1
CLOCK PPARA 0 900 536 963 1 2
CLOCK NFYA 0 0 74 185 1 1
CLOCK CEBPD 0 0 45 164 1 1
CLOCK RPTOR 0 0 67 233 1 2
CLOCK CYP2E1 0 0 210 213 1 2
CLOCK DICER1 0 0 142 182 1 1
CLOCK CSPG5 0 0 48 230 1 1
CLOCK USP29 0 0 0 191 1 1
CLOCK SMARCA2 0 0 67 280 1 1
CLOCK PER3 213 0 892 697 1 1
CLOCK MLXIP 0 0 150 172 1 1
CLOCK FASN 0 0 180 185 1 2
CLOCK POLR2D 0 0 0 181 1 1
CLOCK GNAZ 0 0 150 241 1 1
CLOCK CRABP1 0 0 298 298 1 1
CLOCK SMARCA5 0 0 123 155 1 1
CLOCK CSNK1A1L 0 0 145 317 1 1
CLOCK ABT1 0 0 0 369 1 1
CLOCK GGA1 0 0 0 156 1 1
CLOCK CHEK2 0 0 138 176 1 1
CLOCK MAPK9 0 0 60 166 1 2
CLOCK SRRT 0 0 0 355 1 1
CLOCK KLF13 0 0 124 164 1 1
CLOCK SLC1A2 0 0 66 159 1 1
CLOCK POMC 0 0 366 366 1 1
CLOCK PRRT2 0 0 0 353 1 1
CLOCK SCLT1 0 0 61 350 1 1
CLOCK DNAH5 0 0 0 207 1 1
CLOCK TBX3 0 0 0 201 1 1
CLOCK NR2E1 0 0 54 223 1 1
CLOCK ARL9 0 0 140 288 1 1
CLOCK ADIPOQ 0 0 246 258 1 2
CLOCK BHLHE40 0 900 535 958 1 1
CLOCK NMNAT3 0 0 141 160 1 1
CLOCK CHKA 0 0 183 201 1 1
CLOCK NR3C1 0 0 451 559 1 1
CLOCK SMARCB1 0 0 0 177 1 1
CLOCK H2AFZ 0 0 195 195 1 1
CLOCK SRD5A3 0 0 211 211 1 1
CLOCK HNMT 0 0 378 378 1 1
CLOCK VANGL2 0 0 0 203 1 1
CLOCK HIST2H3PS2 0 0 423 432 1 1
CLOCK KLF5 0 0 89 206 1 2
CLOCK CDX1 0 0 0 224 1 1
CLOCK GRM3 0 0 0 224 1 1
CLOCK AASDH 0 0 123 162 1 1
CLOCK CSNK1A1 0 0 247 399 1 1
CLOCK PHACTR4 0 0 66 346 1 1
CLOCK ARNT 0 0 366 268 1 2
CLOCK TBL1X 0 0 108 445 1 1
CLOCK INSIG2 0 0 260 333 1 1
CLOCK MAX 131 0 53 152 1 2
CLOCK TPH2 0 0 184 201 1 1
CLOCK RGS16 0 0 154 153 1 1
CLOCK ELP3 0 0 137 159 1 1
CLOCK THAP1 0 0 0 264 1 1
CLOCK KDM4A 0 0 180 361 1 1
CLOCK MAT2A 0 0 124 217 1 1
CLOCK NCOA3 0 0 463 248 1 1
CLOCK CSNK1G2 0 0 0 176 1 1
CLOCK TSHB 0 0 108 163 1 1
CLOCK INTS7 0 0 74 191 1 1
CLOCK ENSG00000269095 0 0 0 213 1 1
CLOCK USP50 0 0 0 165 1 1
CLOCK XYLT2 0 0 52 332 1 1
CLOCK USP35 0 0 60 265 1 1
CLOCK PER2 413 900 918 997 1 1
CLOCK HMGN4 0 0 171 171 1 1
CLOCK ZBTB16 0 0 45 157 1 1
CLOCK VRK2 0 0 92 236 1 1
CLOCK HIC1 0 0 125 157 1 1
CLOCK NCOA2 0 0 223 180 1 1
CLOCK PHF21A 131 0 0 163 1 1
CLOCK PRAM1 0 0 306 306 1 1
CLOCK ARID5B 0 0 57 162 1 1
CLOCK CHEK1 0 0 166 165 1 2
CLOCK NUP107 0 0 0 158 1 1
CLOCK CYP7A1 0 0 283 302 1 1
CLOCK SNCA 0 0 160 159 1 2
CLOCK MKX 0 0 0 238 1 1
CLOCK TAF1 0 0 269 285 1 1
CLOCK JUN 0 0 194 225 1 2
CLOCK SPA17 0 0 328 344 1 1
CLOCK ETNK2 0 0 0 157 1 1
CLOCK ARID5A 0 0 0 394 1 1
CLOCK GRIN2C 0 0 67 175 1 1
CLOCK XYLT1 0 0 0 193 1 1
CLOCK NR2F2 0 0 57 226 1 1
CLOCK WDR5 0 0 358 358 1 1
CLOCK UNC5CL 0 0 0 189 1 1
CLOCK SETD1A 0 0 175 308 1 1
CLOCK CEBPA 0 0 233 329 1 1
CLOCK DEC1 209 900 93 924 1 1
CLOCK NEUROD1 0 0 153 152 1 1
CLOCK SOX2 270 0 115 326 1 2
CLOCK RPL22 0 0 0 208 1 1
CLOCK SUV39H1 0 0 177 216 1 1
CLOCK CRP 0 0 150 168 1 2
CLOCK ATF2 0 0 128 251 1 1
CLOCK ARNTL2 876 800 987 984 1 1
CLOCK HSP90AA1 0 0 142 196 1 2
CLOCK PNPLA2 0 0 134 166 1 2
CLOCK OPN4 0 0 597 615 1 1
CLOCK TFEB 0 0 432 493 1 2
CLOCK CSAG1 0 0 94 150 1 1
CLOCK NCLN 0 0 92 466 1 1
CLOCK SLC9A3 0 0 210 220 1 1
CLOCK HIST2H2AA3 0 0 172 186 1 1
CLOCK HDAC4 0 0 170 169 1 2
CLOCK KMT2C 0 0 210 245 1 1
CLOCK CSNK1E 430 600 735 985 1 1
CLOCK SIRT3 0 0 505 527 1 2
CLOCK KLF15 0 900 232 923 1 1
CLOCK MAPK3 0 0 138 161 1 2
CLOCK BNIP3 0 0 60 155 1 2
CLOCK TFDP1 0 0 63 185 1 1
CLOCK PCK2 0 0 151 157 1 1
CLOCK SIM2 0 0 231 356 1 1
CLOCK HIST1H4J 0 0 205 221 1 1
CLOCK FAT3 0 0 0 188 1 1
CLOCK SLC9A9 0 0 82 174 1 1
CLOCK KCNH3 0 0 60 444 1 1
CLOCK MXD3 0 0 54 159 1 1
CLOCK ASH1L 0 0 140 236 1 1
CLOCK ACTB 0 0 294 320 1 2
CLOCK INS 0 0 458 457 1 2
CLOCK PRDM14 0 0 0 233 1 1
CLOCK YEATS4 131 0 66 160 1 1
CLOCK DNMT1 0 0 181 181 1 2
CLOCK CAMK2N2 0 0 75 259 1 1
CLOCK GPBP1L1 0 0 123 169 1 1
CLOCK HIST2H2AA 0 0 172 186 1 1
CLOCK CARTPT 0 0 134 172 1 1
CLOCK KDM1A 128 0 900 909 1 2
CLOCK CCHCR1 131 0 0 237 1 1
CLOCK POU3F1 0 0 0 158 1 1
CLOCK OAZ1 0 0 0 260 1 1
CLOCK CIART 270 0 517 650 1 1
CLOCK NDUFC2-KCTD14 0 0 0 205 1 1
CLOCK NR1D2 308 0 682 852 1 1
CLOCK CDKN1A 0 0 97 187 1 2
CLOCK RHOA 270 0 53 279 1 2
CLOCK PARP1 0 0 292 396 1 2
CLOCK AR 0 0 134 289 1 2
CLOCK GNRH1 0 0 261 274 1 1
CLOCK CRTC2 0 0 241 255 1 1
CLOCK ZEB1 0 0 95 248 1 2
CLOCK SIRT7 0 0 501 523 1 2
CLOCK POU3F4 0 0 0 158 1 1
CLOCK CEBPE 0 0 0 172 1 1
CLOCK SLC9A6 0 0 0 189 1 1
CLOCK ESR2 0 0 249 383 1 1
CLOCK NPSR1 0 0 244 303 1 1
CLOCK ZBTB7B 0 0 0 181 1 1
CLOCK TBX2 0 0 0 157 1 1
CLOCK THRA 0 0 182 370 1 1
CLOCK MYOG 0 0 132 202 1 1
CLOCK PDS5B 0 0 48 324 1 1
CLOCK POU4F2 0 0 75 160 1 1
CLOCK STAT1 0 0 66 174 1 2
CLOCK IL6 0 0 261 261 1 2
CLOCK NPAS2 408 900 968 942 1 1
CLOCK TBL1XR1 0 0 54 290 1 1
CLOCK PLIN1 0 0 134 188 1 1
CLOCK UCP2 0 0 170 176 1 2
CLOCK KAT7 0 0 170 225 1 1
CLOCK CC2D1B 0 0 0 226 1 1
CLOCK SGOL1 0 0 0 213 1 1
CLOCK GLYATL1 0 0 263 263 1 1
CLOCK MTOR 0 0 203 262 1 2
CLOCK NDUFC2 0 0 46 209 1 1
CLOCK PRMT1 0 0 150 178 1 1
CLOCK KAT6B 0 0 210 277 1 1
CLOCK FKBP15 0 0 0 187 1 1
CLOCK GABRB2 0 0 95 151 1 1
CLOCK POU5F2 0 0 0 158 1 1
CLOCK HIST1H4F 270 0 205 407 1 1
CLOCK DNTTIP2 0 0 0 184 1 1
CLOCK PEX19 0 0 0 205 1 1
CLOCK PSEN2 0 0 143 174 1 1
CLOCK USP21 0 0 0 165 1 1
CLOCK ACSL5 0 0 75 174 1 1
CLOCK CACNA1C 0 0 202 211 1 1
CLOCK PRKAG1 0 0 0 178 1 1
CLOCK HOXA4 0 0 0 152 1 1
CLOCK WWC2 0 0 0 183 1 1
CLOCK VIPR2 0 0 459 459 1 1
CLOCK CSNK1G1 0 0 0 176 1 1
CLOCK NAPRT 0 0 167 198 1 1
CLOCK KLHL5 0 0 181 181 1 1
CLOCK EGR1 0 0 243 264 1 2
CLOCK APP 0 0 144 179 1 2
CLOCK ARV1 0 0 61 373 1 1
CLOCK MYF5 0 0 67 158 1 1
CLOCK CTNNB1 0 0 203 226 1 2
CLOCK SLC1A7 0 0 57 151 1 1
CLOCK STRIP2 0 0 49 172 1 1
CLOCK MTNR1A 0 0 413 417 1 1
CLOCK RALGAPA2 0 0 0 189 1 1
CLOCK FAT1 0 0 45 293 1 1
CLOCK IL1B 0 0 211 211 1 2
CLOCK VRK1 0 0 0 193 1 1
CLOCK ALG9 0 0 103 167 1 1
CLOCK WDR76 0 0 0 206 1 1
CLOCK ANKRD23 0 0 57 166 1 1
CLOCK NR1H3 0 0 134 354 1 1
CLOCK HIF3A 0 0 113 281 1 1
CLOCK SP1 0 0 143 223 1 2
CLOCK GCK 0 0 166 172 1 1
CLOCK SIRT5 0 0 499 539 1 1
CLOCK HIF1A 0 0 489 402 1 2
CLOCK MAGEC2 0 0 261 272 1 1
CLOCK CIPC 758 0 321 991 1 1
CLOCK HIST4H4 0 0 205 221 1 1
CLOCK MANEA 0 0 138 411 1 1
CLOCK ATRX 0 0 46 163 1 1
CLOCK TCF7L2 0 0 142 228 1 1
CLOCK GAPDH 0 0 335 349 1 2
CLOCK ELOVL5 0 0 95 186 1 1
CLOCK EGR3 0 0 95 168 1 1
CLOCK GARNL3 0 0 0 189 1 1
CLOCK BCL9L 0 0 57 355 1 1
CLOCK CYP1A1 0 0 145 177 1 2
CLOCK WWC1 0 0 45 241 1 1
CLOCK NMNAT1 0 0 411 410 1 1
CLOCK SH2B3 0 0 183 183 1 1
CLOCK SMAD2 0 0 109 164 1 2
CLOCK KMT2E 0 0 387 386 1 1
CLOCK MCPH1 0 0 57 314 1 1
CLOCK CARM1 0 0 125 162 1 2
CLOCK RORA 0 900 654 970 1 1
CLOCK RELA 0 0 171 171 1 2
CLOCK ZBTB20 0 0 155 171 1 1
CLOCK KAT6A 0 0 294 355 1 1
CLOCK GPATCH4 0 0 91 232 1 1
CLOCK XPA 0 0 171 190 1 1
CLOCK KISS1 0 0 204 204 1 1
CLOCK OR11H12 0 0 193 193 1 1
CLOCK STAT4 0 0 0 151 1 1
CLOCK ADCYAP1 0 0 322 506 1 1
CLOCK GNRHR 0 0 113 170 1 1
CLOCK USP43 0 0 0 184 1 1
CLOCK CA2 0 0 0 247 1 1
CLOCK ZNF385A 0 0 0 179 1 1
CLOCK TRIP12 0 0 0 153 1 1
CLOCK GRIK2 0 0 142 210 1 1
CLOCK SIRT2 0 0 467 491 1 2
CLOCK SLC25A6 0 0 57 202 1 1
CLOCK FTO 0 0 260 260 1 2
CLOCK TEF 0 0 653 703 1 1
CLOCK FGF21 0 0 212 212 1 2
CLOCK CCNB1 0 0 229 229 1 1
CLOCK NKTR 0 0 48 347 1 1
CLOCK STAG2 270 0 0 270 1 1
CLOCK CREB1 0 0 470 518 1 2
CLOCK NLGN3 0 0 91 182 1 1
CLOCK SLC25A10 0 0 391 391 1 1
CLOCK HIST2H2AC 0 0 172 192 1 1
CLOCK PASD1 0 0 387 190 1 1
CLOCK SLC2A10 0 0 48 308 1 1
CLOCK CREBBP 270 0 313 697 1 1
CLOCK POU3F2 0 0 54 196 1 1
CLOCK HSPA1L 0 0 91 188 1 1
CLOCK JHDM3C 0 0 49 173 1 1
CLOCK POU3F3 0 0 0 158 1 1
CLOCK ESRRA 0 0 223 362 1 1
CLOCK PFKFB3 0 0 166 165 1 2
CLOCK TCF3 0 0 66 176 1 1
CLOCK SSR1 0 0 0 188 1 1
CLOCK NPY 0 0 235 245 1 1
CLOCK BRCA1 0 0 145 168 1 2
CLOCK PPP1R1B 0 0 248 248 1 1
CLOCK MECP2 0 0 213 213 1 1
CLOCK ACSL1 0 0 136 347 1 1
CLOCK ACTA1 0 0 0 218 1 1
CLOCK FBXL3 0 650 662 886 1 1
CLOCK SOX14 0 0 44 219 1 1
CLOCK RCOR3 0 0 46 335 1 1
CLOCK LUZP6 0 0 260 260 1 1
CLOCK HOXB3 0 0 0 153 1 1
CLOCK HDAC5 0 0 135 170 1 1
CLOCK MYCN 0 0 117 206 1 1
CLOCK HIST1H4L 0 0 205 221 1 1
CLOCK HDAC3 0 900 217 924 1 2
CLOCK TRNT1 0 0 418 418 1 1
CLOCK NR4A3 0 0 46 178 1 1
CLOCK WWTR1 0 0 53 414 1 1
CLOCK NR2F6 0 0 113 272 1 1
CLOCK RARG 0 0 0 213 1 1
CLOCK NR1I3 0 0 194 339 1 1
CLOCK WDR64 0 0 0 166 1 1
CLOCK STRN4 0 0 46 209 1 1
CLOCK GPR50 0 0 234 234 1 1
CLOCK G6PC 0 0 288 298 1 1
CLOCK TPH1 0 0 277 277 1 1
CLOCK BTBD9 0 0 233 246 1 1
CLOCK HES6 0 0 158 232 1 1
CLOCK ADNP 0 0 90 289 1 1
CLOCK PCK1 0 0 234 258 1 1
CLOCK PPARGC1A 0 650 505 822 1 2
CLOCK SDHC 0 0 315 334 1 1
CLOCK TMEM60 0 0 95 368 1 1
CLOCK USF1 0 0 327 400 1 1
CLOCK NR2C1 0 0 0 213 1 1
CLOCK SLC6A4 0 0 310 322 1 1
CLOCK DDX27 0 0 67 377 1 1
CLOCK NR0B2 0 0 167 342 1 1
CLOCK SLC1A6 0 0 0 188 1 1
CLOCK NCSTN 0 0 0 227 1 1
CLOCK MYC 0 0 378 385 1 2
CLOCK KISS1R 0 0 139 225 1 1
CLOCK FABP7 0 0 120 180 1 1
CLOCK PPIG 0 0 103 207 1 1
CLOCK ETNK1 0 0 0 204 1 1
CLOCK EZH2 0 0 502 834 1 2
CLOCK DEAF1 0 0 0 390 1 1
CLOCK STAT3 0 0 203 295 1 2
CLOCK POU5F1B 0 0 0 158 1 1
CLOCK MKKS 0 0 61 160 1 1
CLOCK WDR42A 0 0 74 170 1 1
CLOCK TMEM165 0 0 270 270 1 1
CLOCK NR2F1 0 0 45 216 1 1
CLOCK UBR5 0 0 60 218 1 1
CLOCK SFPQ 0 0 235 337 1 1
CLOCK ZNF605 0 0 127 293 1 1
CLOCK CENPA 0 0 57 238 1 1
CLOCK GSX2 0 0 0 307 1 1
CLOCK ADCY1 0 0 136 226 1 1
CLOCK PPARD 0 0 136 335 1 1
CLOCK CA13 0 0 51 279 1 1
CLOCK KLF10 0 0 229 244 1 1
CLOCK RBM3 0 0 144 215 1 1
CLOCK GHRL 0 0 380 396 1 1
CLOCK TSC22D3 0 0 148 280 1 1
CLOCK HIST1H1B 0 0 0 195 1 1
CLOCK FBXL15 0 0 509 517 1 1
CLOCK PRKACG 0 0 242 241 1 1
CLOCK DNAH8 0 0 73 326 1 1
CLOCK SIPA1L2 0 0 0 189 1 1
CLOCK PPP2R5D 453 0 0 465 1 1
CLOCK HOXB5 0 0 0 152 1 1
CLOCK MED13 0 0 0 183 1 1
CLOCK DDIT3 0 0 57 250 1 2
CLOCK HDAC2 0 0 169 169 1 1
CLOCK KPNA3 0 0 67 212 1 1
CLOCK NMS 0 0 315 316 1 1
CLOCK VRK3 0 0 66 214 1 1
CLOCK RNF149 0 0 0 163 1 1
CLOCK PRH2 0 0 193 193 1 1
CLOCK RALGAPA1 0 0 0 189 1 1
CLOCK SLC2A2 0 0 231 248 1 1
CLOCK DENND4C 0 0 0 192 1 1
CLOCK PRIMA1 0 0 54 200 1 1
CLOCK NCOR2 0 0 149 306 1 1
CLOCK PPP1CC 308 0 0 365 1 1
CLOCK HIST1H4I 0 0 205 221 1 1
CLOCK EGFR 0 0 142 173 1 2
CLOCK HOXB4 0 0 0 152 1 1
CLOCK TFAP4 270 0 0 289 1 1
CLOCK MARS 0 0 0 189 1 1
CLOCK GPRIN2 0 0 155 154 1 1
CLOCK TTBK2 0 0 0 231 1 1
CLOCK TRIM24 0 0 330 346 1 1
CLOCK NR1H2 0 0 0 251 1 1
CLOCK INSIG1 0 0 150 201 1 1
CLOCK USP37 0 0 0 204 1 1
CLOCK CCRN4L 0 900 556 970 1 1
CLOCK MAOA 0 0 369 369 1 1
CLOCK MDM2 0 0 166 188 1 2
CLOCK TP53 0 0 372 372 1 2
ID Category Term Effect Evidence PubMed
GO:0003677 Molecular Function DNA binding enables IDA
GO:0001228 Molecular Function DNA-binding transcription activator activity, RNA polymerase II-specific enables ISS
GO:0003700 Molecular Function DNA-binding transcription factor activity enables ISS
GO:0000981 Molecular Function DNA-binding transcription factor activity, RNA polymerase II-specific enables IBA
GO:0000981 Molecular Function DNA-binding transcription factor activity, RNA polymerase II-specific enables ISA
GO:0000981 Molecular Function DNA-binding transcription factor activity, RNA polymerase II-specific enables ISS
GO:0070888 Molecular Function E-box binding enables IBA
GO:0070888 Molecular Function E-box binding enables IDA
GO:0000978 Molecular Function RNA polymerase II cis-regulatory region sequence-specific DNA binding enables IDA
GO:0000978 Molecular Function RNA polymerase II cis-regulatory region sequence-specific DNA binding enables ISS
GO:0031490 Molecular Function chromatin DNA binding enables ISS
GO:0004402 Molecular Function histone acetyltransferase activity enables IMP
GO:0005515 Molecular Function protein binding enables IPI
GO:0046983 Molecular Function protein dimerization activity enables IEA
GO:0043565 Molecular Function sequence-specific DNA binding enables ISS
GO:1990837 Molecular Function sequence-specific double-stranded DNA binding enables IDA
GO:0000077 Biological Process DNA damage checkpoint signaling involved_in IMP
GO:0071479 Biological Process cellular response to ionizing radiation involved_in IDA
GO:0006338 Biological Process chromatin remodeling involved_in IEA
GO:0032922 Biological Process circadian regulation of gene expression involved_in IBA
GO:0032922 Biological Process circadian regulation of gene expression involved_in IDA
GO:0032922 Biological Process circadian regulation of gene expression involved_in IMP
GO:0032922 Biological Process circadian regulation of gene expression involved_in ISS
GO:0007623 Biological Process circadian rhythm involved_in TAS
GO:0045892 Biological Process negative regulation of DNA-templated transcription involved_in ISS
GO:2000323 Biological Process negative regulation of glucocorticoid receptor signaling pathway involved_in ISS
GO:0009648 Biological Process photoperiodism involved_in TAS
GO:0045893 Biological Process positive regulation of DNA-templated transcription involved_in IDA
GO:0045893 Biological Process positive regulation of DNA-templated transcription involved_in ISS
GO:0051092 Biological Process positive regulation of NF-kappaB transcription factor activity involved_in ISS
GO:0042753 Biological Process positive regulation of circadian rhythm involved_in IDA
GO:0050729 Biological Process positive regulation of inflammatory response involved_in IEA
GO:0045944 Biological Process positive regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II involved_in IEA
GO:0043161 Biological Process proteasome-mediated ubiquitin-dependent protein catabolic process involved_in ISS
GO:0006473 Biological Process protein acetylation involved_in IDA
GO:0006355 Biological Process regulation of DNA-templated transcription involved_in ISS
GO:0042752 Biological Process regulation of circadian rhythm involved_in ISS
GO:0042634 Biological Process regulation of hair cycle involved_in IMP
GO:0050796 Biological Process regulation of insulin secretion involved_in ISS
GO:0006357 Biological Process regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II involved_in IBA
GO:2000074 Biological Process regulation of type B pancreatic cell development involved_in ISS
GO:0051775 Biological Process response to redox state involved_in IDA
GO:0007165 Biological Process signal transduction involved_in TAS
GO:0007283 Biological Process spermatogenesis involved_in ISS
GO:1990513 Cellular Component CLOCK-BMAL transcription complex part_of IBA
GO:1990513 Cellular Component CLOCK-BMAL transcription complex part_of IPI
GO:0000785 Cellular Component chromatin part_of ISA
GO:0033391 Cellular Component chromatoid body located_in ISS
GO:0005694 Cellular Component chromosome located_in IDA
GO:0005829 Cellular Component cytosol located_in IDA
GO:0043231 Cellular Component intracellular membrane-bounded organelle located_in IDA
GO:0005654 Cellular Component nucleoplasm located_in IDA
GO:0005654 Cellular Component nucleoplasm located_in TAS
GO:0005634 Cellular Component nucleus located_in IDA
Name DB ID
BMAL1:CLOCK,NPAS2 activates circadian gene expression Reactome R-HSA-1368108
Metabolism Reactome R-HSA-1430728
PPARA activates gene expression Reactome R-HSA-1989781
Cellular responses to stress Reactome R-HSA-2262752
HATs acetylate histones Reactome R-HSA-3214847
Chromatin modifying enzymes Reactome R-HSA-3247509
Regulation of lipid metabolism by PPARalpha Reactome R-HSA-400206
Circadian Clock Reactome R-HSA-400253
Chromatin organization Reactome R-HSA-4839726
Metabolism of lipids Reactome R-HSA-556833
Cellular responses to stimuli Reactome R-HSA-8953897
Heme signaling Reactome R-HSA-9707616
Clock-controlled autophagy in bone metabolism (WP5205) WikiPathways WP5205_r122560
Circadian rhythm genes (WP3594) WikiPathways WP3594_r117682
Melatonin metabolism and effects (WP3298) WikiPathways WP3298_r123268
Th17 cell differentiation pathway (WP5130) WikiPathways WP5130_r123523
Male infertility (WP4673) WikiPathways WP4673_r119920
Exercise-induced circadian regulation (WP410) WikiPathways WP410_r117108
Accession Version MolecularType Name NCBI Comments
XM_011534410 3 mRNA transcript variant X4 NC_000004 Reference
XM_047416432 1 mRNA transcript variant X6 NC_000004 Reference
XM_047416436 1 mRNA transcript variant X11 NC_000004 Reference
NM_004898 4 mRNA transcript variant 2 NC_000004 Reference
XM_017008854 2 mRNA transcript variant X3 NC_000004 Reference
XM_047416433 1 mRNA transcript variant X8 NC_000004 Reference
XM_011534411 3 mRNA transcript variant X5 NC_000004 Reference
XM_047416439 1 mRNA transcript variant X14 NC_000004 Reference
XM_047416437 1 mRNA transcript variant X12 NC_000004 Reference
XM_005265787 3 mRNA transcript variant X1 NC_000004 Reference
XM_047416431 1 mRNA transcript variant X2 NC_000004 Reference
XM_047416434 1 mRNA transcript variant X9 NC_000004 Reference
XM_047416435 1 mRNA transcript variant X10 NC_000004 Reference
XM_024454284 2 mRNA transcript variant X7 NC_000004 Reference
XM_047416438 1 mRNA transcript variant X13 NC_000004 Reference
NM_001267843 2 mRNA transcript variant 1 NC_000004 Reference
XM_047416440 1 mRNA transcript variant X15 NC_000004 Reference